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工程焊接 Project weld

一 概况 General


Shanghai SECCO 900,000T∕A ethane Project and 260,000T∕A AN installation, process piping 11,800 extend meter, reduced 243,867 DB, request storage tank 11 stations which are manufactured in site (except for burning installation), the biggest storage tank is 7000 cubic meter, the smallest is 300 cubic meter. Materials which have been know refer to weld the biggest have 10 types. (except for burning installation) They are: Q235A, Q235B, 15CrMo, CS20, 316L, 316, 304L, 304, 304SS. SS weld?s

proportion is rather big, weld amount of work mainly focus on the middle-back date of project, reinforce management, enhance the proportion of piping prefabrication, strictly strengthen process discipline, realize once weld percent of pass 96% which is by SECCO, complete AN installation well and high quanlity.

二 编制依据 Orgernization base.

1 中国石化兰州设计院资料。 SLDI material 2 施工图纸。

Construction drawing.

3 上海SECCO有关技术文件。

Related technical document of Shanghai SECCO. 4 中国石化第五建设公司有关资料文件。

Related material document of the fifth construction company of SINOPEC 5 国家及行业标准规范。

Standard and specification of country and craft.

6 《锅炉压力容器压力管道焊工考试与管理规则》国质检总局.

“ Weld examination and management rules of boiler, pressure ressels and pressure pipling “quality inspection department of China.

7 《钢制压力容器焊接工艺评定》JB4708-2000

Weld process assessment of steel pressure ressels JB4708-2000. 8 《石油化工工程焊接工艺评定》SHJ509-88(可能有新版)

weld process assessment of petrochemical project SHJ509-88 (may have new version)

9 《钢制压力容器焊接规程》JB/T4709-2000

Weld rule of steel pressure vessels JB /T4709-2000. 10


Process standard of construction of petrochemical vertical cylinder shape steel storage tanks SH/T3530-2001


Weld project construction and acceptance criterion of equipments in site and industry piping GB50236-98.


Process metal piping project construction and acceptance cirterionGB50235-97


Steel struction project construction and acceptance criterion GB50205-2002


Petrochemical strong poison and inflammable medium piping project and acceptance criterion SH3501-2001

6)《石油化工异种钢焊接规程》SH3526-92 Weld rule of petrochemical different steel SH3526-92


Waiting weld technical rule of petrochemical project chrome molybden head-resistant steel pipe SH520-91


Weld rule of petrochemical project high temperature piping SH3523-92

9)《焊接用钢丝》GB1300-77 Steel wire used in weld GB1300-77

10)《碳钢焊条》GB5117-85 CS welding rod GB5117-85

11)《不锈钢焊条》GB983-85 SS welding rod GB983-85

12)《低合金钢焊条》GB5118-85 Low alloy steel welding rod GB5118-85


Quality management rule of welding rod JB3323-83


Welding seam sign expression method GB324-88

三 工程中钢材及其焊接

Steel material and weld in project. 1 低碳钢的焊接 Law CS. weld



Such as :CS, 20, Q235A Q235B they belong to low CS series in AN installation. Among of them , amount of carbon is low (≤0.25%) and other alloy factors are very little too, so their welding performance is better and pre-heat is not necessary before weld .Plasticity is better is better, crack tendency from welding joint is little, they adopt weld in every position. In construction, low CS material is mainly used in steel structure, feed-drain water, normal medium piping and vessel. Material thickness is from δ4 to 22, biggest piping diameter is D1820mm. δ19 andδ22 from class 20 pipe, is their wall-thickness perform to preheat and heat-treatment is performed according to the design requirement.


Detailed weld criterion of four materials include in following table one. 2 15CrMo钢的焊接

Weld of 15CrMo steel.


15CrMo steel belong to perlite heat-resistant steel and is low alloy steel and its main material is chrome and molybder (perlite ferrite).Its strength and antioxidation properties in high temperature are better, it is used in feed heat system in installation. When weld chrome molybder heat-resistant steel. Weld material must assure chemical elements of welding seam metal and maximun close to the chemical elements of being welded steel material. 1)、坡口加工及检查

Working and inspection of groove.


Pip cutting and groove working shall adopt mechanical method. When adopt oxygen-ethyne flame cutting, clean out slag, oxide skin and make the rugosity surface scour level. Perform to inspect appearance after working groove, surface of groove shall not have fault of crack and layer ect. If NDT for is required by design , should perform standard JB4730,the range of crack detection is in the place zoom of groove and it?s both sides. 2)、预热 Preheat


Weld joint is easy to work crack and re-crack, in order to avoid the phenamenon, normally request to preheat before weld. If the preheat temperature to 15CrMohave not requirement in design, whenδ≥10mm时,t>150℃。 3)、焊后缓冷

Slow cooling after weld


Slow cooling is the rules complied with by weld steel , it is also done in hot

summer. The method is that immediately cover welding seam and close seam area with asbestos cloth after weld. 4)、装配焊接 Assemble weld


During the course of weld , do not interrupt and complete it once. If pause is requested, make the welded parts slow cooling. Before assemble, weld next time must clean and inspect carefully and preheat again. Do not permit forced, preheat is necessary while assembling locating weld. 5)、焊后热处理 Heat-treatment after weld

焊后热处理温度:650~700℃。 Heat-treatment temperature=650-700 恒温时间:每毫米壁厚恒温时间3分钟,且不少于30分钟。

Constant temperature time constant temperature time for wall-thickness per-millimeter.is not less than 30 minutes. 6)、热处理后硬度测定:(见表二)

Hardness measurement after heat-treatment:(see table two)

项目 内容 item content 管子外径大于57mm时,检查热处理焊口总数10%,管子外径检查焊口数小于或等于57mm时,检查热处理焊口总数的5%,且不少于量 5% inspect the piper outside cliameter is more than 57mm, inspect heat-treatment amount of crater total is 10%, or else, inspect heat-treatment crate total is crater 5%and less than 5% 每个焊口不少于一处每处三点。如图所示: 1 2 3 硬度测定 Harlness measurement 1、焊缝 2、热影响区 3、母材 Each crater is less than one position and each position have three point. Following chart= 1 welding seam 2 heat affection area 3 parent material 合格标准 焊缝硬度一般不超过母材布氏硬度HB+100; passing hardness of welding seam do not exceed parent material standard Brinellhardness HB+100 不合格处理 defective treatment

硬度值超过规定,加倍检查,仍不合格重新热处理,并做硬度测定. If the hardness value exceed regulations, doubling inspect, If result of inspection do not pass, perform heat-treatment again and do hardness measurement. 15CrMo钢的具体焊接规范见表一。

Detailed weld specification for 15CrMo steel see table one. 3 奥氏体不锈钢的焊接

Weld of austenite stainless steel..


Stainless steel material in AN installation have five types such as:316L, 316, 304L, 304, 304SS. They are used in poison, erosion, piping and vessel; so the requirement in quanlity is more high. 1)、奥氏体不锈钢的焊接特性

Weld performance of austenite stainless steel.


Wellaing seam is under the temperature 450-850℃ for a long time , normally temperature 650℃ is intercrystalline corrosion sensitive temperature, if welding seam or heat affection area delay form ten and several second to several minutes under the high temperature , work intercrystalline conosion .Austenite stainless steel also work heat crack. 2)、奥氏体不锈钢的焊接工艺要点

Key Points to Welding Procedure of Austenitic Stainless Steel


Regardless of SMAW and TIG, first the influence of above-mentioned defects must be eliminated or weakened as much as possible from selection of welding materials, i.e. mainly select extra low carbon welding wire (electrode), and the welding material which is of medium current and blended with the stabilized element and which can make weld metal get diphase structures (austenite and ferrite). 3)、焊接注意事项 Welding notes

采用小的线能量 Less heat input shall apply.


Take proper cooling measures, namely be to take the forced cooling (e.g. water cooling and blowing with compressed air) measures, control interpass and post weld

