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一、感谢信....................................................................................................................................... 2 二、祝贺信....................................................................................................................................... 6 三、邀请信....................................................................................................................................... 9 四、道歉信..................................................................................................................................... 16 五、慰问信..................................................................................................................................... 18 六、吊唁信..................................................................................................................................... 21 七、约见信..................................................................................................................................... 24 八、请求信..................................................................................................................................... 27 九、投诉信..................................................................................................................................... 32 十、询问信..................................................................................................................................... 35 十一、申请信 ................................................................................................................................. 39 十二、介绍信和推荐信 ................................................................................................................. 43 十三、订购信和预订信 ................................................................................................................. 51



当收到邀请、接待、祝贺、慰问、礼品、帮助等等时,都应该及时写信致谢, 以示礼貌。信中使用的语言要恳切,感情要真挚。通常在信中要提及对方的 招待如何周到,对方的礼物如何珍贵,对方的帮助如何重要,等等。


1)This is to thank you again for your wonderful hospitality. 再次感谢你的盛情款待。

2)It is generous of you to take so much interest in my work. 你对我的工作如此关心,谢谢你的厚爱。

3)It was very kind of you to send me the beautiful album of photographs which arrived today. I really don’t know how to thank you enough. 今天收到你送我的精美相册,你太客气了。我真不知如何才能充分表 达我的谢意。

4)I am much obliged to you for your kind note after my health. 承蒙来信,关心我的健康状况,谨表谢意。

5)We acknowledge with gratitude your message of good wishes. 我们衷心感谢你的良好祝愿。

6)I can’t sufficiently express my thanks for your thoughtful kindness.


7)Thank you very much for your lovely dress which came this morning.


8)Thank you for doing me a real favour. 谢谢你对我的真心帮助。

9)I thank you for your kind inquiries after my mother. 谢谢你对我母亲健康状况的关心。

10)Many thanks for remembering my birthday. 谢谢你对我生日的祝贺。

11)Thanks for your kind and warm letter. 谢谢你热情、友好的来信。

12)I can’t tell you how much your letter delighted me. 读了你的来信,我无法表达我高兴的心情。

13)I was delighted to have the beautiful tea set you sent me. It was very kind of you.


14)Thank you again for the trouble you have taken. The material you are studying is compiled by professor Gong Dongfeng. 麻烦之处,再次向你表示感谢。


(1) 感谢款待

Dear Mrs. Grant,

I just had to write and thank you for a most enjoyable weekend. Joe’s party on Saturday and the picnic at Hadow on Sunday made it a weekend to remember. It was all great fun. I did enjoy seeing

everyone again.

Thank you for your kindness in inviting me to stay overnight on the Saturday and for looking after me as well. I am very grateful. With best wishes.

Sincerely yours, Li Ming

Dear Mary,

Thank you very much for the wonderful holiday vacation I spent with you and your family. Your mother is such a terrific cook! I think I must have gained 10 pounds in just the week I spent with you. I really appreciate your taking time off from work to take me around and show me so many places. You are lucky to live in such an interesting area. I hope that soon you will be able to visit my part of the country. Thank you again for the wonderful time. Let’s keep in touch.

Yours, Li Ming

(2) 谢赠礼品 ①

Dear Zhang Ming, I don’t know how to thank you for the English-Chinese dictionary which arrived this morning. It was such a happy surprise. I’ve been longing for one for a long time. It is just what I need. Now I don’t have to go to the library every time I need to find out certain words and expressions in English. I can refer to it any time at home. It means such convenience to my study and research work.

It was very kind of you to send me this valuable gift. I appreciate it more than I can say.

Sincerely yours, Li Ming

Dear Ying,

Thank you very much for the painting of “Garden in the South”. John and I have been looking for paintings since we moved to the new house, but we couldn’t find exactly what we wanted, and we were a bit disappointed every time we came home from visits to Culture Street downtown. Then your lovely gift arrived on Thursday. We hung it up immediately. Do come over in the coming spring break and see for yourself how beautifully it complements the sitting-room color scheme.

Again thanks for taking the time and the trouble to get us just the right thing. We love it.

Affectionately, Li Ming

(3) 感谢帮助

Dear Emily,

When I first came to this town, I was a perfect stranger. The streets and shops puzzled me so much that I did not have the courage to go out of doors. It is your valuable guidance that has enabled me to go about the town without getting lost. I thank you very much for your kindness. Our school will reopen the day after tomorrow, so I will not be able to call on you this week, but I’ll see you on the coming Sunday.

Yours, Li Ming

(4) 感谢探望

Dear Nancy,

Now that I’m able to write again, I want to thank you for

the lovely flowers. They helped cheer me up on several gloomy days, not only because they added color to the room but because they reminded me of a good friend’s thoughtfulness.

The nurse put them in a pretty vase and said that flowers had more scents than people. As for me, I like both flowers and people like you.

Affectionately, Li Ming

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 二、祝贺信

1. 概说

写好祝贺信(letter of congratulations)的关键是要及时。一收到亲戚 朋友结婚、生育、晋升、试验成功或著作出版等喜讯,就立即发信。此 外,逢圣诞节、新年等节日和生日,也要向亲友和单位致以祝贺。祝贺 信的用词要亲切,信中要充满真诚的喜悦之情,并且一定要写清楚祝贺 对方的事情。正式的祝贺信用词严谨,常常使用套语。

2. 常用语句

1)May you enjoy good health and long life. 祝您健康长寿。

2)May your session be a complete success. 祝会议圆满成功。

3)Congratulations on your success. 欣闻成功,谨致祝贺。

4)Congratulations and all good wishes! 祝贺您,并致以良好的祝愿!

5)Please accept our sincere wishes for Christmas and the New Year.


6)It’s wonderful to know that you have achieved the goal you set for yourself.


7)We are delighted to learn that you have passed the examination.


8)I am glad to hear that you have got your promotion. 听到你晋升的消息,我为你高兴。

9)It is with great pleasure that we send our congratulations and best wishes on the occasion of your graduation from the university.


10)We take the opportunity to wish you and Mr. White happiness on your recent marriage. The material you are studying is compiled by professor Gong Dongfeng. 值此新婚之际,祝你和怀特先生幸福。

3. 范文示例

(1) 祝贺毕业

Dear David,

Having heard that you have graduated with honor from Harvard University, I hasten to offer you my hearty congratulations. I am sure that your success this time is the fore-runner of many

others, because you never feel self-sufficient in your studies. How happy I shall be when I see you come back a fine scholar with much learning to benefit our countrymen.

Yours, Li Ming

(2) 祝贺学业成功

Dear Francis,

I think it is absolutely marvelous that you have passed your final examination. I’m sure I don’t know where you get all the brains.

It was so thrilling to see your name in print in today’s school paper. It really is a wonderful achievement. Medicine is such a worthwhile profession. I am always overcome with admiration for those who dedicate their lives to healing the sick.

Do call in and see us soon. I am so proud of my brilliant friend. Many congratulations once again on your magnificent effort. Yours sincerely, Li Ming

(3) 祝贺获奖

Dear Dr. Welson,

Please accept my warmest congratulations on your winning the Gold Star Prize. You have long distinguished yourself in biology and it must be a very great satisfaction to you to have your work recognized. May the future bring you even greater recognition of your noble service to mankind.

Yours sincerely, Li Ming

(4) 祝贺提升

Dear Dr. Anderson,

I was very pleased to hear that you were promoted to be chairman of the Department of Education. Please accept my warm congratulations.

For many years you have worked tirelessly for the cause of education. Your winning the position shows that your splendid service is recognized by all. I am sure that under your guidance, the school will make even greater contributions to the educational cause in future. I wish you every success in your future career.

Yours sincerely, Li Ming

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 三、邀请信

1. 概说

邀请信(letter of invitation)的特点是简短、热情,信的内容要说 明邀请的原因、活动的时间和地点。

收到邀请信后,通常应立即答复,表示接受或谢绝,以示礼貌。 接受邀请的信应包括以下内容:感谢对方的邀请,愉快地接受对方的 邀请,表达期待赴约的心情。

谢绝邀请的信要写得明了,文字要婉转,使邀请人看后不会感到“却” 情。谢绝信应包括以下内容:首先感谢对方的盛情,并对不能应邀表示遗 憾,然后简述自己不能出席的原因,最后表示希望以后有机会见面或向邀 请人致以问候。

2. 常用语句


1)We are wondering if you can dine with us on the coming Friday. 我们想知道本周五你能否与我们共进晚餐。

2)I have asked a few friends to come for a get-together on Sunday, will you join us?


3)Would you come round for a drink next Saturday at about six o’ clock?


4)We are having a Christmas party for a few friends at seven o’clock on Monday, December 25th. We would be very pleased if you could come.

我们将于12月25日(周一)晚7点时邀请一些朋友参加圣诞晚会。如你能来 助兴,我们将非常高兴。

5)Could you come and spend a week here sometime in June? We would love to have you. 你能否于6月份来我们这里小住一周?我们非常高兴和你在一起。

6)Would you and David be able to join us for lunch at the Rose Restaurant at 12:30 next Thursday? 请您与戴维于下周四12点半到玫瑰餐厅和我们共进午餐,不知是否方便?

7)Would you care to come for a picnic with us next Saturday? We could meet you at your house at 10:00 a.m. and then go off together. 你能来参加我们下周六的野餐吗?我们可以在上午10点到你家,然后一起出发。

8)Would you like to go and see a football match with me next Sunday afternoon? I could pick you up at your house at about 2 p. m., if you could. The material you are studying is compiled by professor Gong Dongfeng.

你能在下周日下午与我一起去看足球赛吗?如果你能去的话,我将在下午两点 左右开车去你家接你。


1)Mr. and Mrs. Black thank Mr. and Mrs. White for their kind invitation to dinner on March 8th, at Parkinson Restaurant, which they have much pleasure in accepting.

布莱克夫妇感谢怀特夫妇邀请他们出席3月8日在帕金森餐厅的晚宴,承 蒙邀请,深感荣幸。

2)It gives me much pleasure to accept your kind invitation to lunch on September 10th at Teacher’s Club. I’ll be there at 12:30. 非常愉快地接受你的邀请——9月10日在“教师俱乐部”共进午餐。我将在中 午12点半到达。

3)Ms. Robins has much pleasure in accepting the invitation to the dinner reception/buffet dinner/cocktail party to be held on the coming Wednesday evening, but owing to an earlier engagement, will be a little late.

罗宾斯女士十分愉快地接受邀请,她将出席本周三晚上举行的晚餐招待会/冷 餐会/鸡尾酒会。但因另有约会在前,将晚到片刻。

4)It is very kind of you to invite me for the weekend of October 4th and I would love to come. 蒙您盛情邀请我于10月4日共度周末,我将非常高兴地参加。

5)Mr. and Mrs. Jones accept with pleasure the kind invitation of Mr. and Mrs. Davis to the marriage of their daughter, Margaret, on 14th July.

琼斯夫妇愉快地接受戴维斯夫妇的盛情邀请,于7月14日出席其爱女玛格丽 特的婚礼。

6)Thank you very much for the invitation to your tea party on 15th November. We would love to come.


7)Nothing would give us greater pleasure than to accept your kind invitation. The material you are studying is compiled by professor Gong Dongfeng.



1)I regret that sickness in my family prevents me from being present on the day in question. 由于家人生病,届时不能出席,甚为抱歉。

2)I regret that pressure of business prevents me from doing so. 因公务繁忙不能出席,十分抱歉。

3)Please accept my sincere regret at not being able to join the dinner party.

由于不能参加晚宴,请接受我诚挚的歉意。 4)I only wish I could be with you, but unfortunately I have classes that evening. 我多么愿意同你们在一起,但遗憾的是那天晚上我有课。

5)Mr. and Mrs. Brown thank Mr. Green for his kind invitation to dinner on June 7th, but regret that, unfortunately they are unable to accept owing to a previous engagement for the same evening. 布朗夫妇感谢格林先生拟于6月7日共进晚餐的盛情邀请,但因事先另有约 会,实难遵命,深感遗憾。 6)I appreciate very much your kind invitation for this Saturday but it is with sincere regret that I find that I have another engagement on that day.

对你本周六的盛情邀请不胜感激,但因另有约会,届时不能出席,为此深 表遗憾。

7)I am sorry to tell you that I shall not be able to come to dinner on Friday, 12th May, because I am leaving town on urgent

business this Thursday morning and will not be back until 15th. 十分抱歉,我不能应邀于5月12日(周五)同您共进晚餐。因有紧急公务, 我将于周四早晨离开本市,15日才能回来。

8)I am very sorry that I shall not now be able to join you in the picnic because I’m not feeling well today. The material you are studying is compiled by professor Gong Dongfeng. 我由于今天不大舒服,所以不能参加你们的野餐,非常遗憾。


1)I am sorry, but I have to go away on business tomorrow, so I am afraid I am having to postpone our dinner party to Wednesday, 20 September, at the same hour. I do hope you can still come, and very much regret any inconvenience the postponement may cause you.

非常遗憾,由于我明天要临时出差,只好将原定的晚餐会日期改在9月 20日(周三),时间不变。希望到时您仍能出席,并对因此而产生的 不便表示歉意。

2)I very much regret to inform you that my father has to go into hospital for a minor operation because of an injury resulting from a traffic accident. Therefore he has to cancel his

invitation to you to dinner on Monday May 2nd for the time being. The material you are studying is compiled by professor Gong Dongfeng.

非常遗憾地通知您,我父亲由于在交通事故中受伤,必须住院进行一次小 手术。因此,他原先向您发出的5月2日(周一)晚宴邀请只好暂时取消。

3. 范文示例

(1) 邀请参加告别晚会

Dear Mrs. Wilson,

Mrs. Amy Taylor will leave for the United States shortly. We

have the pleasure in inviting you to join us in a Farewell Party which is to take place at 7:00-9:00 p. m. on Sunday, Feb. 20, 2008, at the Diamond Club.Looking forward to the pleasure of seeing you.

Yours, Li Ming

(2) 邀请庆祝乔迁新居

Dear Jane,

If you have no other plans for Sunday, March 18th, would you like to come to our house-warming party?

All the students on our course are coming. Mr. Moore and Miss Lewis from the English Section are also joining us. And we shall be very pleased if you could manage to come. The party is at 6:30 p. m.. We shall expect you then if we don’t hear from you to the contrary. Yours sincerely, Li Ming

(3) 接受邀请 Dear Tom,

How nice of you to ask me to lunch on Thursday, August the fourth. It is about three months now since I saw you last and I am very glad of the opportunity to hear Thomas talk about his business trip in Russia after so much had happened in that country.

Thanks for asking me. I will be seeing you promptly at one o’clock.

Yours sincerely, Li Ming

(4) 谢绝邀请

Dear Bob,

I wish I could accept your invitation and get together with you and our friends on Friday, July the seventh.

As you know I have been preparing for the TOEFL test, which is to be given at two o’clock, July the seventh and it will not be over until 5 o’clock in the afternoon.

I do appreciate your asking me and I am very sorry to miss being with you. I hope I will be seeing you soon.

Sincerely yours, Li Ming ②

Dear Julia,

Jean and I wish we could have dinner with you on Tuesday, July the sixteenth, but we find we’ll not be able to come. We do want very much to see you all and hear Mr. Roosevelt talk about his personal experience in America, which I have been planning to visit.

As you know the semester is coming to an end and a lot of students are pouring into the Computer Center to do their preparations for the final exams. We do not close until 10 o’clock in the evening.

Thanks so much for asking us. I know we’ll be missing a wonderful time. We feel very sorry to be prevented from joining you all!

Cordially, Li Ming



1. 概说

假如由于你的过失或疏忽引起别人的不快,给别人带来麻烦和损失, 那你就必须赔礼道歉。道歉信(letter of apology)常分两个部分。一 部分为道歉本身,常用“对不起”、“恐怕”、“抱歉”等词语;另一 部分为简短的解释或理由。具体注意以下几点:假如你有理由,就写上 几句解释;要是没有丝毫理由,就应该诚恳地致歉,承认错误,表示悔 改之意,并保证以后不再发生类似情况;要主动提出赔偿或修理。信要 写得及时、诚恳,有解决问题的合作态度。

2. 常用语句

1)Excuse me for my being absent. 请原谅我未能出席。

2)I’m rather ashamed for failing to keep up our correspondence. 很久没给你写信,十分惭愧。

3)I’m sorry I couldn’t write earlier. 对不起,我未能及早复信。

4)We are very sorry not to be able to give you a definite reply in regard to the above matter. 很遗憾,我们没有给予明确答复。

5)Please accept our apologies. 请接受我们的歉意。

6)We greatly regret that we have caused you such an inconvenience. 我们给你带来如此不便,非常遗憾。

7)We regret not being able to assist you for the time being. 我们目前暂时无法帮助你,深表遗憾。

8)I hope you will accept my sincere apologies. 希望你接受我真诚的道歉。

9)I’m awfully sorry that I failed to meet you at the bus-stop yesterday afternoon. I didn’t know that my watch had stopped. Please forgive me. The material you are studying is compiled by professor Gong Dongfeng.


3. 范文示例 (1) 因失约致歉

Dear Selma,

My face has been red all morning! How can I apologize for missing our luncheon date yesterday? You know my mind has been on Margie’s wedding. I was so absorbed in the details of the reception that I completely forgot about our date. Please forgive me. Let’s make it next Tuesday. I promise to tie a string around my finger so I won’t forget.

Affectionately, Li Ming

(2) 因拖延归还物品致歉

Dear Lee,

Excuse me for my long delay in returning to you your Understanding and Using English Grammar which I read through with great interest. I had finished reading the book and was about to return it when a friend of mine came to see me. Never having seen the book, he was so interested in it that I had to retain it longer. However, I hope that in view of the additional delight thus afforded by your book, you will overlook my negligence in not returning it sooner.

Thanking you for the loan.

Yours truly, Li Ming

(3) 因失物致歉

Dear Laura,

I’m afraid we can’t go to the concert on Sunday. I’ve lost the tickets. I looked for them everywhere but they simply disappeared. I must apologize for being so careless. I’ll try to get hold of two tickets again for some other nights. Which date will be suitable for you?

I’m sorry for causing all this inconvenience. I hope you are not too angry.

Yours truly, Li Ming

------------------------------------------------------------------------ 五、慰问信

1. 概说 亲戚、朋友若遇到了不愉快或不幸的事,就希望能收到热情洋溢、表 示同情和慰问的信。慰问信(letter of consolation)要表示关怀或提供 帮助,写信的口吻根据当时的环境而定。向对方表示慰问,不一定都要 调子低沉,应该充分表示出热情和友谊,能充分理解别人所处的困境。 信要写得及时,辞句要朴素,感情要真挚。

2. 常用短句

1)I am anxious to know how you are getting on. 现况如何,甚为挂念。

2)If I can be of any assistance to you, do not hesitate to let me know.


3)We are sure it won’t be long before you’re back on your feet again.


4)I was surprised to learn from today’s papers that a severe typhoon passed over your hometown recently. I hope that your house did not suffer any damage.

从今日报纸上获悉,你的家乡最近遭遇严重的台风,不胜惊恐。愿你的 住所未遭损坏。

5)I was extremely sorry to hear of the fire which destroyed your house. I hasten to offer my sympathy. 获悉你的住所在火灾中被毁,极为遗憾。对你的遭遇深表同情。

6)I just can’t tell you how sorry I was to learn of your accident. I hope you weren’t badly injured and that you’ ll soon be all right again.


7)I have just heard, with sincere regret, of your illness,

and write to express my sympathy and most earnest good wishes for your speedy recovery. 刚刚得知你生病的消息,极为难过。现写此信,表示我的慰问和最真挚 的祝愿,祝你早日恢复健康。

8)I was sorry to hear that you were not successful in getting an admission to the Teacher’s College, Columbia University. I wish you better luck next time.


9)I’m grieved to hear of the breaking off of your marriage. I know well what you must be feeling. Please accept my sincere sympathy. The material you are studying is compiled by professor Gong Dongfeng.


3. 范文示例

(1) 慰问友人落榜

Dear Bill,

What a shocking news to me when I was told by Tammy that you could not pass the entrance examination. This means you have to wait for another year to take the next examination. I quite

understand how you feel now. But there are many chances that you can try. I hope that you will not take this to heart, and will get ready to try again. I am sure you will easily succeed next time.

Yours, Li Ming

(2) 慰问友人生病

Dear Joe,

James and I are extremely sorry to hear of your illness.

Everyone in our group is thinking of you and they have taken over that position of the work assigned to you.

We understand that you will be hospitalized for a week or two. I have asked Harry to take a novel to you. It is on the best-seller list of the week. I hope you will find it interesting to while away the time with. Hurry up and get well again. We all hope to see you up and about, and your smile face soon.

As ever, Li Ming

(3) 慰问遭遇灾祸的友人

Dear Mr. Martin,

I am very sorry to learn from the newspaper that a fire broke out in your street yesterday afternoon, and your house was burnt down. I am very anxious to know how you and your family are. I shall be very much delighted if I can be of any service to you. Yours sincerely, Li Ming

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 六、吊唁信

1. 概说

吊唁信(letter of condolence)是社交活动中最难写的信。这类信主要是表 示对死者的哀悼和怀念,给对方以真挚的安慰和问候。信要写得及时,用词 要朴素,感情要真实,简明扼要,切忌高谈阔论。

2. 常用语句

1)I was terribly sorry to hear of the death of Prof. Smith. 听到史密斯教授去世的消息,我万分难过。

2)We have just learned with deep sorrow the sad news. 得知这一悲伤的消息,我们极其悲痛。

3)I don’t have to tell you how deeply we feel for you in your sorrow.


4)The melancholy news of your husband’s death has grieved me

more than I can express.


5)There was no words that can express my deep sorrow at the death of your wife.


6)I wish there were some way in which we could lighten your burden of sorrow.


7)I heard with profoundest sorrow that your mother, after protracted illness, passed away.


8)I was saddened by the news of the death of your father. Please accept my deepest sympathy. 你父亲去世的消息使我十分悲痛,请接受我深切的慰问。

9)I was shocked to hear the sudden death of Mr. Green. He was a devoted teacher and was loved by all his students. Please accept my heartfelt condolence. 惊悉格林先生突然去世。他是一位尽职的教师,深受学生的爱戴。谨表真 挚的悼念。

10)I hasten to offer you my most profound sympathy for the great grief that has fallen upon you and your household. The material you are studying is compiled by professor Gong Dongfeng. 我谨向你和你全家表示深切慰问,万望节哀。

3. 范文示例

(1) 唁友丧父

Dear John,

I am sorry to learn of the passing away of your father. The sad news grieved me and everybody in the neighborhood as well. He was a man of integrity, noble-minded, active for public interest, upright and devoted to the cause of upholding social justice. He was respected by all of us in the community. Let the

thoug, , hts of a life devoted to the , fundamental interest of the people be your consolation.

I know how grieved you feel for the loss of your father but death is a continuation of life in a changed form, as a poet says, and one has to accept it.

Margaret and the boys join me in sending our deepest sympathy. Sincerely, Li Ming

(2) 唁友丧母

Dear Ken,

I am extremely sorry to hear that your mother passed away today, and I can imagine how you must feel. She was so nice and good-natured. I will never forget the help she gave me when I was in trouble last year. I know there is nothing I can do to dull your sorrow. But sometimes one has to accept what is unacceptable.

There must be a lot of things for you to deal with at a time like this. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you.

Sincerely, Li Ming



1. 概说

约见信(letter of making engagement)包括请求约见、同意约见、谢



对约见的请求,无论同意与否都要及时复信。语言要婉转。即使是谢绝, 也要使对方感到不失礼节。

2. 常用语句:

1)I'd like to make an appointment with you. 我想与您约定时间见面。

2)If you are free, I will call you up at 9 o'clock. 假如你有空,我9点钟给你打电话。

3)Any time except Monday afternoon would be all right for me.


4)I should like to have the opportunity of a personal contact

with you.


5)I should much appreciate it if I could have the opportunity of

meeting you personally on the conference.


6)Would it be convenient if we come over to see you at 1:00 p.m.

tomorrow afternoon?


7)I intend to call upon you at your office at 5:00 p.m. on Friday,

April 16th, to discuss that matter.


8)We shall be with you on Thursday, unless something unexpected

should happen in the meanwhile. 如无意外,下周四我们将和你在一起。

9)If you can conveniently call here, at 10 tomorrow, I shall be

at home. 如果方便,请于明日上午10点来我家,我一定恭候。

10)I'm sorry to inconvenience you, but we have to postpone our

appointment, I'm afraid.


11)It is with sincere regret that I find I have another engagement

on that day. The material you are studying is compiled by professor

Gong Dongfeng.


3. 范文示例

(1) 约定答疑时间

Dear Prof. Li,

I have a few questions I should like you to enlighten me on for

the thesis I'm now writing. Therefore I would appreciate it very much if you would kindly let me know of your convenient time and

place to see me for about an hour. I hope it will not trouble you too much.


(2) 同意会面

Dear Sirs,

Thank you for you letter announcing Prof. Ellison's trip to

Beijing. The dean of the Foreign Languages Department will be very

pleased to see him at 10 a.m. on 3 rd May, and would be grateful if

Prof. Ellison would confirm the appointment on his arrival in


Yours, Li Min

Yours faithfully,

Li Ming

(3) 谢绝会面

Dear Sirs,

Thank you for your letter concerning Prof. Johnson's visit to Beijing. Unfortunately Mr. Wang, dean of the Chemistry Department,

is now in Britain and will not be back until 8th May. However, he

would be very pleased to meet Prof. Johnson if he could be in Beijing

after that date.

We are looking forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Li Ming

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 八、请求信

1. 概说

请求信(letter of request)一般包括以下几部分内容:





和\truly yours\,非正式的结尾常用\、\regards\

和\best wishes\等。

2. 常用语句

1)I am extremely sorry to trouble you ….


2)I am very sorry to cause you trouble ….


3)May I trouble you to…


4)Will you do me a favour …?

您能否帮助我……? 5)I am afraid that it will give you trouble….

恐怕这件事要麻烦您,…… 6)Would you be kind enough to…


7)May I ask you a favour…?


8)I shall be much obliged if you will kindly…


9)I shall consider it a great favour if you will kindly…


10)I shall thank you if you will be good enough to…


11)You have been so good to me in the past.


12)I am in a rather difficult situation. 我的处境相当困难。

13)May I ask a favour of you-one that I would gladly do for you

if our positions were reversed? 我能否请您帮个忙?假如我处在您的位置,是一定会乐意帮这个忙的。

14)I wish I could say yes, but…


15)Nothing could be more difficult…


16)Your request comes at a particularly difficult time. The

material you are studying is compiled by professor Gong Dongfeng.


3. 范文示例

(1) 请求推荐

Dear Dr. Cheng,

I am applying for a proofreading job at The People's Daily in

Beijing and I would be grateful if you would write a letter of

recommendation for me.

In the fall semester of 2007. I took your course of \ American Fiction\and wrote my term paper on The Great Gatsby. I

received an A. I found the course both informative and enjoyable.

Now I am applying for a position in Beijing to start my career.

Please address the letter to:

Ms. Zhang Hong

Managing Editor The People's Daily 102 Wang Fu Jing Street Beijing, 100021

It should arrive before May 6. If you feel unable to recommend

me, would you please return the enclosed postcard to let me know?

Thank you for doing me this favor.

With best wishes,

Li Ming

(2) 请人演讲

Dear Mr. Steel,

You have been highly recommended by several of our members

as a speaker for the banquet that closes a three-day meeting of

the Association of Travel Agents. The place is the Sheraton Inn in Mycastle Beach, North Atland; the date is the evening of

September 10.

The banquet is a purely social affair, climaxing three days

of hard work, and we prefer an address on the light side, but with

an inspirational theme. I would leave it to you to select a topic,

which I know will be appropriate for the occasion. A talk of about

thirty minutes would be just right.

May I hear from you by May 14? Please indicate in your reply

the financial arrangements you require. Just as soon as we have

reached in agreement, I will send you more details, including at

tentative convention program.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming



1. 概说

写投诉信(letter of complaint)时要注意以下几方面:



的是产品质量问题,则要写明购买日期、购买地点、产品的型号,以及其它 重要情况。你也可以提出你认为公正的解决方法。另外,一定要附寄发票的




2. 常用语句

1)I shall be much obliged to you if you will kindly return me.


2)We wait your further news with interest.


3)Please give this matter your prompt attention.


4)Kindly let us hear from you regarding the matter as soon as



5)I must insist on a prompt reply to this matter.


6)I trust you will now consider this matter seriously and make

an effort to prevent the recurrence of this delay.

我相信贵方将严肃考虑这个问题,并做出努力防止再次拖延。 7)Under the circumstances, don't you think it would be proper

to replace my T.V. set with a new one, sparing me all the

troubles and your company all the service costs?


节省贵公司的服务费用? 8)The warranty expires next month and I am still not satisfied

with the reception I am getting.


9)I shall be glad if you look into the matter at once and let me

know the reason for the delay.


10)I shall be glad to learn that you are prepared to make some

allowance for the damage I have reported. The material you are

studying is compiled by professor Gong Dongfeng.


3. 范文示例


Dear Mr. Empson,

Last month, I purchased your Radio M-403 at the Cola

Supermarket here in Hot Spring. I enclose a copy of the receipt,

plus a copy of the warranty. I am writing to you because the radio has never worked

properly. I tried new batteries, but it still did not work. I would appreciate your either sending me a radio that does

work, or sending me a check for $82.9, the total cost of the


I look forward to hearing from you within two weeks. Thank

you for your attention to this problem.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming

Phone numbers:

Home: (010) 62043340

Office: (010) 82073660

Dear Mr. Pound,

I have been having trouble with my new camera (model 3506g,

No.3215). It no longer focuses properly.

I bought the camera at Harry and Johnson's in Hotsand, Oregon,

and was satisfied with it at first. Now that it is not working. I

can't find a store in Maioni, Illinois, that carries your camera.

Since it is only two months old, I'm sure you will want to replace

or repair my camera, but I don't know where to send it.

I will appreciate your letting me know what to do about this

problem. Yours truly,

Li Ming



1. 概说

询问信(letter of inquiries)是在日常事务中经常要写的信。例如,要申






2. 常用短句

1)I wish to study maths in Boston and should be grateful if you

would be kind enough to give me some information about the

university there.


2)I should like to come to Temple University for the purpose of

learning computer science and should greatly appreciate any

advice you can give me on suitable schools.


3)I should like to apply for a scholarship in your school and

would be glad to receive an application form, for which I

enclose an addressed envelope.



4)I should be very grateful if you would let me have details

of any scholarship that your school may be offering to foreign



5)I should like to apply for membership in your organization.

Would you please let me know the requirements and conditions

of membership? The material you are studying is compiled by

professor Gong Dongfeng.


3. 范文示例

(1) 询问入学

Dear Sirs,

I wish to enter an Oxford college to read for an arts degree

in history. I enclose a list of my qualifications, and you will

see what I have been studying at Tuff's school for the last

four years.

I have, of course, no English examination qualifications.

Could you kindly suggest which of the various colleges would

be most likely to receive my application so that I can apply to

them individually?

Yours truly,

Li Ming

(2) 询问申请表格

Dear Sir,

I am interested in attending Harvard University to study

business. Please send me the appropriate application forms and any information you have about the graduate business program.

I will also need to know the necessary information about TOEFL

and GMAT requirements because English is not my native language.

I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely,

Li Ming

(3) 询问奖学金

Dear Sirs,

I should be most obliged if you would let me have details of

any scholarships or fellowships that your university is offering

to foreign students. I am a graduate in Physics of Wuhan

University in China. I wish to continue my study at your


I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming



1. 概说




持有什么学位,并简要叙述自己的学历、工作经历、著作,论文,以及已 研究过的课题等等。然后,说明自己的资助情况,以及是否申请奖学金等





2. 常用语句

1)Please send me an application form for admission to your

graduate program.


2)I am writing to apply for admission to your university as a

visiting scholar.


3)I wish to apply for a position in your company as an



4)I am writing to ask the possibility of spending one or two

years working in your laboratory.


5)I can speak and write English fluently as shown by the

enclosed testimonials. 我能流利地说、写英语,请见所附证明书。

6)I also have some knowledge of French and can undertake

translation from the language. 我也懂一些法语,能承担把法语翻译出来的工作。

7)I have had quite a bit of working experience in the area of



8)I graduated from the Biology Department of Wuhan University

in 2007, majoring in genetic engineering. The material you are

