
更新时间:2023-05-06 09:22:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载






















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1. ---ihael was late fr r. Sith’s ral lass this rning.

--- _______? As far as I knw, he never es late t lass.

A. Hw e

B. hy nt . S what D. hat is it

2. ---an I help yu?

---I’d like t buy a present fr y father’s birthday, _______ at the prper prie but f great value.

A.ThatB .everything. neD. this

3. ---T has ade great prgress reently.

--- _______, and_______.

A.S he has; s have yu

B. S has he, s have yu

. S he has; s yu have`D. S has he; s yu have

4. He ade up his ind t devte all he had t_______ thse pr hildren.

A. help

B. helping. have helpedD. having helped

5. ---Hi, ary! It’s gd t see yu. Hw is everything ging?

--- _______.

A. That’s all right.

B. Nt t bad.. It’s nthing.D. Sunds gd.


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6. It was the first tie that the dtr _______ aking

a istake nerning the patient.

A. aditted

B. had aditted. has adittedD. wuld adit

7. _______ in the traffi a, I usually set ut at 7:00 in the rning fr he by ar..

A. T avid t be aught

B. T avid being aught

. Aviding being aughtD. Avid t be aught

8. ---ith his leg _______ in the gae, I’ afraid Tny an’t take part in the next ath.

---I _______ his he the ther day, and his u said he was still in hspital.

A. inuring; have ntated

B. being inured; have ntated

. t be inured; ntatedD. inured; ntated

9. A gd teaher ust______ t his students the iprtane

f a prper learnin

g ethd.

A. get arss

B. get thrugh. get awayD. get ver

10. The lypi Sprts enter _______at present in the ity and is said t be pen t the publi in 2019

A.is built

B. has built . is being builtD. will be built

11._______ ther untries, hina is abundant in natural resures.


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A. parewith

B. paring t. paringwithD. pared with


12. I wuld rather yu_______ at the ent s that we an hear the speeh.

13. I wuld rather _______ than g ut at the weekend.

A. keep quiet

B. kept quiet. stay at heD. yu stay at he.


14. e all hpe that yu an _______ a better plan than this ne.

15. The fire was finally _______ with the firefighter’s effrts.

A. put frward

B. put up. put ffD. put ut


Alst everything was fantasti in the ap exept fr a girl, Elizabeth. hen I saw her sitting alne in the ht sun at lunh, I asked her t eat with us under a 16 tree. Hwever, Elizabeth refused y kind 17 , hen we invited her t play vlleyball with us, Elizabeth 18 ur invitatin, t. After a few re 19 refusals like that, I 20 t stay away fr Elizabeth


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It 21 that we were ging n a hike and ur instrutr paired everyne up with a partner. 22 wh y partner turned ut t be. It was Elizabeth!

“hat d yu like t d fr fun?” I asked, trying t ake sall 23 as we started ut. “I like t 24 in peae and quiet,”Elizabeth 25 . S we had the quietest and st peaeful hike in the wrld 26 we saw a bird. “I think his wing is hurt. Pr little bird, Elizabeth said 27 . “He ight be taking a rest ver there.” I said. Elizabeth ndded. Then she whispered, “But what if hes in 28 , like y granddad?”“yur granddad? ”I said. “He 29 and brke his leg the day the ap started. Hes 30 in hspital and is in s uh pain,” Elizabeth explained. I ntied she was rying. “I srry fr what I have dne. Fr se reasn, whenever I get really sad, I at rudely and want t be 31 ,” she added “I get it,” I said. “I dnt always knw hw t 32 it when I feeling dwn, either. ”“Thanks, ”she said, wiping ff her 33 .

After that, Elizabeth seeed t get alng well with us, and I think she atually 34 the last few days f the ap.

Next tie, if sene is unfriendly, give hi a send 35 .


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aybe hes ging thrugh a tugh tie and ust desnt knw hw t deal with it

16. A. tall B. war . shady D. pretty

17. A. help B. suggestin . rder D. sybl

18. A. turned ver B. turned in . turned dwn D. turned ut

19. A. unfriendly B. unfair . unfit D. unertain

20. A. ipressed B. deided . pretended D. aditted

21. A. happened B. seeed . likely D. appeared

22. A. Suppse B. Survey . Disslve D. Guess

23. A. hanges B. adustent . exhanges D. talk

24. A. g B. walk . ai D. wrk

25. A. ented B. replied . plained D. insisted

26. A. until B. unless . thugh D. sine

27. A. frequently B. lukily . sadly D. ldly

28. A. pain B. silene . peae D. perissin

29. A. appreiated B. fell . lay D. pied

30. A. yet B. already . still D. ever

31. A. independent B. kind . unique D. alne

32. A. nentrate B. defend . handle D. reat

33. A. tears B. sweat . kisses D. fae

34. A. avided B. enyed . starved D. expanded


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35. A. try B. apprah . life D. hane




Passprt ntrl

If yu are arriving at Lndn Heathrw Airprt and are nt transferring t anther flight utside Britain r Nrthern Ireland, yu ust pass thrugh Passprt ntrl and usts iediately after leaving yur plane. If yu are nt Britain r a itizen f the Eurpean unity(欧共体),yu ust fill ut a speial fr befre yur passprt is exained. This fr is alled a landing ard and shuld be given t yu during the flight t Lndn.

After landing, fllw the ARRIVALS signs. ake sure yu are in the right hannel when yu reah Passprt ntrl. There is ne hannel fr hlders f Eurpean unity Passprts, and a send hannel arked “ther Passprts”.

Baggage Relai Area(取行李处)

After passing thrugh the Passprt ntrl, fllw the signs t the Baggage Relai Area. If yu have luggage whih


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is arried in the airraft hld, it will be delivered t yu in the Baggage Relai Area. Lk fr the sign with yur flight nuber. If yu have nly hand luggage, g diretly thrugh the Baggage Relai Area t the usts.


All passengers ust pass usts after Passprt ntrl. There is a hie f tw hannels: Green and Red. If yu have nthing t delare, g thrugh the Green hannel. If yu are nt sure abut yur Duty Free allwane(免税限额)r if yu have sething t delare, g thrugh the Red hannel. Infratin abut Duty Free allwane an fund n speial ntie – bards in the Baggage Relai Area. yu shuld study this infratin arefully whether yu are ging thrugh the Red hannel r nt. Please nte that if yu g thrugh the Green hannel, yu ay be stpped and asked t pen yur luggage fr inspetin.

36. All passengers arriving at Heathrw fr utside Britain________.

A. ust g thrugh either Passprt ntrl r ust

B. ust g thrugh usts, but nt Passprt ntrl

. ust g thrugh Passprt ntrl and usts

D. dn’t have t be exained

37. The underlined wrd “transferring”in


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paragraph 1.eans________.

A. exhanging

B. swithing . replaing D. turning

38. At Heathrw when reahing Passprt ntrl, _________.

A. all passengers g thugh the sae hannel

B. passengers f the Eurpean unity and thse fr ther untries g thrugh different hannels

. British peple and passengers fr ther untries g thrugh different hannels

D. All Eurpean passengers g thrugh the hannel

39. If yu have nly hand luggage,________ .

A. yu ay g thrugh the Baggage Relai Area t usts

B. yu shuld g thrugh the Baggage Relai Areas

. it isn’t neessary fr yu t g thrugh the Baggage Relai Area

D. it isn’t neessary fr yu t d anything

40. If yu have duty free gds, ________.

A. yu dn’t have t g thrugh the Green hannel

B. yu ay g thrugh the Green hannel

. yu ust g thrugh the Red hannel

D. yu shuld g thrugh bth Green and Red hannel


If ars had wings,they uld fly and that ust ight


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happen, beginning in 2018.The pany Terrafugia, based in burn, assahusetts, says it plans t deliver its ar-plane, the Transitin, t usters by the end f 2018.“It’s the next ‘ww’ vehile,”said Terrafugia vie president Rihard Gersh. “Anybdy an buy a Ferrari, but as we say, Ferraris dn’t fly.”

The ar plane has wings that unfld fr flying — a press the pany says takes ne inute — and fld bak up fr driving. A runway is still required t take ff and land.

The Transitin is being arketed re as a plane that drives than a ar that flies, althugh it is bth. The pany has been wrking with FAA t eet airraft regulatins, and with the Natinal Highway Traffi Safety Adinistratin t eet vehile safety regulatins.

The pany is aiing t sell the Transitin t private pilts as a re nvenient and heaper way t fly. They say it saves yu the truble fr trying t find anther de f transprtatin t get t and fr airprts: yu drive the ar t the airprt and then yu’re gd t g. hen yu land, yu fld up the wings and hit the rad. There are n expensive parking fees beause yu dn’t have t stre it at an airprt


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— yu park it in the garage at he.

The ar-plane is designed t fly priarily under 10,000 feet. It has a axiu takeff weight f 1,430 punds, inluding fuel and passengers. Terrafugia says the Transitin redues the ptential fr an aident by allwing pilts t drive under bad weather instead f flying int arginal(临界)nditins.

The Transitin’s prie tag: $194,000, But there ay be additinal harges fr ptins like a radi, transpnder r GPS. Anther ptin is a full-plane parahute.

“If yu get int a very awful situatin, it is the neessary safety ptin,” Gersh said.

S far, the pany has re than 70 rders with depsits.“ e’re wrking very lsely with the, but there are still se reaining steps,” Brwn said.

41. e an learn fr the first paragraph that .

A. ar-planes will be ppular in 2018

B. peple ight drive a ar-plane in 2018

. bth Transitin and Ferrari an take ff and land

D. Rihard Gersh is the vie president f assahusetts

42. lt takes the ar-plane ne inute t .

A. fld and unfld its wings

B. unfld wings fr flying


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. land in the airprt D. eet flying safety regulatins

43. Arding t the passage, whih f the fllwing is NT true?

A. The ar-plane needs a runway t take ff and land.

B. T eet airraft regulatins, the pany has been wrking with FAA.

. The ar-plane ay fly as high as nral planes.

D. Peple an park the ar-plane in the garage at their he.

44. The underlined wrd “it” in the last but ne paragraph refers t .

A. the radi

B. the transpnder . the GPS D. the full-plane parahute

45. hat’s the best title fr the passage?

A. ars ith ings ay Be ust Arund The rner.

B. hih t hse: A Ferraris r a ar Plane?

. A re nvenient and heaper ay t Fly.

D. ars ith ings an Fly as Fast as Planes.

aybe yu are aware that the latest b arkets news isn’t prising: Uneplyent is still re than 9 perent, and new b grwth has fallen lse t zer, whih is bad fr eny, f urse. And it ay be espeially disuraging if yu happen t be lking


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fr a b r hping t hange areers right nw. But it atually shuldn’t atter t yu nearly as uh as yu think.

That’s beause b grwth nubers dn’t atter t b hunters as uh as b turnver data. After all, existing bs pen up every day due t prtins, resignatins, terinatins, and retireents. In bth gd ties and bad, turnver reates re penings than eni grwth des. Even in une f 2007, when the eny was still falling alng, b grwth was nly 132,000, while turnver was 4.7 illin!

And as it turns ut, even tday — with b grwth near zer — ver 4 illin b hunters are being hired every nth.

I dn’t ean t iply that verall b grwth desn’t have an ipat n ne’s ability t land a b. It’s true that if ttal eplyent were higher, it wuld ean re bs fr all f us t hse fr. And it’s true that there are urrently re peple applying fr eah available b pening, regardless f whether it’s a new ne r nt.

But what ften distinguishes thse wh land bs fr thse wh dn’t is their ability t stay tivated. They’re willing t d the hard wrk f identifying their valuable skills; be reative abut where and hw t lk; learn hw t present theselves t ptential eplyers; and keep ging, even after


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repeated reetins. The Bureau f Labr Statistis data shwed that 2.7 illin peple wh wanted and were available fr wrk hadn’t lked fr a b within the last fur weeks and were n lnger even lassified as uneplyed.

S dn’t let the headlines fl yu int giving up. Fur illin peple get hired every nth in the U.S. yu an be ne f the.

46. The authr tends t believe that high uneplyent rate _______.

A. auses any peple t lse b pprtunities

B. shuld nt stp peple fr lking fr a b

. prevents any peple fr hanging areers

D. des nt ean the U.S. eny is wrsening

47. here d st b penings e fr?

A. b grwth.

B. Business expansin. . Iprved eny.D.

b turnver.

48. hat des the authr say abut verall b grwth?

A. It inreases peple’s nfidene in the eny.

B. It desn’t have uh effet n individual b seekers.

. It gives a ray f hpe t the uneplyed.

D. It desn’t ean greater b seurity fr the eplyed.

49. hat is the key t landing a b arding t the authr?


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A. Never giving up.

B. Being intelligent.. Being eduated. D. Being experiened.

50. hat d we learn fr the passage abut the uneplyent figures in the US?

A. They learly indiate hw healthy the eny is.

B. They prvide the publi with the latest infratin.

. They dn’t inlude thse wh have stpped lking fr a b.

D. They warn f the strutural prbles in the eny.


Great speakers are nt brn but ade. yu t an bee a gd speaker by taking up the publi speaking urses. Thse wh are inapable f speaking in frnt f the publi an’t e up in their life. The art f publi speaking ust be pratied by everybdy wh wants t reah great heights in their areer. A lt f publi speaking urses are available n the Internet. hsing the best urse that is right fr yu ay be diffiult but nt ipssible.

The basi tive f publi speaking urses shuld be t train yu t bee a publi speaker and iprve yur skills f delivering a publi speeh. The urse shuld first eduate yu with the priniples f publi speaking and tell yu hw


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t vere stress and anxiety. By vering fear, yu will be able t deliver yur presentatin learly t yur audiene.

A speaker an have a great influene n the audiene with his bdy language and yur publi speaking urse shuld tell yu the gestures n stage that an attrat the audiene. Nn-verbal uniatin als has a ar rle t play in delivering a speeh effetively t a grup. Thugh bdy language is iprtant, the ntent and the natural use f wrds are what the audiene are lsely aring abut. Publi speaking urses shuld give tips in using the right wrds at the right tie.

Even thugh yu have prepared well, the real suess f publi speaking lies in the way yur speeh is delivered. Publi speaking urses will train yu t present the ntents in a lively anner ipressing the audiene. yur presentatin shuld be prfessinal and stylish. yu an add hur r interative sessins (互动环节) t yur presentatin t gain the audiene attratin.

51. If yu want t bee a gd speaker, yu shuld______.

A. be brn an exellent ne

B. pratise speaking in publi

. attend all kinds f ursesD. ake a searh n the


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52. Fr the publi speaking urses yu an learn______.

A. the skills f listening t a publi speeh

B. the rules f attending a publi speeh

. the iprtane f yur presentatinD. hw t keep al while giving a speeh

53. yu an draw the audiene’s attentin t yur speeh by______.

A. using nn-verbal uniatin

B. getting rid f yur fear and nervusness

. fllwing the publi urseD. speaking in a lud vie

54. hat an be used t replae the underlined wrd “delivering” in Para 2?

A. transfring.

B. appreiating.. aking.D. having.

55. hih f the fllwing an be the best title fr this passage?

A. hat t lk fr in the publi speaking urses.

B. Se glden rules f giving a gd speeh.

. It is easy t find the speaking urses nline.

D. Se useful tips f delivering a publi speeh.


四、阅读表达(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)


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Every parent wants his r her hildren t grw up lving life. But we dn’t always knw hw t enurage this. Here are a few tips t help yu guide yur hild t a yful life.

Teah gratitude

Help yur hildren appreiate the everyday wnders f life by stpping what yu are ding and expressing thanks fr the ent. hether it is the hane t play ball in the park tgether, r wath a beautiful sunset, express gratitude and yur hild will fllw yur exaple. Dtrs say that when parents shw gratitude, their hildren grw up, re enthusiasti, yful, interested, and engaged in the wrld arund the.

Help yur hild handle frustratin

hen yur hild plains that he an’t d sething, like finishing a puzzle r tying his shes, dn’t try t nvine hi that he an. Rather, shw patiene and say, “That’s kay. There’s n rush. hen yu want t try again, let e knw.” The hild is then likely t e bak t the task, a few inutes later.

Fllw yur hild’s interests


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Happy peple are ften thse wh have astered a skill. Fr exaple, when yur hild praties thrwing a ball t yu, she learns fr her istakes, she learns persistene and disipline, and she experienes the y f sueeding due t her wn effrts. She als experienes the y f regnitin fr this aplishent. st iprtantly, she disvers she has se ntrl ver her life. This feeling f ntrl thrugh astery is an iprtant fatr in deterining adult happiness.

Teah yur hild t d eaningful things

As yur hild gets lder, teah her hw satisfying it an be t help thers. Researh shws that peple wh have eaning in their lives feel less depressed. rking fr a harity and helping thers an help ake life re eaningful. Even yung hildren an benefit fr this lessn. Even helping ut with siple husehld hres an help yur hild feel that she is aking a ntributin.

56. hat is the text ainly abut? (N re than 10 wrds)

57. In what situatin d hildren grw up re enthusiasti, yful, interested, and engaged in the wrld arund the? (N re than 8 wrds)

58. hat is the eaning f “There’s n rush” in the third paragraph? (N re than 8 wrds)


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59. hat is the st iprtant thing abut fllwing yur hild’s interests? (N re than 15wrds)

60. hy d yu teah yur hild hw satisfying it an be t help thers arding t the passage? (N re than 15 wrds)

五、单词拼写(共10 小题,每小题1 分,满分10分)(中档题)

61. Give these tikets t Alie and ary. They are__________(热心的)fans f that vie star.

62. T seeed __________(尴尬的)by the teaher’s questin and turned red.

63. Li ing is very ________(印象深刻的)with the teahers and the tehnlgy in his new shl.

64. He gt he at abut ten ’lk yesterday evening, ________(筋疲力尽)

65. i Siths adpted an _______ (被遗弃的)baby n a Deeber rning.

66. Enugh fd and ediine shuld be p________ fr peple in Afria.

67. Xiaen is suh a f________ ity that I’d like t visit it again in the future.

68. Salt an be d________ quikly after it is put int the water.


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69. hen he arrived at the tp f the untain, he was tired and ut f b________.

70. Students are nt p_______ t leave the dritry after ten ’lk in the evening.








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Dear headaster,

I’ writing t request yu t allw us t surf the Internet in the puter lassr.



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