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Li Ming 121 Hanzhong Road Nanjing China William Smith (Messrs)Jones Company London 23 Oxford Street London,UK EXERCISE

1.We learn your company through the courtesy of the commercial Counselor’s office of your embassy in Beijing.

2.We are a state-owned company,specializing in both import and light industry products.

3.We enclose our latest catalogue and price list for your reference.

4.We enjoy a high reputation in the word market,and it’s worth to be introduced by the excellent quality and reasonable price.

5.We are willing to establish direct business relationship on the basis of equality,mutual benefit,and the exchange of needed goods.

6.Through the courtesy of the Chamber of commerce in Tokyo,we know that chemical products fall within your business scope.

7.建交信(...)We have know your name and address from the chamber of

Commerce,we wish to inform you that we specialize in both import and umbrella.We shall be pleased to enter into business relations with you.(...)We are willing to send our latest catalogue and sample for your reference if you inquiry.(...)Looking forward to your reply.(...)Your faithfully. NOTES

8.through the courtesy of / through the introduction of / by courtesy of / on the recommendation of

9.the Commercial Counselor’s office / the chamber of Commerce商务参赞处 10.Specialize in 专业生产

11.at an early date / as early as possible / as soon as possible / at one’s earliest convenience 尽早

12.establish business / trade / relations / relationship(s)=enter into business relations=build up business relations建立业务关系


13.(a copy of catalogue)under cover/under separate cover 另函、随信附上 14.a general ideal of 了解

15.upon / on receipt of / in receipt of / to have received收到

16.be in the market for sth./ wish to buy / want to buy / be in the market 采购 17.the line of business / the scope of business / business scope 业务范围 18.on the basis of equality,mutual benefit and the exchange of needed goods.平等互利

19.enclose(send under cover)(inside the envelop) / enclosure is.. / attach(at the end of a letter or a document) / attachment is..附件

20.a good / fast seller=a ready sale=sale well / fast=have a good market 有良好的市场

21.a well-established exporter /importer 出口/进口 22.Arts and Crafts 工艺品

23.(sb.)assure sb.(else)of sth. / (sb.)assure sb. that / (sb.)ensure that 保证 24.Learn...from../ know...from.../note from 从...知道 25.fail/lie/ be within the scope of our business 业务范围之内 26.avail oneself of / take advantage of / make use of 利用 27.state-own company / state-run / state-operated国营企业 28.deal in / trade in / handle 经营

29.enjoy a high reputation(in) / enjoy a great fame享有盛誉 30.place an order with sb. for sth.订单 31.supply sb. With sth. / supply sth. for sb.提供 32.You may be /rest assured...你放心 33.do business with sb.做生意 34.pamphlet / brochure 小册子/手册 35.cases/carton 箱(单位)

36.Chapter 3 P21-26 by courier快递 / bank receipt银行收据 / arrange the courier cargo安排快递货物 / packing information装箱资料 / quality suppliers 优质供应商/ on the long run basis从长远的基础上看 / intellectual property 知识产权/ trail production试产 / testing phase测试阶段 / keep you posted保持联系 / qualified distributors合格的经销商 / affiliated附属 / privately-owned 私营/ prestigious supplier of the said product 该产品久负盛名的供应商/ range from从..范围..



1.建立业务关系We have your name and address from...we wish to inform you that we specialize in...and shall be pleased to enter into business relations with you. = We write to introduce ourselves as one of the leading exporter of... = With reference to you letter of XXX(日期),we are glad to learn that you wish to enter into trade relations with us in the line of...

2.To give you a general ides of our products,we enclose catalogue showing various products being handled by us.Quotation will be sent upon receipt of your specific enquiries.

3.结束语We look forward to your early reply with much interest. = We look forward to hearing from you soon.




Thank you for your enquiry of our XXX.

Our offer will be made on receipt of your specific enquiry. 2.Enquire(v.)询问

We would like to enquire whether you can supply the following items. We are writing to enquire the current price of.... 3.Enquire of sb. about sth询问某人某事 4.Quotation(n.)报价

You quotations for XXX(商品) are too high to be acceptable. 5.Quote(v.)报价

Please quote us your best price. We quoted this XXX at $? per dozen. 6.Offer

(n.)报价Please make us an offer

(v.)报价 We offer these goods subject to their being unsold on receipt of your order.

An Enquiry Should Include:

1.Name and specifications产品名称和规格 2.Quality requirement质量要求


3.Minimum order quantity订购数量 4.Delivery date(time of shipping)交货时间 5.Packing包装要求

6.Company brochure公司简介

7.Product catalogue,price list(s)产品目录/价格单 8.Terms of payment支付方式 9.Sample(s)样品 NOTES


color-checked(printed)bed-sheets彩格印花床单 color-striped bed-sheets彩条床单 pillowcase枕套

2.Range a.一系列/一种/一类 a narrow range很小的差距 in the range此类中 3.答复询价信需要注意:1)迅速客气且给对方有所帮助 2)如所需物目前脱销,应通知何时供货 3)or介绍一些替代品


1.Messrs. Brown&Clark of this city(公司名)inform us that you are exporters of all cotton bed-sheets and pillowcases(产品).We would like you to send us details of your various ranges,including sizes,colors and prices,and also samples of the different qualities of material used.

2.We are large dealers in textiles and believe there is a promising market in our area for moderately priced goods of the kind mentioned.

3.When replying,please state your terms of payment and discount you would allow on purchases of quantities of not less than 100 dozen of individual items.Prices quoted should include insurance and freight to Liverpool.

4.We have received your enquiry of XXX(日期) and thank you for your interest in our products.A copy of our illustrated catalogue is being sent to you today,with samples of some the skins we regularly use in our manufactures. 5.We also manufacture a wide range of hand-made leather handbags in which we think you may be interested.They are full illustrated in the catalogue and are of the same high quality as our gloves.替代品




From the New York ABC company,we are informed that you are exporters of nylon sheets and pillowcases. Moderately priced goods of the kind mentioned is a promising market in our area.


We send a rang of sample to you ,and think you will maintained that it’s moderately priced once you have view the sample .


We have received your enquiry of May 14th and thank you for your interest in our leather gloves handmade.A copy of our illustrated catalogue is being sent to you,including the price list.

4.所附价格单和图解目录将给你提供有关你方最感兴趣的型号的具体情况。 The enclosed price list and illustrated catalogue will provide you the specific conditions of models you are most interested.



1.Order订单; order intention订单意向; order placement下单

2.Deliver 交货;delivery time交货时间;time of shipment装运时间;validity of quotation报价有效期;lead time交付周期

3.L/C=letter of credit信用证;B/L=bill of lading提单 4.Common practice惯例 5.Be with reference to鉴于 6.Courtesy 好意 礼遇

7.LC 90 day90天远期信用证;LC at sight即期信用证 8.Provided that...只要满足...条件=if 9.Receipt of 收到

10.PI=Proforma Invoice形式发票(对外-发票 对内-报价单) 11.Country of origin: =be of (Chinese) origin=origin:(China)原产国 12.Port of loading装运港;port of destination目的港


13.Terms of settlements 结算条件;terms 条款条件 14.On a high side价格偏高


1.Making a Quotation

Dear Sirs,We are in receipt of (收到)your letter of July 17,asking us to offer 10,000 metric tons(公吨M/T) of Superior White Sugar on FOB Shanghai basis and appreciate very much your interest in our product.To comply with your request,we are quoting you as follows: 2.Making a Counter-offer

(1)We are in receipt of your letter of August 14 offering us 60 metric tons of the captioned goods at RMB2,660 per metric ton on the usual terms. (2)In reply,we regret to inform you that our buyers in Odense find your price much too high.Information indicates that some parcels of Turkish origin have been sold there at a level about ten percent lower than yours. (3)We do not deny that the quality of Chinese Kernels is slightly better,but the difference in price should,in no case,be as big as ten percent.(4)To step up trade,we,on behalf of our buyers,counteroffer as follows,subject to(受..管制) your reply being received here by August 26.our time:“60 metric tons Bitter Apricot Kernels at RMB 2350 per metric ton on CIFC 2% Odense with transshipment at Copenhagen,other term as per your letter dated 14/8/14”。 3.Letter of acceptance

Thank you for your letter of May 12,with which you sent us details of PLASTIC WARE.We have now seen samples of these goods and decided to place an order for 3000 pieces of PLASTIC WARE,provided you can guarantee delivery on or before July1.

4.Please note that 12 pieces to a box and 100 boxes to a wooden case,2% more or less in weight.

5.We hope that everything will turn out to our entire satisfaction.



According to your request, now offer 50 metric tons of soybeans offer as


follows, with your receipt within one week since this day. 2.兹复你方上月的函电,向你方报盘如下,以我方最后确认为准。

In reply to your last month's letter, to your offer as follows, subject to our final confirmation.

3.现告之你方,我方可从现货中供应3000大罗蒙牌(romen)男士衬衣。 We inform you that we can supply an order for 3000 pieces of romen men's shirts from the spot goods.


We learn that there is a good market for walnuts,and we enclose quotation no. 6868 for your reference.

5.你方7月9日来函收悉,谢谢。很遗憾,你方价格偏高,无法成交。 Thank you for your letter of July 9.I'm sorry that your price is so high that cannot clinch a deal.



1.本票promissory note 2.支票check or cheque 3.汇票bill of exchange/draft

1)按出票人的不同:banker's bill 银行汇票;commercial bill 商业汇票 2)按有无付商业单据:documentary bill跟单汇票;clean bill光票 3)按付款时间不同:sight draft即期汇票;time bill远期汇票 :

fixed date / at__days after sight / at__days after date of issue(出票)/ at__days after date of B/L NOTE


①出票issue--提示presentation-- 付款payment(即期汇票)


③出票issue--提示presentation--拒付dishonour-追索resource ④出票issue--背书endorsement 2.常见的三种支付方式

1.汇款Remittance:信汇Mail Transfer M/T;电汇Telegraphic Transfer T/T;票汇Demand Draft D/D


Remitter (Importer) 1.sign contract Payee (Exporter) 2.application/payment 4.advice,payment Remitting bank (Importer’s bank) 3.mandate for remittance Paying bank (Exporter’s bank) 汇出行 图1.Procedure of remittance

汇入行 备注:remitter汇款人; remitting bank汇出行; payer付款人 ; payee收款人 ; drawer出票人 drawee受票人; advice通知


1)Clean Collection光票托收;Documentary Collection跟单托收2)Documents Against Payment D/P付款交单; Documents Against Acceptance D/A 承兑交单

Exporter 1.sign contract 2.application/a set of documents 7.payment 3.mandate,a set of documents 6.transfer Importer 4.presentation 5.payment against for payment documents Remitting bank (Exporter’s bank) Paying bank (Importer’s bank) 托收行 代收行 图2.Procedure of D/P at sight 备注:types of payment—1.付款交单Documents Against Payment D/P(先付款


后交单D/P at sight);2.承兑交单Documents Against Acceptance D/A(先承兑后交单)


1.Upon first presentation,the buyer shall pay against do draft drawn by the sellers at sight.The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only. 2.Upon first presentation,the buyer shall accept against documentary

draft drawn by the sellers at XX day’s sight..The shipping documents are to be delivered against acceptance only. 3.信用证Letter of Credit

1)主要当事人:Applicant申请人;Beneficiary受益人;Issuing bank开证行(进口地) ;Advising bank通知行(出口地); Paying bank付款行(进口地) ;Negotiating bank仪付行(出口行); Confirming bank保兑行 2)程序

申请人Applicant 4 受益人Beneficiary 1 9 10 3 5 6 2 7 8 付款行Paying bank /开证行Issuing bank (进口地) 通知行Advising bank/仪付行Negotiating bank (出口行) 1.申请证明 2.开出信用证 3.通知信用证 4.装运货物 5.交单议付 6.议付,买单 7.寄单 8.付款或承兑 9.提交单据 10.申请人付款赎单



①跟单信用证(Documentary Credit)是凭跟单汇票或仅凭单据付款的信用证 ②光票信用证(Clean Credit)是凭不随附货运单据的光票(Clean Draft)付款的信用证。


①不可撤销信用证(Irrevocable L/C)(注:都是不可撤销信用证)


②可撤销信用证(Revocable L/C)。


①保兑信用证(Confirmed L/C)。指开证行开出的信用证,由另一银行保证对符合信用证条款规定的单据履行付款义务 ②不保兑信用证(Unconfirmed L/C) d.根据付款时间不同划分为:

①即期信用证(Sight L/C) ②远期信用证(Usance L/C) ③假远期信用证(Usance Credit Payable at Sight)。


①可转让信用证(Transferable L/C) ②不可转让信用证 ③红条款信用证。此种信用证可让开证行在收到单证之后,向卖家提前预付一部分款项。这种信用证常用于制造业。



1.contract of which have been duly noted内容详知 2.contract合同

3.We are in receipt of your letter of… 收悉

4.consider it advisable to make it clear…有必要了解 5.equivalent等效

6.conversion rate汇价 调换价格 7.…will be required

8.extend…accommodation 通融

9.We wish to place with you an order for 1000 casks Iron Nails. 10.For this particular order we would like to pay by 30days L/C 11.have only moderate means at hand手头资金有限 12.tie-up of funds占用资金 13.do us a special favor

14.There are good prospects for the sale of this cutlery.刀具市场有很好的前景 15.on our own account 自负盈亏 16.firm orders 实盘(稳定的订单) 17.give it a trial

18.As to our standing至于我方的资信证明 19.terms of payment支付方式

20.We are in agreement with your proposals and hereby give you in writing the terms and conditions(条款和条件)which have been agreed upon as follow: 21.Your terms of payment are letter of credit with draft at sight instead of D/P at sight.你的付款条件是信用证和即期汇票而不是即期付款交单。

22.The above terms of payment were approved by our manager and will be acted upon accordingly.上述付款条件得到我们经理的批准,并将按相应规定执行. 23.representative代表

24.Our past purchase of Mild Steel Sheets from you has been paid as a rule b


y confirmed,irrevocable letter of credit.

25.If you would kindly make easier payment terms,we are sure that such an accommodation would be conductive to encouraging business.如蒙你方给予放宽的付款条件,我们确信这样的通融有助于扩展业务.

26.We propose either\g on us at three months' sight \我们提议用货到时交单付款或向我们开出3月期的汇票.

27.You kindness in giving priority to the consideration of the above request and giving us an early favorable reply will be highly appreciated.我们将非常感激贵公司对上诉请求的优先考虑和尽快答复.



我们已经收到你方1月25日的来信,得知你方有意在贵国推销我们的枕套产品.我们感谢你方试购100打枕套,很遗憾,但对你方要求以承兑交单方式付款一事,我们很难考虑.原因是,我们一般都是要求以信用证付款.考虑到我们之间的友好关系,我们准备破例接受付款交单的方式付款.换言之,我们将通过银行以托收的方式用跟单即期汇票向你取款.希望你能接受上诉付款条款,并盼不久收到回音. We have received your letter of January 25, and know that you have intention to sell our pillowcase in your country. Thanks for your trial order for 100 dozen pillowcase, we regret to consider your request for payment on D/A

terms,because we generally require L/C payment.Considering the friendly relationship between us,we make an exception to accept D/P payment. In other words,we will draw on you a documentary draft at sight through bank on collection bases. We hope you can accept above terms of payments,and look forward to your favorable reply.


Our terms of payment are confirmed irrevocable L/C with draft at sight.


Because the transaction amount is large,and the current international financial market is very unstable,we can't accept other payment terms except the L/C. 3.此次订货,我们建议你们使用即期汇票.收到该汇票后,我们将把货物装上第一艘可定到的船.

For this order,we propose that you make payment by draft sight.Once receipt of the draft we will ship the goods on the first available vessel.


In order to conclude this transaction,I hope you will meet me half way.How about 50%by L/C,the balance by D/P.



For such a large amount,a L/C is costly,besides,it ties up my money,all this adds to my lost.


I would like to discuss the terms of payment with you,I wonder if you would accept D/P.

7.咱们是老朋友了,我想这次用该用D/P或者D/A付款方式吧. Since we are old friends,I propose D/P or D/A payment.


We have instructed our bank to open an irrevocable documentary L/C in your favor,the total amount is $1300.


We hope you can accept D/P as payment term this time and the future business.

10对于你方1号订单,我们可以接受你们远期汇票支付的提议. For your order No.1,we can accept the offer of pay by time bill. 11.根据这个分期付款计划,合同总值的百分之二十应在订货时付讫.

Under the installment plan, 20% of the contract value is to be paid with orders. 12.请注明信用证在我国可以议付.

Please indicate that the L/C is negotiable in our country.

13.我方将开立以你方为受益人的、不可撤销的信用证,在香港付款交单. We shall open an irrevocable letter of credit in your favor, payable in Hong Kong against documents.


Your request for D/P payment has been considered and we agree to grant you this facility/extend the accommodation.


Free from Particular Average(FPA)平安险 With Particular Average(WPA)水渍险 All Risks(AR)一切险

Theft,Pilferageand Non-delivery(TPND)偷窃和提货不着险


to be effected by the buyers 2.CIF*X% CIF/CIP

to be covered by the seller for X% of total invoice value against XX and XX as per ocean marine cargo clauses of the people's insurance company of China dated 1/1/1981



insurance claim保险索赔


insurance company保险公司 insurance coverage保险范围 insurance policy保险单 insurance premium保险费

2.insurance+介词 一般用法 ①表示所保的货物 +on ②表示投保类别 +against

If you wish to cover insurance against any additional insurance. ③表示保额 +for

④表示某保险公司 +with ⑤表示保险费或保险费率 +at

at the rate of X%/at an agreed premium


In international trade,by transportation insurance we mean that the insured, who is usually the importer or the exporter,covers insurance on one or several lots of goods against certain risks for a certain insured amount with the insurer,i.e.(that is)the insurance company,at a agreed premium


insured amount 保险总额 insured cargo投保的货物 the insured(insurant)

The insured shall submit the following documents when presantation a clain to this company.



does your policy provide adequate cover against breakage?你们的保险单是否提供适当的破碎险.

we shall cover all risks and war risk for you.


this is an insurance with extensive coverage.





port of shipment/loading/dispatch port of destination/discharge 3.分批装运和转运


partial shipment条例

1)partial shipment allowed/not allowed

2)shipment during Mar./Apr./May in three monthly lost,each XX M/T 3)shipment during Mar.to Jun. In four equal monthly lots transhipment条例

1)transhipment XX HK only

2)shipment at or before the end of June,2004,from Shanghai to New York,allowing partial shipments and transhipment

3)shipment within 300days after receipt of L/C,from Wenzhou to New York with transhipment allowed


货物收据 运输合同的证明 物权凭证 提单的种类

1)已装船提单与备运提单(on board B/L&received for shipment B/L) 2)直达、转船、联运提单(direct/transhipment/through B/L) 3)记名、不记名与指示提单(straight B/L,bearer B/L,order B/L) 记名提单-收货人(consignee)一栏注明具体收货人名称 不记名提单-未注明具体收货人名称 指示提单-凭指示或凭某人指示

4)清洁与不清洁提单 (clean B/L &unclean B/L) 5)全式/简式提单 long form//short form B/L 6)甲板货、过期提单 on deck B/L&stale B/L 7)班轮、租船提单Liner/charter party B/L 8)运输代理行提单 house B/L

9)倒签/预借提单 anti dated B/L& advanced B/L 10)正本与副本提单original B/L © B/L



1.complaints and claims

Complaints may happen under the following circumstances: a. Complaint of difference between goods delivered and goods ordered b. Complaint of inferior quality or

c. Complaint of missing or shortage from the delivery,or d. Complaint of delay,or e. Complaint of bad packing

An importer may make a complaint because of one of the following problems: a. The wrong goods may have been sent


b. The quality may not be satisfactory

c. The goods may have been delivered defected,damaged or late d. The price charged may be excessive,or not as agreed e. The delivery may be delayed

f. The wrong billed invoice has been sent g. The delivery is mixed up

2.Breach of a contract

There are two kinds of undertakings entered into in every contract. ? Condition ? Warranty

3.Sentence patterns

lodge/file/raise/enter/make/put in/register a claim against sb./with insurance company on shipment for reason for $. Claim n. Claim vi. Claim on sb.

When making a complaint,plan your letter as follows: 1)begin by regretting the need to complaint

2)Mention the date of the order,the date of delivery

Rules followed in dealing with a complaint: 1)decide whether the complaint is justified.If yes,admit it readily,express your regret and promise to put things right

2)If no,point out politely.To refuse the claim offhand is not a good policy 3)If a complaint can’t be dealt with promptly,first acknowledge it.Telling the other party that you will look into it and send a full reply that you will look into it and send a full reply later.

4)Complaint should be treated seriously and investigation should be made thoroughly


Dear Sir:

We duly received the documents and took delivery of the goods on arrival of the s.s.“Isabella”at Hamnurg.We are much obliged to you for the prompt execution of this order.Everything appears to be correct and in good condition except in case No.71.

Unfortunately,when we opened this case we found it contained completely different articles,and we can only presume that a mistake was made and the contents of this case were for another order.


As we need the articles we ordered to complete deliveries to our new customers,we must ask you to arrange fro the dispatch of replacements at once.We attach a list of the contents of case No.71,and shall be glad if you will check this with our order and the copy of your invoice.

In the meantime we are holding the above-mentioned case at your disposal;please let us know what you wish us to do with it.

Yours faithfully. 2.

Dear Sir:

Thanks for your letter of Feb.10 informing us that the consignment was delivered promptly,we appreciate your straightforwardness in pointing out that case No.71 did not contain the goods you ordered.

On going into the matter we find that a mistake was indeed made in the packing through a confusion of numbers,and we have arranged for the right goods to be dispatched to you at once.Relative documents will be mailed as soon as they are ready

We are sorry for the trouble caused you by the error and wish to assured you that care will be taken in the execution of your further orders. 3.

Dear Sir:

We regret to have to complain about late delivery of the filling cabinets ordered on 2nd July.We did not received them until this morning though you and guaranteed delivery within a week.It was on this understanding that we placed the order.

Unfortunately,there have been similar delays on several previous occasions and their increasing frequency in recent months compels us to say that business between us cannot be continued under conditions such as these.

We have felt it necessary to make our feeling known since we cannot give reliable delivery date to our customers unless we can count on undertakings given by our suppliers.

We hope you will understand how we are placed and that from now in we can rely upon punctual completion of our orders.

Yours faithfully

4.Proposal for settlement of a claim Gentlemen:

We thank you for your letter dated September 6,with the enclosure of Survey Report No.F5986.

You claim that the quality of the goods shipped per S.S “East Wind”is inferior to the original sample and request us to make a 10% reduction on the contract price.


This does not appear to us to be reasonable,as we sent you an advance sample prior to shipment,and not hearing from you to the contrary,presumed it to be acceptable to you.Meanwhile,this is a quality we have sold for years without receiving any complaints from other customers.It is made in our own mills,and the source of raw materials has not been changed.

However,considering our long-standing business relations and since the goods were examined by a Public Surveyor upon arrival,we will meet you halfway by offering a discount of 5%.

We hope that our proposal will be entertained by you for the settlement of the pending case so that we may continue doing business with you shortly.

We look forward to your early reply.


1.请注意上述货物须在6月15日前装运,并按发票的150%投保一切险.我们知道按一般惯例你们只按发票金额的110%投保 因此额外保险费由我们负担.

Please note that the above mentioned goods must be shipped before June 15, and insured against All Risks for 150% of the invoice value. We know that according to your usual practice, you insure the goods only for 110% of the invoice value, therefore, the extra premium will be borne by us.


An insurance claim should be submitted to the insurance company or its agent as promptly as possible so that they have enough time to pursue recovery from the relative party at fault.


We regret to inform you that 8 of the ten printers,packed in the case No.8,were badly damaged upon arrival.We enclosed an inspection certificate issued by the Shanghai Commodity Inspection Bureau and the shipping agent’s report and hope that no difficulty will arise in the settlement of our above claim of US$3,000.


In the absence of your definite instructions regarding insurance, we covered your ordered goods against W.P.A. for 110% of the invoice value according to our usual practice.



According to the terms of contract No.318,the goods shipment is to be effected by the 20th Jan,and we must have the B/L by the 31st at the latest .We trust you will ship the order within the stipulated time as any delay would cause us no little inconvenience and financial loss.


We regret our inability to company with your request for shipping the goods in early December,because the direct steamer sailing for London calls at our port only around the 20th every month.


We are pleased to inform you that the goods under your order No.1234 were shipped by the direct steamer “Red Star” on Nov 30th ,and the relevant shipping sample had been dispatched to you by ail before the steamer sailed.

8. 直到现在我们还没有收到有关我方465号定单即你方8269号合同的交货信息.毫无疑问,一定是由于某种原因耽误了装运.我们已电告你方,信用证已展至11月底,相信不日就能听到你方有关此事的消息.

We have not received our order No.465 until now.No doubt,there must have been certain reason delayed shipment.We have cabled you that we extending the L/C to the end of November and hope to hear from you soon.




We learn from your letter of September 20 that one case of our shipment under your Order NO.43 arrived in a badly damaged condition.


On receipt of your letter,we immediately appointed a surveyor at your end to inspect the damaged case with one of your staff members on the spot where the case was lying.On Oct.3 came the surveyor’s report stating that to all appearance the case in question had been either left out in heavy shower of rain,or else dropped into some water,and your staff member admitted that it was the case.



After a communication with the carrier,we were informed that the whole shipment arrived in good condition.They can be certain that the damage occurred during the time the goods were in your hands.In such circumstances,we regret having to say that we are not liable for the damage. 我们知道这只箱子里装有某些重要部件,机器没有这些部件会不会运转.因此你若认为需要的话,我们将乐于按发票价格着手再供同样一批部件,并尽最大努力在两星期内交货.


As we know,that case contains some important spare parts of our machines,without which the machines,without which the machines will not work,we shall therefore be pleased to put in hand a repeat of the supply of the spare at the prices invoiced if you think it necessary,and we shall do our best to deliver them within two weeks. We await your reply.


