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Module 6-1 Reading(单词短语篇)



1.If the firms failed to make enough money,they would close__________.2.China is one of the largest countries in the world,________(cover) an area of 9.6 million square kilometres.

3.They were__________to hear the__________story.(frighten)

4.It's too late.Andy is unlikely__________(come).

5.Ellen was a painter of birds and nature,__________,for some reason,stopped painting.

6.There were__________(thousand) of doves here yesterday.

7.They promise that they will finish the project in a month,but I remain sceptical__________their claim.

8.(2013年高考·重庆卷改编)John invited about 40 people to his wedding,most of__________are family members.

9.Last year I had a narrow escape from a car accident,and I don't want to risk my life__________second time.


1.down close down 意为“关闭,倒闭”。

2.covering cover 在此为及物动词,意为“占(一片面积)”,与其逻辑主语China 之间是主谓关系,故用现在分词形式。

3.frightened;frightening frightened 受惊的,害怕的;frightening 使惊恐的。

4.to come be unlikely to do sth.不可能做某事。

5.who 定语从句缺少主语,且先行词指人,故此处用who引导定语从句。

6.thousands thousands of 数以千计的。

7.about/of be sceptical of/about sth. 怀疑某事。

8.whom 该定语从句的先行词指人,且most of__________在从句中充当主语,空处位于介词后,故用whom。

9.a “不定冠词+序数词+名词”表示“再……,又……”。


1.On his way home,he was__________(袭击)by two strangers.

2.It was a very__________(吓人的)experience and they were very brave.

3.So far there has been no proof that people from other planets do__________(存在).

4.We couldn't cut the string because the edge of the knife was not __________(锋利的)enough.

5.Egypt,as the birthplace of ancient civilization,is a__________(神秘的)land.

6.He once__________(声称)to be a journalist.

7.Water covers a large proportion of the earth's__________(表面).

8.They are__________(不可能的)to come since the weather is so bad.


9.When the weather is fine and the lake is__________(平静的),we may go boating together.

10.He told us the news seriously,so we were not__________(怀疑的)about what he said.


1.attacked 2.frightening 3.exist 4.sharp 5.mysterious 6.claimed 7.surface 8.unlikely 9.calm 10.sceptical



At my heaviest I weighed 370 pounds. I had a very poor relationship with food: I used it to__1__ bad feelings, to make myself feel better, and to celebrate. Worried about my health, I tried many different kinds of__2__but nothing worked.

I came to believe that I could do nothing about my __3__.

When I was 50, my weight problem began to affect me __4__. I didn't want to live the rest of my life with this__5__weight any more.

That year, I__6__a seminar where we were asked to create a project that would touch the world. A seminar leader shared her__7__story-she had not only lost 125 pounds, but also raised $25,000 for homeless children.

__8__by her story, I created the As We Heal (痊愈), the World Heals__9__. My goal was to lose 150 pounds in one year and raise $50,000__10__ a movement founded 30 years ago to end hunger. This combination of healing myself and healing the world__11__me as the perfect solution.

__12__I began my own personal weight program, I was filled with the fear that I would__13__the same difficulties that beat me before. While the__14__hung over my head, there were also signs that I was headed down the right__15__. I sent letters to everyone I knew, telling them about my project, It worked perfectly. Donations began__16__in from hundreds of people.

Of course, I also took some practical steps to lose weight. I consulted with a physician (内科医生), I hired a fitness coach, and I began to eat small and__17__meals. My fund-raising focus also gave me new motivation to exercise__18__.

A year later, I__19__my goal: I lost 150 pounds and raised $50,000! I feel that I've been given a second life to devote to something that is__20__and enormous.

1.A.add B.mix

C.Kill D.share

2.A.diets B.drinks

C.Fruits D.dishes

3.A.height B.ability

C.Wisdom D.weight

4.A.temporarily B.recently

C.Seriously D.secretly

5.A.ideal B.extra

C.Normal D.low

6.A.attended B.organized


C.Recommended D.mentioned

7.A.folk B.success

C.Adventure D.science

8.A.Surprised B.Amused

C.Influenced D.Disturbed

9.A.project B.business

C.System D.custom

10.A.in search of B.in need of

C.in place of D.in support of

11.A.scared B.considered

C.Confused D.struck

12.A.As B.Until

C.If D.Unless

13.A.get over B.run into

C.look for D.put aside

14.A.excitement B.joy

C.Anger D.fear

15.A.row B.hall

C.Path D.street

16.A.breaking B.flooding

C.Jumping D.stepping

17.A.heavy B.full

C.Expensive D.healthy

18.A.regularly B.limitlessly

C.Suddenly D.randomly

19.A.set B.reached

C.Missed D.dropped

20.A.stressful B.painful

C.Meaningful D.peaceful



1.C 根据下文中的“to make myself feel better”可知,作者用食物扼杀(kill)自己的坏心情。增加(add),混合(mix),分享(share),都与语境不符。

2.A 作者担心自己的健康,为了控制饮食和体重试过许多种节食(diets)的办法。饮料(drinks),水果(fruits),菜肴(dishes),都不符合语境。

3.D 作者担忧自己的健康问题,但许多节食办法都没用,于是觉得对自己的体重(weight)没办法了。

4.C 作者50岁的时候,体重问题更加突出,严重地(seriously)影响作者的健康。暂时地(temporarily),最近(recently),偷偷地(secretly),都与语境不符。

5.B 上文说到作者饱受自己体重问题的困扰,因此这里用形容词extra表示“额外的”,作者决心要开始甩掉身上多余的肉。

6.A 从选项的词义和搭配看,这里应该用动词attended与seminar(研讨会)搭配,


4 表示作者参加了一个研讨会。

7.B 研讨会的一个领导者讲述自己不仅减重125磅,还为流浪儿童募集了两万五千美元,这是一个成功(success)的故事。folk“民谣”,adventure “历险”,science “科学”,都不符合语境。

8.C 作者受到这个领导者的故事的影响“Influenced”,创立了一个项目。使惊奇“Surprised”,逗笑“Amused”,打扰“Disturbed”,都不符合语境。

9.A 这是作者创立的一个项目,因此用名词project 表示“项目,方案”,“projec t”在下文多处被提到。

10.D 作者的目标是减重150磅并募集五万美元来支持一项开始于30年前的旨在结束饥饿的运动,因此用in support of 表示“支持”。in search of“寻找”;in need of“需要”;in place of“代替”。

11.D 把个人的减肥与帮助解决世界问题结合起来,这让作者觉得这是完美的解决办法,动词strike 可以表示“(以某种方式)给某人留下印象”,因此选D 。注意动词strike 的熟词生义,注意掌握其常见用法。

12.A As 引导时间状语从句表示“当……的时候”,这里说的是当作者开始实施自己的减肥计划的时候,又担心这次会遇到(run into)和以前减肥中一样的困难。

13.B run into 表示“遇到”,与后面的difficulties 呼应,表示“遇到困难”。

14.D 上文提到作者的担心,害怕会遇到先前的那些困难,因此选D 表示“害怕”。

15.C While 引导让步状语从句表示“尽管”,这里表示作者觉得自己这次走在正确的道路(path)上,因此选C 。

16.B 这里表示捐款大量涌来,flood 在此用作动词表示”涌进”,符合语境。

17.D 这里说的是作者饮食的变化,吃得少,而且吃得很健康(healthy)。吃得很多(heavy),吃得很饱(full),吃的东西很贵(expensive),都不符合语境。

18.A 作者经常锻炼,regularly 表示“有规律地,经常地”。

19.B 这里说的是作者一年之后实现(reached)了自己先前设定的目标,因此选B 。

20.C 作者在这里发出感慨,自己在减肥的同时做了一件有意义的事:为流浪儿童募捐,因此选C 。


Introduction to Piano

No matter what you do in life, it's always important to start with the basics. Taught by experienced musician Dennis Dykstra, this class will give beginning piano learners an introduction to the keyboard, keys, scales, chords, melodies ,and note

reading. Class is combined with adult class.

Brinton (Beg.,Ages 8—17)……#37919

Sat., Apr.13—Jun.1, 10∶30 AM —12∶00 PM

$ 56 Residents/$112 Non -Residents

Guitar Lesson

Learn basic chords, notes, and different strumming techniques. Strum your way

5 to fun. Bring your own guitar. Classes combined with youth guitar classes.

Brinton (Beg./Int. Ages 12—17)……#37623

Sat.,Apr. 13—Jun. 1,2∶00 PM —3∶30 PM

$110 Residents/$ 220 Non -Residents

Hip Hop Culture & Modern Dance

Hip hop is a dance form that has origins in New York's folk culture and has become popularized by the entertainment industry. The steps evolve from Tap, Jazz & Belly dance. This class will consist of clean hip hop music techniques, steps and a


Hamilton (Ages 6—12)……#38475

Tue., Apr.16—Jun.4, 7∶00 PM —8∶00 PM

$18 Residents/$36 Non -Residents

Science of Magic and Fantastic Fliers

This super science sampler introduce participants to two hot topics: magic and flight! In science of magic, participants learn the science behind illusions, mind reading and perform a magic escape! Amaze and amuse friends.

In Fantastic fliers, participants will fly through flight and aerodynamics basics. Discover the four forces that affect flight. Make and test various plane designs to see these forces in action! Not suitable for free or reduced fees.

Jueau (Ages 4—12)……#370956

Mon. Feb. 4,5∶30 PM —7∶30 PM

$ 80 Residents/$ 160 Non -residents

1.The activity Introduction to Piano is intended for those__________.

A .who just begin to learn how to play the piano

B .who are experienced in playing the piano

C .who show interest in teaching the piano lessons

D .who are willing to make the piano for musicians

2.If your son is 5 years old, you may choose__________.

A .Guitar Lesson

B .Science of Magic and Fantastic Fliers

C .Hip Hop Culture & Modern Dance

D .Introduction to Piano

3.If you want to learn how to play the guitar, you have to go__________.

A .10∶30 AM —12∶00 AM

B .5∶30 PM —7∶30 PM

C .2∶00 PM —3∶30 PM

D .7∶00 PM —8∶00 PM

4.If you want to save money, you may learn the________.

A .Piano

B .guitar

C .Flight

D .hip hop culture




1.A 细节理解题。根据第一部分的第二句话可知是给那些刚刚开始学习钢琴的人,因此选A。误解分析:B错在experienced这个词,C错在teaching上,D错在make the piano,因此排除。

2.B 细节理解题。结合几个活动适合的年龄阶段可知,可以学习第四个,所以选B。

3.C 细节理解题。结合Guitar Lesson部分的时间Apr.13—Jun.1, 2∶00 PM—3∶30 PM可知,想学习弹吉他的话,应该是这个时间。

4.D 细节理解题。比较几个活动需要的费用可知,只有学习嘻哈文化比较省钱,因此选D。


