七年级英语上册《Unit 3-2》导学案

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课 课 预习+展示 型 题 学习1.会读会默写会运用形容词性物主代词my your his her和名词性物主代词mine his hers. 目 标 2.正确运用指示代词these those. 3.正确理解并运用下列句型:(1)What about...? (2)Thank you for… 学习过程 自主认真完成任务一至任务四,然后进行对学群学. 任务一: 会说会写会运用下列短语。 1 你的铅笔_________________ 2 他的绿色钢笔________________3 你的书包_________________ 4她的钥匙__________________5他的尺子____________________6这块橡皮 __________ 7.我的词典 _________ 8.她的箱子 ______________ 9.那本书___________________ 10我的夹克衫_____________________ 任务二:翻译,朗读,背诵记忆下列对话,并编写出自己的对话。 1. A: Is this her ruler? 1. A:_____________________________ B: Yes,_________. It’s_______ B:_____________________________ 2. A: Is that Eric’s schoolbag? 2.A: ___________________________________ B: No,___________. ________Sally’s. B:____________________________________ 3. A: Are these his pencils? 3.A:____________________________________ B: Yes,__________. They’re _________ B:____________________________________ 4. A: Are those Anna’s books? 4.A:____________________________________ B: No,_________. ________ mine. B:____________________________________ 任务三:完成下列句子 1. 这是我的尺子。 2. 那是她的铅笔。 3. 这是你的橡皮吗? 4. 不,它不是。它是他的橡皮。 5. 那是你的词典吗?是,它是。 任务四:合作研讨 1. What about this dictionary? What about that book? 2. Thank you for your help. Thank you for his advice(建议). 仔细观察上面句子,归纳what about 和thank you for的用法 What about ___________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for________________________________________________________________________ 课堂小结 思考总结:本堂课我学会了_______________________________________________________________________ 当堂检测 一句型转换 1.Is this your pen? (改为肯定陈述句) ______________________________ 2.Is this her book? (做肯定回答) _______________________________ 3.That’s his pencil. (改为一般疑问句) ________________________________ 4.This is a pencil. (就划线部分提问) _________________________________ 二.单选. ( )1.What’s this ___English? A. of B. for C. in D. at ( ) 2. ____ a ruler? A. this is B. is this C. Is this D.It is ( ) 3. She is a girl .___name is Mary. A. My B. Her C. She D. His ( ) 4.---Is that his pen? ----__________ A. No, it is. B. No, it isn’t C It’s a pen D. Yes, it isn’t ( ) 5 . What’s that?______ a map. A. That’s B. It’s C. This’s D. This is ( ) 6.That’s _____pencil. A. a my B. my a C. my D. an 三.下列每个句子中各有一处错误,请指出并改正 1.This is pen. ( )__________ A B C 2.This’s an English dictionary. ( )_____________ A B C 3.—Is this your bag?—Yes ,it’s. ( )_____________ A B C 4.Li Ming is a boy. Her ruler is red. ( )______________ A B C 5.Excuse. Is that your pencil? ( )_____________ A B C 课后反思

通过本节课的学习,我最大的收获是________________________ 感到自己有待加强的是___________________________________________ 教师寄语:No gains no paints.不劳无获。

