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第一章 文稿格式 第一题

1.Where i lived,and what i lived for 2.Are transgenic crops safe

3.Well-known dramatists of the Ming dynasty 4.A day to remember

5.Approach to teaching english as a foreign language 第二题

a-live set-ting sister-in-law han-dy cor-rect-ness grat-i-tude bo-nus per-mis-sion so-cia-ble thought dic-ta-tor-ship far-reaching 第三题

We entered the room,Jane looked around and asked:\\\

At this moment the cat walked out from under the chair

第二章 用词 第一题

1.语言科学;让读者了解语言是人类特有的行为 2.普通大众;因为没有专业术语

3.无俗语;有正式用语:communicate,rudimentary 4.相符,是普通说明性文字风格 第二题


2.比如用surprised 代替shocked ,惊讶的程度就会大大减弱 第三题

1.uninterested;disinterested是没有私心的 2.Childish;用childlike是赞美 3.Envious;jealous有不开心的意思 4.Inexpensive;cheap有不好的含义 5.Homely;ugly程度太强烈


7.Surprised;stunned程度太强烈;slim;skinny含有令人不快的感觉 8.Stout:意思是稍胖,比较壮实 9.Modest;humble是贬义的

10.Every;each强调个人;each,因为这里强调的是个人 11.Attempted:穿越边境很难

12.Sympathy;pity有“居高临下,有优越感”的意思 13.Notorious;它是贬义的


14.Elderly lady;这种表达比较礼貌 第四题

Walk:run,pace,creep Look at:gaze,stare Cry:sob,weep

Angry:fiery,biting,hurting Tree:lime,maple

Animal:tiger,lion,cat,dog Flower:rose,acacia Wind(n):breeze,gust

Rain(n):shower,dew,raindrop 第五题

Continue:go on Endure:put up with Investigate:look into Expect:look to Destroy:pull down Build up:put up Start:set off Postpone:put off Begin to like:take to 第六题 1.正式的 2.例子

Symbolic shadow;momentous decree,a great beacon light of hope,seared in the flames of withering injustice,a joyous daybreak,the long night of captivity,etc.

3. 暗指:Five score years ago,a great American,in those symbolic shadow we stand,signed the Emancipation Proclamation. 明喻:(as) a great beacon light of hope,a joyous daybreak to end the long night of captivity 隐喻:seared in the flames of withering injustice ,on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity

对照:One hundred years later,the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity

排比:But one hundred yeas later......One hundred years later.....One hundred years later.....One hundred years later

悖论:One hundred years later,the Negro is still languishing in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. 第七题


2.Like diseases:明喻 3.Defaced:隐喻 4.Trembling:隐喻 5.Angry:隐喻



7.(Like) cows:明喻 8.Not bad:缩小 9.To the skies:夸大 10.Clear and clean:头韵 11.Tongue:换喻 12.Fertile soil:隐喻 第三章 造句 第一题 1.圆周句 2.松散句 3.圆周句 4.松散句 5.松散句 6.松散句 7.圆周句 8.圆周句 9.对称句

10.第一句圆周句,第二句对称句 第二题

1.our host,who had been a member of an exploration team working in the Arctic,entertained us with many interesting stories of adventure.

2.When I woke up,I saw him asleep in bed.I had not heard him when he came back,Because I had been sleeping soundly

3.Liu always did his work a little better than his fellow workers and that was why he got higher pay than others.

4.No student could answer that question.Even Yao,who was usually quick in answering questions,was silent.

5.Lin looks like Li;however,they are not related.

6.The old man hunched forward,His head tilted at an angle,His eyes half closed,looking very sleepy.

7.Their work was well planed and everybody worked with great enthusiasm.As a result,they overfilled their quota.

8.The experience as a pilot on a steamboat was no doubt an important factor that helped to make Mark Twain,the American writer,to become so famous. 第三题

1.Xu,who comes from a working-class family,enrolled in college last fall.

2.The dean issued a bulletin,which said the library would remain open on weekends.

3.Last night was a wild night,with the thunder roaring,the wind blowing a gale and the rain falling in torrents.

4.The temperature must have fallen considerable during the night,for there are icicles on the trees. 5.Twelve years later he returned to his hometown,and looked in vain for the familiar landmarks. 6.Although we have made some progress,we still have a long way to go. 7.The sky was cloudless and the sun was shinning brightly.

8.On board the plane there are over two hundred passengers,about one third of whom were



9.The girl,whose mother was a famous pianist ,began to learn to play the piano when she was a child.

10.In 1769,when Napoleon was born in Corsica,the island had just been acquired by France. 11.A stormy applause broke forth the moment she appeared on the stage.

12.Once thought to be Egyptians,the gypsies are really a nomadic people from India ,who migrated into Europe.

13.Young and inexperienced,The new workers are eager to learn from the veteran workers. 14.There was a poor quarter on a hillside with a lot of small huts with mud walls and straw roofs.

15.On hearing that his father was ill,he was anxious to go home to see him,so he went to the station early in the morning to buy a ticket. 第四题

1.The meeting started at ten o'clock,and she began to speak,she speak very fast. 2.Bernard Shaw was one of the best-known playwrights of the 20th century. 3.The houses were mere shanties,with rags stuffed in the crack and holes. 4.On the train I read the novel,which did not interest me at all.

5.We later learned that the well-dressed man who admitted us to the house was a thief.

6.The police helped me to found some important documents which I had lost three days before. 7.A saleswoman greeted us when we entered the shop,we saw all kinds of shoes were on the shelves,and the prices were quite reasonable,a lot of customers were buying them 8.Tell Helen,if she is at home that I will come to see her. 9.Listening attentively,I heard a faulty sound. 10.I entered the room and saw no one.

11.Fred is energetic and capable.you can rely on him.

12.The children promised to be careful and return home early.

13.Dickens's novels offer no solution to the social injustices exposed in them. 14.Either my watch is fast,or your watch is slow.

15.A beautiful view out of window attracted my attention. 16.He finished reading almost ten books during the vocation.

17.If you are interested in the painting,you can take a course at he evening school. 18.She said that she would come if she could,but we needn't wait for her. 19.To tell my friend the good news,I posted the letter at once. 20.I will go to the lecture,because I like the the speakers poems. 第五题

1.The Opium War broke out in 1840. 2.Their library has more books than ours.

3.He returned back home after graduating from college. 4.We planned to meet before sunrise in the morning. 5.The flood was due to the heavy rain in late spring. 6.He was asked to repeat the sentence . 7.I play badminton as well as my brother 8.To his friend his attitude was a puzzle. 9.These watermelons are large and sweet.


10.He did not tell the truth.

11.A number of students want to join the drama club. 12.He was kind enough to let me share his umbrella. 13.The whole class elected Zhao their representative. 14.I am taking two course :World History and geography.

15.The plane circled the airport for about ten minutes and then disappeared. 16.I mean that he ha not done his work well enough.

17.I would like you to consider whether you would like to publish your recent article on women scientists in China in our journal.

18.As he had missed many lectures,he knew that he might fail the exam

19.You must work out an outline for your paper,and then you need to collect all kinds of material to support your point of view.

20.In that country,violent death occur every day.

21.He is not only a good pianist,but also a good singer. 22.This pretty actress keeps appearing in TV serials.

23.Students are allowed to take books out of this reading-room.

24.According to the speaker,the responsibility system has helped to increase production.

25.One reason why people are well informed in this country is that there are many newspaper easily bought or subscribed to

26.Statistics show that from 1980 to 1990 enrollments at this school doubled.

27.There are so many workers without training in a particular job that production of the factory has been affected.

28.There are about 50 patients in this ward,and many are being given acupuncture treatment. 29.He is called James Williams.

30.Whatever he does,he works seriously and does his best. 第六题

1.Huang,the tallest man of the team,is over two meters tall.

2.After going bankrupt,social position,reputation,and friends,even life itself,were no longer interesting to him.

3.Unexpectedly,he decided to take the job.

4.Under no circumstances will China be the first to use nuclear weapons. 5.Of twenty students in the class,Yang alone can do the work.

6.As a result of reform and open policy during the past 30 years,China has changed a great deal. 7.According to newspaper reports,She was the first Chinese woman who had won a gold medal for figure skating in an international contest.

8.While serving as a cabin boy on the ship,Robert made an attempt to do all the things that the sailor members of the crew usually did.

9.Among his neighbors was the famous writer,Mrs.Jones.

10.The patient help of the teachers enabled the students to make good progress. 11.She often helps to improve her comrade's pronunciation.

12.Although there are few mistake in the language,the composition is not very good,because the content is not interesting. 第七题

1.I got up a little later than usual on Sunday morning. After washing and a quick breakfast,I started


going to town to buy the dictionary recommended by the teacher.At the school gate I saw Li ping and asked him if he was going to town too.he said that he was,so we decided to go together.All the buses were crowed, and we had to wait for a long time at the bus stop before we could get on one.An hour later,we got off the bus at a busy street where there were three bookstores.we went to the first one and didn't find the dictionary.In the second one we were told the dictionary had been sold out It was in the third that we bought the dictionary.After that Li Ping and I went to other stores where we bought various things.We returned to school just in time for lunch.

2.Ludwig van Beethoven,the major composer of the 19th century,overcome many personal problems to achieve artistic greatness.He was born in Bonn,Germany,in 1770,and first studied music with a court organist.His father,who was given to heavy drinking ,was excessively

strict.After his mother died,when he was a young man,he was named guardian of his two younger brothers.In 1782 he was appointed deputy court organist at a surprisingly early age,and he played the harpsichord and viola at the same time.In1792 he went to Vienna to study music under

Haydn.While remaining unmarried all his life,he was frequently troubled by financial worries.He was continually plagued by ill health.The worst happened in 1818 when an ear infection led to his deafness.However,his writing of music continued in spite of this handicap.Goethe said that Beethoven had an \discipline and control.


going to town to buy the dictionary recommended by the teacher.At the school gate I saw Li ping and asked him if he was going to town too.he said that he was,so we decided to go together.All the buses were crowed, and we had to wait for a long time at the bus stop before we could get on one.An hour later,we got off the bus at a busy street where there were three bookstores.we went to the first one and didn't find the dictionary.In the second one we were told the dictionary had been sold out It was in the third that we bought the dictionary.After that Li Ping and I went to other stores where we bought various things.We returned to school just in time for lunch.

2.Ludwig van Beethoven,the major composer of the 19th century,overcome many personal problems to achieve artistic greatness.He was born in Bonn,Germany,in 1770,and first studied music with a court organist.His father,who was given to heavy drinking ,was excessively

strict.After his mother died,when he was a young man,he was named guardian of his two younger brothers.In 1782 he was appointed deputy court organist at a surprisingly early age,and he played the harpsichord and viola at the same time.In1792 he went to Vienna to study music under

Haydn.While remaining unmarried all his life,he was frequently troubled by financial worries.He was continually plagued by ill health.The worst happened in 1818 when an ear infection led to his deafness.However,his writing of music continued in spite of this handicap.Goethe said that Beethoven had an \discipline and control.


