兰州大学《大学英语(3)》16秋平时作业1 免费答案

更新时间:2023-09-21 00:59:01 阅读量: 自然科学 文档下载



一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。)

V 1. I spent several years in France, ______ I never learnt to speak French. A. for B. yet C. or D. Where


2. He always takes a ___________ with him to clean the windscreen of his car. A. garment

B. garment cloth C. clothing D. stuff


3. I really appreciate __________ to help me, but I am sure that I will be able to manage by myself. A. you to offer B. your offering C. that you offer

D. that you are offering 标准答案:B

4. ___________, a mechanic and farmer, Edward received an interest in practical science that stayed with him throughout his life. A. His father

B. From his father C. It was his father D. His father was 标准答案:B

5. In the last sentence of the second paragraph, the pronoun \\A. fitting our actions to those of other people appropriately B. identification of other people's statuses C. selecting one's own statuses D. selecting one's own statuses 标准答案:A

6. Truth will ____________ over falsehood, right over wrong. A. prevail B. advantage C. win D. earn


7. The government gave us permission to __________ with our building plans. A. go after B. go ahead


C. go for D. go off


8. . Mr. Morgan can be very sad ______ , though in public he is extremely cheerful. A. by himself B. in person C. in private D. as individual 标准答案:C

9. The engineers are planning to ______________ oil with some kind of material for the engine. A. substitute B. place C. replace D. instead


10. Finding a job in such a big company has always been _____ his wildest dreams. A. under B. over C. above D. beyond


11. —I really don’t know how to thank you enough. — . A. Noproblem

B. Thinknothingofit C. Withpleasure D. Gladtohearthat 标准答案:B

12. . He is somewhere _________ . A. in50yearsold B. inhisfifties C. infiftyyears D. inthefifty 标准答案:B

13. The paper parcel __________ a clean shirt, socks and a handkerchief A. composed B. comprised C. contained D. constituted 标准答案:C

14. Last night, before the exam, I went over the lessons_______I couldn’t keep my eyes open to stay awake any longer.


A. before B. until C. unless D. when


15. He behaves so rudely that Mary decided to __________ him. A. neglect B. careless C. ignore D. inquire


16. The sun is 93_________ away from the earth. A. millionmiles B. millionsmiles C. millionsmile

D. millionmilesbeing 标准答案:A

17. Certian layers of the atmosphere have special names _______________. A. which indicated their characteristic properties B. whose characteristic properties are indicating C. what characterize their indicated properties D. that indicate their characteristic properties 标准答案:D

18. A good newspaper publishes both ___________ and foreign news. A. diplomatic B. democratic C. domestic D. dramatic 标准答案:C

19. The price of that type of computer has been reduced _________ . A. on15percent B. bypercentof15 C. by15percent D. by15percents 标准答案:C

20. It took them_________ to finish the work. A. oneandahalfhours B. oneandahalfhour C. anhourandahalfhours D. oneandhalfhour 标准答案:A


