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线 号 学 题 答 得 名封 姓 不 内 线 封 级密 班 密 校学


词性转换1 teach(过去式)(过去式)

(形容词)6 never(对应词)2 us(主格)7 help3 wishes(过去式)(单数)8 bring4 love(形容词)5 enjoy(同音)10 writing(原形)11 I'll(完全形式)12 they(过去式)(宾格)9 happiness13 here英汉互译 1 say goodbye to

message 2 primary school 3 享受我们的时光 4 write a

时光写一段留言 9 一个出色的朋友 5 永远保存他 10 never forget our time together 6lots of joy 7祝你今后顺利 8 度过了快乐的 11 小学 12 重点句子 13 best friends 4 watch football games 1

5 a happy time 念你的。送给你最好的愿望!祝你好运!你是一个很好的朋友!起的时光。我想记住你们所有人。请在这本书上写下留言。我将永远保存2 我们不就就要向我们的小学学校说再见了。我很享受我们在一 并且我将会想他。3 乐趣。祝你今后顺利!你是一个淘气但是可爱的男孩。 .


你在运动上帮助了我。带给了我们许多出色的朋友。我会想念你!我们在学校度过了快乐的时光。你教了我汉语。非常感谢。你是一个5 美好的愿望!来英国和我一起看足球比赛把!你是我最好的朋友 大明。我将不会忘记我们在一起的时光。送给你最

6 7我正在给我地球的朋友写信。


9 你在信中写了什么?首先我会写他们的名字,看这张是埃米的。

祝福语啊!然后我在每逢心里写:10 ‘‘祝你快乐每一天。 ’’ 这有四十封信。这得写多少 . 单项选择11玲玲正在做什么?她首先写什么?那有多少封信?快要结束了。 12()

miss B misses C missing

()We sent our best Why is he crying? He's a new student here. He for her birthday.A wishes B merry C happiness his old friends.A 34()Can I help you? I want to buy milk.A many B any C some A Have a nece trip! B Merry christmas C Good luck ()当你的朋友才加考试时,你应该这样说:

56()Lily to you.

7() often help a blind man. a nice gril! A where B How C what 8()What are you doing?I'm sending what are you writing your letters?A to B in C for email to my family. A the B a C an B for C to ()I have a lot of books about animals. This one is 9

you. Thank you!A on 10()This is the name my mother. A of Bwite C to 11()a naughty boy he is!A what B How C Where

12()do you like eating fish? Because it's delicious A what B why C who to () hungry.A look B eat C keep We're going to eat at twelve I'm hungry. It's eleven. I'm going

第1页 (共2页) 13按要求写句子()Good luck you!A in B at C to 1 I‘m writing lett

2 We're swimming in the river.ers .(对writing letters提问) 3There are forty letters.4 every you happinese wishing day (对forty(变为一般疑问句)提问) 5 I’连句。 6 There are about forty letters. m writing an email.(对writing an email

7 write (对提问) 根据首字母或汉语提示补全单词 name I the friend a of (.)连词成句forty letters 提问)

1 What a lot of good w 2Wish you h 3He's s 4 He an email to me.

every day. ! 5Lingling wants to be a doctor in the f was my teacher.And he t me Maths 6 We‘re 7We s going to start m school soon . 8 I’m e 9 10 They’re going to Teacher’s Day is in because I‘m goingto learn lots of new things. very little Chinese four years ago.


用所给单词的适当形式填空 (离开)their primary school 1You're a naughty but 2I'll (

love)boy. 4He 3You brought us lots of (keep)it forever (joy)

5 I'm 20 years old.I (teach)me French two years ago

选词填空补全句子1I‘m sendingabout forty letters here.3 (have)a happy time at primary school (a/an)email to my mum.2 There (are/isare you leters are there? ( write/writing ) in your letters? 5 (What/How) How a lot of good wishes! 4 What ) ( many/much)根据提示,选择合适的选项,根据汉语补全句子1I’m wring A sorry letters B thank you letters C goodbye letters (告别信)to all my friends my friends

爱他school 2That's 3 What a lot of (一个好主意)A a good idea B a good letters C a bad idea presents 4 First I write (美好的祝愿)A the picture B the name of C the postcard (``````的名字)A best wishes B good wiches C best a friend. 5I‘m writing an email A from my family B from the earth C to the earth to my friends (来自地球)

第2页 (共2页)

