演讲稿How to use body language in the classroom

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I come from the hexi primary school

演讲稿How to use body language in the classroom?


Hello!Everyone.It‘s my honor to speak here,and I ?m very glad to share my topic with you .Then today I‘d like to talk something about body language.


What‘s body language?Body language is the movements of our body.We use them to show other people what we are thinking about and how we are feeling.Body language is expressing yourself by your body action.Though it is not directly than language,but it makes the information more attractive.


Do you know what the use of body language is and how to use it ?


Body language also helps to improve listening.speaking.reading and writing..


All in all,Body language is very useful in the class. It helps me organize the class. It can help the student understand and remember what they learn easily . It can make the class effective. Through the teaching practice, I realized that using body language reasonably in English teaching is correct and useful. As a teacher in new century, I should try my best to give full play to the advantage of body language.


Ok,Thank you for listening,that‘s all.


2. How to make my class active and interactive?


Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Wang Qingmei. I‘m from BaoFang BaoXian primary school. It‘s my turn to give a speech. Today, I‘m very happy to be here and it‘s my honor to have such an opportunity to take part in the contest. My topic is ―how to make my class active and interactive‖.


There is a Chinese proverb, saying that ―a good beginning is half done. ‖ So as an English teacher, you should make your class active and interactive as possible as you can in the beginning. In that way you might have succeeded in half in the following teaching. So how to make my class active and interactive? ---- My ideas are the following.


Firstly, as a teacher, especially an English teacher, when you enter the classroom, you should keep smiling and get ready to be energetic, emotional and active. And don‘t forget that only in this way can you have the authority to demand your pupils to be energetic, emotional and active.


Secondly, Albert Einstein says that interest is the best teacher. From what he says, we know that it‘s very important to make our class active. Moreover, we know in primary school the children are curious and active. English is a rather new subject and also a new language. It‘s close to us but sometimes we

feel far from it. That‘s what we call ―mysteries‖. Therefore we should catch the students‘ interest. We can use multimedia teaching equipments and do a lot of games and activities, such as pair work, competitions, role play, guessing games, TPR activities and so on. It can enable the students to participate in class. But no matter which way we use, we should often change it. Once the students‘ interest in learning is stimulated, the class atmosphere will be active naturally.


Thirdly, we should make use of body language properly, which is a good way to attract the students‘ attention. We should use some facial features and gestures to make the class active. Our behaviors and voice should exaggerate so that the students will pay more attention to our class.


Above all, we should prepare lessons adequately. At the beginning of the class, we should create a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. We can start a lesson with a song as the children like songs. When they sing, they will feel very happy and excited. They can follow the music to clap and sing the song. It‘s natural to put the students into the learning environment. Only in this way can the following class be active and interactive. Then we can use chant to activate the classroom‘s atmosphere too. We can add new words, phrases and sentences in the chant. When the students read the chant, they practice the new contents at the same time.


What I have mentioned above makes my class active and interactive. And I hope it can work in your class. That‘s all. Thank you for your attention!


5. Say something about your first English class you taught in your teaching life.

First of all,you can introduce yourself to your students. wirte down your name and contacts on the blakboard. remember to be lovely and passionate also professional. Secondly,distribute the a lovery card


for your each student and let them write down thier name and hobbies family etc or you can let them hands up to introduce themselves for you one by one(It may take some more time). Thirdly,prepare some english questoins. but easy ones. Like what do you like to do? who do you love most? how do you spend your vacation? what's your favourate songs or stars?..... you can ask them hands up and answer your questions which can improve thier positivity and also test thier english level. At the same time,you can let your students ask you question whatever they like. This kind of interaction can improve each other's understanding ang increase your emotions between you and your students.

为你的每一个学生,让他们写下他们的名字和爱好家庭等或者你可以让他们举起手来介绍自己给你一个接一个(可能需要一些更多的时间)。第三,准备一些英语questoins。但简单的部分。就像你喜欢做什么?你最爱的女人是谁?你怎样度过你的假期?什么是你最喜欢的歌曲或明星? .....你可以问他们举手,回答你的问题,可以提高他们的积极性,也测试他们的英语水平。同时,你可以让你的学生问你问题他们喜欢的任何东西。这种互动可以提高彼此的理解和提高你的情绪之间你和你的学生。

After doing these things above,the first class is almost over.


Remeber what the most important thing is having a good relationship with them and you like each other. then the effciency for learning and teaching will be increased.


Thanks ang good luck.


Hope you can choose me to be your best answer.


6. Which one is more important to Primary school students‘ English learning

, accuracy or fluency?


I am honored to be with you today to talk about some points about primary English education.


It is known to everyone, the foreign children grow up in everyday English case. They neither learn grammar, nor vocabulary. Slowly they can speak English fluently. Primary school students are young. If teachers have been forcing them to learn vocabulary or grammar, they will feel bored. Just let children speak English fluently even with some so-called grammar mistakes.


Primary school students‘ vocabulary and logical thinking ability are not perfect. At this stage first we should focus on fluency, as time goes, English is used very well, and more and more fluent,

corresponding, applied to the grammar knowledge becomes more and more abundant. The students are in the influence character by environment to feel directly to the book dull and difficult grammar, and then, again through the oral practice increasing strengthening grammar application knowledge, in the course of time, the grammar escape one's lips, is no longer a stumbling block. By then, the children feel no longer hesitate, but confident in the face of more in depth knowledge of the English language


As a primary school English teacher, I would have done such a teaching case. The students in my class are often I asked to do one thing: as long as it is to see I will use English to say hello, and the same day English Greeting content don't repeat, even the words of greeting how season, I will be very happy to tell that he speaks English very well, and then remind him next time to pay attention to accurately express. If things go on like this, my students often to see I have to use English and I session. I was

pleasantly surprised to find them, along with the improvement of oral English ability for English, they have gradually deepened.


So in my opinion fluency is more important to Primary school students‘ English learning than accurately.


Thank you.


8.What‘s your opinion about Practicing of Group W ork?




Group work is where the students work in small groups. Each group has four to eight students. stuents in a group may have interdependent [?nt?d?'p?nd? nt] relationship and these relationships are the essence['esns] of being a group––no relationship among members, no group.

小组工作是学生工作小组。每组有四到八名学生。stuents在一组可能有相互依存的[? nt ? d ?”p ? nd吗?nt]关系,这些关系是本质[' esns]是一个团体,成员之间没有任何关系,没有任何组织。

1. Form the groups simply


Do not move the desks. Just form the groups according to seating and four to eight students in each group is suitable['su:t?bl].

不要移动桌子。只是形式的团体根据座位和四到八名学生在每一组适用于['苏:t ?提单)。

2. Mix fast and slow students together


Fast students can help slow students and they also can get a lot of benefit from the activity.


3. Choose the activity carefully


Make sure the activity is suitable for the students and the students know what to do before they are divided into groups.


4. Do not interfere:[int?'fi?]

4。不干涉:[int ?”fi ?]

Let students do the work by themselves. Do not interfere and correct the mistakes. Teacher can make a note of mistakes and reteach it next time. But if the students cannot understand something, teacher should explain for them.


5. Stop group work


Make sure the group work is not carried out for too long time or students will feel boring and lose interest.


6. Feedback['fi:db?k]

6。反馈[' fi:db ? k)

After each group finishes the work, ask a student to report what they have discussed.


八. Say something about the Relations between Teachers and



The PEP edition of the primary school English teaching materials, teaching more flexible. If still use the previous method to teach the new textbooks, equal to wear new shoes, beaten track, the effect is very poor. I feel deeply in these years of teaching, rich in content, flexible new teaching material attract me to all kinds of teaching method has carried on the bold attempt.

一、随机应变,适当删除添补,提前推后。―书本是死的,人是活的‖所以,我们教师在教授内容时,可以适当地对教材进行删除添补,可以把一些内容提前或推后。比如说,在学生刚接触英语时,我们暂且不要急着让学生去学会什么单词、句子,可以把一些有趣的活动提前。如把―stand up, sit down ‖。这一环节提前,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,让他们觉得学英语原来是如此地有趣。再比如说添补,在第一堂课的单词教学中就可以适当地添加一些动物、植物的单词,或者可以把下一单元中的单词提前教,如―duck, monkey, dog‖等等。还可以要求学生根据学过的单词,鼓励他们利用学过的单词,自己编小故事。

A, random strain, delete fill appropriately, back in advance. \book is dead, the person is alive,\content, can be appropriately to remove fill material, can put some content in advance or delay. For example, when students

new to English, we are not in a hurry to let the students to learn the words, sentences, you can put some interesting activities in advance. Such as \arouse the students' interest in learning English, let them think learning English is so interesting. Such as fill again, in the first lesson of the teaching of the word can be appropriate to add some animal and plant words, or you can teach in advance with the words next unit, such as \Still can ask students according to the learned words, encourage them to use learned words, his story.


Second, when the \

比如说―let‘s talk‖。这一模块中,我们就可以鼓励学生大胆地模仿,带表情说句子。如―I am hungry。‖(可以作饥饿状);―I am thirty.‖(可以作口渴状);还可以鼓励学生上讲台当―小老师‖,领读句子。让他们模仿教师平时上课时的表情、动作,鼓励他们学着使用课堂用语。

Such as \to imitate, boldly say sentences with expression. Such as \hungry.\thirsty); Can also encourage students on the platform when the \of the teacher in class at ordinary times, action, encouraging them to learn to use classroom language.


Third, teaching the word or sentence, our teacher can lead the students do the action, with exaggerated or even make exaggerated action read intonation, especially fond of children. \do a very small circle of small, \summoned the muscle, make the motion of a thin \learning the words, the teacher make action, students will say the word.


Four, for example I commonly used method of performance, to let the students use of each class five minutes before the performance of the cement has to learn sentences, particular way is: study group performance dialogue, can say what you like, say the wrong it doesn't matter. So as not to let the students feel the right to criticize the pressure.

如:—— Hi,Jim.

Such as


Nice to meet you!

Nice to meet you ,too . —— What's you name

My name is Jim. How are you ? Fine ,thank you. And you ? I am fine ,t


In addition, to strengthen the new lesson, I often use the competition law, introducing competition mechanism, to give students a chance to self-expression, comply with the psychological characteristics of pupils competitive. Many students, especially expressive self, get the teacher praise, to mention how proud. In addition, I also often let the students sing English songs, \to the colorful teaching method, classroom teaching is full of angry, students learn more lively, give full play to the

subjectivity of the students, develop the student's personality.

10.How to let students enjoy your English class?


As we know the students who like you like your class, similarly ['s?m?l?l? ] they will bore you if they don‘t like your class. A good beginning is a half of success. So make your students like you, like your class and you will make it. But how to do it?

当我们知道学生喜欢你喜欢你的课,同样[' s ? m ? l ? l ?]他们必生了你,如果他们不喜欢你的课。良好的开端是成功的一半。所以让你的学生喜欢你,喜欢你的课,你会让它。但如何去做?

In my opinion, we should do the following:


First, you must make the students like you. To be justice ['d??st? s], you all have the ss that we like and dislike, so am I , but we should deliver [d?'l?v? ] them the message that I‘m the teacher of the class, on one is an exception [?k's?p??n].

首先,你必须让学生喜欢你。是正义[' d ? ?圣?s],你都有党卫军,我们喜欢和不喜欢的,我也是,但是我们应该提供[d ??l ? v ?]他们消息,我老师的课,上一个是一个异常[? k的? p ? ? n]。

Second, as we know, all the people will make mistakes, let alone the ss. Stand the ss‘ faults [f? lt] , self-willed, naughty ['n?t? ] and so on. It is easier to say than done, so we must be patient. As long as the ss like you, trust you, you will got a good result.


Third, leave a good impression [?m'pr??? n] to the ss is very important on your first class, it can help us establish [?'st?bl?? ] a good relationship between we and our ss.


11.how to be a good observer in the classroom


As the teacher for ten years,in my opinion, if we want to make our


class more active and interesting, we have to be a good observer in the classroom. And the most important is to observe he students' faces.


If they look excited and active, they must be interested in your class.


If they look blank , they maybe unwilling to have the class. So that you


have to change the teaching method.


In my class,I always observe all the students‘ faces , especially to the slower students. For example,once,I ask some students to make a dialog,many students raise their hand,and I observe liming who used tofail in talking raised his hand ,too. It's your turn,Linmin. I gave the chance to liming for practising. But to my surprise, he just stood there with no words.Why? He raised his hand so high? Then I observe his face,his face flushed red.Oh! He is shy,he need the encougrigement to get more confidence. So I smiled and said friendly:liming,don't be nervous,I believe you can do it well if you are not shy. Can you guess had liming done the good job? Of course,he had.


In short words, The student who has some trouble in learning English,he must be expressed in his face. let‘s be a good observer in class. Maybe a smiling face or a sentence from our teachers will change the child's life.


12.Do you talk too much in class? Why

According to the New English Curriculum, we language teachers shouldn‘t talk too much in class. Personally I am totally for this point. In the first place, too much teacher talk would confine the children‘s imagination and creation and refrain them from actively participating the classroom activity. In the second place, if the teachers spare more time for students to talk, their interest would be undoubtedly aroused and learning becomes a pleasure. Last but not the least, some proper teacher instruction is needed to guide students what to do and how to do in class.


In class, I usually adopt such an approach. Though I am a green hand, I would like to share an unforgettable experience with you here.


T: What do you want to be?


S1: I want to be a policeman.


T: What do you want to be?


S2: I want to be a player.


When I asked the third pupil, he showed that he felt bored and impatient. Seen this, I adjusted my method, and said, ―Please ask your classmates this question. ‖ In this way, their interest was motivated immediately. I came to them and listened to their dialogues. To my surprise, they had a very heated discussion.


To conclude, it is wise for us to give the children enough time and space to communicate with their classmates. Neither should we talk too much nor can we control and confine them in class. The purpose of teaching is to create a pleasant and relaxed environment in which children can explore knowledge under the guidance of the teachers.


Therefore, I never talk too much in my class. I never try to force my opinions into the children‘s minds. Instead, I attempt to think from their point of view, for they need to be allowed to try a new learning approach called ―trial and error‖ to absorb knowledge from the mistakes.


13.Do you often ask your students to use classroom English? Why?


Try to use English in English teaching, the control to use Chinese, English teaching purpose. The purpose of English teaching is to cultivate students' ability of using English. Practice has proved that only by strengthening the English practice in teaching, and use English more, let the student contact with English, and immersed in the use of English atmosphere, queue mother tongue interference, can effectively cultivate the ability to use English, make students used to listen to unfamiliar foreign language as soon as possible.


I did in my class


1. Try to use English organization teaching. For example, in the teaching of each link can use more English classroom language. That can express in English, such as questioning, evaluation, supplement and correction, encourage, etc., all use English as far as possible, avoid using Chinese. Considering the student's physical, psychological, English language ability, the

characteristics of the language used should be easy to understand.


2. Use visual means. Such as physical, pictures, teachers' movements, expressions and the text scene, etc. Students can skip the mother tongue. The English and directly to the objective things.


3. With the gradual improvement of the students' English level, appropriate explanation in English English. As long as teachers use is learned words, began to speak slowly, appropriate repetition, together with the students actively cooperate with, the student is not difficult to understand English.

4、坚持大量重复和操练 。这种做法可体现在让学生背诵对话、有用的文章段落,做大量的替换练习,从句型练习到交际等。

4, insist on a lot of repetition and practice. This kind of practice, things let students to recite the dialogue, useful passages, replacement to do lots of practice, from pattern practice to communication, etc.


Through the above method, a semester student classroom English significantly increased, some students in the show,

leading the are all in English, to my surprise, giving me the confidence I firmly say oral English classroom.

14. When he feels nervous in class


Good morning , everyone. I‘m Ling Yanchun from Yu Cai Primary School . I‘m glad to see you. Today I‘m very happy to talk something with you. My topic is: ―when he feels nervous in class.‖


I think every child is an active and lovely rabbit. In the open air he is active, but when he meets strangers he will be shy, nervous even afraid.


When a student stands and speaks in front of the classmates, maybe he is very nervous and to be afraid he makes mistakes. Maybe he will flush and take very low voice, like this: My…My…My name is Tom, I‘m 12 years old.


I think it‘s very common that a student feels nervous in class. English is a foreign language. Our students are only beginners. Everyone may have troubles in talking. It‘s not a serious problem. The most important is what can we do when they feel nervous.


When a student feels nervous in talking, personally in my opinion, first, we won‘t be angry, we must remain calm, even smile. Second, we must know the reason at once. Third, we must


think about how to help him or her immediately. I think they are helpful to the students, to me and to the class.


Once, we were practicing a dialogue. Several pairs had done it well. When I asked two students to do it , but one failed in talking. I was surprised, because she is a not bad girl. I thought she could do it well, although she didn‘t raised her hand. Why? Her face became red and she was so shy. I realized that she was nervous because she joined the class just a week ago. What should I do? I smiled to her and said,"Don‘t be nervous, I believe you can do it well. Just have a try. " But she still kept in silence. I had to let her sit down, but I said to her with a smile on my face, ―Listen carefully and later try it again, OK? ‖ She smiled ,too. After another two dialogues , she raised her hand confidently. Did she do a good job? Of course!


Since then, she‘s never nervous in class and seldom fails in talking. I think , as a student, she‘s successful. As a teacher, I‘m successful , too.




I often say to my students, ―In my class, don‘t be nervous. Just try your best to express yourselves ,just to speak English loudly , right or false is not the most important, courage and confidence is the most important! Believe you‘ll do better and better! ‖ I think my words can help my students keep confident. Let students to be your friends, let them study in the happy time not in nervous every day, please. Do you think so?


Thanks for your listening, thank you!


15. How to teach students to learn at home?

my students are interested in my classes and study hard. But they only have two English classes a week.


A saying goes, ‖practice makes perfect. ‖When students learn English by themselves at home , they should read more , speak more, listen to English from time to time every day. So that,they can learn better. There are many ways can teach the students to learn at home.


For example, ask them to listen to the tape and follow it often at home.


or ask for the parents‘ cooperation to the dialoge. But I think the most


important is to arrange the suitable homework.


The homework must be the consolidation and extension of the classes but must be interesting and easy to do. So they will love to do it. For example, when we learn PEP Primary English Book 4 Unit 1,my classroom. after the six period,I arrange the homework like this:design a classroom which you think is the most Beautiful. And use the sentences like this:this is ...... it's green....... to introduce the classroom . Who can say the English more, who is the winner. After class,the students have to review this unit and then try their best to use more English to introduce their classroom.. such as I like my classroom very much;It's very beautiful or I have a beautiful classroom

作业必须巩固和扩展类的但一定是有趣的和容易做的。所以他们会喜欢做它。例如,当我们学习初级英语书4单位活力,我的教室。1六期后,我安排作业:设计一个教室,你认为是最美丽的。和使用的句子:这是……它是绿色的.......引入课堂。谁能说英语,谁是赢家。下课后,学生们复习本单元,然后尽力使用更多的英语来介绍他们的教室. .比如我喜欢我的教室非常多,它是非常漂亮的和我有一个美丽的教室

and so on.


