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Module 6 Atrip to the zoo 综合训练题

一、 听力理解(20分) A.听句子

根据句子的内容和所提问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题。(每小题听一遍) ( ) 1. What’s the boy’s favourite animal? C.Four years old.


( ) 11. Who would like to go to the zoo?

A. Mary and Sam B. Mary and Linda

C. Sam and Linda

( ) 12. What’s Mary’s favourite animal? A. The elephant B. The panda C. The giraffe




( ) 2.Which animal eats meat and likes to swim?


( ) 3.Which is the right picture?




( ) 4. What kind of animal is it ?




( ) 5. What kind of animal is it ?





听第一段对话,回答第6小题。 ( ) 6. What’s the panda’s name? A. Meihao B. Meili C. Meilan 听第二段对话,回答第7小题。

( ) 7. Does the tiger come from Africa?

A. No, it doesn’t. B. Yes, it does. C. Yes, it is.

听第三段对话,回答第8小题。 ( ) 8. Where do the elephants come from? A. Asia B. India C. China 听第四段对话,回答第9小题。 ( ) 9. What animals does the man like? A. Giraffes B. Dogs C. Tigers 听第五段对话,回答第10小题。

( ) 10. How old is the monkey?

A. Two years old. B. Three years old. ( ) 13. What does Sam like?

A. Giraffes B. Dogs C. Pandas ( ) 14. There is a baby ______ in the zoo. A, panda B. kangaroo C. giraffe ( ) 15. Where does Mary want to go first? A. The Tiger’s House. B. The Kangaroo’s House. C. The Panda’s House.

D.听填信息,根据所听到的内容,填写表格的相关内容。(短文听两遍) Person Likes Their food The (16)__________ Meat speaker Father Tigers (17)_________ Mother Kangaroos (18)_________ Sister (19)___________ (20)_________


( ) 21. Camels live ___ the desert. A. in B. on C. from D. at

( ) 22. ---Is ____ polar bear your favourote animal?

---Yes, that’s right. It lives in _______ Arctic.

A. a;/ B. the ; an C. /; the D. the; the ( ) 23. ______ student in our class likes going to the zoo.

A. Many B. Some C. Every D. Any ( ) 24. David _____ water but he _____ milk.

A. like; likes B. doesn’t like; likes C. likes ;like D.like; doesn’t like ( ) 25. ---____ the panda eat meat? ---No, it_____.

A. Do; don’t B. Do; doesn’t

C. Does; doesn’t D. Does; don’t ( ) 26. ---Do you like a trip ____ the forest? ---Yes, I do

A. in B. to C. from D. at

( ) 27. There are about five_____ animals in the zoo.

A. thousand B. thousands C. thousands of D. thousand of

( )2 8. The singers at the concert are from elephants,tigers, monkeys __41__ bears. The dolphins are lovely and clever. And they can dance __42__ you in the water. The koalas are cute. They often __43__ in the day and get up to eat leaves at night. The pandas are very beautiful but very shy, so you’d better be quiet.They like __44_ very much. The giraffes __45__ long necks. The elephants are big and strong. Be careful! The tigers are dangerous. all ____ the world.

A. to B. in C. on D. around

( ) 29. This is an ____ tiger. It comes from India.

A. African B. European C.American D. Asian

( ) 30. ---Where is my schoolbag? ---Look, there _____.

A. is it B. it is C. it does D. does it ( ) 31. ---Let’s go to the zoo and see a panda.


A. Thank you B. You are welcome C. Yes, I’m here. D. A good idea ( ) 32. ---_____ do you go to the cinema? --- Once a week.

A. How long B. How many

C. How soon D. How often ( ) 33 ---_____ is my skirt, Kate? ---It’s on your bed.

A.When B. Where C. Who D. Which ( ) 34. ---What’s your favourite _____? ---Monkeys.

A. sport B. food C. colour D. animal ( ) 35. The ____ can help people do heavy work in the forest in India.

A. elephant B. wolf C. monkey D. camel


Hello, boys and girls. Welcome __36__ the zoo. There are a lot of animals in the zoo/ Which animal __37__ you like best? Come to the zoo and you can __38__ them. There __39__ eight kinds of animals in the zoo. They are dolphins, koalas, __40__, giraffes,

The monkeys are funny and clever. The bears are strong, too. Do you like them?

Come on ,boys and girls. Let’s watch the animals in the zoo.

Open:8:00am Close: 6:00pm ( ) 36. A. to B. in C. with D. on ( ) 37. A. does B. are C. do D. is ( ) 38. A. listen B. read C. see D. look ( ) 39. A. am B. are C. is D. be ( )40. A. panda B. wolfs C. pandas D. wolf ( )41 A. / B. but C. and D. or ( ) 42. A. in B. at C. for D. to ( ) 43. A. be sleep B. asleep

C. sleep D. sleeps

( ) 44. A.bread B. bamboo C. meat D. grass ( ) 45. A. is B. are C. has D. have



It is summer . An ant(蚂蚁) works all day long. Now she is carrying(搬运) some cakes to her home near a big tree. A cicada(蝉) is in the tree. He says to the ant, “How do you do , Ant? Why are you working so hard today? Look, the sun is good and the sky is blue. It’s warm and fine. Have a rest. Come and play together(一起).” But the ant says, “ No, I have to work. Winter will come and it will be cold. Where can I get the food then?”

“You can work in autumn, too. I sing every day. How happy I am!”

Summer and autumn go. Now winter comes. There is snow everywhere.

The cicada doesn’t have any food. So she goes to the ant’s house to eat some food.

( ) 46. The ant works all day long in ______. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter ( ) 47. The ant lives ______ a tree. A. on B. in C. far from D. near ( ) 48.The cicada_______ when the ant works. A. plays B. works C. sings D. sleeps ( ) 49. The cicada asks the ant to _________. A. play with him B. work together C. sleep D. eat leaves ( ) 50. The cicada goes to the ant’s house for______. A. playing with the ant B. saying sorry to the ant C. some food D. the ant’s party

B Come and meet some animals in London Zoo.

Name: Lumpur Animal type: Asian tiger Age: 11 Weight: 130kg Favourite food: pork A. Grass B. Chicken C. Beef D.Pork ( )53. How old is Ellish? A. 7 B. 6 C. 12 D. 11 ( ) 54. What animal is Lumpur? A. A lion B. A wolf C. A tiger D. A kangaroo ( ) 55. What’s the weight of Spike? A. 75kg B. 45kg C. 200kg D. 130kg C 根据对五种动物的描述选择正确的图画。 ( ) 56. It has a long body. It has no legs, but it can walk very fast. ( ) 57. They come from Africa and Asia. They live in the desert and eat grass. They don’t often drink. ( )58. They like playing in the trees. And they can climb quickly.They live in the jungle and eat fruit. ( )59.They like playing.They live in the forest. They eat bamboo. They live only in China ( )60.The necks of them are very long. So they can eat leaves on high trees A B C D Name:Ellish Animal type: Australian kangaroo Age: 6 Weight: 75kg Favourite food: grass E F G Name: Spike 五、看图填词(10分) Animal type : African lion Weight : 200kg Favourite food: beef Name: Karishma Animal type: American wolf Weight: 45kg Favourite food: chicken It is Wednesday today. But we don’t (61)____ lessons. Miss Wang takes us to (62)______ the zoo. We are very happy. We get to the (63)___ ( ) 51. Where does Karishma come from? A. Asia B. Australia C. Africa D. America ( ) 52. What’s lumpur’s favourite food? early. About two thousand (64)______ come to the zoo. First we see an (65)_____. It is very big, but its tail(尾巴) is very small. Its long nose(66)_____ carry woods(搬木头). We also see some(67)______.They play on a small hill.The monkey likes fruit. There is a big tiger (68)______ the forest. It is dangerous.(危险的). We can’t get close to (靠近) it .The tiger (69)______ meat every day. There (70)_____ many animals in the zoo. I would like to go to the zoo again.

61______ 62________ 63_______ 64______ 65________ 66_______ 67______ 68________ 69________ 70_______


A)信息归纳(5分)。 阅读下面短文, 填写表中所缺信息。

There is an interesting park in the city. It is very large. There are many tall trees in the park.There are many animals, too. The animals can walk or run here and there in the park. They live happily. Many people visit the park each year. They can see the animals. But people can’t walk in the park. They must drive cars in it. They can’t get out of their cars. Because some animals are very big. They may hurt(伤害) people. People must stay in their cars when they are visiting the park. The park is very interesting. Would you like to visit it one day?

Information Card What are in the Many tall trees and park? 71______ What can animals They can walk or do in the park? 72____here and there Whatcan’t people They can’t 73______ do in the park in it. What may some They may 74_____ animals do to people. people? What must people They must 75______ do when they are their cars. visiting the park?


根据下列提示写一篇60词左右的短文,介绍广州动物园(Guangzhou Zoo)的情况。 广州动物园 位置 动物 广州市中心(in the centre of?) 1.大约5000只; 2.有熊猫、袋鼠、猴子、狼、蛇、斑马、狮子、大象等; 3.动物来自世界各地,如大象和斑马来自非洲,蛇来自美洲,袋鼠来自澳大利亚。 每天大约一万人 20元 参观人数 门票 _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________

Module 6 听力材料


1. The panda is my favourite animal. It eats bamboo. 2. The polar bear eats meat and it likes to swim. 3. Kangaroos Australia.



4. The animal lives in the desert and it eats grass. It doesn’t often drink. 5. The animal is thin and long. It likes meat but it doesn’It’s only four years old.


M: Hi, Mary ,where are you going?

W: I’m going to the zoo. Would t like water.


6.W: Do you know the panda’s name?

M: Yes, it’s Meilan. 7.W; Does the tiger come from Africa?

M: No, it doesn’t. It comes from Asia. It eats meat. 8. W: Would you like to see polar bears in the zoo, Jack? M: No, I’d like to see the Indian elephant.

9. W: Why do you like dogs? M: Because they are smart. 10. W: Hi, Mike, what’s that? M: It’s a beautiful monkey.

you like to go there with me, Sam? M:Sure.

W: There are many animals in the zoo. I want to see kangaroos. They are from Australia. They can jump very fast.

M: Yes, and there are some giraffes in the zoo, too. The are very tall. They can eat the leaves on the tall tree. I like them very much.

W: Really? But my favourite animal is the panda. M: I heard that the panda in the zoo had a baby last week.

W: A baby panda? Can we go to the Panda’s House first? M: OK. and then we go to the 答案:

一、1---15ABCCB CABBC ABAAC Kangaroo’s House and the Giraffe’s.

W: That’s a good idea. Let’s go.


There are four people in my family. We all like animals. We often go to the zoo to see animals. I like polar bears. They eat meat. My father likes tigers. They like eating meat, too. But my mother doesn’t like




kangaroos. They like eating grass. What animal does my sister like? Pandas. Pandas like eating bamboo. When she goes to the zoo, she often plays with them.

16---20 Polar bears Meat Grass Pandas Bamboo


51---55 DDBCC 56---60 CDEFB

五61.have 62.visit 63.zoo.



66.can 67.monkeys 68. in 69. eats 70 are 六、71. animals 72. run 73.

walk 74.hurt 75.stay in 书面表达

Guangzhou Zoo is in the centre of the city of Guangzhou. The zoo has about five thousand animals. There are pandas,

kangaroos, monkeys, wolves, snakes,



elephants and many more in the zoo. The animals are from all around the world. The elephant and the zebra are from Africa. The snake is from America and the kangaroo is from Australia. About ten thousand people visit the zoo every day. The price of the ticket is 20 yuan.

