tongue twisters

更新时间:2024-04-14 12:19:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


Classroom Game or Activities

Tongue Twisters Drills for an English Accent [ i: ]

1. Some teachers? teaching pleases some people ,

but other people feel the same teaching isn?t pleases . It isn?t easy to please each person .

But teasing the teacher won?t please the teacher

and each teacher needs to be free to teach us as he pleases . 2. Each of the three will agree to keep the teacher 3. Will he or Eve lie on the sheet at the beach ? 4. Steve needs to eat peas and beams for his meal . 5. We could see the Eritrean was reading the magazine . 6. The Japanese photography will pleases the trustee . 7. The eastern team was completely defeated .

8. These geese were feeding green leaves beneath the trees . 9. We eat meat peas beans and cheese for our three meals .

10. When you reach the peak you can see the sheep sleeping in the green field [ i ]

1. Will you sit still , Bill ? I?ll sit as still as a hill .

2. At the picnic the Israeli dill pickle was delieious . 3. The immigrant ignored the irritable official in the taxi . 4. Will the investigator imply the activity was illicit ? 5. It?s a pity it?s still misty in this city of Italy . 6. This spring he visited six big cities . [ e ]

1. Ted sends Fred ten hens yesterday . 2. So Fred?s fresh bread is ready already . 3. The president says excess never brings recession . 4. Was the ebony elephant against the keg on the desk . 5. Was Ted dead set that Red should not tell of the bet . 6. Let?s get together when the weather is benter .


7. You?ll get well again if you have plenty of rest . 8. Men of sense dread debt and spend less on dress .

9. Ten wealthy men met twelve beggars and fed them with fresh eggs and bread . [ ]

1. A cat and a ret sat on a mat . They were having a chat . The cat was glad , But the rat was sad .

2. Al calculated he would barely catch his airplane . 3. Did Mark ask about an Apple salary contract ? 4. Angle-Saxon is an ancestor of the English language .

5. Does Alvin?s application for the contract accent his background . 6. The factory management reacted to union demands . 7. Albert?s companion always carries his backpack . 8. He thanked the man for bringing back his hat . 9. The man ran back to gather his black handbag .

10. He attacked the man in the wan wish a hammer he held with both hands . [ ]

1. Don?t touch the muddy duck . 2. Hurry up! The sun has come up . 3. It?s fun to run and jump in the sun . 4. The dusty bus doesn?t run on Sunday . 5. Ask mother if the mutton?s enough for supper . 6. Her uncle son is younger than her husband?s brother . 7. Have buns and butter for supper .

8. The summer sun covers the huts in the husband?s brother . 9. One is lovely , the other is ugly .

10. When your is done , come out in the sun and have some fun . [ ]

1. The first person in a dirty shirt works in the third firm . 2. I gave her some pearls for her thirty-first birthday . 3. An early bird is eating an earth-worm . 4. I urged the thirty thirsty nurses to drink firs .


5. The workers worked in the dirty workshop . 6. They heard and leaned the word early that team . 7. Any further argument will make the case worse . 8. The first verb he leaned this term the case worse . 9. Perfect service deserves an earnest and worthy return . 10. Dose the girl want to work on the would in the world ? 11. Irksome Irwin on the reserve said we should defer the work . 12. The Journal confirmed Colonel Bird would return the shirts . 13. The chauffeur may en if he should take the car to the fur service . 14. Fem wants to work to work on the worst in the world and learn it . [ ]

1. The calm of the harbor , the farm of the farmer , the former and the latter , the farmer with a letter . 2. Better late than never . 3. The wonderful weather was over . 4. The time of the concert was altered . 5. The best player was injured .

6. The Florida drama group made a policy compromise . [ a: ]

1. A large army marched past the grassland . 2. Barbara and Charles are dancing in a large garden . 3. The fire started when sparks fell on the carpet . 4. Will Oliver argue about a popular marking of cars . 5. The artist mocked the popular marketing of cars. 6. Dishonesty blocks competition in the economy . 7. Might the sergeant?s logic win him a job with the Shah ? 8. Olive is an artist who occupies the opposite apartment . [ ]

1. Oliver watches John load a locked strong-box at the docks . 2. Lots and lots of clocks and watches are on sale in the shops . 3. A quantity of property belongs to the college hospital .

4. Though I?ve got a cough , I?ll continue working at the work-shop . [ ]


1. The doctor?s daughter knocked at the locked door . 2. Maud is short Paul is tall .

Maud is walking on the lawn . Paul is crawling along the wall . Maud warns Paul “You?ll fall !” “Not at all !” retorts Paul .

3. Your four daughters are all very tall .

All four were born abroad .

The tallest of the four is walking to the door .

She?s brought straw for the horse and bought salt pork . She thought she ought to take a walk before four o?clock or draw balls and saws on the board . 4. Horse-drawn vehicles are called for at Warm Spring . 5. The law calls for immediate withdrawal of all sausage . [ u ] [ u: ]

1. The cook understood that the sugar was no gook .

2. Look at Luck , pulling a poor fool out of the pool in the wood . 3. The foolish , bookish Duck is too full of gook fook to move a foot . 4. At noon I took a good book .

And sat by the pool in the wood . I soon took off my boot , And put my foot in the pool . Oh! How cool , how cool .

5. Did the crew pursue the beauty who flew to the roof ? 6. A review of the school helped Sue conclude the proof . 7. Will the youth lose his cool if he shoots the mule ?

8. The voodoo man would chew when he drew the blue tattoo . [ ai ]

1. Mike likes to write by the nice bright light at night . 2. Dinah is quite nice but frightfully shy .

3. The child with a wide smile is riding on my bike . 4. A white kite is flying high in the sky .

5. The child tried nine times for the writing prize . 6. I drive five miles on Friday night to see a fight that I like .


7. Did I imbibe white wine with chicken pie and ivory rice ? 8. Guy hire the private eye for his style .

9. Devry decided to beautify the island geyser site . 10. Did Irene dye the five ties at night ? [ ei ]

1. I?m afraid you?re late . It?s half past eight , and they?ve closed the gate . 2. They say that rain came every eight days in May .

3. They painted the table pale grey the other day to save it from staining . [ ]

1. It?s a joy to watch the boy playing with his toys .

2. I was annoyed at the boy for spoiling the toy which belongs to Joy . 3. Was Boyce sawing the joist after oiling the joint ? 4. Roy is loyal to The Cloister in spite of the hoi polloi . 5. The boy was poisoned by the clewing . 6. Loy?s fun destroyed Doyle?s poise at St. Croix. [ au ]

1. Mr. Brown ! Mr. Brown !

Are you going downtown ? Could you stop and take my down ? Thank you kindly . Mr. Brown .

2. The crowd , which amounted to a thousand , surrounded the house and shouted

loudly .

3. Did you allow Clower to go outdoors and prowl around ? 4. He found an hour to catch flounder and trout at the prow . 5. Did the owl sit on a bough outside the townhouse ? 6. Frau Brown won in the chow hour with sauerkraut . [ ]

1. Follow the lower road and go slowly home .

2. His clothes are old , there is a hole in the coat and both . 3. Did the photo story on Memorial Day omit Old Joe ? 4. Otis show a cold shoulder to Mo .

5. Did the woeful yeoman dance the fandango at the Oasis . 6. Row went below and cooked oatmeal on the stove .


7. The owner stayed overnight in the Plateau Motel . [ ]

1. Clear that rubbish out of here and don?t put it anywhere near . 2. It is clear that the man with a heavy beard is from Korea . 3. He suddenly appeared near here with a glass of beer . 4. I see clearly an idea stuck him and threw him into great fear . [ ]

1. The boy was scared because there were a pair of bears over there .

2. The chairman declared it was unfair that nothing hadn?t been prepared in this area . 3. We dare not mention the affair because of the stare of the mayor . 4. If there?s a bear in that lair we?d better take a care . [ ]

1. Fewer tourists visit the rural areas .

2. The poor man was assured that his child could be cured . 3. The poor man found a curious jewel when he collected manure . [ p ]

1. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers . 2. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked . 3. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers . 4. Where?s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked . [ b ]

1. A big black bear bit the back of a big black pig . 2. Then a big black bug bit the back of the big black bear . 3. And when the big black bug bit the back of the big black bear . 4. The big black pig bit the back of the big black bug . [ t ] 1. 2. 3. [ d ]

1. David and Doris had a date and they danced from dusk to dawn .

2. He didn?t order a good dinner but waited for the doctor and his daughter at the door . [ k ]

Too many teenagers tend to waste too much of their time watching television . He took his ticket from is pocket and passed it to the ticket-collector . It?s better to take your time to put the good butter into the big bottle .


1. Mrs. Claton collects coconut cookies and crunches while she?s counting crutches . 2. Last week Karl asked the carpenter to come back and make a desk for his cousin Kate .

3. After the cook drank a cup of black coffer for his breakfast he quickly parker his car near the park .

4. The careful country cook could keep his coat clean in making cookies for the king and queen . [ g ]

1. Gray grasped the good goose and gave it to his good grandfather . 2. The guard has gone to the garden to dig a grave for his big dog . 3. The girl guide giggles at the guardsman guarding the garden . [ r ]

“Philip”, said the first , whose name was Ferdinand , “You?re fat and foolish .” “Ferdinand ,”replied Philip, “That?s not a fact that that I?m fat, and as for foolish well, I fancy you?re the fool of the family .””Philip,” said Ferdinand, “I fear we must fight. Philip and Ferdinand fought fairly for fifty-five minutes, after which the fell down, for the light had been fearfully furious . [ v ]

The vegetables and vines in the seven villages have proved very valuable . [ ]

1. The sixth sick sheik?s sixth sheep?s sick .

2. The third Thursday of this month is the sixteenth . [ ]

Timothy left his father and mother and wandered abroad with his brother , Arthur . There bathers are breathing through their mouths . Smooth breathing is rather soothing . [ s ] [ ]

She sells seashells by the seashore .

The shells she sells are seashells, I?m sure . So if she sells seashells by the seashore . Then I?m sure she sells seashore shells . [ z ]


Zoo is visiting the zoo . A lazy zebra called Desmond is dozing at the zoo . He fells shies buzzing round his eyes , ears and nose . He rouses , opens his eyes , rises and goes to Zoo .

Zoo is wearing a rose on her blouse . Zoo gives Desmond these buns . [ ]

1. The transition specialists should surely push this shield , said Rush . 2. Should she pressure the brash official to cash in an the social issue / 3. They splashed the sheet when they washed the dishes . [ ]

1. Usually it?s a pleasure to do this on such an occasion .

2. They?ve made a decision regarding the seizure and closure of the garage . [ h ]

1. With one hand , her husband hid her hat in a high hole . 2. Did the gray-haired historian give honey to his horse . [ ] [ ]

1. The just judge chose this chance to see the rich with a large badge on his chest . 2. The geologist put some cheese ,cherries , peaches and chestnuts in the large pocket of his jacket and went on a journey .

3. The rich gentleman is generous to engage the surgeon in January .

4. James was obliged to change the arrangement when he saw the first batch of injured soldiers on the bridge . [ tr ] [dr ]

1. On his trip by truck he drank too much and got drunk .

2. We try to transform our country into an advanced industrial country . [ ts ] [ dz ]

1. My good friends were in high spirits as they walked into the woods . 2. The peasants sow seeds in the paddy fields with both hands . 3. The lion is the king of beasts and the eagle is the king of birds . [ m ]

1. Mother met a monkey in the middle of market and make a mailbox of money .


2. Famous musicians came from Maryland to play modem musical instrument for Mr. Martin and Miss Mary before they got married .

3. The same smart woman remembered that she had swam many miles on Monday morning . [ n ]

1. Nancy knows the funny nickname of her naughty niece .

2. Learn no to spend more money than you can earn . [ ]

1. They were singing and shouting , not giving thought to the noise they were making . 2. Mr. Finger will linger longer because his hunger is stronger . [ l ]

Let?s look for leaves in the large lake with a long ladder . Tell Will to fill the pail with milk .

I like to sleep at the old place in the wild with the eagles flying in the blue sky . [ r ]

Robert Rolly rolled a round roll around . If Robert Rolly rolled a round roll around. Where is the round roll Robert Rolly rolled around . [ j ]

1. Few people knew music and amuse themselves as usual . 2. The familiar huge tubes from India are due on Tuesday . 3. Did Yuppies yesterday yearn to see New York . [ w ]

1. Walter was waiting, worrying, and watching the wet weather and the west wind. 2. Will Wall Street?s rewards wane if workers wield power ?


Riddles and Puzzles 1. What letter is an insect ?

2. What letter is a large body of water ? 3. What letter is a part of the head ? 4. What letter is a drink ? 5. What letter is a question ? 6. What letter is a circle ?

7. What stands in the middle of the world ?

8. What can travel around the world and still stay in one comer ? 9. What start with T, ends with T, and is full of tea ? 10. I have legs, but I can?t walk. What can I ?

11. When you fill me up, I still look empty. What am I ? 12. I have arms, but no hands. What am I ? 13. I work only when I?m fired. What am I ? 14. What?s white when it?s dirty ? 15. What has a face but can?t talk ? 16. What table has no legs ? 17. What kind of water can?t freeze ? 18. I have teeth, but no mouth. What am I ? 19. What has an eye, but no head ?

20. What ask no question but demands an answer ?

21. Without a voice I speak to you. I am small and light. I express other?s thought.

Sometimes I bring you happiness and sometimes sadness. What am I ? 22. Use me well and I?m every body, scratch my back and I am nobody. 23. What goes up every time the rain comes down ?

24. They are not very big . Some are thin and some are thick. They tell you a lot

of things you don?t know, they are your good friend.


25. Pieces of paper, square little cards.

We are thicker than stamps and we are hard. Keep up in albums and in your heart. For we are the yesterday you?ve passed. What are we?

26. It has a face and a pair of hand: It doesn?t run as often as it stands. Off it goes

suddenly at the firing gun. And a stops when people no longer run. What is it ? 27. Thousands in one big family.

Are busy every day. Marking sweets for other. And giving them a way.

28. What animal carries two hills on its back ? 29. What animal sleep in daytime but flies at night ? 30. What animal breathes fountain in the sea . 31. What animal wears big black glasses on its face ?

32. I?m gray and brown. I live up in a tree. My ears are short, my tail is long and curls up over my back. I like nuts to eat. Who am I ? 33. A little round fellow carries a lot of needles . What is it ?

34. It look like a tiger but I?m much smaller. I like to eat fish . and the rats are very much afraid of me . Who am I ? 35. A round black basket. With silver candles in it . Empty in daytime . Full in the evening. 36. Ten plus ten equals ten .

Take ten from ten you have twenty . When the weather?s cold there are ten . When it?s warm there are twenty .

37. I?m green or yellow , like a little boat, everyone likes to eat me, but never eats my coat.

38. The earth is my mother . The farmer is my father . I am as white as snow .


Without water I can?t Grow. My native place is south. There I feed every mouth, What am I ? 39. Why do we all go to bed ?

40. If two cats are before a cat, and two cats are behind a cat, and a cat is in the middle, how many cats are there in all. 41. What kind of bath can you take without water ?

42. What is one of the longest words you know ?

43. There of a curious English word. Its first two letter stand for a man, the first three

for a woman, the first four for a brave man, and the whole word for a brave woman. What is the word ?

44. What kind of driver never needs a licensee ?

45. What belongs to you, and yet its used more often by other by other than by yourself. 46. A big German and a little German were walking down a road. The little German

was the big German?s son but the big German was not the little German?s father. How could that be ?

47. We are four brothers living under one roof. Do you know us ? 48. They go up and down, but they never move. What are they ?




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