第十二讲 科技文本的英译

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第十二讲 科技文本的英译

科技文本:科学专著、科学论文、实验报告、工程技术说明、科技文献、科普文献等。 I. 科技文本的特点与英译原则

12.1 特点:用词严谨、准确,行文规范,逻辑严密,注重客观性,一般不带个人感情色彩。已经从ESP中形成一个分支:EST. 12.2 科技文本的英译原则


purely technical words:

nuclear physics: proton, neutron, electron, reactor, radioactivity.

semi-technical words:

fastener(建筑扣件), carrier(车床底座), gear switch, clamp(夹钳), spade.

non-technical words: vapourate, minimize, reciprocate 2)语法特点:



The house is under construction.

(The house is being constructed.)


The successful launching of China’s first experimental communication satellite, which was propelled by a three-stage rocket and has been in operation ever since, indicates that our nation has entered a new stage in the development of carrier rockets and electronics. 科技英语多使用陈述句


现决定将垂直测斜仪V15的钻孔作为初次试验, 以测试该施工方法的可行性。

We decided that we should use the drilling for vertical inclination V15 as a trial to test the feasibility of the construction method.

It has been decided that the drilling for vertical inclinometer v15 should be used initially to test the feasibility of the construction method.

科技英语的逻辑性强,英译时注意增添必要的衔接手段,以保证语义连贯。(汉语-意合,英语-形合), P172 3)语篇特点: 写作程式化 Format in writing: INTRODUCTION BODY


由介词短语与名词词组构成,首字母大写(OF, AT等简单词除外)。

集成电路用铜基引线框架材料的发展与展望 Development and Expectation of Copper-based Lead Frame Material Used in Integrated Circuit 论工业设计多元化的发展前景

On the Multidimensional Prospect of Industrial Design 从系统功能语法角度分析英文童话故事的语言特色—以《爱丽丝梦游仙境》为例

概念隐喻在政治语篇应用中的认知分析 III. 科技文本摘要的英译

英文论文摘要的内容包括研究目的、方法、结果与结论等主要信息, 关键词部分是论文摘要的重要组

成部分,一般有3-5个关键词,标示文献主要内容。 例如,摘要:人类语言的一个普遍现象为,将来时标记又进一步发展出表达各种认识情态的用法,具有估计、预测等主观功能。这一发展来自将来时标记的概念内容,因为将来时所指的是未发生的事件,人们对其判断往往具有很高的主观性。本文论述英语和汉语的有关现象,尝试对表面看起来纷繁复杂的现象做出简单一致的解释。

关键词:语法化, 将来时标记, 主观性, 认识情态 Abstract: It is cross-linguistically true that future tense markers tend to develop epistemic modality functions of evaluation and prediction. Based on Chinese and English data, this paper argues that the development is due to the conceptual structure of future tense markers. A future tense marker refers to an event in future, which involves subjectification.

Key words: grammatification, future tense markers, subjectification, epistemic modality


conceptual metaphor, discourse,

system-functional grammar

We should analyze the character of language in fairy tale by the system of functional grammar .now taking the “Alice is dreaming in fairy land” as the example.

An Analysis of the Linguistic feature of English Fairy Tales from the Perspective of System-functional Grammar----taking Alice in Wonderland as example.

Analysis of the linguistic characters of English fairy tale. ----set “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” as an example.

Analysis of the recognition of concept metaphor in political discourse.

Setting “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” as a example and from the system-functional’s view to analysis the language characters of the English fairy tale story.

The conception metaphor’s application in the context of political.

A Cognitive Analysis on the Application of Conceptual Metaphor in Political Discourse

Analyzing the linguistic characters of English tale story form the aspect of systematic functional grammer taking “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” as example

Analyzing concept metaphor in political discourse.

