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松江B. Choose the best words and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词完成短文) (12分)

Is it stressful and boring working at Google, one of the largest technology

companies in the world? Not at all! 75 , Google has the best working environment among the big companies in the United States.

The working environment is quite 76 at Google. The company encourages staff to do whatever they want in the office. They can design their own desks or work stations. They can write down their ideas on the wall. When they are tired, they can take a nap (打盹) on the sofa. Animal lovers can 77 bring their pets to work. Google is home to every employee. In addition to offices, there are game rooms, hair salons, restaurants and gyms. After work, employees can have a swim in the swimming pool or enjoy a massage (按摩). The company also encourages them to learn new things. It 78 a number of interesting free courses such as sign language, cooking, drawing and playing the piano.

There is an interesting rule at Google --- no staff member should be 100 feet away from food. Coffee bars and open kitchens are 79 . All food is free. There are thousands of different dishes in the main restaurant. One of its managers says, ―We care for our employees’ 80 , so we encourage them to have healthy food. Our research shows that if people are provided with enough food, they make better choices.‖

To work hard and work well, you need to love what you are working on and where you are working. Google believes that an interesting and pleasant space helps people think more creatively. So it is trying hard to keep its title as the happiest workplace in the world. 75. A) After all B) By the way C) For example D) In fact 76. A) surprising B) relaxing C) interesting D) amusing 77. A) almost B) ever C) even D) both 78. A) guides B) offers C) takes D) learns 79. A) everywhere B) somewhere C) anywhere D) nowhere 80. A) choice B) cooking C) health D) behavior

C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内

填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给) (14分) I remember a psychiatrist (精神病医生) once said that if you ever feel sad, the best thing to do is to do something for someone else because it gets you focused. It’s hard to be unhappy while serving someone else. A byproduct (副产品) of h 81 others is feeling wonderful yourself.

I remember sitting in an airport one day, waiting for my flight. I was e 82 because I had been upgraded (升级) to a first-class ticket. I had the best seat on the plane, seat 1A.


B 83 boarding, I noticed a young lady who had several carry-on bags and was holding a crying baby. Having just finished reading a book on doing acts of kindness, I heard my conscience (良心) speak to me, ―You guy, let her h 84 your ticket.‖ I fought these words for a while but finally gave in.

―Excuse me, but it seems that you could use this first-class ticket more than me. I know how hard it can be flying with a k 85 . Why don’t we trade (交换) our tickets.‖

―Are you sure?‖

―Oh yeah. I really don’t mind. I’m just going to be working the whole time, anyway.‖

―Well, thank you. That’s very kind of you,‖ she said as we e 86 our tickets. As we boarded the plane, I was surprised at how good it made me feel to watch her sit down in seat 1A. In fact, at that time, seat 24B or wherever I was sitting didn’t seem that bad at all. During the flight I was so curious to see how she was doing that I could h 87 stand (忍受) it. So I got up out of my seat, walked to the first-class section. There she was with her baby, both asleep in big and comfortable seat 1A. And I felt like getting a million dollars. I’ve got to keep doing this kind of things. 徐汇B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文):(12分)

When I entered Berkley, I hoped to win a scholarship(奖学金). As a Straight-A student all the way through, I believed I could take tough subjects and really learn something. One such course was World Literature given by Professor Jayne. I was very interested in the ideas he taught in class.

When I took the first exam, I was shocked to find a 77, C-plus, on my test paper, for English was always my best subject. I went to Professor Jayne, who listened to my 75 but he refused to do anything about it. I decided to try harder, 76 I didn’t know what that meant because school always seemed easy for me. I read the books more carefully, but got another 77. Again, I reasoned with Professor Jayne. Again, he listened patiently but wouldn’t 77 . One more test before the final exam. So I worked even harder and, for the first time, learned the meaning of the word ―thorough‖. But my effort did no good and 78 stayed as before. The last chance was the final. No matter what grade I got, it wouldn’t cancel three C-pluses. I might as well kiss the scholarship goodbye.

I stopped working hard. I felt I knew the course material as well as I ever would. The night before the final, I even relaxed to a 79 . The next day I decided for once I’d have fun with a test.

A week later, I was surprised to find I got an A. I hurried into Professor Jayne’s office. He seemed to be expecting me. ―If I gave you the grade as you 80 , you wouldn’t continue to work hard.‖

I stared at him, realizing what he said was correct. I had worked my head off, as I had never done before. I was surprised when my course grade arrived: A-plus. It was the only A-plus given. The next year I received my scholarship. I’ve always remembered Professor Jayne’s lesson: you alone must set your own standard of excellence.

75. A) speeches B) replies D) conclusions 76. A) although B) unless

C) arguments C) if


D) when 77. A) communicate with me

C) get rid of it 78. A) anything B) something nothing 79. A) test B) movie D) survey 80. A) expected B) volunteered selected

B) look after me

D) change his mind D) C) trick


C) everything

C) realized

C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分) It is never easy when a friend doesn’t tell the truth. This is something that hurts the person who has been lied to and f 81 it ends up hurting the person who did the lying as well. Lying is never something that is easy to forget or even to forgive. But it is something that you should try to understand so that you can be a better friend.

Usually, friends lie because of the way that they are feeling. If a friend feels inferior to(比……差) another person, he might make up stories so that he can get more a 82 . If your friend is lying to you for this reason, it might be a good idea to talk to your friend and make him understand that he doesn’t need to feel that way.

There are times when a friend might lie to try not getting into trouble. For example, if a friend knows he has been doing something you d 83 , or if he now regrets what he has said or done, he might want to lie about it so that you won’t be angry with him. The best way to deal with this situation is to get to the bottom of what might have happened, and make sure that you are being h 84 with your friend about everything that you do and the fact that lying hurts.

S 85 , a friend lies for other reasons. One of these reasons might be to protect your feelings. For example, he might lie about h 86 silly you look or what stupid words you have said. You must decide if truthfulness(真实) is more important than your feelings in this type of situation.

Many times, friends don’t lie to hurt each other. Perhaps they know that the truth might make you mad at them, and they just don’t want to lose your f 87 . The best way to deal with lying is to talk to your friends calmly, and get the truth.

杨浦B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(12分)

Maria Mitchell was born in 1818 during a time when many people thought that women did not need to learn. But, Mitchell’s father thought that both boys and girls should go to school. 75 , he tutored her at home as well as sent her to school. Mitchell’s father, recognizing her interest in astronomy (天文学) at an early age, encouraged her interest and taught her how to use a telescope. As an 76 , she worked as the first librarian at the Nantucket Atheneum library from 1836 to 1856, all the while still looking at the sky at night, studying the stars and the planets.

In October 1847, Mitchel saw a bright star through the telescope. She was sure that she had 77 seen that star before. Excited, she ran to tell her father. She carefully wrote notes about the star. The next night, it looked as if the ―star‖ had 78 . It also seemed to have a tail(尾巴)! Now, Mitchell was sure that she had found a comet, not a star.


At the time, the king of Denmark was offering a prize to the first person to find a comet that could only be seen through a telescope. Mitchell won the prize! It was a gold medal. But, she won something else too. She won people’s respect when they saw that she was 79 her work. Later, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences voted her in as its first female member.

In 1865, a new college just for women opened. It was called Vassar College, and Mitchell became a professor there. She was the first female professor to teach astronomy, or the science of stars and planets. Because of her, female students learned that they could be scientists too. Women could make valuable 80 to help understand our world.

75. A) Instead B) In addition C) So D) After all

76. A) adult B) agent C) astronaut D) audience

77. A) once B) never C) probably D) certainly

78. A) disappeared B) fallen C) moved D) grown 79. A) famous for B) honest about C) responsible for D) serious about

80. A) decisions B) discoveries C) mistakes D) connections

C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14分) Friendship is a valuable gift, but good friends are often hard to find. Building friendships is a lifelong, but worthwhile, job. A few points for making new friends:

? Take part in classes, clubs, or volunteer organizations. These activities will bring

you into contact with people who have c 81 interests. ? Make yourself available. If you want to make friends, you first need to put

yourself out there somehow in order to meet people. If you just sit alone, friends might come to you – but that’s not likely. If you’re still in school, sit somewhere with other people. It doesn’t have to be a crowded table, but one with at least two other people. Remember, friends s 82 come knocking on your door while you sit at home playing on your laptop. Keeping friends

Whether friendships are old or new, you should give enough care to them if you want them to l 83 . Even though it’s sometimes hard to spend time together, it’s important


to keep in touch. Be understanding when plans change. If you find yourselves fighting, try to look at things from the other person's point of view. Some tips for keeping friends:

? Be a good listener. Take the time to really hear what they’re saying, and offer a 84 only if they ask for it. ? Respect the other person’s opinion, even when you don’t a 85 . ? Keep secrets safe. If your friend tells you something p 86 , don’t share it with other people. They need to know that they can trust you with their secrets.

? Show interest in your friend’s life. If your friend is involved in an activity that

they care about, show your support and interest. Offer to go to their e 87 . For example, if your friend plays a sport or is acting in a play, go to a game or performance to cheer them on. 长宁B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择



I recently watched my sister perform an act of magic.

We were sitting in a restaurant, try to have a

conversation, but her children, four-year-old Willow and

seven-year-old Luca, would not stop fighting. The ____75____—over a fork, or who had more water in a glass—never stopped.

Like a magician (魔术师) who makes a group of children quiet by pulling a rabbit out of a hat, my sister reached into her purse and took out two shiny Apple iPads, handing one to each child. Suddenly, the two were quiet. They sat playing games and watching videos, and we ____76____ with our conversation.

After our meal, as we put the iPads back into their magic bag, my sister felt a bit ____77____.

―I don’t want to give them the iPads at the dinner table, but if it keeps them busy for an hour so we can eat in peace, and ____78____, not disturb other people in the restaurant, I often just give it to them,‖ she told me. Then she asked: ―Do you think it’s bad for them? I do worry that it is making them think it’s OK to use electronics at the dinner table in the future.‖

I did not have an answer, and ____79____ some people might have opinions, no one has a true scientific understanding of what the future might be for a generation raised on screens. Dr. Gary Small, director of the Longevity Center says we do know that the brain is highly sensitive to stimuli (刺激), like iPads and smartphone screen, and if people spend too much time with one technology, and less time acting together with people like parents at the dinner table, that could make it difficult to develop their communicative skills.

We really don’t know the full neurological (神经学上的) effects of these

technologies yet. But learning about being alone is the basis of early development. If


we don’t teach our children how to be alone, maybe they’ll ____80____know how to be lonely in the future. 75. A. opinions B. arguments C. discussion D. conversation 76. A. continued B. talked C. shared D. communicated 77. A. satisfied B. comfortable C. surprised D. sorry 78. A. after all B. more importantly C. at present D. for example 79. A. until B. if C. although D. because 80. A. hardly B. never C. also D. only

C. Read the passage and fill the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给) (14分)

It’s as hard to be a good father as it is to be a good mother—maybe harder.

Does Father’s Day cause anxiety (紧张)? Does it make you wish you had a better relationship with your own father—or with your own children? Was your father your friend? Your e____81____? Or was he just a man doing his best?

Some men are excellent dads but they are not the ones you’ll see on posters for Father’s Day: they are not the smiling men full of energy, but i____82____, they are the tired and underpaid (薪水不高的) men.

My good father was one of those exhausted men. He spent 12 hours working hard every day w____83____ complaint so that we could live in a house and not in an apartment. I never thought he would show up at school plays I was in or attend the award events. Although my father didn’t feel it necessary to be p____84____ to show his support, he encouraged me whole-heartedly. I a____85____ his encouragement in the way he offered it and learned to play in public; it wasn’t his applause (掌声) I was looking for, after all, because I knew I already had it. To him, I had nothing to prove.

A good father loves unconditionally(无条件地)and allows you to understand him by actions. A b____86____ dad always tells you your success is his success, your failure is his failure and he’s not there as a support or a guide but as a j____87____. To my great father, I want to say ―Thank you for what you’ve given us and all you’ve done.‖


we don’t teach our children how to be alone, maybe they’ll ____80____know how to be lonely in the future. 75. A. opinions B. arguments C. discussion D. conversation 76. A. continued B. talked C. shared D. communicated 77. A. satisfied B. comfortable C. surprised D. sorry 78. A. after all B. more importantly C. at present D. for example 79. A. until B. if C. although D. because 80. A. hardly B. never C. also D. only

C. Read the passage and fill the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给) (14分)

It’s as hard to be a good father as it is to be a good mother—maybe harder.

Does Father’s Day cause anxiety (紧张)? Does it make you wish you had a better relationship with your own father—or with your own children? Was your father your friend? Your e____81____? Or was he just a man doing his best?

Some men are excellent dads but they are not the ones you’ll see on posters for Father’s Day: they are not the smiling men full of energy, but i____82____, they are the tired and underpaid (薪水不高的) men.

My good father was one of those exhausted men. He spent 12 hours working hard every day w____83____ complaint so that we could live in a house and not in an apartment. I never thought he would show up at school plays I was in or attend the award events. Although my father didn’t feel it necessary to be p____84____ to show his support, he encouraged me whole-heartedly. I a____85____ his encouragement in the way he offered it and learned to play in public; it wasn’t his applause (掌声) I was looking for, after all, because I knew I already had it. To him, I had nothing to prove.

A good father loves unconditionally(无条件地)and allows you to understand him by actions. A b____86____ dad always tells you your success is his success, your failure is his failure and he’s not there as a support or a guide but as a j____87____. To my great father, I want to say ―Thank you for what you’ve given us and all you’ve done.‖


