综合英语教程第三册13单元3-13-Part 2
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Part II
Reading Comprehension
Book 3-Unit 13
Reading Comprehension
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Book 3-Unit 13
Discuss the following questions.1. Do you like the Spring Festival best? 2. Do you think it is less festive than before? 3. Do you think it’s necessary to keep our traditional culture? 4. What should we do to keep the most important traditional Chinese festival—the Spring Festival?Book 3-Unit 13
Discovering the Spring FestivalItems Main Customs Your Observationhouse cleaning, shopping sprees for the Spring Festival, stay up all night/late on New Year’s Eve to guard against possible evils, temple fairs, setting off fireworks New Year couplets, paper cut-out pictures, paper cuts, Yang Decorations Liuqing woodblock painting, Chinese New Year pictures, Chinese knots, Chinese lantern, upside-down Fu
LegendsChanges Taboos Greetings
the legend of the monster Year (nian), the legend of the God of Wealth, the Gate God in Chinese myth some taboos that are out of practice; new ways of celebrations: traveling, eating out in restaurants on Lunar New Year’s eve, etc; ban on fireworks in cities
Book 3-Unit 13
Taboos1. For years, people believe that they should not get a haircut during the first two days of the Lunar New Year, as this could cause the death of someone in the family. 2. Another old convention told that bad luck would shadow anyone who shed blood on New Year’s Day. 3. Another New Year’s no-no is using scissors and kitchen knives. Therefore, in the past, many tailors stopped work for a few days. 4. The entire house should be cleaned before New Year's Day. On New Year's Eve, all brooms, brushes, dusters, dustpans and other cleaning equipment are put away. Sweeping or dusting should not be done on New Year's Day for fear that good fortune will be swept away.Book 3-Unit 13
5. Everyone should refrain from using foul language and bad or unlucky words. Negative terms and the word "four"/SI/, which sounds like the word for death, are not to be uttered. Death and dying are never mentioned and ghost stories are totally taboo. References to the past year are also avoided, as everything should be turned toward the New Year and a new beginning. On New Year's Day, people are not supposed to wash their hair because it would mean washing away good luck for the New Year.
Book 3-Unit 13
Greetings1. Best wishes for the year to come! 2. Good luck in the year ahead! 3. May you come into a good fortune! 4. Live long and prosper. 5. May many fortunes find their way to you! 6. I wish you longevity and health.
Book 3-Unit 13
Text SummaryText Organization Question Discussion
Difficult SentencesStory ReproductionBook 3-Unit 13
Text SummaryListen to the recording and fill in the blanks to complete the summary of the text.
Motivated by _________________of her childhood, the the fond memories writer organized a Chinese New Years party on a small ______________________________ French
-owned island called Guadeloupe. The successful celebration not only ________________________ recreated the Chinese lunar _____________in this foreign land, but also stirred up New Year spirit ____________________________________. the local people’s interest in Chinese cultureBook 3-Unit 13
Text Organization1st Paragraph
The writer recalls how her family celebrated the Chinese Lunar New Year when she was little. The writer, after experiencing a miserable Chinese Lunar New Year on Guadeloupe with no activities and no Chinese food, decides to recreate the Chinese Lunar New Year spirit in the foreign land.
2nd Paragraph
3rd Paragraph
The writer prepares for the Chinese New Year party, shopping for food and seeking help from her friends.
4th and 5th Paragraphs
The party turns out to be a great success, with a rich variety of international dishes. The observance of the old Chinese custom of giving children red envelopes was greatly appreciated by the kids at the party. Book 3-Unit 13
Question Discussion1. In the writer’s family what should children do and not
do right before the Lunar New Year? Before the Lunar New Year, children should eat some sweets so as to say some sweet words. They should not fight, nor make any disturbances so as not to cause the Kitchen God to report unfavorably on the family to the Jade Emperor. 2. What were the family busy with before New Year’s Eve? The family would make an offering to the Kitchen God. Then, Mom would start the busy process of making New Year foods. Dad would prepare some Chinese New Year couplets. The whole family would take part in a big New Year house cleaning.Book 3-Unit 13
3. What was the writer’s happiest memory of the Lunar New Year? Her happiest memory was of the New Year dinner and especially of the money in red envelopes being handed out to kids. 4. Why does the writer call her last New Year “the most miserable New Year of our life”? The writer and her husband spent a most miserable New Year on the Caribbean island of French Guadeloupe which was devoid of Chinese people, foods, and the Chinese New Year’s spirit. The couple ate mildewed sausage and cried in each other's arms.
Book 3-Unit 13
5. What was she going to do this year? She was going to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year on the island in Chinese fashion and recapture her childhood experience of the festival.6. What were the necessary jobs involved in her preparation for the New Year celebration? Her preparation included (1) purchasing Chinese foods and other things for the event; (2) writing a New Year couplet; (3) sending invitations to her friends and (4) preparing red envelopes for children.
7. What contributions did the writer’s friends make to the celebration? Her friends added color to the party by bringing food and drink from their own countries.Book 3-Unit 13
8. What surprised the writer when she was about to hand out the red envelopes?
When the writer brought out a platter of red envelop
es, she was overwhelmed to see the children get down on their knees to kow-tow to her.9. What were the writer and her husband requested to do after this celebration? The couple were invited to give talks on Chinese culture to the local people because the party had aroused the local people's interest in learning about Chinese culture.
Book 3-Unit 13
Difficult Sentencesused to indicate prohibition
1. There should be no fighting or disturbances so as not to cause the Kitchen God to report unfavourably on our family to the Jade Emperor in Heaven.report against our family The supreme god, patron of the Roman people in Roman mythology: Jupiter the king of all the gods in Chinese mythology
The principal god of the Greek pantheon, ruler of the heavens and father of other gods and mortal heroes: Zeus
不许打闹,不要让灶神到天宫玉皇大帝那里说对我们家 不利的话。Book 3-Unit 13
present participle phrase as adverbial emphatic it
2. It was here that my husband and I spent the mostmiserable New Year of our life, eating sausage sent from Mom and Dad that had mildewed after being detained in customs for too long. 就是在这儿我和丈夫度过了一生中最惨淡的一个新 年。吃的是父母寄来的由于在海关扣押太久而发了 霉的香肠。
Book 3-Unit 13
used to express obligation
3. After dinner, we announced that it was time to giveout the red envelopes and explained that when one’s mother and father hands them to one, one should always kneels down and kow-tow. 饭后,我们宣布是分发红包的时候了,并解释说当 父母给压岁钱时小孩子应该跪下并磕头。
Book 3-Unit 13
Story Reproduction happy memory of the Lunar New Year celebration in hometown the most miserable New Year on French Guadeloupe last year idea of holding a Chinese New Year celebration on the island preparations and contributions of her friends to the party handling out red envelopes to children reasons to do more reading on Chinese cultureBook 3-Unit 13
In Other Words
Work with SentencesWord Study
Book 3-Unit 13
In Other WordsPut the following words from the text into the blanks. (page 188: A)
fanciful diminish1. 2. 3. 4.
shaky detain
fake appropriate
treat jabber
travel brainstorm
Browsing among books in a library comes as a _________ for me after a week’s routine in the office. treat With the advance of space science, interplanetary travel is no longer regarded as a _________ idea. fanciful Outside the stadium, a number of young people were jabbering _____________ about the latest match. What has been taken for granted by ordinary people can sometimes enable an observant scientist to have a __________ for making inventions. brainstormBook 3-Unit 13
As the attraction of novelty soon ___________ the diminishes sales will fall. 6. The unexpected dense fog has _________ the detained passenger train for several hours. 7. The father’s hopes hinged entir
ely on his only son, not knowing that he was a young man with___________ shaky prospects. 8. Immigration officers arrested the man for using a fake _________ passport. travels 9. The saying goes like this, “Bad news ________ fast.” Haven’t you heard of it? 10. Edison’s mother designed a home education program appropriate __________ for her son’s talents.Book 3-Unit 13
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