Chapter 16 Motivating Employees(新)

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Chapter 16 Motivating Employees


1. Maslow argued that each level in the needs hierarchy must be substantially

satisfied before the next is activated.

(True; moderate; p. 454)

2. Lower-order needs are satisfied internally while higher-order needs are

predominantly satisfied externally.

(False; moderate; p. 454)

3. The two-factor theory is also called Theory X and Theory Y.

(False; easy; p. 455)

4. Herzberg believed that the data from his study suggested that the opposite of

satisfaction is dissatisfaction.

(False; moderate; p. 455)

(False; moderate; p. 456)

5. The best managers are high in the need for power and high in the need for


(False; difficult; p. 456)

6.Reinforcement theory is related to an individual’s belief that he or she is capable of performing a task.

(False; moderate; p. 460)

7.The key to reinforcement theory is that it ignores factors such as goals, expectations, and needs and focuses solely on what happens to a person when he or she takes some action.

8.Equity theory has three referent categories: other, system, and self.

(True; moderate; p. 465)

9.The three variables in Vroom’s expectancy theory are valence, instrumentality, and expectancy.

(True; moderate; p. 466)

10.Vroom would say that if a person values an outcome, his/her effort to obtain that outcome will always be great.

(False; moderate; 466)


For each of the following choose the answer that most completely answers the question.

1.We want employees to _______________ putting forth an effort to achieve organizational goals.

a. persist in

b. consider

c. stop

d. motivate others into

2.The drive to find food, drink, and sexual satisfaction is based on what level of need? a. physiological

b. safety

c. self-actualization

d. social

(a; moderate; p. 453)

3.An individual who wants to buy a home in an expensive neighborhood with a low crime rate is satisfying which need?

a. esteem

b. safety

c. physiological

d. self-actualization

(b; moderate; p. 453)

4.Within Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the need for belonging is associated with ______________.

a. physiological needs

b. safety needs

c. social needs

d. esteem needs

(c; easy; p. 453)

5.The need for such factors as status, recognition, attention, self-respect, autonomy, and achievement are examples of which of the following needs according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?

a. physiological

b. esteem

c. social

d. self-actualization

(b; moderate; p. 453)

6. Growth, achieving one’s potential, self-fulfillment, and the drive to become what one is capable of becoming are characteristics of which need according to Maslow’s hierarchy?

a. physiological

b. esteem

c. social

d. self-actualization

(d; moderate; p. 453)

7. Maslow argued that once a need is substantially satisfied, _______________. a. the next need becomes dominant

b. individuals no longer require that need

c. that need continues to motivate an individual

d. it becomes a higher-order need

(a; moderate; p. 454)

8. Which of the following is considered a lower-order need?

a. social

b. esteem

c. self-actualization

d. safety

(d; easy; p. 454)

9. ___________ assumes that employees have little ambition, dislike work, and avoid responsibility.

a. Theory Y

b. Theory X

c. Self-actualization Need Theory

d. Belongingness Need Theory

(b; moderate; p. 454)

10. Theory Y assumes that people inherently _____________.

a. want to belong more than anything else

b. avoid responsibility and need to be closely controlled

c. want to work and can exercise self-direction

d. work to satisfy hygiene factors

(c; moderate; p. 454)

11. According to Herzberg, when ___________ are adequate, people won't be dissatisfied, but they also will not be satisfied.

a. achievement needs

b. affiliation needs

c. power needs

d. hygiene factors

(d; moderate; p. 455)

12. According to Herzberg, in order to provide employees with job satisfaction, managers should concentrate on _____________.

a. hygiene factors

b. issues such as pay

c. motivator factors (moderate)

d. extrinsic factors

(c; moderate; p. 455)

13. A ______________ is any consequence immediately following a response that increases the probability that the behavior will be repeated.

a. goal

b. reinforcer

c. conclusion

d. job characteristics model

(b; moderate; p. 460)

14. According to reinforcement theory, rewards are effective if they ___________ a desired behavior.

a. precede

b. follow

c. coincide with

d. decrease

(b; moderate; p. 460)

15. Behavior that is not rewarded, or is punished, is _______________.

a. extinguished

b. not high on a list of priorities

c. unstructured

d. less likely to be repeated

(d; moderate; p. 460)

16. A theory that suggests that employees compare their inputs and outcomes from a job to the ratio of input to outcomes of relevant others is known as ______________.

a. action motivation

b. goal setting

c. reinforcement theory

d. equity theory

(d; moderate; p. 464)

17. a. effort

b. experience

c. pay level

d. education

(c; easy; p. 464)

18. In general, the research support for equity theory could be described as ______________.

a. strong

b. moderate

c. weak

d. inconclusive

(a; moderate; p. 465)

19. Which expectancy theory linkage explains the belief that having a high grade point average is critical in obtaining a good job?

a. instrumentality

b. expectancy

c. goal setting to achievement

d. valence

(a; difficult; p. 466)

20. The importance that an individual places on a potential outcome or reward that can be achieved on the job is known as _____________.

a. valence or attractiveness of reward

b. operant learning opportunity

c. effort performance linkage or expectancy

d. goal-setting behavior

(a; moderate; p. 466)


1.list and discuss the five needs that are based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory.


a. Physiological needs: food, drink, shelter, sexual satisfaction, and other

physical requirements.

b. Safety needs: security and protection from physical and emotional harm, as

well as assurance that physical needs will continue to be met.

c. Social needs: affection, belongingness, acceptance, and friendship.

d. Esteem needs: internal esteem factors such as self-respect, autonomy, and

achievement and external esteem factors such as status, recognition, and attention.

e. Self-actualization needs: growth, achieving one’s potential, and

self-fulfillment; the drive to become what one is capable of becoming.

2.Discuss the equity theory


Equity theory proposes that employees perceive what they get from a job situation (outcomes) in relation to what they put into it (inputs) and then compare their

inputs-outcomes ratios to those of relevant others. If an employee perceives his or her ratio to be equal to those of relevant others a state of equity exists. In other words, he or she perceives that the situation is fair. However, if the ratio is unequal, inequity exists and they view themselves as underrewarded or overrewarded. When inequities occur, employees attempt to do something about it.

