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- vhdl交通灯控制器设计推荐度:
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基于xilinx FPGA的VHDL交通
专业: 电子信息工程
一. 任务设计要求
① 设计一个十字路口交通信号灯的定时控制电路。要求红、绿灯按一定的规律亮和灭,
③ 对红、绿灯的运行时间要能比较方便的进行重新设置。
④ 对器件进行在系统编程和实验验证。
二. 系统设计
由系统设计原理图,我以清楚地将系统分为六个模块:分频模块,时间设置模块,状态转换模块,时间计算模块,LED流水灯模块,LCD显示模块。 1)分频模块
由于任务设计要求可以对主干道,支干道上左转、绿灯运行的时间进行重新设置调整,所以要对系统进行参数化设计。首先引入一组参数,main_gh,main_gl,main_lh,main_ll,branch_gh,branch_gl,branch_lh,branch_ll(下划线后面的字母分别取green,left,high,low首字母).需要置数时,首先选择对主干道还是支干道时间置数,这里设置一个main_or_branch参数,当main_or_branch为高时设置支干道时间,为低时设置主干道时间。置数时,通过s_set_button,l_set_button对时间进行设置,具体方法参见代码。为了置数方便,引入一个add_or_decent参数,低电平时按下button可以增计数,高电平时按下可以减计数。 3)状态转换模块
状态转化模块是整个系统的核心模块它控制整个交通灯系统的状态变化,整个过程划分为四个基本状态:主干道绿灯、主干道左转、支干道绿灯、支干道左转,用state、s_or_l为00、01、10、11来代表。每当一个状态的计数器为00时,state、s_or_l发生改变,以实现状态间的转换,进而控制交通灯的变化。 4)时间计算模块
这次设计中扩展了左转向的功能,因此红灯时间不仅仅是另一干道的直行时间,而是直行时间和左转时间之和。 5)LCD显示模块
其中 1表示亮,0表示灭。如表3-1 所示。
由上表可得到: main_green <= NOT(state) AND NOT(s_or_l) AND (NOT((flash AND clk))); main_left <= NOT(state) AND s_or_l AND (NOT((flash AND clk))); main_red <= state;
branch_green <= state AND NOT(s_or_l) AND (NOT((flash AND clk))); branch_left <= state AND s_or_l AND (NOT((flash AND clk))); branch_red <= NOT(state);
任务设计开发板基于Spartan3E板,具体输入输出设定如下: 1)输入:
开关:main_or_branch:设置主干道还是支干道 EN: 使能信号 run_or_set: 设置运行模式还是时间设置模式 add_or_decent: 置数模式:增加或者减少 按键:s_set_button: 直行时间设置按键 l_set_button: 左转时间设置按钮 时钟:clk 2)输出:
LCD显示屏:分别显示当前亮灯的剩余秒数 LED灯:main_green,main_red,main_left
S0状态:主干道绿灯、支干道红灯 S1状态:主干道左转、支干道红灯 S2状态:支干道绿灯、主干道红灯 S3状态:支干道左转、主干道红灯
? 分频模块代码
? LED模块代码
? LCD模块代码
library IEEE;
entity LCD is port( clk : in STD_LOGIC; rst_n : in STD_LOGIC; counter_play1h, counter_play1l : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0); counter_play2h, counter_play2l : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
--degree1, degree2 : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0); SF_D : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0); LCD_E, LCD_RS, LCD_RW: out STD_LOGIC ); end LCD;
architecture behavior of LCD is type tx_sequence is (high_setup, high_hold, oneus, low_setup, low_hold, fortyus, done);
signal tx_state : tx_sequence := done; signal tx_byte : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal tx_init : std_logic := '0'; type init_sequence is (idle, fifteenms, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, done);
signal init_state : init_sequence := idle; signal init_init, init_done : std_logic := '0'; signal i : integer range 0 to 750000 := 0; signal i2 : integer range 0 to 2000 := 0; signal i3 : integer range 0 to 82000 := 0; signal SF_D0, SF_D1 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal LCD_E0, LCD_E1 : std_logic; signal mux : std_logic;--???? type display_state is (init, function_set, entry_set, set_display, clr_display, pause, set_addr,
signal cur_state : display_state := init; begin --LED <= tx_byte; --for diagnostic purposes --SF_CE0 <= '1'; --disable intel strataflash LCD_RW <= '0'; --write only --The following \ --when to transmit a command/data and when not to with cur_state select tx_init <= '0' when init | pause , '1' when others; --control the bus with cur_state select
mux <= '1' when init, '0' when others;
--control the initialization sequence with cur_state select init_init <= '1' when init,
'0' when others; --register select with cur_state select
LCD_RS <= '0' when function_set|entry_set|set_display|clr_display|set_addr, '1' when others; --what byte to transmit to lcd
--refer to datasheet for an explanation of these values
with cur_state select
tx_byte <= \ -- ??????? \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ --main state machine
display: process(clk, rst_n) begin if(rst_n='0') then cur_state <= function_set; elsif(clk='1' and clk'event) then case cur_state is --refer to intialize state machine below when init => if(init_done = '1') then cur_state <= function_set; else cur_state <= init; end if; --every other state but pause uses the transmit state machine
when function_set => if(i2 = 2000) then cur_state <= entry_set; else cur_state <= function_set; end if;
when entry_set => if(i2 = 2000) then cur_state <= set_display; else cur_state <= entry_set; end if;
when set_display => if(i2 = 2000) then cur_state <= clr_display; else cur_state <= set_display; end if;
when clr_display => i3 <= 0; if(i2 = 2000) then cur_state <= pause; else cur_state <= clr_display; end if; when pause => if(i3 = 82000) then cur_state <= set_addr; i3 <= 0; else cur_state <= pause; i3 <= i3 + 1; end if;
when set_addr => if(i2 = 2000) then cur_state <= max_degree_1; else cur_state <= set_addr; end if;
when max_degree_1 => if(i2 = 2000) then cur_state <= max_degree_2; else
cur_state <= max_degree_1; end if;
when max_degree_2 => if(i2 = 2000) then cur_state <= blank1; else cur_state <= max_degree_2; end if; when blank1 => if(i2 = 2000) then cur_state <= temperature_1; else cur_state <= blank1; end if;
when temperature_1 => if(i2 = 2000) then cur_state <= temperature_2; else cur_state <= temperature_1; end if;
when temperature_2 => if(i2 = 2000) then cur_state <= blank2; else cur_state <= temperature_2; end if; when blank2 => if(i2 = 2000) then cur_state <= degree_1; else cur_state <= blank2; end if;
when degree_1 => if(i2 = 2000) then cur_state <= degree_2; else cur_state <= degree_1; end if;
when degree_2 => if(i2 = 2000) then cur_state <= blank3; else cur_state <= degree_2; end if;
when blank3 => if(i2 = 2000) then cur_state <=set_addr ; else cur_state <= blank3; end if; end case; end if; end process display; with mux select SF_D <= SF_D0 when '0', --transmit SF_D1 when others; --initialize with mux select LCD_E <= LCD_E0 when '0', --transmit LCD_E1 when others; --initialize --specified by datasheet transmit : process(clk, rst_n, tx_init) begin if(rst_n='0') then tx_state <= done; elsif(clk='1' and clk'event) then case tx_state is when high_setup => --40ns LCD_E0 <= '0'; SF_D0 <= tx_byte(7 downto 4); if(i2 = 2) then tx_state <= high_hold; i2 <= 0; else tx_state <= high_setup; i2 <= i2 + 1; end if; when high_hold => --230ns LCD_E0 <= '1'; SF_D0 <= tx_byte(7 downto 4); if(i2 = 12) then tx_state <= oneus; i2 <= 0; else tx_state <= high_hold; i2 <= i2 + 1; end if; when oneus => LCD_E0 <= '0';
if(i2 = 50) then tx_state <= low_setup; i2 <= 0; else tx_state <= oneus; i2 <= i2 + 1; end if;
when low_setup => LCD_E0 <= '0'; SF_D0 <= tx_byte(3 downto 0); if(i2 = 2) then tx_state <= low_hold; i2 <= 0; else tx_state <= low_setup; i2 <= i2 + 1; end if;
when low_hold => LCD_E0 <= '1'; SF_D0 <= tx_byte(3 downto 0); if(i2 = 12) then tx_state <= fortyus; i2 <= 0; else tx_state <= low_hold; i2 <= i2 + 1; end if;
when fortyus => LCD_E0 <= '0'; if(i2 = 2000) then tx_state <= done; i2 <= 0; else tx_state <= fortyus; i2 <= i2 + 1; end if; when done => LCD_E0 <= '0'; if(tx_init = '1') then tx_state <= high_setup; i2 <= 0; else tx_state <= done; i2 <= 0;
end if; end case; end if;
end process transmit; --specified by datasheet
power_on_initialize: process(clk, rst_n, init_init) --power on initialization sequence begin if(rst_n='0') then init_state <= idle; init_done <= '0'; elsif(clk='1' and clk'event) then case init_state is when idle => init_done <= '0'; if(init_init = '1') then init_state <= fifteenms; i <= 0; else init_state <= idle; i <= i + 1; end if; when fifteenms => init_done <= '0'; if(i = 750000) then init_state <= one; i <= 0; else init_state <= fifteenms; i <= i + 1; end if; when one => SF_D1 <= \ LCD_E1 <= '1'; init_done <= '0'; if(i = 11) then init_state<=two; i <= 0; else init_state<=one; i <= i + 1; end if; when two => LCD_E1 <= '0'; init_done <= '0';
if(i = 205000) then init_state<=three; i <= 0; else init_state<=two; i <= i + 1; end if; when three => SF_D1 <= \ LCD_E1 <= '1'; init_done <= '0'; if(i = 11) then init_state<=four; i <= 0; else init_state<=three; i <= i + 1; end if; when four => LCD_E1 <= '0'; init_done <= '0'; if(i = 5000) then init_state<=five; i <= 0; else init_state<=four; i <= i + 1; end if; when five => SF_D1 <= \ LCD_E1 <= '1'; init_done <= '0'; if(i = 11) then init_state<=six; i <= 0; else init_state<=five; i <= i + 1; end if; when six => LCD_E1 <= '0'; init_done <= '0'; if(i = 2000) then init_state<=seven;
i <= 0; else init_state<=six; i <= i + 1; end if; when seven => SF_D1 <= \ LCD_E1 <= '1'; init_done <= '0'; if(i = 11) then init_state<=eight; i <= 0; else init_state<=seven; i <= i + 1; end if; when eight => LCD_E1 <= '0'; init_done <= '0'; if(i = 2000) then init_state<=done; i <= 0; else init_state<=eight; i <= i + 1; end if; when done => init_state <= done; init_done <= '1'; end case; end if; end process power_on_initialize; end behavior;
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