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videoconference, Secretary of the provincial Committee of Xia Baolong stressed: this year is the \outstanding issues, obviously worked,\of the year. The County's departments at all levels must firmly establish the \n development concept, convinced that Castle is not relaxed, always maintaining strategic ability and strong determination to improve the environment, consistently playing well \ar, ever-higher levels of comprehensive well-off society was built. (A) lay the sewage uphill battle. This year we will \, up to five\c objective grasp of pollution control that focus, with the focus on three things: a good job, \s\ng the County created. Organization \ck\nspection, the County garbage River, black and odorous River is \on, timely rectification of problems found in place firmly to prevent river pollution rebound. In accordance with the \-stop strategy\nferior five water quality monitoring stations work this year to ensure the Elimination of 1 provincial control, five water quality section 3 municipalities controlled deterioration, ensure the creation this year of \cond, pay special attention to pollution-cutting construction of nanotubes. Intercepting nanotubes are the basis of pollution of water source engineering, engineering, matter of success or failure of water management. Urban sewage treatment, to improve \ccuracy, compliance\speed up the town's support network construction, is focusing on nanotubes home \on. Domestic sewage treatment in rural areas, this year is the final year of the three-year action, determination to fight and the momentum around, ending the battle on which fully to ensure the realization of all County 648 formed village coverage. Also, be sure to attach importance to focus on rural domestic wastewater treatment facility operation and management, ensure that wastewater treatment facility up and running, role play, avoid the \d, pay speal attention to the River Lake pond desilting operation. Provinces now have focused on pollution control of water go to %up mud\of this year's \Next, to jump-start an investigation line touches work, implementation plan according to the priorities and the programme of work, in accordance with the \detailed cleaning, dredging plan, planning ahead of time cleaning out mud \ng to local conditions to do sludge, promote scientific resource utilization of silt and mud. (B) the heavy regulation of heavily polluting industries. Pollution of water must grab the source, wastewater is primarily the source of backward production capacity, increase the intensity of单位消防安全标准化管理建设标准










(九)员工熟悉本工种操作过程的火灾危险性,掌握消防基本知识和防火、灭火基本技能,定期开展灭火和应急疏散演练,火灾时履行扑救火灾和引导人员疏散的义务。 (十)建立健全单位消防安全管理档案。 二、消防安全责任和职责 (一)单位消防安全职责

1、落实消防安全责任,明确本场所的消防安全责任人和逐级消防负责人。 2、制定消防安全管理制度和保证消防安全的操作规程。

3、开展消防法规和防火安全知识的宣传教育,对员工进行消防安全教育和培训。 4、定期开展防火巡查、检查,及时消除火灾隐患。 5、保障疏散通道、安全出口、消防车通道畅通。


7、组织扑救初起火灾,疏散人员,维持火场秩序,保护火灾现场,协助火灾调查。 8、确定消防安全重点部位和相应的消防安全管理措施。 9、制定灭火和应急疏散预案,定期组织消防演练。 10、建立防火档案。





reatment of heavily polluting industries. According to municipal, and municipal government deployment of seven big heavy pollution industry regulation \ction plans\ements to December 2016 end of Qian, all included shut stopped eliminated of enterprise all shut stopped eliminated in place; June 30, 2017 Qian, all included place regulation upgrade and agglomeration restructuring of enterprise by unified standard regulation in place, late not standard of enterprise are implementation discontinued; June 30, 2018 Qian, all intends Park production of enterprise relocation Park in place, late not Park of are discontinued. In the process of renovation, will focus on four aspects: to firmly close the high energy consumption and heavy pollution, hopeless enterprise governance and production lines, eliminated a number of yearly emission intensity, low value-added products of backward production capacity. Second, we must strictly enforce the space, total project \environment access system, promoting industry access and environmental conditions of access of enterprises to the Park, industrial park, in principle, no longer the class on the new project. Thirdly, promoting replacement and reconstruction of heavily polluting industries, mergers and reorganizations, guide enterprises to energy conservation, recycling and low-carbon and clean production, and improve the level of green development. Four to establish a long-term supervision mechanism, increase the intensity of special inspections, investigate and punish the rectification is not in place, normal business of running anti-pollution installations do not. (Iii) linkage to promote flood control water, drainage, water supply, improving water saving. Speed up cross ang support river dike reinforcement, and along Pu seawall except insurance reinforcement, and Lake Qian sluice, and BA Cao sluice, and cloud cover reservoir, focus flood control drainage engineering construction, vigorously implementation \brary\ngineering, increased geological disaster hidden points governance efforts, solid advance small basin torrent disaster governance, efforts from essentially solution basin sex, and regional flood control drainage capacity insufficient of problm. Vigorously implement the piers, algae and other water sources protection and, promoting rural drinking water safety projects, setting up water pricing reform and environmental protection mechanism, guiding water depth. Further soil pollution and repair, strengthen agricultural non-point source pollution prevention, mountain, water, forests, fields, lakes, various elements mutual long. Four, manage to tighten control, to play \e to split\Baolong, Secretary of provincial party Committee stressed that while the \split\s, but \to split\must continue to catch on, and resolve a split cannot be changed. All localities and departments to the village and %unauthorised\ated videoconference, Secretary of the provincial Committee of Xia Baolong stressed: this year is the \ timetables \outstanding issues, obviously worked,\of the year. The County's departments at all levels must firmly establish the \n development concept, convinced that Castle is not relaxed, always maintaining strategic ability and strong determination to improve the environment, consistently playing well \war, ever-higher levels of comprehensive well-off society was built. (A) lay the sewage uphill battle. This year we will \, up to five\c objective grasp of pollution control that focus, with the focus on three things: a good job, \s\ng the County created. Organization \ck\nspection, the County garbage River, black and odorous River is \on, timely rectification of problems found in place firmly to prevent river pollution rebound. In accordance with the \-stop strategy\nferior five water quality monitoring stations work this year to ensure the Elimination of 1 provincial control, five water quality section 3 municipalities controlled deterioration, ensure the creation this year of \cond, pay special attention to pollution-cutting construction of nanotubes. Intercepting nanotubes are the basis of pollution of water source engineering, engineering, matter of success or failure of water management. Urban sewage treatment, to improve \ccuracy, compliance\speed up the town's support network construction, is focusing on nanotubes home \on. Domestic sewage treatment in rural areas, this year is the final year of the three-year action, determination to fight and the momentum around, ending the battle on which fully to ensure the realization of all County 648 formed village coverage. Also, be sure to attach importance to focus on rural domestic wastewater treatment facility operation and management, ensure that wastewater treatment facility up and running, role play, avoid the \d, pay speal attention to the River Lake pond desilting operation. Provinces now have focused on pollution control of water go to %up mud\of this year's \Next, to jump-start an investigation line touches work, implementation plan according to the priorities and the programme of work, in accordance with the \detailed cleaning, dredging plan, planning ahead of time cleaning out mud \ng to local conditions to do sludge, promote scientific resource utilization of silt and mud. (B) the heavy regulation of heavily polluting industries. Pollution of water must grab the source, wastewater is primarily the source of backward production capacity, increase the intensity of 4、确定逐级消防安全责任,批准实施消防安全管理制度和保障消防安全的操作规程。 5、组织防火检查,督促整改火灾隐患,及时处理涉及消防安全的重大问题。


7、针对本场所的实际情况组织制定灭火和应急疏散预案,并实施演练。 (三)消防安全管理人职责


2、组织制订消防安全管理制度和保障消防安全的操作规程,并检查督促落实。 3、拟订消防安全工作的资金预算和组织保障方案。 4、组织实施防火检查和火灾隐患整改。

5、组织实施对本场所消防设施、灭火器材和消防安全标志的维护保养,确保其完好有效和处于正常运行状态,确保疏散通道和安全出口畅通。 6、组织管理专职消防队、志愿消防队或义务消防队。


8、定期向消防安全责任人报告消防安全情况,及时报告涉及消防安全的重大问题。 9、消防安全责任人委托的其他消防安全管理工作。 (四)部门消防安全责任人职责





5、发现火灾,及时报警,并组织人员疏散和扑救初期火灾。 (五)消防控制室值班员职责 1、熟悉和掌握消防控制室设备的功能及操作规程,按照规定测试自动消防设施的功能,保障消防控制室设备的正常运行。



4、不间断值守岗位,做好消防控制室的火警、故障和值班记录。 (六)消防设施操作维护人员职责



3、发现故障应及时排除,不能排除的应及时向上级主管人员报告。 4、做好运行、操作和故障记录。 (七)保安人员职责

1、按照本单位的管理规定进行防火巡查,并做好记录,发现问题应及时报告。 2、发现火灾应及时报火警并报告主管人员,实施灭火和应急疏散预案,协助灭火救援。 3、劝阻和制止违反消防法规和消防安全管理制度的行为。

reatment of heavily polluting industries. According to municipal, and municipal government deployment of seven big heavy pollution industry regulation \ction plans\ements to December 2016 end of Qian, all included shut stopped eliminated of enterprise all shut stopped eliminated in place; June 30, 2017 Qian, all included place regulation upgrade and agglomeration restructuring of enterprise by unified standard regulation in place, late not standard of enterprise are implementation discontinued; June 30, 2018 Qian, all intends Park production of enterprise relocation Park in place, late not Park of are discontinued. In the process of renovation, will focus on four aspects: to firmly close the high energy consumption and heavy pollution, hopeless enterprise governance and production lines, eliminated a number of yearly emission intensity, low value-added products of backward production capacity. Second, we must strictly enforce the space, total project \environment access system, promoting industry access and environmental conditions of access of enterprises to the Park, industrial park, in principle, no longer the class on the new project. Thirdly, promoting replacement and reconstruction of heavily polluting industries, mergers and reorganizations, guide enterprises to energy conservation, recycling and low-carbon and clean production, and improve the level of green development. Four to establish a long-term supervision mechanism, increase the intensity of special inspections, investigate and punish the rectification is not in place, normal business of running anti-pollution installations do not. (Iii) linkage to promote flood control water, drainage, water supply, improving water saving. Speed up cross ang support river dike reinforcement, and along Pu seawall except insurance reinforcement, and Lake Qian sluice, and BA Cao sluice, and cloud cover reservoir, focus flood control drainage engineering construction, vigorously implementation \brary\ngineering, increased geological disaster hidden points governance efforts, solid advance small basin torrent disaster governance, efforts from essentially solution basin sex, and regional flood control drainage capacity insufficient of problm. Vigorously implement the piers, algae and other water sources protection and, promoting rural drinking water safety projects, setting up water pricing reform and environmental protection mechanism, guiding water depth. Further soil pollution and repair, strengthen agricultural non-point source pollution prevention, mountain, water, forests, fields, lakes, various elements mutual long. Four, manage to tighten control, to play \e to split\Baolong, Secretary of provincial party Committee stressed that while the \split\s, but \to split\nue to catch on, and resolve a split cannot be changed. All localities and departments to the village and %unauthorised\ated videoconference, Secretary of the provincial Committee of Xia Baolong stressed: this year is the \ timetables \outstanding issues, obviously worked,\of the year. The County's departments at all levels must firmly establish the %ui is gold and silver\n development concept, convinced that Castle is not relaxed, always maintaining strategic ability and strong determination to improve the environment, consistently playing well \ar, ever-higher levels of comprehensive well-off society was built. (A) lay the sewage uphill battle. This year we will \, up to five\c objective grasp of pollution control that focus, with the focus on three things: a good job, \s\ng the County created. Organization \ck\nspection, the County garbage River, black and odorous River is \on, timely rectification of problems found in place firmly to prevent river pollution rebound. In accordance with the \-stop strategy\nferior five water quality monitoring stations work this year to ensure the Elimination of 1 provincial control, five water quality section 3 municipalities controlled deterioration, ensure the creation this year of \cond, pay special attention to pollution-cutting construction of nanotubes. Intercepting nanotubes are the basis of pollution of water source engineering, engineering, matter of success or failure of water management. Urban sewage treatment, to improve \ccuracy, compliance\speed up the town's support network construction, is focusing on nanotubes home \on. Domestic sewage treatment in rural areas, this year is the final year of the three-year action, determination to fight and the momentum around, ending the battle on which fully to ensure the realization of all County 648 formed village coverage. Also, be sure to attach importance to focus on rural domestic wastewater treatment facility operation and management, ensure that wastewater treatment facility up and running, role play, avoid the \d, pay speal attention to the River Lake pond desilting operation. Provinces now have focused on pollution control of water go to %up mud\of this year's \Next, to jump-start an investigation line touches work, implementation plan according to the priorities and the programme of work, in accordance with the \detailed cleaning, dredging plan, planning ahead of time cleaning out mud \ng to local conditions to do sludge, promote scientific resource utilization of silt and mud. (B) the heavy regulation of heavily polluting industries. Pollution of water must grab the source, wastewater is primarily the source of backward production capacity, increase the intensity of (八)电气焊工、电工、易燃易爆化学物品操作人员职责 1、执行有关消防安全制度和操作规程,履行审批手续。 2、落实相应作业现场的消防安全措施,保障消防安全。 3、发生火灾后应立即报火警,实施扑救。 三、消防组织

1、消防安全职责部门、专职消防队、志愿消防队和义务消防队等应履行相应的职责。 2、消防安全职责部门应由消防安全责任人或消防安全管理人指定,负责管理本场所的日常消防安全工作,督促落实消防工作计划,消除火灾隐患。 3、应根据需要建立专职消防队或志愿消防队。 4、人员密集场所和易燃易爆单位应组建义务消防队,义务消防队员的数量不应少于本场所从业人员数量的30%。 四、消防安全制度和管理

单位消防安全制度主要包括以下内容:消防安全教育、培训;防火巡查、检查;安全疏散设施管理;消防(控制室)值班;消防设施、器材维护管理;火灾隐患整改;用火、用电安全管理;易燃易爆危险物品和场所防火防爆;专职和义务消防队的组织管理;灭火和应急疏散预案演练;燃气和电气设备的检查和管理(包括防雷、防静电);消防安全工作考评和奖惩;其他必要的消防安全内容。 (一)消防安全教育、培训制度



3、消防安全管理人制定单位年度消防安全教育、培训计划,确定培训内容及授课人,并严格按照年度消防安全教育、培训计划,组织全体员工参加消防教育、培训。 4、对每名员工的集中消防培训至少每半年组织一次;新上岗员工或有关从业人员必须进行上岗前的消防培训,做到“四懂、五会”,并将组织开展宣传教育培训的情况做好记录。 5、通过张贴图画、消防刊物、视频、网络等多种方式宣传消防知识;春、冬季防火期间和重大节日、活动期间应开展有针对性的消防宣传、教育活动。

6、消防培训应包括下列内容:有关消防法规、消防安全管理制度、保证消防安全的操作规程等;本单位、本岗位的火灾危险性和防火措施;建筑消防设施、灭火器材的性能、使用方法和操作规程;报火警、扑救初起火灾、应急疏散和自救逃生的知识、技能;本场所的安全疏散路线,引导人员疏散的程序和方法等;灭火和应急疏散预案的内容、操作程序。 7、单位的消防安全责任人、消防安全管理人、专、兼职消防管理人员、消防控制室的值班、操作人员和其他依照规定应当接受消防安全专门培训的人员应接受消防安全专门培训,消防安全管理人员和消防控制室的值班、操作人员应持证上岗。

注:“四懂”即懂火灾的危险性、预防火灾措施、火灾扑救方法、火场逃生方法。“五会”即会报火警、会使用灭火器材、会扑救初起火灾、会组织人员疏散、会开展消防宣传。 (二)防火巡查、检查制度

1、明确防火巡查的责任部门、责任人和职责。确定检查频次、参加人员、检查部位、内容和方法、火灾隐患认定、处置和报告程序、整改责任和看护措施、情况记录等要点。 2、防火巡查和检查时应填写巡查和检查记录,巡查和检查人员及其主管人员应在记录上签名。巡查、检查中应及时纠正违法违章行为,消除火灾隐患,无法整改的应立即报告,并记录存档。 3、单位应当每日进行防火巡查。公众聚集场所在营业期间的防火巡查应当至少每两小

reatment of heavily polluting industries. According to municipal, and municipal government deployment of seven big heavy pollution industry regulation \ction plans\ements to December 2016 end of Qian, all included shut stopped eliminated of enterprise all shut stopped eliminated in place; June 30, 2017 Qian, all included place regulation upgrade and agglomeration restructuring of enterprise by unified standard regulation in place, late not standard of enterprise are implementation discontinued; June 30, 2018 Qian, all intends Park production of enterprise relocation Park in place, late not Park of are discontinued. In the process of renovation, will focus on four aspects: to firmly close the high energy consumption and heavy pollution, hopeless enterprise governance and production lines, eliminated a number of yearly emission intensity, low value-added products of backward production capacity. Second, we must strictly enforce the space, total project \environment access system, promoting industry access and environmental conditions of access of enterprises to the Park, industrial park, in principle, no longer the class on the new project. Thirdly, promoting replacement and reconstruction of heavily polluting industries, mergers and reorganizations, guide enterprises to energy conservation, recycling and low-carbon and clean production, and improve the level of green development. Four to establish a long-term supervision mechanism, increase the intensity of special inspections, investigate and punish the rectification is not in place, normal business of running anti-pollution installations do not. (Iii) linkage to promote flood control water, drainage, water supply, improving water saving. Speed up cross ang support river dike reinforcement, and along Pu seawall except insurance reinforcement, and Lake Qian sluice, and BA Cao sluice, and cloud cover reservoir, focus flood control drainage engineering construction, vigorously implementation \brary\ngineering, increased geological disaster hidden points governance efforts, solid advance small basin torrent disaster governance, efforts from essentially solution basin sex, and regional flood control drainage capacity insufficient of problm. Vigorously implement the piers, algae and other water sources protection and, promoting rural drinking water safety projects, setting up water pricing reform and environmental protection mechanism, guiding water depth. Further soil pollution and repair, strengthen agricultural non-point source pollution prevention, mountain, water, forests, fields, lakes, various elements mutual long. Four, manage to tighten control, to play \e to split\Baolong, Secretary of provincial party Committee stressed that while the \split\s, but \to split\nue to catch on, and resolve a split cannot be changed. All localities and departments to the village and %unauthorised\ated videoconference, Secretary of the provincial Committee of Xia Baolong stressed: this year is the \ timetables \outstanding issues, obviously worked,\of the year. The County's departments at all levels must firmly establish the \n development concept, convinced that Castle is not relaxed, always maintaining strategic ability and strong determination to improve the environment, consistently playing well \war, ever-higher levels of comprehensive well-off society was built. (A) lay the sewage uphill battle. This year we will \, up to five\c objective grasp of pollution control that focus, with the focus on three things: a good job, \s\ng the County created. Organization \ck\nspection, the County garbage River, black and odorous River is \on, timely rectification of problems found in place firmly to prevent river pollution rebound. In accordance with the \-stop strategy\nferior five water quality monitoring stations work this year to ensure the Elimination of 1 provincial control, five water quality section 3 municipalities controlled deterioration, ensure the creation this year of \cond, pay special attention to pollution-cutting construction of nanotubes. Intercepting nanotubes are the basis of pollution of water source engineering, engineering, matter of success or failure of water management. Urban sewage treatment, to improve \ccuracy, compliance\speed up the town's support network construction, is focusing on nanotubes home \on. Domestic sewage treatment in rural areas, this year is the final year of the three-year action, determination to fight and the momentum around, ending the battle on which fully to ensure the realization of all County 648 formed village coverage. Also, be sure to attach importance to focus on rural domestic wastewater treatment facility operation and management, ensure that wastewater treatment facility up and running, role play, avoid the \d, pay speal attention to the River Lake pond desilting operation. Provinces now have focused on pollution control of water go to %up mud\of this year's \Next, to jump-start an investigation line touches work, implementation plan according to the priorities and the programme of work, in accordance with the \detailed cleaning, dredging plan, planning ahead of time cleaning out mud \ng to local conditions to do sludge, promote scientific resource utilization of silt and mud. (B) the heavy regulation of heavily polluting industries. Pollution of water must grab the source, wastewater is primarily the source of backward production capacity, increase the intensity of时一次;营业结束时应当对营业现场进行检查,消除遗留火种。医院、养老院、寄宿制的学校、托儿所、幼儿园等单位应当加强夜间防火巡查,其他单位可以结合实际组织夜间防火巡查。


5、防火检查应定期开展,各岗位应每天一次,各部门应每周一次,单位应每月一次。 6、防火检查的内容应当包括:火灾隐患的整改情况以及防范措施的落实情况;安全疏散通道、疏散指示标志、应急照明和安全出口情况;消防车通道、消防水源情况;灭火器材配置及有效情况;用火、用电有无违章情况;重点工种人员以及其他员工消防知识的掌握情况;消防安全重点部位的管理情况;易燃易爆危险物品和场所防火防爆措施的落实情况以及其他重要物资的防火安全情况;消防(控制室)值班情况和设施运行、记录情况;防火巡查情况;消防安全标志的设置情况和完好、有效情况;其他需要检查的内容。 (三)安全疏散设施管理制度


2、确定安全疏散部位、设施的登记、检测和维护管理要求、情况记录等要点。 3、安全疏散设施管理应符合下列要求:

⑴确保疏散通道、安全出口的畅通,禁止占用、堵塞疏散通道和楼梯间; ⑵公众聚集场所在使用和营业期间疏散出口、安全出口的门不应锁闭;






⑻消防应急照明、安全疏散指示标志应完好、有效,发生损坏时应及时维修、更换; ⑼消防安全标志应完好、清晰,不应遮挡;

⑽安全出口、公共疏散走道上不应安装栅栏、卷帘门; ⑾窗口、阳台等部位不应设置影响逃生和灭火救援的栅栏;


⒀举办展览、展销、演出等大型群众性活动,应事先根据场所的疏散能力核定容纳人数。活动期间应对人数进行控制,采取防止超员的措施。 (四)消防控制室值班制度




reatment of heavily polluting industries. According to municipal, and municipal government deployment of seven big heavy pollution industry regulation \ction plans\ements to December 2016 end of Qian, all included shut stopped eliminated of enterprise all shut stopped eliminated in place; June 30, 2017 Qian, all included place regulation upgrade and agglomeration restructuring of enterprise by unified standard regulation in place, late not standard of enterprise are implementation discontinued; June 30, 2018 Qian, all intends Park production of enterprise relocation Park in place, late not Park of are discontinued. In the process of renovation, will focus on four aspects: to firmly close the high energy consumption and heavy pollution, hopeless enterprise governance and production lines, eliminated a number of yearly emission intensity, low value-added products of backward production capacity. Second, we must strictly enforce the space, total project \environment access system, promoting industry access and environmental conditions of access of enterprises to the Park, industrial park, in principle, no longer the class on the new project. Thirdly, promoting replacement and reconstruction of heavily polluting industries, mergers and reorganizations, guide enterprises to energy conservation, recycling and low-carbon and clean production, and improve the level of green development. Four to establish a long-term supervision mechanism, increase the intensity of special inspections, investigate and punish the rectification is not in place, normal business of running anti-pollution installations do not. (Iii) linkage to promote flood control water, drainage, water supply, improving water saving. Speed up cross ang support river dike reinforcement, and along Pu seawall except insurance reinforcement, and Lake Qian sluice, and BA Cao sluice, and cloud cover reservoir, focus flood control drainage engineering construction, vigorously implementation \brary\ngineering, increased geological disaster hidden points governance efforts, solid advance small basin torrent disaster governance, efforts from essentially solution basin sex, and regional flood control drainage capacity insufficient of problm. Vigorously implement the piers, algae and other water sources protection and, promoting rural drinking water safety projects, setting up water pricing reform and environmental protection mechanism, guiding water depth. Further soil pollution and repair, strengthen agricultural non-point source pollution prevention, mountain, water, forests, fields, lakes, various elements mutual long. Four, manage to tighten control, to play \e to split\Baolong, Secretary of provincial party Committee stressed that while the \split\s, but \to split\nue to catch on, and resolve a split cannot be changed. All localities and departments to the village and %unauthorised\ated videoconference, Secretary of the provincial Committee of Xia Baolong stressed: this year is the \ timetables \outstanding issues, obviously worked,\of the year. The County's departments at all levels must firmly establish the %ui is gold and silver\n development concept, convinced that Castle is not relaxed, always maintaining strategic ability and strong determination to improve the environment, consistently playing well \ar, ever-higher levels of comprehensive well-off society was built. (A) lay the sewage uphill battle. This year we will \, up to five\c objective grasp of pollution control that focus, with the focus on three things: a good job, \s\ng the County created. Organization \ck\nspection, the County garbage River, black and odorous River is \on, timely rectification of problems found in place firmly to prevent river pollution rebound. In accordance with the \-stop strategy\nferior five water quality monitoring stations work this year to ensure the Elimination of 1 provincial control, five water quality section 3 municipalities controlled deterioration, ensure the creation this year of \cond, pay special attention to pollution-cutting construction of nanotubes. Intercepting nanotubes are the basis of pollution of water source engineering, engineering, matter of success or failure of water management. Urban sewage treatment, to improve \ccuracy, compliance\speed up the town's support network construction, is focusing on nanotubes home \on. Domestic sewage treatment in rural areas, this year is the final year of the three-year action, determination to fight and the momentum around, ending the battle on which fully to ensure the realization of all County 648 formed village coverage. Also, be sure to attach importance to focus on rural domestic wastewater treatment facility operation and management, ensure that wastewater treatment facility up and running, role play, avoid the \d, pay speal attention to the River Lake pond desilting operation. Provinces now have focused on pollution control of water go to %up mud\of this year's \Next, to jump-start an investigation line touches work, implementation plan according to the priorities and the programme of work, in accordance with the \detailed cleaning, dredging plan, planning ahead of time cleaning out mud \ng to local conditions to do sludge, promote scientific resource utilization of silt and mud. (B) the heavy regulation of heavily polluting industries. Pollution of water must grab the source, wastewater is primarily the source of backward production capacity, increase the intensity of 4、认真填写消防控制室值班记录,不得漏记、补记、代记,消防控制室值班记录应完整,字迹清晰,保存完好。 5、消防控制值班室的设备设置应符合要求,严禁存放易燃易爆危险物品和堆放与设备运行无关的杂物,保证其环境满足设备正常运行的要求。

6、值班人员必须经过专门消防安全教育培训,持证上岗,熟悉掌握本系统的工作原理和操作规程。 7、值班期间发生各种报警,值班人员应按照相应的火警处置程序进行灵活有效的处理,严格执行火灾报警制度。



10、值班人员应遵守值班纪律,不得私自串班,不得擅离职守,不准长时间占用值班电话,接收和发出报警时,有条件的要及时进行电话录音,不准随意删除报警电话录音 (五)消防设施、器材维护管理制度


2、确定消防设施、器材登记、检查及维护保养要求、情况记录等要点。 3、消防设施、器材维护管理应符合下列要求: ⑴消火栓应有明显标识;






⑺自动消防设施应按照有关规定,每年委托具有相关资质的单位进行全面检查测试,并出具检测报告,存档备查。 (六)火灾隐患整改制度

1、因违反或不符合消防法规而导致的各类潜在不安全因素,应认定为火灾隐患。 2、发现火灾隐患应立即改正,不能立即改正的,应报告上级主管人员。 3、消防安全管理人或部门消防安全责任人应组织对报告的火灾隐患进行认定,并对整改完毕的进行确认。

4、明确火灾隐患整改责任部门、责任人、整改的期限和所需经费来源。 5、在火灾隐患整改期间,应采取相应措施,保障安全。 6、对公安消防机构责令限期改正的火灾隐患和重大火灾隐患,应在规定的期限内改正,并将火灾隐患整改复函送达公安消防机构。

7、重大火灾隐患不能立即整改的,应自行将危险部位停产停业整改。 8、对于涉及城市规划布局而不能自身解决的重大火灾隐患,应提出解决方案并及时向其上级主管部门或当地人民政府报告。

reatment of heavily polluting industries. According to municipal, and municipal government deployment of seven big heavy pollution industry regulation \ction plans\ements to December 2016 end of Qian, all included shut stopped eliminated of enterprise all shut stopped eliminated in place; June 30, 2017 Qian, all included place regulation upgrade and agglomeration restructuring of enterprise by unified standard regulation in place, late not standard of enterprise are implementation discontinued; June 30, 2018 Qian, all intends Park production of enterprise relocation Park in place, late not Park of are discontinued. In the process of renovation, will focus on four aspects: to firmly close the high energy consumption and heavy pollution, hopeless enterprise governance and production lines, eliminated a number of yearly emission intensity, low value-added products of backward production capacity. Second, we must strictly enforce the space, total project \environment access system, promoting industry access and environmental conditions of access of enterprises to the Park, industrial park, in principle, no longer the class on the new project. Thirdly, promoting replacement and reconstruction of heavily polluting industries, mergers and reorganizations, guide enterprises to energy conservation, recycling and low-carbon and clean production, and improve the level of green development. Four to establish a long-term supervision mechanism, increase the intensity of special inspections, investigate and punish the rectification is not in place, normal business of running anti-pollution installations do not. (Iii) linkage to promote flood control water, drainage, water supply, improving water saving. Speed up cross ang support river dike reinforcement, and along Pu seawall except insurance reinforcement, and Lake Qian sluice, and BA Cao sluice, and cloud cover reservoir, focus flood control drainage engineering construction, vigorously implementation \brary\ngineering, increased geological disaster hidden points governance efforts, solid advance small basin torrent disaster governance, efforts from essentially solution basin sex, and regional flood control drainage capacity insufficient of problm. Vigorously implement the piers, algae and other water sources protection and, promoting rural drinking water safety projects, setting up water pricing reform and environmental protection mechanism, guiding water depth. Further soil pollution and repair, strengthen agricultural non-point source pollution prevention, mountain, water, forests, fields, lakes, various elements mutual long. Four, manage to tighten control, to play \e to split\Baolong, Secretary of provincial party Committee stressed that while the \split\s, but \to split\nue to catch on, and resolve a split cannot be changed. All localities and departments to the village and %unauthorised\ated

videoconference, Secretary of the provincial Committee of Xia Baolong stressed: this year is the \ timetables \outstanding issues, obviously worked,\of the year. The County's departments at all levels must firmly establish the \n development concept, convinced that Castle is not relaxed, always maintaining strategic ability and strong determination to improve the environment, consistently playing well \war, ever-higher levels of comprehensive well-off society was built. (A) lay the sewage uphill battle. This year we will \, up to five\c objective grasp of pollution control that focus, with the focus on three things: a good job, \s\ng the County created. Organization \ck\nspection, the County garbage River, black and odorous River is \on, timely rectification of problems found in place firmly to prevent river pollution rebound. In accordance with the \-stop strategy\nferior five water quality monitoring stations work this year to ensure the Elimination of 1 provincial control, five water quality section 3 municipalities controlled deterioration, ensure the creation this year of \cond, pay special attention to pollution-cutting construction of nanotubes. Intercepting nanotubes are the basis of pollution of water source engineering, engineering, matter of success or failure of water management. Urban sewage treatment, to improve \ccuracy, compliance\speed up the town's support network construction, is focusing on nanotubes home \on. Domestic sewage treatment in rural areas, this year is the final year of the three-year action, determination to fight and the momentum around, ending the battle on which fully to ensure the realization of all County 648 formed village coverage. Also, be sure to attach importance to focus on rural domestic wastewater treatment facility operation and management, ensure that wastewater treatment facility up and running, role play, avoid the \d, pay speal attention to the River Lake pond desilting operation. Provinces now have focused on pollution control of water go to %up mud\of this year's \Next, to jump-start an investigation line touches work, implementation plan according to the priorities and the programme of work, in accordance with the \detailed cleaning, dredging plan, planning ahead of time cleaning out mud \ng to local conditions to do sludge, promote scientific resource utilization of silt and mud. (B) the heavy regulation of heavily polluting industries. Pollution of water must grab the source, wastewater is primarily the source of backward production capacity, increase the intensity of (七)用火、用电安全管理制度

1、明确用火、用电安全管理的责任部门、责任人和职责,确定用火、用电设备的采购、登记和安全使用要求,用火、动火的审批范围、程序和要求,电工、电气焊工和电气设备操作人员的岗位资格,发现问题处置程序、情况记录等要点。 2、执行当地用火、用电管理部门的安全管理规定。 3、用火、用电设备应由具有职业资格的人员负责安装和维修,电气焊工必须持证上岗,禁止非职业人员作业,作业中严格执行安全操作规程。 4、用火、用电警示标志醒目,防护用具完好。 5、电气线路敷设、设备安装应采取下列防火措施: ⑴明敷塑料导线应穿管或加线槽保护,吊顶内的导线应穿金属管或B1级PVC管保护,导线不应裸露,并应留有70cm×70cm的检修孔1至2处;











⑷演出、放映场所需要使用明火效果时,应落实相关的防火措施; ⑸不应使用明火照明或取暖,如特殊情况需要时应有专人看护; ⑹炉火、烟道等取暖设施与可燃物之间应采取防火隔热措施; ⑺厨房的烟道应至少每季度清洗一次;

⑻厨房燃油、燃气管道应经常检查、检测和保养。 (八)易燃易爆危险物品和场所防火防爆制度

1、明确易燃易爆危险物品管理的责任部门和责任人。 2、人员密集场所严禁生产、储存易燃易爆危险物品。



5、使用易燃易爆危险物品的场所必须加强管理,应符合下列要求: ⑴采用通风措施,使其低于爆炸极限;


reatment of heavily polluting industries. According to municipal, and municipal government deployment of seven big heavy pollution industry regulation \ction plans\ements to December 2016 end of Qian, all included shut stopped eliminated of enterprise all shut stopped eliminated in place; June 30, 2017 Qian, all included place regulation upgrade and agglomeration restructuring of enterprise by unified standard regulation in place, late not standard of enterprise are implementation discontinued; June 30, 2018 Qian, all intends Park production of enterprise relocation Park in place, late not Park of are discontinued. In the process of renovation, will focus on four aspects: to firmly close the high energy consumption and heavy pollution, hopeless enterprise governance and production lines, eliminated a number of yearly emission intensity, low value-added products of backward production capacity. Second, we must strictly enforce the space, total project \environment access system, promoting industry access and environmental conditions of access of enterprises to the Park, industrial park, in principle, no longer the class on the new project. Thirdly, promoting replacement and reconstruction of heavily polluting industries, mergers and reorganizations, guide enterprises to energy conservation, recycling and low-carbon and clean production, and improve the level of green development. Four to establish a long-term supervision mechanism, increase the intensity of special inspections, investigate and punish the rectification is not in place, normal business of running anti-pollution installations do not. (Iii) linkage to promote flood control water, drainage, water supply, improving water saving. Speed up cross ang support river dike reinforcement, and along Pu seawall except insurance reinforcement, and Lake Qian sluice, and BA Cao sluice, and cloud cover reservoir, focus flood control drainage engineering construction, vigorously implementation \brary\ngineering, increased geological disaster hidden points governance efforts, solid advance small basin torrent disaster governance, efforts from essentially solution basin sex, and regional flood control drainage capacity insufficient of problm. Vigorously implement the piers, algae and other water sources protection and, promoting rural drinking water safety projects, setting up water pricing reform and environmental protection mechanism, guiding water depth. Further soil pollution and repair, strengthen agricultural non-point source pollution prevention, mountain, water, forests, fields, lakes, various elements mutual long. Four, manage to tighten control, to play \e to split\Baolong, Secretary of provincial party Committee stressed that while the \split\s, but \to split\nue to catch on, and resolve a split cannot be changed. All localities and departments to the village and %unauthorised\ated videoconference, Secretary of the provincial Committee of Xia Baolong stressed: this year is the \ timetables \outstanding issues, obviously worked,\of the year. The County's departments at all levels must firmly establish the %ui is gold and silver\n development concept, convinced that Castle is not relaxed, always maintaining strategic ability and strong determination to improve the environment, consistently playing well \ar, ever-higher levels of comprehensive well-off society was built. (A) lay the sewage uphill battle. This year we will \, up to five\c objective grasp of pollution control that focus, with the focus on three things: a good job, \s\ng the County created. Organization \ck\nspection, the County garbage River, black and odorous River is \on, timely rectification of problems found in place firmly to prevent river pollution rebound. In accordance with the \-stop strategy\nferior five water quality monitoring stations work this year to ensure the Elimination of 1 provincial control, five water quality section 3 municipalities controlled deterioration, ensure the creation this year of \cond, pay special attention to pollution-cutting construction of nanotubes. Intercepting nanotubes are the basis of pollution of water source engineering, engineering, matter of success or failure of water management. Urban sewage treatment, to improve \ccuracy, compliance\speed up the town's support network construction, is focusing on nanotubes home \on. Domestic sewage treatment in rural areas, this year is the final year of the three-year action, determination to fight and the momentum around, ending the battle on which fully to ensure the realization of all County 648 formed village coverage. Also, be sure to attach importance to focus on rural domestic wastewater treatment facility operation and management, ensure that wastewater treatment facility up and running, role play, avoid the \d, pay speal attention to the River Lake pond desilting operation. Provinces now have focused on pollution control of water go to %up mud\of this year's \Next, to jump-start an investigation line touches work, implementation plan according to the priorities and the programme of work, in accordance with the \detailed cleaning, dredging plan, planning ahead of time cleaning out mud \ng to local conditions to do sludge, promote scientific resource utilization of silt and mud. (B) the heavy regulation of heavily polluting industries. Pollution of water must grab the source, wastewater is primarily the source of backward production capacity, increase the intensity of ⑶采取配备防爆型装置的电气设备和电气照明设备;



⑹各种易燃易爆危险物品应存放在专门地点不得与其他物品混合贮存; ⑺互相接触容易引起燃烧爆炸的物品应隔离贮存;

⑻易燃易爆危险物品的包装要完整无损,如发生破损、渗漏必须立即进行安全处理; ⑼不准在易燃易爆危险物品的库房施焊和其他可能引起火灾的操作; ⑽存放易燃易爆危险物品的场所严禁人员住宿;

⑾装运易燃易爆危险物品时,事先必须严格检查,要采取切实可行的安全措施; ⑿装卸过易燃易爆危险物品的车辆,必须彻底消除遗留物;

⒀搬运易燃易爆危险物品时要轻拿轻放,严禁震动、撞击、压、倾倒和磨擦。 (九)专职和义务消防队的组织管理制度


2、确定专职和义务消防队的组织机构及人员、例会、教育培训、考核要求等要点。 3、专职消防队由专职灭火的人员组成,有固定消防站用房,配备消防车辆、装备、通讯器材,定期组织消防训练,能够每日24h备勤。义务消防队由单位从业人员组成,平时开展防火宣传和检查,定期接受消防训练;发生火灾时能够实施灭火和应急疏散预案,扑救初期火灾、组织疏散人员,引导消防队到现场,协助保护火灾现场 4、消防安全责任人为专职和义务消防队的建设提供必要的经费和组织保障,并配备相应的消防器材和装备。 5、消防安全管理人应制定专职和义务消防队年度消防安全训练计划,确定训练内容及授课人,并严格按照年度消防安全训练计划,组织全体员工参加消防训练。



8、专职和义务消防队应定期开展消防业务培训和灭火应急疏散演练。 (十)灭火和应急疏散预案演练制度

1、明确开展灭火和应急疏散预案演练的责任部门、责任人和职责。 2、确定组织机构和分工、联络办法、预案的制定和修订、演练程序、注意事项等要点。 3、灭火和应急疏散各项职责应由当班的消防安全管理人、部门主管人员、消防控制室值班人员、保安人员、义务消防队承担。规模较大的单位可以成立各职能小组,由消防安全管理人、部门主管人员、消防控制室值班人员、保安人员、义务消防队及其他在岗的从业人员组成。


⑴指挥员:消防安全责任人或消防安全管理人担负公安消防队到达火灾现场之前的指挥职责,组织开展灭火和应急疏散等工作,规模较大的单位可以成立火灾事故应急指挥机构; ⑵灭火行动组:扑救初起火灾,配合公安消防队采取灭火行动; ⑶通讯联络组:报告火警,与相关部门联络,传达指挥员命令; ⑷疏散引导组:维护火场秩序,引导人员疏散;

⑸安全防护救护组:救护受伤人员,准备必要的医药用品; ⑹其它必要的组织。

reatment of heavily polluting industries. According to municipal, and municipal government deployment of seven big heavy pollution industry regulation \ction plans\ements to December 2016 end of Qian, all included shut stopped eliminated of enterprise all shut stopped eliminated in place; June 30, 2017 Qian, all included place regulation upgrade and agglomeration restructuring of enterprise by unified standard regulation in place, late not standard of enterprise are implementation discontinued; June 30, 2018 Qian, all intends Park production of enterprise relocation Park in place, late not Park of are discontinued. In the process of renovation, will focus on four aspects: to firmly close the high energy consumption and heavy pollution, hopeless enterprise governance and production lines, eliminated a number of yearly emission intensity, low value-added products of backward production capacity. Second, we must strictly enforce the space, total project \environment access system, promoting industry access and environmental conditions of access of enterprises to the Park, industrial park, in principle, no longer the class on the new project. Thirdly, promoting replacement and reconstruction of heavily polluting industries, mergers and reorganizations, guide enterprises to energy conservation, recycling and low-carbon and clean production, and improve the level of green development. Four to establish a long-term supervision mechanism, increase the intensity of special inspections, investigate and punish the rectification is not in place, normal business of running anti-pollution installations do not. (Iii) linkage to promote flood control water, drainage, water supply, improving water saving. Speed up cross ang support river dike reinforcement, and along Pu seawall except insurance reinforcement, and Lake Qian sluice, and BA Cao sluice, and cloud cover reservoir, focus flood control drainage engineering construction, vigorously implementation \brary\ngineering, increased geological disaster hidden points governance efforts, solid advance small basin torrent disaster governance, efforts from essentially solution basin sex, and regional flood control drainage capacity insufficient of problm. Vigorously implement the piers, algae and other water sources protection and, promoting rural drinking water safety projects, setting up water pricing reform and environmental protection mechanism, guiding water depth. Further soil pollution and repair, strengthen agricultural non-point source pollution prevention, mountain, water, forests, fields, lakes, various elements mutual long. Four, manage to tighten control, to play \e to split\Baolong, Secretary of provincial party Committee stressed that while the \split\s, but \to split\nue to catch on, and resolve a split cannot be changed. All localities and departments to the village and %unauthorised\ated videoconference, Secretary of the provincial Committee of Xia Baolong stressed: this year is the \ timetables \outstanding issues, obviously worked,\of the year. The County's departments at all levels must firmly establish the \n development concept, convinced that Castle is not relaxed, always maintaining strategic ability and strong determination to improve the environment, consistently playing well \war, ever-higher levels of comprehensive well-off society was built. (A) lay the sewage uphill battle. This year we will \, up to five\c objective grasp of pollution control that focus, with the focus on three things: a good job, \s\ng the County created. Organization \ck\nspection, the County garbage River, black and odorous River is \on, timely rectification of problems found in place firmly to prevent river pollution rebound. In accordance with the \-stop strategy\nferior five water quality monitoring stations work this year to ensure the Elimination of 1 provincial control, five water quality section 3 municipalities controlled deterioration, ensure the creation this year of \cond, pay special attention to pollution-cutting construction of nanotubes. Intercepting nanotubes are the basis of pollution of water source engineering, engineering, matter of success or failure of water management. Urban sewage treatment, to improve \ccuracy, compliance\speed up the town's support network construction, is focusing on nanotubes home \on. Domestic sewage treatment in rural areas, this year is the final year of the three-year action, determination to fight and the momentum around, ending the battle on which fully to ensure the realization of all County 648 formed village coverage. Also, be sure to attach importance to focus on rural domestic wastewater treatment facility operation and management, ensure that wastewater treatment facility up and running, role play, avoid the \d, pay speal attention to the River Lake pond desilting operation. Provinces now have focused on pollution control of water go to %up mud\of this year's \Next, to jump-start an investigation line touches work, implementation plan according to the priorities and the programme of work, in accordance with the \detailed cleaning, dredging plan, planning ahead of time cleaning out mud \ng to local conditions to do sludge, promote scientific resource utilization of silt and mud. (B) the heavy regulation of heavily polluting industries. Pollution of water must grab the source, wastewater is primarily the source of backward production capacity, increase the intensity of 5、灭火和应急疏散预案应包括下列主要内容:


⑵通讯联络组立即迎接消防车辆,并视情况与供水、供电、医院等单位联络; ⑶指挥员组织扑救初起火灾,关闭相关阀门,切断电源,利用灭火器材实施扑救; ⑷不能控制火情时,现场指挥员应立即下达所有人员撤离命令; ⑸疏散引导组尽快有秩序疏散人员;


⑺火灾扑灭后,寻找可能被困人员,保护火灾现场,协助事故调查; ⑻指挥员组织填写事故报告。

6、当确认发生火灾后,立即启动灭火和应急疏散预案,按下列程序开展工作: ⑴向公安消防机构报火警;

⑵当班人员执行预案中的相应职责; ⑶组织和引导人员疏散,营救被困人员;

⑷使用消火栓等消防器材、设施扑救初起火灾; ⑸派专人接应消防车辆到达火灾现场; ⑹保护火灾现场,维护现场秩序。


⑴应定期组织员工熟悉灭火和应急疏散预案,并通过预案演练,逐步修改完善; ⑵地铁、高度超过100m 的多功能建筑等,应根据需要邀请有关专家对灭火和应急疏散预案进行评估、论证。


⑴人员密集场所应至少每半年组织一次消防演练,其他场所应至少每年组织一次; ⑵根据实际情况,确定火灾模拟形式,并将消防演练方案可以报告当地公安消防机构,争取其业务指导;

⑶消防演练前,应通知场所内的从业人员和顾客或使用人员积极参与;消防演练时,应在建筑入口等显著位置设置“正在消防演练”的标志牌,进行公告; ⑷消防演练应按照灭火和应急疏散预案实施;

⑸模拟火灾演练中应落实火源及烟气的控制措施,防止造成人员伤害; ⑹地铁、高度超过100m 的多功能建筑等,应适时与地公安消防队组织联合消防演练; ⑺演练结束后,应将消防设施恢复到正常运行状态,做好记录,并及时进行总结。 (十一)燃气和电气设备的检查和管理制度

1、明确燃气和电气设备安全管理的责任部门和责任人,确定设施登记、职业资格、检查部位和内容、检查工具、发现问题处置程序、情况记录等要点。 2、燃气、电气设备的管理应符合下列要求:

⑴采购燃气、电气、电热设备,应选用合格产品,并应符合有关安全标准的要求; ⑵燃气和电气线路敷设、设备安装和维修应由具备职业资格的人员操作,严格执行安全操作规程;


⑷不得随意乱接燃气线路、乱接电线,擅自增加燃气和电气设备; ⑸电器设备周围应与可燃物保持0.5m以上的间距;


⑺商店、餐饮场所、公共娱乐场所营业结束时,应切断营业场所的非必要气源和电源。 3、防雷、防静电系统的自检自测应每半年不少于一次,并填写《防雷、防静电检测登

reatment of heavily polluting industries. According to municipal, and municipal government deployment of seven big heavy pollution industry regulation \ction plans\ements to December 2016 end of Qian, all included shut stopped eliminated of enterprise all shut stopped eliminated in place; June 30, 2017 Qian, all included place regulation upgrade and agglomeration restructuring of enterprise by unified standard regulation in place, late not standard of enterprise are implementation discontinued; June 30, 2018 Qian, all intends Park production of enterprise relocation Park in place, late not Park of are discontinued. In the process of renovation, will focus on four aspects: to firmly close the high energy consumption and heavy pollution, hopeless enterprise governance and production lines, eliminated a number of yearly emission intensity, low value-added products of backward production capacity. Second, we must strictly enforce the space, total project \environment access system, promoting industry access and environmental conditions of access of enterprises to the Park, industrial park, in principle, no longer the class on the new project. Thirdly, promoting replacement and reconstruction of heavily polluting industries, mergers and reorganizations, guide enterprises to energy conservation, recycling and low-carbon and clean production, and improve the level of green development. Four to establish a long-term supervision mechanism, increase the intensity of special inspections, investigate and punish the rectification is not in place, normal business of running anti-pollution installations do not. (Iii) linkage to promote flood control water, drainage, water supply, improving water saving. Speed up cross ang support river dike reinforcement, and along Pu seawall except insurance reinforcement, and Lake Qian sluice, and BA Cao sluice, and cloud cover reservoir, focus flood control drainage engineering construction, vigorously implementation \brary\ngineering, increased geological disaster hidden points governance efforts, solid advance small basin torrent disaster governance, efforts from essentially solution basin sex, and regional flood control drainage capacity insufficient of problm. Vigorously implement the piers, algae and other water sources protection and, promoting rural drinking water safety projects, setting up water pricing reform and environmental protection mechanism, guiding water depth. Further soil pollution and repair, strengthen agricultural non-point source pollution prevention, mountain, water, forests, fields, lakes, various elements mutual long. Four, manage to tighten control, to play \e to split\Baolong, Secretary of provincial party Committee stressed that while the \split\s, but \to split\nue to catch on, and resolve a split cannot be changed. All localities and departments to the village and %unauthorised\ated videoconference, Secretary of the provincial Committee of Xia Baolong stressed: this year is the \ timetables \outstanding issues, obviously worked,\of the year. The County's departments at all levels must firmly establish the %ui is gold and silver\n development concept, convinced that Castle is not relaxed, always maintaining strategic ability and strong determination to improve the environment, consistently playing well \ar, ever-higher levels of comprehensive well-off society was built. (A) lay the sewage uphill battle. This year we will \, up to five\c objective grasp of pollution control that focus, with the focus on three things: a good job, \s\ng the County created. Organization \ck\nspection, the County garbage River, black and odorous River is \on, timely rectification of problems found in place firmly to prevent river pollution rebound. In accordance with the \-stop strategy\nferior five water quality monitoring stations work this year to ensure the Elimination of 1 provincial control, five water quality section 3 municipalities controlled deterioration, ensure the creation this year of \cond, pay special attention to pollution-cutting construction of nanotubes. Intercepting nanotubes are the basis of pollution of water source engineering, engineering, matter of success or failure of water management. Urban sewage treatment, to improve \ccuracy, compliance\speed up the town's support network construction, is focusing on nanotubes home \on. Domestic sewage treatment in rural areas, this year is the final year of the three-year action, determination to fight and the momentum around, ending the battle on which fully to ensure the realization of all County 648 formed village coverage. Also, be sure to attach importance to focus on rural domestic wastewater treatment facility operation and management, ensure that wastewater treatment facility up and running, role play, avoid the \d, pay speal attention to the River Lake pond desilting operation. Provinces now have focused on pollution control of water go to %up mud\of this year's \Next, to jump-start an investigation line touches work, implementation plan according to the priorities and the programme of work, in accordance with the \detailed cleaning, dredging plan, planning ahead of time cleaning out mud \ng to local conditions to do sludge, promote scientific resource utilization of silt and mud. (B) the heavy regulation of heavily polluting industries. Pollution of water must grab the source, wastewater is primarily the source of backward production capacity, increase the intensity of记表》。



⑵对爆炸危险区域和火灾危险区域内检查、维修及保养设备时应使用防爆工具; ⑶检测中发现的问题限期维修,保证防雷、防静电系统的完好有效; ⑷对符合报废标准的设备,应及时报废和更新。 ⑸自检结果应及时上报单位主管安全部门存档备查。 (十二)消防安全工作考评和奖惩制度

1、明确管理消防安全工作考评和奖惩工作的责任部门和责任人和职责。 2、确定考评目标、内容和办法、奖惩办法等要点。 3、将消防安全工作纳入内部检查、考核、评比内容。

4、对在消防安全工作中成绩突出的部门(班组)和个人,单位应当给予表彰奖励。 5、对未依法履行消防安全职责或者违反单位消防安全制度的行为,应当依照有关规定对责任人员给予行政纪律处分或者其他处理。 (十三)其他必要的消防安全内容 1、消防安全例会


⑵消防安全例会应由消防安全责任人主持,有关人员参加,每月不宜少于一次。消防安全例会应由消防安全管理人提出议程,并应形成会议纪要或决议。 2、消防安全重点部位管理


⑵根据实际需要配备相应的灭火器材、装备和个人防护器材。 ⑶制定和完善事故应急处置操作程序。

⑷列入防火巡查范围,作为定期检查的重点。 3、消防档案





reatment of heavily polluting industries. According to municipal, and municipal government deployment of seven big heavy pollution industry regulation \ction plans\ements to December 2016 end of Qian, all included shut stopped eliminated of enterprise all shut stopped eliminated in place; June 30, 2017 Qian, all included place regulation upgrade and agglomeration restructuring of enterprise by unified standard regulation in place, late not standard of enterprise are implementation discontinued; June 30, 2018 Qian, all intends Park production of enterprise relocation Park in place, late not Park of are discontinued. In the process of renovation, will focus on four aspects: to firmly close the high energy consumption and heavy pollution, hopeless enterprise governance and production lines, eliminated a number of yearly emission intensity, low value-added products of backward production capacity. Second, we must strictly enforce the space, total project \environment access system, promoting industry access and environmental conditions of access of enterprises to the Park, industrial park, in principle, no longer the class on the new project. Thirdly, promoting replacement and reconstruction of heavily polluting industries, mergers and reorganizations, guide enterprises to energy conservation, recycling and low-carbon and clean production, and improve the level of green development. Four to establish a long-term supervision mechanism, increase the intensity of special inspections, investigate and punish the rectification is not in place, normal business of running anti-pollution installations do not. (Iii) linkage to promote flood control water, drainage, water supply, improving water saving. Speed up cross ang support river dike reinforcement, and along Pu seawall except insurance reinforcement, and Lake Qian sluice, and BA Cao sluice, and cloud cover reservoir, focus flood control drainage engineering construction, vigorously implementation \brary\ngineering, increased geological disaster hidden points governance efforts, solid advance small basin torrent disaster governance, efforts from essentially solution basin sex, and regional flood control drainage capacity insufficient of problm. Vigorously implement the piers, algae and other water sources protection and, promoting rural drinking water safety projects, setting up water pricing reform and environmental protection mechanism, guiding water depth. Further soil pollution and repair, strengthen agricultural non-point source pollution prevention, mountain, water, forests, fields, lakes, various elements mutual long. Four, manage to tighten control, to play \e to split\Baolong, Secretary of provincial party Committee stressed that while the \split\s, but \to split\nue to catch on, and resolve a split cannot be changed. All localities and departments to the village and %unauthorised\ated videoconference, Secretary of the provincial Committee of Xia Baolong stressed: this year is the \ timetables \outstanding issues, obviously worked,\of the year. The County's departments at all levels must firmly establish the \n development concept, convinced that Castle is not relaxed, always maintaining strategic ability and strong determination to improve the environment, consistently playing well \war, ever-higher levels of comprehensive well-off society was built. (A) lay the sewage uphill battle. This year we will \, up to five\c objective grasp of pollution control that focus, with the focus on three things: a good job, \s\ng the County created. Organization \ck\nspection, the County garbage River, black and odorous River is \on, timely rectification of problems found in place firmly to prevent river pollution rebound. In accordance with the \-stop strategy\nferior five water quality monitoring stations work this year to ensure the Elimination of 1 provincial control, five water quality section 3 municipalities controlled deterioration, ensure the creation this year of \cond, pay special attention to pollution-cutting construction of nanotubes. Intercepting nanotubes are the basis of pollution of water source engineering, engineering, matter of success or failure of water management. Urban sewage treatment, to improve \ccuracy, compliance\speed up the town's support network construction, is focusing on nanotubes home \on. Domestic sewage treatment in rural areas, this year is the final year of the three-year action, determination to fight and the momentum around, ending the battle on which fully to ensure the realization of all County 648 formed village coverage. Also, be sure to attach importance to focus on rural domestic wastewater treatment facility operation and management, ensure that wastewater treatment facility up and running, role play, avoid the \d, pay speal attention to the River Lake pond desilting operation. Provinces now have focused on pollution control of water go to %up mud\of this year's \Next, to jump-start an investigation line touches work, implementation plan according to the priorities and the programme of work, in accordance with the \detailed cleaning, dredging plan, planning ahead of time cleaning out mud \ng to local conditions to do sludge, promote scientific resource utilization of silt and mud. (B) the heavy regulation of heavily polluting industries. Pollution of water must grab the source, wastewater is primarily the source of backward production capacity, increase the intensity of消防奖惩情况记录。














⑷有关单位应接受事故调查,如实提供火灾事故情况,查找有关人员,协助火灾调查; ⑸有关单位应做好火灾伤亡人员及其亲属的安排、善后事宜;


reatment of heavily polluting industries. According to municipal, and municipal government deployment of seven big heavy pollution industry regulation \ction plans\ements to December 2016 end of Qian, all included shut stopped eliminated of enterprise all shut stopped eliminated in place; June 30, 2017 Qian, all included place regulation upgrade and agglomeration restructuring of enterprise by unified standard regulation in place, late not standard of enterprise are implementation discontinued; June 30, 2018 Qian, all intends Park production of enterprise relocation Park in place, late not Park of are discontinued. In the process of renovation, will focus on four aspects: to firmly close the high energy consumption and heavy pollution, hopeless enterprise governance and production lines, eliminated a number of yearly emission intensity, low value-added products of backward production capacity. Second, we must strictly enforce the space, total project \environment access system, promoting industry access and environmental conditions of access of enterprises to the Park, industrial park, in principle, no longer the class on the new project. Thirdly, promoting replacement and reconstruction of heavily polluting industries, mergers and reorganizations, guide enterprises to energy conservation, recycling and low-carbon and clean production, and improve the level of green development. Four to establish a long-term supervision mechanism, increase the intensity of special inspections, investigate and punish the rectification is not in place, normal business of running anti-pollution installations do not. (Iii) linkage to promote flood control water, drainage, water supply, improving water saving. Speed up cross ang support river dike reinforcement, and along Pu seawall except insurance reinforcement, and Lake Qian sluice, and BA Cao sluice, and cloud cover reservoir, focus flood control drainage engineering construction, vigorously implementation \brary\ngineering, increased geological disaster hidden points governance efforts, solid advance small basin torrent disaster governance, efforts from essentially solution basin sex, and regional flood control drainage capacity insufficient of problm. Vigorously implement the piers, algae and other water sources protection and, promoting rural drinking water safety projects, setting up water pricing reform and environmental protection mechanism, guiding water depth. Further soil pollution and repair, strengthen agricultural non-point source pollution prevention, mountain, water, forests, fields, lakes, various elements mutual long. Four, manage to tighten control, to play \e to split\Baolong, Secretary of provincial party Committee stressed that while the \split\s, but \to split\nue to catch on, and resolve a split cannot be changed. All localities and departments to the village and %unauthorised\ated

