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班级 学号 姓名 成绩 I. Please explain the following definitions.( 3 for each, totally 15 )

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Stolper-Samuelson theorem

internal economies

effective tariff rate

trade creation

The law of comparative advantage:


1. (5)The Effects of an Import Quota under Monopolist Conditions

2. (5)Rybczynshi theorem

3. (5) Different Tastes as a Basis For Trade


4. (5)Dumping

III. Briefly answering the follow question.(10 for each, totally 20. )

1. (10) The concept and conditions necessary for immiserizing growth.

2. (10) Describing the changes of the factor intensity during the product cycle.

IV. Calculation.( totally 15 )

1. ( 5 ) Assumption : US is a large country in importing steel. There is same elastisity both importing demand curve and exporting supply curve.(进口需求曲线和出口供给曲线的弹性相同)。

In free trade, US imported steel 100 tons in the price of $100 per ton. Now US imposed $20 tariff on importing steel, and imported 67tons. Question: what is the gain of US from the importing tariff ? what is the net loss of the whole world ?

2. (10) In free trade , steel price is $1000 per unit, including coke(焦炭) 400 and iron ore(铁矿石)500 .

Before entering WTO, the importing tariffs are 100%, 50% and 50%. After entering WTO, the importing tariffs are reduced to 5% (coke),6% (iron ore )。

Question: After entering WTO, what will be the tariff rate of steel in order to keep ERP constant ?


V. Answer the following question in details.( 15 for each, totally 30)

1. (15) Describing the impacts of decreasing tariff rates on China ?

2. (15) Describing the impacts of TBT(技术性贸易壁垒)on the Chinese exporting firms ? ( negative and positive )



考核对象:09级金融经济保险各班 时间:2小时 班级 学号 姓名 成绩

I. Please explain the following definitions.( 3 for each, totally 15 )

factor used intensively in the rising-price industry (land) and lowers the returns of the factor used intensively in the falling-price industry (labor), regardless of which goods the sellers of the two factors prefer to consume.

In the case of internal economies, expanding the firm's own scale of production raises its productivity and cut its average cost.

the REP is defined as the percentage change in the value added in an industry because of the imposition of a tariff structure by the country rather than the existence of free trade.


place whenever economic integration leads to a shift in product origin from a higher-resource-cost domestic producer to a lower-resource-cost member producer. This increases welfare.

5.The law of comparative advantage:

comparative advantage comes from the relative difference of productivities based on the relative difference of technologies. A nation should produce and export the commodities of comparative advantage, and import the commodities of comparative disadvantage.


1. (5)The Effects of an Import Quota under Monopolist Conditions



S0 St D2 D1 D0

2. (5)Rybczynshi theorem

A0 A1

B0 B1 Good B


注:该题也可以使用教材中110页 的盒型图。

3. (5) Different Tastes as a Basis For Trade




4. (5)Dumping









注:该题也可以使用教材中90页 的图型。

III. Briefly answering the follow question.(10 for each, totally 20. )

1. The conditions necessary for immiserizing growth.

(1) The country's growth must be biased toward the export sector.

(2) The foreign demand for the country's export must be price inelastic, so that an expansion in export supply leads to a large drop in price. (3) The country must already be heavily engaged in trade for the welfare meaning of the drop in the TOT to be great enough to offset the gains from being able to supply more. (4) It is a large country case.

2. (10) Describing the changes of the factor intensity during the product cycle.

As the product moves through its life cycle, the factor proportions will change in a systematic fashion.

1. The new-product stage depends on scientists, engineers, and other highly skilled labor. In this stage, production is technology-intensive rather than capital-intensive.

2. In the growth-product stage, the factor inputs shift from skilled to semiskilled labor, and from technology-intensive to capital- intensive.

3. In the third and forth stage, labor skills become relatively unimportant, and production becomes more capital-intensive or labor-intensive.

IV. Calculation.( totally 15 )

1. (5) Assumption : US is a large country in importing steel. There is same elastisity both importing demand curve and exporting supply curve.(进口需求曲线和出口供给曲线的弹性相同)。

In free trade, US imported steel 100 tons in the price of $100 per ton. Now US imposed $20 tariff on importing steel, and imported 67tons. Question: what is the gain of US from the importing tariff ?

what is the net loss of the whole world ?




0 67 100

e - (b+d) = 670 – 165 = 505

The net loss of the whole world = b+d+f = 330


2. (10) In free trade , steel price is $1000 per unit, including coke(焦炭) 400 and iron ore(铁矿石)500 .

Before entering WTO, the importing tariffs are 100%, 50% and 50%. After entering WTO, the importing tariffs are reduced to 5% (coke),6% (iron ore )。

Question: After entering WTO, what will be the tariff rate of steel in order to keep ERP constant ?


Before: V’= 1000×(1+100%) – 400×(1+50%) – 500×(1+50%) = 650 V = 1000 – 400 – 500 = 100

REP = (650 – 100 ) ÷ 100 = 5.5 (第一步做对7分) After: suppose the tariff rate of steel is x ,

〔1000×(1+ x %) – 400×(1+5%) – 500×(1+6 %) – 100〕÷ 100 = 5.5

x = 60 % (第二步做对3分)。


V. Answer the following question in details.( 15 for each, totally 30) 1. (15) Describing the impacts of decreasing tariff rates on China ?

1. Decreasing the prices of imported goods and increasing consumer 2. 3. 4. 5.


Decreasing the prices of imported media goods and decreasing the product’s costs domestically.

Decreasing the prices of imported technology. Decreasing the trade friction with others.

Producing pressures on domestic industries and unemployment.

2. (15) Describing the impacts of TBT(技术性贸易壁垒)on the Chinese exporting firms ? ( negative and positive )

The negative impacts include two parts.

a) it is impossible for Chinese products to come into foreign markets.

b) TBT increased the costs of exporting products, and decreased the competition of Chinese products.

The positive impacts include : it is useful for our firms to improve technology , industry structures, and increase “green consumption” ideas.

