新标准大学英语综合教程1 课后答案完整版

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新标准大学英语综合教程1 课后答案完整版 Unit one

Active reading 2

Dealing with unfamiliar words

4. Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box

1. detect 2. admirable 3. subways 4. inadequate 5. scribbling 6. persecution

5. Answer the questions about the expressions

1.(a) delighted 2.(a) need to be developed with careful

thinking 3.(a) at a time in the future 4.(b) to make someone extremely afraid and nervous

Language in use with / without

1 Match the uses of with / without with their definitions. 1 (a) 2 (b) 3 (a) 4 (c) 5 (c) 6 (d) 2 Rewrite the sentences using with / without .

1 Her tutor moves his head from side to side. Her tutor spills his coffee into the saucer.

With his head moving from side to side, her tutor spills his coffee into the saucer.

2 “Splendid,” he says. He doesn’t wait for an answer. “Splendid,” he says, without waiting for an answer. 3 Frank McCourt speaks in class. He has an Irish accent. Frank McCourt speaks in class with an Irish accent.

4 He plans to go on the subway. He has the books covered in purple and white NYU jackets.

He plans to go on the subway with the books covered in purple and white NYU jacket.

5 He’s only allowed to take two courses. He isn’t told why. He’s only allowed to take two courses, without being told why.

6 He would like to ask a question. He doesn’t like to raise his hand. He would like to ask a question without raising his hand.


3 Read the explanations of the words and phrases. Answer the questions. 1. climb

(a) Because the room is very small.

(b) You would climb into bed if you are so tired that it feels like a huge effort. (c) You would probably need to bend over, and crawl through the hole. 2 spill

(a)spilt coffee all over your desk

You have accidently knocked over a cup/mug and the coffee has gone (uncontrolled) all over the desk.

(b)toys spilled out all over the carpet

The toys were in a container, such as a box; either the box is too full so some toys are falling out onto the carpet, or the box has been tipped over so most of the toys have fallen out of the box. (c)crowds were spilling out of the bars and restaurants

Many people are leaving the bars and restaurants all at once, probably because they are closing for the night. 3. join

(a) join a band

When they can play a musical instrument and want to play with others. (b) join the unemployed

You have lost your job and become unemployed (c) join in

You do the same activity that most other people are doing. 4 burst into

(a) burst into tears

The writer suddenly started crying. (b) bursts into bloom

Flowers, when they suddenly emerge from buds. (c) burst into flames.

Put out the flames immediately if you can, or keep well clear and call the emergency services (fire brigade) 5 clean

(a) a clean licence

This refers to a driving licence. It means that you have been driving safely or at least you have no penalty points on the licence ---a person gets such points as a punishment after breaking the law on the roads eg speeding or causing an accident, and the licence then has a note on it (it’s not “clean”) and the police have a record. (b) clean language

You avoid using swear words or other examples of bad language. (c) a clean bill of health

Here this phrase is used metaphorically and means something is working properly, for example,

a car might have “a clean bill of health” after a check or test it is working correctly. 6 easy

(a) easy-going

An easy-going person behaves, in a relaxed, calm manner with others and is happy to accept things without getting worried or angry. (b) easy on the eye

A person who is easy on the eye is pleasant to look at in appearance and in the way they dress. (c) easier said than done

When something is easier said than done, it is easy to talk about, but difficult to achieve. (d) take it easy

When they tell you to “Take it easy” they can mean either of two things: You should rest and not do things that will make you tired, or you should keep calm, being less upset or angry. 4. Complete the sentence using the collocations in Activity 3

1 spill out of 2 burst into tears 3 clean language 4 easier 5 climb through 6 spilt 7 join in 8 burst into bloom 9 clean licence 10 easy on the eye 5 Translate the sentences into Chinese.

1. Finally, with my mother red in the face and short of breath, we find Room 8, I unlock the door, and we all walk in.(?介词 with 表示状态,不必直译。)


2. She impresses me, and I feel so ignorant that I shouldn’t even breathe the same air as her. 她给我留下了深刻的印象,我觉得自己太无知了,甚至不配跟她呼吸同样的空气。

3. I don’t know why I have to be introduced to literature but the woman in the admissions office

says it’s a requirement even though I’ve read Dostoyevsky and Melville and that’s admirable for someone without a high school education.(?翻译时将 be introduced to literature 变成主动语态更通顺。)我不知道为什么我非得了解文学。可是招生办公室的那位女士说这门课是必修课,即使我读过陀思妥也夫斯基和梅尔维尔的小说也得选,一个没上过高中的人能读这些书的确令人敬佩,但这门课是必修课。

4. I’m in heaven and the first thing to do is buy the required textbooks, cover them with the purple and white NYU book jackets so that people in the subway will look at me admiringly.(? I am in heaven 不能直译成“我上了天堂”,这句话应意译。) 我乐得飘飘然了,第一件事就是去买所需要的课本,然后用纽约大学紫白相间的护封把它们套起来,这样地铁里的乘客就会向我投来艳羡的目光了。

Then the professor tells us ideas don’t drop fully formed from the skies, that the Pilgrims were, in the long run, children of the Reformation with an accompanying world view and their attitudes to children were so informed.(?注意两个 children 的翻译,第一个需意译。)


6 Translate the sentences into English

1 他们对业余剧社的介绍给苏菲留下了深刻的印象,于是她就报了名。(Amateur Dramatics; sign up for)

Their introduction of Amateur Dramatics impressed Sophie so much that she signed up for it. 2 网络教育为全职人员提供了利用业余时间接受继续教育的机会。(work full-time)

Online education provides those who work full-time with opportunities to receive further education in their spare time.

3 刚上大学时,他不知道是否需要把老师讲的内容一字不落地都记下来。(be supposed to do; scribble down)

When he first arrived at university, he was not sure whether he was supposed to scribble down every word out of the professor’s mouth.

4 没人觉察出他隐藏在笑容背后的绝望。(detect) Nobody detects his despair well hidden behind his smile.

5 有些学生能轻松自如地与陌生人交谈,可有些学生却很难做到这一点。(be easy about) Some students are easy about talking with strangers, while some others find it hard to do so.

Unit 2

Language in use

1 Rewrite the sentences.

1 The restaurant was in a French seaside resort by the Atlantic Ocean. You get excellent seafood from the Atlantic Ocean.

The restaurant was in a French seaside resort by the Atlantic Ocean, where you get excellent sea food.

2 My father had decided to take me for lunch to a restaurant. He wanted me to try my first oyster.

My father, who wanted me to try my first oyster had decided to take me for lunch to a restaurant.

3 The oyster was unlike anything I have ever tasted before or since. It was slippery.

The oyster, which was slippery, was unlike anything I have ever tasted before or since.

4 Chocolate is made from the beans of the cacao tree, Theobroma cacao. Theobroma cacao means “food of the gods”.

Chocolate is made from the beans of the cacao tree, Theobroma cacao, which means “food of the gods”.

5 The world’s best-selling type of chocolate, milk chocolate, didn’t appear until the end of the 19th century. Milk chocolate is sweeter and smoother than dark chocolate.

The world’s best-selling type of chocolate, milk chocolate, which is sweeter and smoother than dark chocolate, didn’t appear until the end of the 19th century.

6 Daniel Peter perfected the process of making milk chocolate. He was Swiss.

Daniel Peter, who was Swiss, perfected the process of making milk chocolate.

2 Rewrite the sentences.

1 ... all sorts of shellfish which were clinging onto each other ... ... all sorts of shellfish clinging onto each other ...

2 ... a battery of implements which were used to crack the shells ... ... a battery of implements used to crack and crush the shells ... 3 ? a process which was first tried in 1825. ? a process first tried in 1825.

4 Condensed milk is a thick, sweet milk which is sold in cans. Condensed milk is a thick, sweet milk sold in cans.

5 Hormones are a chemical substance which is produced by your body. Hormones are a chemical substance produced by your body.

word formation

3 Form new words with the following words and the prefixes/suffixes in the table.

non-: non-fiction non-smoker non-stop

-aholic: alcoholic, shopaholic, workaholic

-sick: airsick, carsick,seasick -ful: helpful, spoonful

4 Answer the questions with the words you formed in Activity 3. What’s the word for ...

1 ... how you feel if sea makes you ill? (seasick) 2 ... someone who likes shopping a lot? (shopaholic)

3 ... what something is if it allows you to achieve something? (helpful) 4 ... a flight which goes directly from one place to another? (non-stop) 5 ? someone who doesn’t smoke? (non-smoker)

6 ... writing which is about real people and events, not imaginary ones? (non-fiction)

5 Translate the sentences into Chinese.

1 Outside the skies were grey and a strong wind was blowing off the sea. It looked as gloomy as I felt.


2 “Now, stop complaining, try one oyster for me, then you can have something nice and easy to eat, maybe some prawns with bread and butter,” he suggested, striking a note of compromise for the first time during the whole meal. “好啦,别抱怨了,就给我尝一只牡蛎,然后你就可以吃些好吃的、顺口的东西,比如黄油、面包 加对虾。”他提议说。吃了这么长时间的饭,他的话里头一次有了妥协的意思。

3 But with the clear conception which only a ten-year-old boy can have, I still understood that the compromise included eating that oyster, sitting on the side of my father’s plate. 但是,尽管清晰地感觉到了他的妥协——只有一个十岁的男孩才有这样的感觉,我仍然明白这妥协 包含着吃掉那只牡蛎,那只放在我父亲的盘子边上的牡蛎。

4 The chocolate sets into bars which will easily snap into pieces and then melt in the mouth.


5 But what accounts for its amazing popularity or even the properties that have made millions of people confess to being chocaholics? 但是,是什么原因使得巧克力出奇地畅销?又是什么造成了巧克力的上瘾特性,致使无数人承认自 己是巧克力瘾君子呢?

6 Translate the sentences into English.

1 他们这儿不卖薯条,如果你想吃,得去肯德基或麦当劳。(serve) They don’t serve French fries here. If you want it, you have to go to a KFC or McDonald’s.

2 他拣起一个核桃,想用锤子把它砸开,可没想到却把它砸烂了。(crack; crush)

He picked up a walnut and tried to crack it with a hammer, but instead he crushed it.

3 当金子加热融化后,他们把金水倒进模子,铸成金条。(melt; mould) When the gold was heated and melted, they poured it into a mould to form a gold bar.

4 他承认是他打破了教室的窗玻璃。(admit to)

He admitted to breaking the window of the classroom.

5 令我们欣喜的是,新的经济计划开始对经济发展产生积极影响。(have?effect on)

To our delight, the new economic policy is beginning to have a positive effect on the economy. Unit Three

Active Reading (2)

5 Complete the passage with the words in Activity 4.

Writing an essay requires a number of special skills. One of these is to (1) transfer information from different sources into a single, short document. Another is to present an argument which is

(2) logical and easy to understand. And, of course, to be (3) effective an essay should be properly planned and researched. Luckily, the Internet can help you with this research. Most students these days (4) integrate their own reading of a subject with Internet searches. But it is not easy to use the Internet. You should always be (5) critical of what you find and not just use the first web page. A quick search of the Web for a particular topic may (6) generate thousands of hits, but you must be able to (7) identify the information you need. You should be able to (8) recall where you found it too, because it is important to refer to your sources of information. And finally, you need to be (9) creative – because an essay should be an original piece of work.

Language in use much

1 Match the sentences with the uses of much . I don’t think much of that. (b)

I much prefer people do as they’re told. (c)

Hardly anyone has been encouraged, much less trained, to think for themselves ? (a)

2 Rewrite the sentences using not think much of. 1 I didn’t think that lesson was very good. I didn’t think much of that lesson.

2 None of us like the timetable we’ve been given for this term. None of us think much of the timetable we’ve been given for this term. 3 I’m afraid I’ve got strong doubts about what I’ve written. I’m afraid I don’t think much of what I’ve written. 4 Our professor is always criticizing this book. Our professor doesn’t think much of this book.

5 I don’t like the theme of this week’s essay. I don’t think much of the theme of this week’s essay.

6 I don’t agree with Honey and Mumford’s ideas about learning types. I don’t think much of Honey and Mumford’s ideas about learning types.

3 Rewrite the sentences adding much in the correct place. 1 I’d rather work in the library than in my room. I’d much rather work in the library than in my room. 2 Li would rather work with a friend than on her own. Li would much rather work with a friend than on her own.

3 Personally I prefer taking notes to being given photocopies. Personally I much prefer taking notes to being given photocopies.

4 Some people would rather start writing straight away than spend a lot of time reading.

Some people would much rather start writing straight away than spend a lot of time reading.

Now write two more sentences about your own study preferences. Use much rather and much prefer.

1 I would much rather listen to lectures than read the lecture notes. 2 I would much prefer asking questions after class to asking questions in class.

4 Rewrite the sentences using much less .

1 I can’t even say two words in Chinese, so I definitely can’t speak the language.

I can’t even say two words in Chinese, much less speak the language. 2 Basic study skills are often not taught here, and certainly not practised.

Basic study skills are often not taught here, much less practised. 3 Nobody has even started the essay, let alone finished it. Nobody has even started the essay, much less finished it.

4 Hardly anyone in the room heard what the lecturer was saying, and so of course they didn’t understand him.

Hardly anyone in the room heard what the lecturer was saying, much less understand him.

5 I haven’t got a PC in my room, so obviously I haven’t got an Internet connection.

I haven’t got a PC in my room, much less an Internet connection. 6 I didn’t dare say anything after the lesson, let alone criticize what he said.

I didn’t dare say anything after the lesson, much less criticize what he said.

while / when + participle 5 Rewrite the sentences.

1 When you choose a course, think about the amount of study it will require.

When choosing a course, you may think about the amount of study it will require.

2 When you are writing an essay, you should keep in mind the main theme.

When writing an essay, you should keep in mind the main theme. 3 Always keep a record of your sources when you do research on the Internet.

Always keep a record of your sources when doing research on the Internet.

4 Our lecturer uses PowerPoint while he is explaining basic concepts. Our lecturer uses PowerPoint while explaining basic concepts. 5 I had a brilliant idea while I was sitting in the library this morning.

I had a brilliant idea while sitting in the library this morning.

subject-verb inversion

6 Rewrite the sentences using if.

1 Had I known what this week’s lecture was about, I wouldn’t have gone.

If I had known what this week’s lecture was about, I wouldn’t have gone.

2 I would have corrected the work had I noticed the mistake. I would have corrected the work, if I had noticed the mistake. 3 Had you thought about this a little earlier, you wouldn’t be in trouble now.

If I had thought about this a little earlier, you wouldn’t be in trouble now.

4 Had he shared his ideas with us, we would have made some progress. If he had shared his ideas with us, we would have made some progress. 5 They would have improved the facilities had they received more money from the government.

They would have improved the facilities, if they had received more money from the government.

7 Complete the sentences about yourself using the inversion structure Had I + verb.

1 I would have enjoyed myself more had I had a higher university entrance exam score for studying in the computer science subject. 2 Had I known this football match, I would have made different arrangements for the weekend.

3 I wouldn’t have worked so hard had I known the exam was so easy. 4 Had I received this college’s information earlier, I would have gone to a different college.

8 Translate the sentences into Chinese.

1 When was the last organizational vision statement you saw that included the words “? to develop ourselves into a model environment in which everyone at every level can think for themselves”? (? 注意 can 的译法,在上下文中,这个字不指“能”,而是指“可以”。) “??在我们周围逐渐培育出一个可供人们效仿的环境,使各个层次的人都有独立思考的空间。”你


2 Had she affirmed our intelligence first and spoken about the joy of thinking for ourselves, had she not fanned our fear of her, we would all have learned even more powerfully what it meant to do our thinking. And we might have been able to think well around her too. (? 抽象词翻译:learned even

more powerfully 的直译是“更强有力地学到”,不太好懂,最好意译。) 要是她一开始就肯定我们的聪明才智,给我们讲讲独立思考的乐趣,要是她没有激起我们对她的恐 惧,我们大家就能更深切地体会到独立思考的意义;而且,即便她在场,我们也会更好地开动脑筋思考问题。

3 Like everyone else, students have their fair share of problems. Getting to know a new environment, forming relationships with other students, and surviving on limited financial resources are all typical problems.



4 Talk to some of your friends after a lecture or a tutorial and you will probably find they remember

different things about it – which may be more or less relevant to the teacher’s aims. 下课后或是听过一次个别指导后,如果你和朋友们聊一聊,

你可能会发现他们所记住的东西不尽相 同,但或多或少都与老师的教学目的相关。

5 Effective reading requires you to vary your rate and style of reading according both to the type of reading material and your purpose in reading it.


9 Translate the sentences into English.

1 老师很有可能不欣赏不会独立思考的学生。(not think much of ?; think for oneself)

It is most likely that a teacher won’t think much of a student who cannot think for himself.

2 他上中学的时候,几乎没有什么人被鼓励去做科学实验,更谈不上接受这方面的训练了。(hardly; much less)

When he was in high school, hardly anyone had been encouraged, much less trained, to do scientific experiments.

3 嫉妒是由懒惰和无知造成的。(the result of ?) Envy is the result of laziness and ignorance.

4 有些大学生是根据自己的专业来选择志愿服务的,而不是碰到什么就做什么。(volunteer job; rather than)

Rather than picking any volunteer job, some college students choose activities based on their majors.

5 最好的办法就是把学生分成若干小组,让他们针对具体的问题进行讨论。(break up ? into ?; focus on) The best approach is to break the students up into several groups so that they can focus their discussion on specific problems. UNIT4

Active reading (2)

Dealing with unfamiliar words:

4 Match the words in the box with their definitions.

1 the distance from one side of an object to the other (breadth) 2 a hit or knock to a part of your body (bump)

3 slightly nervous, worried, or upset about something (uneasy) 4 strange and unusual, sometimes in a way that upsets you (weird) 5 thinking seriously about something (thoughtful)

6 a feeling that you do not understand something or cannot decide what to do (confusion)

7 the attitude of someone who is willing to accept someone else’s beliefs, way of life etc without criticizing them even if they disagree with them (tolerance)

8 the ability to notice things (awareness)

9 to include something as a necessary part of an activity, event or situation (involve)

5 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box.

When you meet people from other cultures, there will be many (1) times when somebody behaves in a way which you (2) notice as being unusual, but which is (3) acceptable in their culture. If it (4) attracts your (5) attention, it’s all right to (6) ask about cultural differences, because people are (7) usually happy to (8) reply. But don’t worry if you are unsure about what to do or what to say. Just remember that finding out about cultural differences should give you pleasure and not (9) unhappiness and discomfort.

Key: (1) occasions (2) perceive (3) conventional (4) arouses (5) curiosity

(6) inquire (7) generally (8) respond (9) misery Language in use

1 Now rewrite the sentences using it + passive structure.

1 It was said that Russell Crowe couldn’t get a call out to Australia. 2 It is claimed that mobile phones have been the biggest factor of change in everyday behaviour in Britain over the past 15 years. 3 When told “Have a nice day!”, one Englishman was reported to have replied “I’m sorry, I’ve made other arrangements”.

4 It is suggested that it is unnecessary to say “Thank you” in Spanish as much as you do in English.

5 Disneyland is thought to be a typically American place. 6 Good communication is believed to be as stimulating as black coffee. over

2 Now rewrite the sentences using over.

1 During the ten years since 1997, mobile phone subscribers have risen to 55 million.

Over the ten years since 1997, mobile phone subscribers have risen to 55 million.

2 During the same period, the world has got smaller. Over the same period, the world has got smaller.

3 In the evening and during the weekend, his friends call him on his mobile.

In the evening and over the weekend, his friends call him on his mobile. 4 During the first few weeks of his stay in Italy, he felt he was walking backwards.

Over the first few weeks of his stay in Italy, he felt he was walking backwards.

emphatic structures with what

3 Now rewrite the sentences using the emphatic structure with what .

1 Life can be solitary without a mobile phone. I rediscovered this. What I rediscovered was that life can be solitary without a mobile phone.

2 My mobile phone is an essential, not a luxury. I think this. What I think is that my mobile phone is essential, not a luxury. 3 The people who needed to, got hold of me. I found this. What I found was that the people who needed to, got hold of me. 4 People kiss each other four times. This happens in Paris. What happens in Paris is that people kiss each other four times. 5 By not saying “Thank you” so often, he was perceived to be rude. He didn’t understand this.

What he didn’t understand was that by not saying “Thank You” so often, he was perceived to be rude.

4 Translate the sentences into Chinese.



2. 现在有消息说,伦敦手机信号的覆盖范围将拓展延伸。以后,在伦敦的每一个角落都有手机信号, 就连地铁也不例外。

3 这个研究话题激起了我的兴趣,为此,我走遍了法国各地。

4 这些插曲、事件都包含着文化碰撞,让你感到好奇、愉悦,偶尔也会让你感到震惊或尴尬。

5 But it’s not a matter of knowing all the conventions and rituals in different cultures. It’s impossible to collect all the information you might need to be relaxed in the many different cultures around the world.(? 前一句若直译成“这不是了解不同文化中所有风俗习惯和礼仪的问题”恐怕不太好懂,最好意译。后一句的从句加大了翻译的难度,可以把

句子倒转、拆分。如“但这不等于说??知识能使你??只是你不可能??”) 但是这不等于说我们需要悉数掌握不同文化中的风俗习惯和礼仪。丰富的知识能使你对世界各种不 同的文化中应对自如,但是你不可能掌握全部必备的知识。 5.

1 据估计,目前中国4亿手机用户中,有大约一半人的隐私受到了威胁。(it is estimated that ?;privacy)

It is estimated that today, the privacy of half of the 4 billion mobile phone subscribers is endangered.

2 人们在购买生活必需品上的花费越少,他们安排诸如旅游等娱乐活动就越多。(the less ? the more ?)

The less they spend on daily necessities, the more arrangements they will make for such leisure activities as travelling.

3 对我来说,旅游最大的好处就是可以去不同的地方,了解于不同文化背景下人们的生活方式以 及传统习俗。(What I especially like about ? is ?)

What I especially like about travelling is that I can go to different places and know about particular lifestyles, conventions and customs in different cultures.

4 在大多数情况下,文化碰撞激起的是人们对不同文化的好奇心,只是在极少数情况下,文化碰 撞才会造成尴尬。(culture bump; on rare occasions) In most cases, a cultural bump arouses our curiosity about a different culture. Only on rare occasions can it cause embarrassment. 5 你可以保留自主选择的权利,但作为一个成年人,你做事不要冲动。(reserve the right; act on impulse)

You can reserve the right to make an independent choice, but as an adult, you should not act on impulse. UNIT5

Language in use

whatever, whoever etc.

1 Now rewrite the sentences with the word in brackets.

1 I don’t know who wrote this poem, but he was very romantic. (whoever)

Whoever wrote this poem was very romantic.

2 Heathcliff may be anywhere, but he isn’t in the house. (wherever) Wherever Heathcliff may be, he isn’t in the house.

3 I don’t know what to say, because she doesn’t listen to me any more. (whatever)

Whatever I say, she doesn’t listen to me anymore.

4 Every time I told him a secret, he told his friends. (whenever) Whenever I told him a secret, he told his friends.

5 Anything may happen, but I will always be faithful. (whatever) Whatever happens, I will always be faithful.

6 I don’t know who sent me this parcel, but they know I like chocolates. (whoever)

Whoever sent me this parcel knows I like chocolates.

7 I’m not exactly sure what I’m eating, but it’s very nice. (whatever) Whatever I’m eating is very nice.

You may end up anywhere in the world, but I will never forget you. (wherever)

Wherever you end up in the world, I will never forget you. present participles

2 Now rewrite the sentences.

1 Since I felt concerned, I asked her to phone me the next day. Feeling concerned, I asked her to phone me the next day. 2 When Judith fell asleep she was clinging to her teddy bear. Clinging to her teddy bear, Judith fell asleep. 3 Sarah dried her eyes and tried to smile. Drying her eyes, Sarah tried to smile.

4 He took out the card and said, “This valentine’s for me.”

Taking out the card, he said, “This valentine’s for me.” 5 I was waiting for the train when I read that poem. Waiting for the train, I read that poem.

6 Since I didn’t have much money with me, I couldn’t pay for the meal.

Not having much money with me, I couldn’t pay for the meal. no more ? than

4 Rewrite the sentences with no more ? than .

1 I have no reason to get married, and I’ve got no reason to change my job.

I’ve no more reason to get married than I have to change my job. 2 She’s got no reason to feel unhappy, and no reason to celebrate. She’s got no more reason to feel unhappy than she has to celebrate. 3 There’s no point in waiting here, and no point in calling a taxi. There’s no more point in waiting here than there is in calling a taxi.

4 We have no interest in starting this task, or in finishing the first one.

We have no more interest in starting this task than we have in finishing the first one.

5 I’ve got no business to advise her about her private life, nor should she advise me about mine.

I’ve got no more business to advise her about her private life than she has to advise me about mine.

6 I have no wish to start a new relationship, or to write another book.

I have no more wish to start a new relationship than I have to write another book.

5 Translate the sentences into Chinese.

1 Her lips were half asunder as if she meant to speak; and she drew a deep breath, but it escaped in a sigh, instead of a sentence.


2 I’ve no more business to marry Edgar Linton than I have to be in heaven.


3 Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same, and Linton’s is as different as a moonbeam from lightning, or frost from fire. 不管我们俩的灵魂是什么做成的,它们都是一样的,而林顿与我们的差异犹如月光之于闪电,烈火之于寒霜。

4 I kissed with my eyes closed and opened them on her wrinkles. 我闭上眼睛 亲吻,睁开时 见她已满脸皱纹。 5 I give you an onion.

Its fierce kiss will stay on your lips, possessive and faithful as we are,

for as long as we are. 我送给你一棵葱头。

它那凶猛的亲吻会留在你的嘴唇上, 霸道独占而忠心耿耿 像我们一样, 只要我们活着。

6 Translate the sentences into English.

1 那位身穿红衬衫的人突然收起假笑,露出他的本来面目。(turn off; false smile; true colour) Suddenly the man in red shirt turned off his false smile and showed his true colours.

2 妻子声称丈夫很懒,不愿做家务,丈夫对此予以坚决否认。(contradict; flatly)

The husband flatly contradicted his wife’s claim that he was too lazy to do the housework.

3 经理已经做出保证,在他的任期结束之前,他不会离任。(pledge one’s word; leave office; term)

The manager pledged his word that he would not leave office until the last day of his term.

4 他没有意识到,对她美貌的迷恋使他对她的缺点视而不见。(blind v.) He did not realize that his love for her beauty has blinded him to her faults.

5 当得知警察终于在树林里找到她的孩子时,这位年轻的太太流下了眼泪。(shed)

On hearing that the police had finally found her child in the woods, the young lady shed tears. +ever 的用法

这类由\特殊疑问词+ever\构成的单词有:whatever, whichever, whoever, wherever, whenever, however. 现将它们的用法归纳如下: 1.引导让步状语从句

这也是这类单词最常见的用法,一般译为\无论??\。如: Keep calm, whatever happens.(无论什么)

Whoever you are, you can't pass this way. (无论谁) I will find her wherever she may be.(无论在哪里) Come and see me whenever you want to.(无论何时)

However frightened you may be yourself, you must remain outwardly calm.(无论怎样)




Whatever I have is at your service.(引导主语从句,在从句中作宾语)

Prisoners have to eat whatever they're given.(引导宾语从句,在从句中作宾语)

I'll just say whatever comes into my mind.(引导宾语从句,在从句中作主语)


She would tell him whatever news she got.(=any news that) Whatever measures are adopted must be consistent with the rules.(=any measures that)

2)whoever起双重作用,相当于\who\可引导主语从句和宾语从句。 I will give my ticket to whoever wants it.(引导宾语从句) Whoever gets the job will have a lot of work to do.(引导主语从句)

3)whichever引导主语从句或宾语从句,译为\无论哪一个\。如: Whichever of you comes in first will receive a prize.(引导主语从句)

I will take whichever fits the sockets.(引导宾语从句)

+ no more than

more than 是英语中常见的用于两者比较的结构,表示“超过,多于”,在这里不必赘述。本文就 more than 的其它用法归纳如下,供英语学习者参考。 一、 more than 后跟形容词、副词、分词、动词、名词, more than 起强调作用,含义是 more than 后的形容词、副词、分词、动词、名词的分量不足以反应实际情况而加以说明,汉语意思是:“十分,非常,岂止,简直,不仅仅,绰绰有余”。例如:

I am more than content with what you said.我对你的讲话十分满意。 She was dressed more than simply.她穿着太朴素了。

Being a good listener means much more than just listening with ears. 做一个好的听者不仅仅意味着“用耳朵听”。

Peace is much more than the absence of war.和平不仅仅是没有战争。 二、 more than / more ? than 跟含 can 的从句,这种结构不能照字面来翻译。 more than 之后的从句里,英语里虽是肯定形式,却表示否定概念。 more than ? can ?的结构意为“简直不可能”:“ more ? than ? can ?”


The beauty of the place is more than I can describe.那个地方美得我简直不可以言表。

How he manages to live is more than I can tell.他怎样生活的,我简直猜不透。

He has more money than he can spend.他有花不完的钱。

三、 more ? than 通常用于比较两个不同的人物,但有时也可用来指一个人物本身的两种特性,这时其意义和 rather than 相同,肯定 more 后面的,而否定 than 后面的。汉语意思是“与其说??不如说??”,“是??而不是??”。例如:

He is more diligent than clever.与其说他聪明,不如说他勤奋。 She is more shy than unsocial. 她是害羞,而不是不爱社交。 He is more of a fool than a knave.与其说他是个无赖,不如说他是个笨蛋。

四、 no more than 与 not more than 后跟名词所表含义的区别: no more than 后跟名词的意思是“只不过,仅仅”,有“轻视,嫌少”之意。例如:

He is no more than a puppet.他只不过是个傀儡。 He felt no more than five dollars in the bag. 他的袋子里只剩下 5 美元(有言其少之意)。

not more than 后跟名词的意思是“不超过,至多”,是一般的否定,或客观地说明数字。例如:

They were not more than two hours from the place.他们离那个地方最多不过两个小时的路线。

I have not more than five dollars in my pocket.

我口袋里的钱不多于 5 美元(最多 5 美元,不超过 5 美元)。

五、 no more ? than ( not ? any more than )跟从句,表示两者皆否定的观念,意思是“不??正如??不??一样”。例如:

He's no more fit to be a minister than a school boy would be. 小学生不适合当部长,他也不适合当部长(这句话的重点在 He's no more fit to be a minister )。

A nation cannot exist without people any more than a tree can grow without roots.

一个国家不可能离开人民而存在,正如树没有根不能生长一样。 not more ? than 跟从句表示两者皆肯定的观念,只是有差别而已,意思是“不及??那样”。例如:

He is not more diligent than you are.他不象你那样勤奋。 (重点在 you are diligent .他也勤奋,但不如你勤奋。) 六、 little more than; no less than

little more than ,因 little 含有否定意义,因此其汉语意思是“不过,仅仅,多不了多少”。例如:

That is worth little more than one dollar.那不过值一美元。 no less than ,因“ no less ”含双重否定,因此其汉语意思是“不少于,有??之多”。例如:

There were no less than fifty killed and wounded. 死伤者不少于 50 人。

七、 more than 虽属比较结构,但可辅以一定的词汇手段,如: no, nothing, nobody, nowhere, any, anything else, hardly, scarcely 等否定句,便可表达最高级的含义。例如:

Nothing is more precious than time.没有什么比时间更可贵的东西了。 No complaint is more common than that of a scarcity of money.最普通的就是说钱不够用。

George did more work this morning than anyone else.乔治今天上午干的工作比任何人都多。 Unit seven

Active reading (1)

Dealing with unfamiliar words

3 Match the words for sounds with their meanings.

1 to make small sounds of pain, fear, or sadness (whimper) 2 to make short sharp knocking sounds as something moves or shakes (rattle)

3 the sound that small metal objects make when they hit each other (jingle)

4 to make a sound less loud (mute)

5 a low sound made by something heavy falling or hitting something (thud)

Now decide what word you can use to describe the sound of:

(a) small, frightened animal (whimper: eg The whimpering dog was trying to escape to the corner of the room.)

(b) someone covering someone else’s mouth to

stop them shouting (mute: eg The enemy were coming nearer and nearer, so he muted his friend’s shout; they must not be heard.)

(c) heavy branch falling from a tree to the ground (thud: eg There was a dull thud as the box hit the floor.)

(d) an old bicycle on a bad road (rattle: eg The old taxi rattled down the street.)

(e) coins in your pocket (jingle: eg Just then there was the jingle of keys outside the door.)

4 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box.

1 She threw the beans into a pan of boiling water. (tossed) 2 I could hear the cheerful sounds of church bells through the window. (tones)

3 My uncle worked in a factory which produced steel. (mill) 4 He piled up the glinting silver coins so the bank clerk could count them. (stacked; cashier)

5 My grandfather gave an important sum of money to my college savings. (significant; fund)

6 My dad’s hard work and motivation and love described our relationship. (determination; defined)

5 Answer the questions about the words and phrases.

1 f you do something with perseverance, you (a) keep trying with determination, or (b) do it because you’ve been told to?

2 If you do something doggedly, you do it (a) even it’s difficult, or (b) only when it’s easy?

3 If you getlaidofffrom your job, does it mean (a) you get a better job, or (b) you lose your job?

4 If you want to make something palatable, do you want to make it (a) more quickly, or (b) taste better?

5 Is agamutofemotions likely to be (a) a single emotion, or (b) a series of emotions?

6 f something holdssomeoneback, is it likely to (a) stop them from doing something, or (b) help them to do something?

7 If someone speaks eloquently, do they (a) use only a few words, or (b) say something in a beautiful way?

8 If someone lecturesyouonsomething, do they (a) talk to you seriously to criticize you, or (b) give you a talk about a serious subject?

Dealing with unfamiliar words

4 Replace the underlined words with the words in the box. 1 (perfectionist) 2. (innate) 3 (spine) 4 . (protective) 5 (outgoing) 6. (spoil)

7. (mood) 8. (legend)

5 Complete the sentences with the c orrect form of the words in Activity 4.

1 In their schoolwork and their tennis, the Williams sisters have tried to achieve perfection.

2 You need to be innately talented to play tennis at the most competitive level.

3 Venus isn’t as outgoing as Serena.

4 As the older sister, Venus likes to protect Serena from getting hurt.

5 As the younger sister, Serena could

have been spoiled by Venus, and allowed to have or do everything she wanted.

6 Serena understands what kind of mood her sister is in even before she’s said anything.

7 The specialist doctor treats people with back and spine injuries. 8 Pete Sampras was a legend tennis player in the 1990s. 7 Answer the questions about the words and phrases. 1 If you ge t yourse lf together, do you (a) find some thing you

need, or (b) make yourself calm and organized before doing something?

2 I s go without likely to mean (a) you don’t have things you need, or (b) you have everything you need?

3 If something comesyourway, (a) are you given it by someone because you need it, or (b) do you get it by chance?

4 Is whatwith used to (a) give a number of reasons for a situation, or (b) describe more than one situation?

5 If you have a squabble with someone, do you (a) have a small argument, or (b) share a joke?

6 If you have distractions, do you (a) concentrate on what you are doing, or (b) stop thinking carefully about what you are doing? Language in use as / when

1 Look at the sentences from the passage The pickle jar and answer the questions.

When the jar was filled, Dad would sit at the kitchen table and roll the coins ...

? as we drove to the bank, Dad would look at me hopefully. Which actions are happening ? (a) at the same time?

Dad was driving the car and at the same time was looking at his son. (b) one after the other?

Dad rolled the coins after the jar had been filled.

2 Complete the sentences with as / when .

1 As he got ready for bed, Dad would empty his pockets and toss his coins into the jar.

2 As they rattled around with a brief, happy jingle, we grinned at each other.

3 When we get home, we’ll start filling the jar again. 4 A lump rose in my throat when / as I stared at the spot beside the dresser where the jar had always stood.

5 When I married, I told my wife Susan about the significant part the lowly pickle jar had played in my life as a boy.

6 ? When / As Dad looked across the table at me, pouring catsup over my beans to make them more palatable, he became more determined

than ever to make a way out for me.

7 When Susan came back into the living room, there was a strange mist in her eyes. like

3 Match the the uses of like with the sentences.

(a) ? the copper and silver circles that glinted like a pirate’s treasure ?

3 used for emphasizing a quality in the way that someone does something or in the way that something happens eg She was crying like a baby.

(b) I guess it was a bit like playing tennis. 1 similar to someone or something else eg No one could play the trumpet like he did. (c) It wasn’t like she was the soft one at all ?

2 used when saying that something appears to be true but may not be eg He sounded like he’d only just woken up.

(d) It’s not like we had jobs, or things to take care of, or bills to pay.

2 used when saying that something appears to be true but may not be eg He sounded like he’d only just woken up.

(e) He’ll never work at the mill all his life like me. 1 similar to someone or something else eg No one could play the trumpet like he did. emphasis

4 Rewrite the sentences using the words and expressions in brackets. 1 You need to be a perfectionist to succeed. (definitely) You definitely need to be a perfectionist to succeed.

2 My parents’ role in our success was important. (really ? that ?) My parents’ role on our success really was that important.

3 Every parent wants the best for you. (All your parents want ?) All your parents want is the best for you.

4 I love my father’s sense of humour. (One of the things ?) One of the things I love about my father is his sense of humour. 5 You have to work hard to succeed – that’s all. (All you have to do ?)

All you have to do to succeed is to work hard.

5 Translate the sentences into Chinese.

1 As a small boy I was always fascinated at the sounds the coins made as they were dropped into the jar.

They landed with a merry jingle when the jar was almost empty. Then the tones gradually muted to a

dull thud as the jar was filled. 小时候,我对那些硬币落在坛子里发出的碰撞声总是很着迷。当坛子几乎还是空着的时候,它们落 进去时发出的是欢快的叮当声,等到坛子快要装满的时候,它们的声音便渐渐变成了沉闷的嘭 嘭声。

2 My dad was a man of few words, and never lectured me on the values of determination, perseverance,

and faith. The pickle jar had taught me all these virtues far more eloquently than the most flowery of words could have done.(? 注意 values 和 the most flowery of words 的意思。) 爸爸是一个沉默寡言的人,从来没有对我讲过决心、毅力和信仰等价值观的重要性。但是这个泡菜 坛却教给了我这些美德,它的说服力远远胜过了华丽的辞藻。

3 To my amazement, there, as if it had never been removed, stood the old pickle jar, the bottom already covered with coins.(? 这句话的主体结构是 there stood the old pickle jar。)


4 And I’m thankful for that because, even though we’re still relatively young, I can already see how it’ s been an important building

block in both our characters. (? 注意:that 指的是前一句提到的那个事 实。building block 应意译成“塑造??的基本因素”。) 我对此心存感激,因为虽然我们还年轻,可我已经认识到,这对塑造我们的性格起了很大的作 用。

5 What with playing tennis together and sharing bedrooms until I was 15, Serena and I have always been close. (? 注意 what with 的意思。) 在我15岁以前,都是和塞雷娜一起打球,还和她睡在同一间卧室里,我们一直亲密无间。

7 Translate the sentences into English.

1 你只要将这张桌子移到另一间办公室就行,剩下的事由我来负责。(see to) You just remove the desk to another office, and I’ll see to the rest. 2 有些美国人认为,对隐私和个人资料的保护妨碍了对恐怖主义和有组织犯罪的打击。(hold back) Some Americans believe that the protection of privacy and personal data holds back the fight against terrorism and organized crime.

3 这位著名的科学家将在北京大学发表有关全球气候变化与公共政策的演讲。(lecture on; global climate change)

This well-known scientist will lecture at Peking University on global climate change and public policy.

4 鲍勃需要控制自己,别再贪玩和浪费机会了。(get oneself together) Bob needs to get himself together and stop playing around and wasting his opportunity.

5 当约翰踩到香蕉皮滑倒的时候,那几个搞恶作剧的男孩放声大笑。(fall over; mischievous; laugh one’s head off)

As John slipped on the banana skin and fell over, those mischievous boys laughed their heads off. +like 用法 like的用法



Most students like pop songs.大多数学生喜欢流行歌曲。 Do you like it ?你喜欢它吗?

I don't like to speak in public.我不喜欢在公共场合说话。 Do you like working in China? 你喜欢在中国工作吗? I like people to tell the truth. 我喜欢人讲真话。

She doesn't like people praising in front of her.她不喜欢别人当面表扬她。

2.有“愿意”、“想要”之意,常与should, would连用,后可接名词、不定式、或复合宾语。如:

I'd like a cup of tea.我想喝杯茶。

I'd like to see your ten speed bicycles.我想看看你们的十速自行车。 I would like you to stay in the company.我希望你留在公司。 3.在“Ho do you like ?”这一句型中,通常是询问对方对某个地方或某样东西的看法。意为“你觉得怎么样”如: How do you like China?你觉得中国怎么样? 二、like作介词用,有“象一样”的含义。 1.常与be ,look等连系动词连用,作表语。 What is he like?他是怎么样一个人? It looks like a cat.它看上去象只猫。 2.表示方式,用作状语。

Don't throw it like that.别那样扔。

It's not polite to speak to the old man like that.象那样跟老人讲话是不礼貌的。


They will produce thins like telephones and computers.他们将生产电话机和计算机之类的产品。 The bird is something like a parrot.这种鸟儿有点象鹦鹉。

三、feel like doing something意为“想做某事”。其后接动词ing形式作宾语,表示意愿或希望。如:

Do you feel like having a walk with me?跟我一道去散散步怎样?

I feel like going to bed. I 'm so tired. 我想上床睡觉。我累极了。 As和like用法的区别

as 和 like 在汉语中都译做\像\但字面下的隐含意思是不同的. like侧重A B两者间的比较,并不意味着A和B属于一类或完全相似. 例如:He speak English like an Englishman.(=in a way an Englishman speaks English.) 表示有些相象

as则侧重于同一性,意味着A B两者属于同一类或完全相似.

例如:He speaks English as an Englishman.(=as well as an English.) 表示讲得一样好

很早的时候,like是形容词,表示相象、相同、类似等意;as是连接词。 Samy and Sammy are very like. Samy和Sammy长得很像。

Paul behaved as a child(does).保罗的举止像个小孩。(句子有省略) 后来,like作为介词使用,表示像?一样;as也可以作为介词使用了。 Paul behaved like a child.保罗的举止像个小孩。(句子没有省略) 再比较:

Let me speak to you as a father.让我以父亲的地位对你说说。(=I am your father and I am speaking to you in that character)

Let me speak to you like a father.让我像你父亲那样对你说说。(= I am not your father but I am speaking to you in the way your father might) 再后来,有些语法学家把以往like不允许作连词使用的规则也改了,用来代替引导方式状语从句的as。

I can't sing like I used to do.我不能像过去那样地唱了。(指唱的音色)

He writes just like his brother did when he was young.他写字的手法和他兄弟年轻时写的差不离。(指书法的风格和字型) 即使如此,like和as有时还是有些区别的。试比较:

The prisoner was hanged like a murderer.这个囚徒像杀人犯那样被处以绞刑(=?as if he were a murderer)。

The prisoner was hanged as a murderer.这个犯人作为杀人犯被处以绞刑。(这个犯人就是杀人犯) 状语从句 一 定义:


1 Ten years ago, She began to live in Dalian. 时间状语修饰began 2 The boy was praised for his bravery. 原因状语修饰was praised B 状语从句就是用一个句子来代替上面的时间状语和原因状语。 1 Ten years ago, she began to live in Dalian.

When she was 12 years old, she began to live in Dalian. 2 The boy was praised for his bravery.

The boy was praised because he saved the baby’s life in the freezing river.

二 状语从句的种类:

A 时间状语从句: 连接时间状语从句的连接词有:

(1) 连词:when, while, as. 它们都表示当?时候的意思。如果主句和从句的动作同时发生且都是进行时态,只用while, as. 其他情况下when, while, as通用。

1 When he came in, I was listening to the radio. 2 As I was wandering in the street, I met her.

3 While (as) I was watching TV, my mum was cooking in the kitchen. (2) 连词before, after, since, until(till). 当他们表示时间时,他们既


He usually drinks a cup of tea before he goes to school.连词 He usually drinks a cup of tea before going to school. 介词 He usually drinks a cup of coffee after he comes back from school.连词

He usually drinks a cup of coffee after coming back from school. 介词

I have lived in Dalian since my son was born in 1999.连词 通常情况下,主句用现在完成时,从句用一般过去时。 I have lived in Dalian since 1999.介词

I will wait here until(till) you finish your job. 连词 I will wait here until(till) 8pm.介词 (3) 词组:as soon as

I will tell him as soon as he comes back.

As soon as she finishes her homework, she will play tennis. 通常情况下,主句用一般将来时,as soon as 引导的从句用一般现在时。 B 地点状语从句:

连接地点状语从句的连接词有:where, wherever=no matter where: 1 Where there is water, there is life. 2 Where there is a will, there is a way.

3 Wherever you go, I will follow you.== No matter where you go, I will follow you.

4 I will go wherever I can find a good job.== I will go no matter where I can find a good job. C 原因状语从句:

连接原因状语从句的连接词有:because, as, since, for.

1 Tom was late for school this morning because he didn’t catch the early bus.

2 I couldn’t go to Beijing on business as my mother was ill. 3 Since all of us agreed about this plan, we will carry it out next week.

8 Why not use a pedometer to take measurements of how far you have walked?

9 We should all try to make daily exercise a lifetime habit. 7 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box.

Regular walking is a habit which if it can be (1) kept, is very healthy. It is suitable for old and young people alike, and you don’t need to buy a lot of special (2) e quipment – just a good pair of shoes. A number of scientific studies have shown that walking provides one of the

most (3) successful ways of (4) improving the body’s ability to fght disease. Walking is good exercise for your (5) arms and legs and helps your body to be more (6) protected against illness. But it is not just your physical health which will beneft. Regular walking can help make you more (7) able to think clearly, and it can also help to (8) make stress less unpleasant after a busy day. To make the experience more (9) enjoyable and interesting, experts

suggest you record how many steps you take each day.

Key: (1) maintained (2) gear (3) efficient (4) enhancing (5) limbs (6) immune (7) alert (8) relieve (9) motivating Language in use

word formation: the prefix re -

2 Answer the questions using re - and the verbs in brackets. 1 What is it a good idea to do if you don’t understand a passage? (read)

It’s a good idea to reread it.

2 What do some people do if they fail an exam? (take) They retake the exam.

3 What should you do if your first opinion about something is not very wise? (consider)

You should reconsider your opinion.

4 What is the first thing to do if a computer crashes? (boot) The first thing you should do is to reboot it.

5 If you don’t succeed the first time you try to get a job, what can you do later? (apply) You can reapply.

6 What should you do if your season ticket for the sports club runs out? (new)

You should renew it.

7 What may people decide to do if their house is destroyed in an earthquake? (build)

They may decide to rebuild their house.

8 What should a doctor do with a patient who’s very worried? (assure)

The doctor should reassure the patient. before / during / after which

4 Rewrite the sentences using before which , during which or after which .

1 I thought about the problem for a long time. Then I decided how I was going to solve it.

I thought about the problem for a long time, after which I decided how I was going to solve it.

2 She went jogging for an hour. While she was jogging a lot of thoughts went through her mind.

She went jogging for an hour, during which a lot of thoughts went through her mind.

3 Frank was admitted to hospital at the end of June. Before this happened, he had a lot of tests.

Frank was admitted to hospital at the end of June, before which he had a lot of tests.

4 I suggest you take a week off work. You can use this period to relax and spend time with your family.

I suggest you take a week off work, during which you can relax and spend time with your family.

5 Marzia spent a month on a low-fat diet. By the end of the month, she felt healthier.

Marzia spent a month on a low-fat diet, after which she felt healthier. 6 I’d like you to read this report carefully. Then we will discuss it.

I’d like you to read this report carefully, after which we will discuss it.

7 Shane spent three months in that boring job. He was depressed for the whole time.

Shane spent three months in that boring job, during which he was depressed.

8 My brother has been working as an educational psychologist for seven years. Before that, he trained as a teacher.

My brother has been working as an educational psychologist for seven years, before which he trained as a teacher commit oneself to doing something

6 Rewrite the sentences using the structure commit oneself to doing something .

1 I said I would work harder this month. I committed myself to working harder this month.

2 They gave their word that they would provide financial help.

They committed themselves to providing financial help.

3 The government should make up its mind to support this project. The government should commit itself to supporting this project.

4 We have promised to provide the money for the new hospital. We have committed ourselves to providing the money for the new hospital.

7 Complete the sentences with suitable expressions from the collocation box. Sometimes more than one collocation is possible.

1 How does your university maintain contact / links with former students?

2 His promising / brilliant career as a young diplomat was interrupted when he became seriously ill.

3 Bird flu didn’t turn out to be the killer disease the international community had feared.

4 I’m not exaggerating. I think we all have a realistic chance of passing this exam.

5 Although not seriously injured, he had to undergo minor surgery as a result of the accident.

6 I think you are suffering from a psychological problem rather than an actual physical illness.

7 You never know when an emergency can happen. It’s important to be on the alert.

8 He’s been in that job for too long. I think it’s time for him to make a career move.

8 Translate the sentences into Chinese.

1 This never-say-die spirit is best represented by the 19th century maxim, “If you don’t succeed, try, try again.”

19 世纪的格言“如果你一次不成功,就再试一次”充分体现了这种永不言败的精神。

2 They found that people who readily jumped back into life had a greater sense of purpose and were less likely to think about the past. 他们发现那些迅速重返生活的人拥有更强的目标感,不太可能去想过去的事。

3 For young people, it’s part of creating an individual identity in the world.

对年轻人来说,这是他们在世上创建个人身份时必做的一件事。 4 The impact of weight on your limbs and joints will strengthen them against bone disease, and although this happens more with older people, it’s never too late to build up bone density. (? 代词的翻译: this 指骨科疾病,翻译的时候只说“这”会造成指代不清,因此此处需要将 this 指代的内容完全 译出。)

体重对四肢和关节的压力将增强它们抵御骨科疾病的能力。虽然这种疾病多发生在老年人身上, 但是任何时候增加骨密度都为时不晚。

5 Scientists estimate that walking as little as 30 minutes a day will help the immune system and give greater protection against ill health. (? 注意:help 的意思是 make something better。) 科学家们估计每天只要步行 30 分钟就能改善免疫系统,更好地保护身体免受疾病的侵害。 9 Translate the sentences into English.

1 在灾难面前,人们不惜一切代价挽救生命。(in the face of; at any cost) In the face of a disaster, people save lives at any cost.

2 他认为在整个项目开始之初就对计划进行调整没有意义。(there’s no point in doing ?; adjust)

He believed that there would be no point in adjusting the plan at the beginning of the whole project.

3 学生们正在集中精力复习功课,突然之间这座城市发生地震了。(concentrate; all of a sudden)

Students were concentrating on reviewing lessons when, all of a sudden, an earthquake struck the city.

4 他答应坚持锻炼身体,但是我们都清楚,他迟早是要放弃的。(keep on; a matter of)

He promised to keep on taking exercise, but we all know it’s just a matter of time before he gives up.

5 他以专心从事慈善事业而闻名。(distinguish oneself; commit oneself to)

He distinguishes himself by committing himself to charities. Unit 10

Active Reading (1)

Dealing with unfamiliar words

5 Complete the interview with the correct form of the words in Activity 4.

A Today there’s a lot of (1) controversy about environmental issues. Some people believe that, unless we take action now, global disaster is (2) inevitable. But others (3) criticize this point of view. They say that the temperature of the earth is always changing, and we can do nothing about it. What do you think?

B Well, it’s a (4) complicated problem, and there’s no easy solution. I think the (5) threat which global warming (6) poses is very real, and we should (7) ensure that we do everything we can to slow down the process.

A So how can we make people aware of the problem?

B I believe environmental awareness begins at home. I think we should (8) invest money and resources in (9) small-scale projects, not huge global businesses.

6 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box.

Key: (1) collectively (2) famine (3) fearful (4) short-haul (5) panels

(6) bulbs (7) plantations (8) sustainable (9) equivalent 7 Answer the questions about the words and phrases.

1 If a product is environmentally friendly, does it (a) damage, or (b) not damage the environment?

2 If you stay on side, do you (a) change your mind, or (b) keep the same opinion as before?

3 If one thing brings into question something else, does it make the second thing (a) less certain, or (b) impossible?

4 Is a one-size-fits-all solution likely to make (a) everybody, or (b) nobody happy?

5 If you are skeptical about something, do you (a) believe it is true, or (b) have doubts about it?

6 When you offset something, do you (a) balance the effect it has so there is no advantage or disadvantage, or (b) remove it completely so it cannot cause harm? ActiveReading (2)

Dealing with unfamiliar words

3 Match the words in the box with their definitions.

1 a line of bushes or small trees growing close together (hedge) 2 produced by living things (organic)

3 the process by which the surface of land is gradually damaged by water, wind etc (erosion)

4 new, interesting and different from anything else (original) 5 able to produce good crops or plants (fertile)

6 a very large hole dug in the ground in order to obtain a particular substance (pit)

7 to grow well and be healthy (flourish)

8 an organization to which you give money so that it can give money and help to people who are poor or ill, or who need advice and support (charity)

9 real rather than pretended or false (genuine)

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. 1 They only had a small farm, but they cultivated a wide range of fruits and vegetables.

2 People expect the planet to be always there, but we should not take the environment for granted.

3 A miracle is an example of something amazing or even something you think could never happen.

4 Rainwater causes flooding when there is nowhere for the water to drain.

5 The Eden Project has been an economic success because it has helped local businesses.

6 I prefer going to an indoor swimming pool because it’s often too cold to swim outside.

7 When they have finished restoring the old garden, it will look really beautiful.

8 The success of the Eden Project reinforces a positive environmental message.

9 If you have the inspiration, you can achieve anything.

5 Answer the questions about the words and phrases.

1 If the hedges are buzzing with life, do you think there are (a) lots of animals, or (b) only a few in them?

2 If an idea dawns on you, does it (a) begin to take shape, or (b) disappear?

3 If you feel out of your depth, do you feel (a) able to deal with the situation you are in, or (b) unable to deal with it?

4 Is a “can do” culture one in which people feel (a) confident and ready to try to do something, or (b) lacking in confidence and not willing to try to do things?

5 If the rest of the story is history, do people (a) know about it, or (b) not know about it?

6 If something is out of your league, is it (a) less than you need, or (b) too much for you to manage?

Language in Use however

1 It isn’t enough for people to be motivated. They need the support of the government.

People need the support of the government, however motivated they are. 2 We need to spread the environmental message. It may take us a long time.

We need to spread the environmental message, however long it takes. 3 You may be very careful, but you’ll probably still make mistakes. You’ll probably still make mistakes, however careful you may be. 4 It doesn’t matter how quiet the music is. I still can’t concentrate on my work.

I still can’t concentrate on my work, however quiet the music is. 5 The solution to the problem may be easy. We still need to tell everyone about it.

We still need to tell everyone about it, however easy the solution to the problem may be.

6 It doesn’t matter how famous she is. She still has to behave in a responsible way.

She still has to behave in a responsible way, however famous she is. 7 The project may be very expensive. We have no choice but to continue. We have no choice but to continue, however expensive the project may be.

8 The battle to save the environment is hard. But I think we will win it in the end.

However hard the battle is to save the environment, I think we will win it in the end. otherwise

3 Rewrite the sentences using otherwise .

1 It’s important to switch off the light when you go out of the room. If you don’t, you waste energy and money.

It’s important to switch off the light when you go out of the room. Otherwise, you waste energy and money.

2 There are thousands of exotic plants in the Eden Project. Without the project, you wouldn’t be able to see them anywhere in Britain. There are thousands of exotic plants in the Eden Project. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to see them anywhere in Britain.

3 Some major rock stars took part in the concert and accepted no payment. In different circumstances they would have asked for a lot of money.

Some major rock stars took part in the concert and accepted no payment. Otherwise, they would have asked for a lot of money.

4 Some people say that these resources will run out by 2050. This report suggests a different date.

Some people say that these resources will run out by 2050. This report suggests otherwise.

5 I thought we could walk to the biome. If not, we can take the electric bus.

I thought we could walk to the biome. Otherwise, we can take the electric bus.

6 Some countries have signed this latest agreement, but our government has decided differently.

Some countries have signed this latest agreement, but our government has decided otherwise. come up with

4 Rewrite the sentences using come up with .

1 The architect first had the idea of the structure of the biome when he was washing the dishes.

