unit 7 what does he look like单元训练(新人教七下)

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重点词汇:short ,curly ,long ,straight ,hair ,medium ,build ,height ,thin ,tall ,heavy ,brown ,blonde ,glasses ,beard ,always

look like ,stop doing sth.,a little ,tell jokes ,pop singer

重点句型:What does he look like? He ’s tall.

He ’s short and he has straight hair.

Do you know David? No. What does he look like?



short ,tall ,curly hair ,thin ,heavy ,rnedium build ,medium height ,good-looking ,a beard He 答案:


short ,tall ,thin ,beavy ,medium buid ,medium height ,good-looking , has curly hair ,a beard ,


( )1. Look ,the clock ________a panda.

A. looks at

B. looks for

C. looks like


( )2. The girl ________long and curly hair.

A. is

B. has

C. has a


( )3. Giraffes ________very tall and very smart.

A. are

B. have

C. has


( )4. My teacher ________a little bit heavy.

A. is

B. has

C. there is


( )5. She ________medium height with short hair.

A. is

B. has

C. does


( )6. Mrs Black asked us to stop ________and listen to her.

A. talk

B. talking

C. talked


( )7. Are you happy ________your English?

A. at

B. to

C. with


( )8. The famous actor often________ sunglasses , so nobody can know him.

A. has

B. wears

C. has


is has

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A. has

B. is

C. has a


( )10. Why ________a man ________a beard but a woman not?

A. does ,have

B. is ,has

C. do ,have



( )1. How are your parents?

答案:E 你父母亲还好吗?(问身体怎么样)这是一种礼貌用语,一般用fine 回答。

( )2. How does she look like?

答案:A 她看起来怎么样?(问气色)一般用形容词回答,看起来身体好,有点累等等。

( )3. What does she look like?

答案:C 她像什么样子?(问外貌特征)一般回答她的高矮胖瘦,脸形、发型、穿戴等。

( )4. Do you know him?

答案:B 一般疑问句,用yes ,no 来回答。

( )5. Where did you spend the weekend?

答案:D 问地点,要具体回答在……地方。

A. A little tired.

B. No ,I don ’t.

C. She has big eyes and short hair. She ’s a little thin. She is medium height.

D. At home.

E. They ’re fine. Thank you. 四、看图填词,用所给词填空

thin straight short long heavy glasses good-looking beard medium


1. Look at the girl. What does the girl look like?

She is a ________girl. She is ________and

she is a little ________.She has ________and ________hair.

答案:good-looking ,medium height ,thin ,long ,straight

2. Look at the man. What does he look like?

He is ________and ________with________. He has a________.

答案:short ,heavy ,glasses ,beard



1. tell jokes__________________

2. be thin and short____________________

3. from New York_____________

4. rock singer with long hair_____________

5. the boy on the bike__________

6. 足球队队长________________________

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7.喜欢下国际象棋____________ 8.别踢足球了_________________________

9.他的新面貌________________ 10. 看起来像你的书包_________________

答案:1.讲笑话 2.又瘦又矮 3.来自纽约 4.留着长发的摇滚歌手 5.骑自行车的男孩6.the captain of the football team 7.1ike playing chess 8.stop playing football 9.his new look 10.look like your bag


1. Peter lives________35,Bridge Street.

答案:at 住在几号,用介词at。

2. There are some people talking ________the park.

答案:in 在公园里,in the park。

3. It’s time ________class.

答案:for It’s time for sth.或It’s time to do sth.该做某事了。

4. It’s time ________us to go to the bank.

答案:for for sb. to do sth.某人做某事,for sb.是动词不定式to do逻辑上的主语。本句意为:是我们去银行的时间了,我们该去银行了。

5. He’s a Chinese boy ________short,straight hair.

答案:with 填with。他是一个有着短的直发的中国男孩。

三、用little,a little, a bit填空

1. He knows ________of French.

答案:a bit

2. It is ________warm today. Let’s go out for a walk.

答案:a bit/a little

3. The ________boy is cute.


4. —Can you give me some ink(墨水)? —Sorry,I have ________in my pen.


5. How happy I am! Now I can speak ________English.

答案:a little

a bit或a little bit与a little都可修饰形容词,如题2,修饰名词时,a bit后要有of再加名词,而a little后直接接名词,所以题1只能用a bit。little与small都是“小的”意思,但little 有感情色彩,而small指形状、规模小,数量少。如little boy,small room。little常用来修饰不可数名词,little表示“几乎没有”,a little表示“有一点”。little和a little还可用作副词。


Could you help me,please? I can’t find my son. He’s only four years old. His name is Marlin. He has a long face (脸),two big black eyes and a big nose (鼻子). His hair is black and very short. He is in a dark blue (深蓝色) T-shirt and light grey trousers (淡灰色长裤). He likes little animals and cars. There is a toy (玩具) car in his hand. It’s red.

Please help me find him. My phone number is 6851234. My name is Alice Jones. Thank you.

1. How old is her son?


答案:He’s only four years old.

2. What’s the boy’s name?


答案:His name is Marlin.

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3. What does the boy look like?


答案:He has a long face,two big black eyes and a big nose.His hair is black and very short.

4. What clothes is the boy wearing?


答案:He is wearing a dark blue T-shirt and light grey trousers.

5. What does the boy like?


答案:He likes little animals and cars.

6. What’s in the boy’s hand?


答案:Ared toy car.



( )1. One of the girls ________a white T-shirt now.

A. wears

B. is wearing

C. wearing

D. to wear


( )2. Can you help ________wash (洗) my bike?

A. I

B. me

C. my

D. he

答案:B help sb. do sth.或help sb. to do sth.帮助某人做某事,这里sb.是宾语。

( )3. Please remember ________the book back.

A. taking

B. to take

C. bringing

D. to bring

答案:D remember to do sth.表示记着做某事。remember doing sth.表示记得曾做过某事。bring带来take带走。

( )4. Hi,Li Ping,where are ________boys?

A. other

B. others

C. the others

D. the other

答案:D other可以做形容词,后面接名词。other boys其他男孩。这里的其他男孩特指的是李平和说话人都知道的那些男孩,所以要加定冠词the,the other boys。other还可做代词,代替多数的东西可用others。I don’t like these.Can you show me any others?

( )5. —I can’t find my raincoat. —Let me ________you.

A. help

B. get

C. take

D. give


( )6. —Is this Mike’s book? —Yes. I’ll (我将) give ________back to________.

A. it,him

B. its,him

C. him,it

D. it,he

答案:A give sth.to sb.sth.和sb.均要用宾格。

( )7. There is a door ________the wall.

A. in

B. on

C. at

D. near

答案:A在墙上用on the wall。门是装在墙体内,用in。

( )8. Peter is ________our school football team. He’s our captain.

A. like

B. help

C. on

D. for

答案:C on/in a football team是足球队员。

( )9. I can get a nice sweater ________you.

A. to

B. for

C. of

D. with

答案:B get sth.for sb.固定结构,也可写作get sb.sth.

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