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Cardo 亚太区总裁的欢迎词

Welcome Message from Cardo Asia Pacific President

欢迎您加入Cardo 集团的大家庭,我们期待与您保持长久互赢的工作关系。Congratulations on your appointment and welcome to the Cardo team in Asia Pacific. We look forward to maintain a Win-Win relationship with you.

我们相信“人才始终是企业最重要的资源”,秉承这一信念,我们需要员工始终诚实、坦言、主动,具批判和团队精神,并希望此文化能贯穿公司的整个生产、销售和管理过程。对于您的忠诚、勤奋和奉献,公司将表示衷心地感谢!我们将为您创造积极公平的工作环境,向您提供全面的培训、支持以及在公司内部发展的机会,希望您能在工作过程中获得更多的知识, 享受工作带来的快乐和成就感。At Cardo Asia Pacific, we believe that our employees are our most valuable asset. As our Employee, we expect you to always be honest, initiative and able to work as a team. We thank you for your loyalty and dedication to the Company, and hope to develop a pleasant working environment with you. We will provide you with trainings and support as well as opportunities to develop within the Company.

这本员工手册旨在为大家提供公司的商业准则和人事政策的指导概况。我希望它能帮助您尽快熟悉Cardo 亚太区,在工作中得心应手。人力资源部会将其他新推出的政策或政策修改及时与您沟通。This Employee Handbook serves as a guide and reference to the policies and procedures of employment. It is aimed to provide you with useful information and benefits available to you. You should familiarize yourself with the contents of this handbook as soon as possible, for it will answer many questions about employment with Cardo Asia Pacific. Human Resources department will communicate with you when other new policies are carried out. 如果您有任何疑问,请向您的同事或人力资源部同事咨询。If you require clarification on any point contained within this Handbook, please contact your Manager or the Human Resources department. 祝愿您在Cardo 集团有一个丰硕和愉快的职业生涯。我们希望通过每一位员工的不懈努力,使Cardo 集团成为世界上最成功的公司之一。 I wish you well in your endeavor to perform excellence on a daily basis and by doing this, experience true satisfaction with your achievements. With your hard work, we hope Cardo Group can become one of the most successful companies in the world.

杨旺政(Yong Wong-Jin)

亚太区总裁 President, Asia Pacific

目 录 Content

此员工手册仅适用于中国地区员工This is only valid for employees in China

录用与劳动合同 Conditions of Employment and Employment Contract

1. 录用条件Conditions of Employment ........................................................................ 2. 录用程序Procedure of Employment ......................................................................... 3. 入职手续Procedure of Entrance .............................................................................. 4. 劳动合同Labor Contract .......................................................................................... 5. 员工调动Transfer of Employee ................................................................................ 6. 员工考核Assessment of Employee .......................................................................... 7. 员工离职Demission of Employee ............................................................................ 工作时间、考勤与休假Working Hours, Attendance Record and Leave

1. 工作时间Working Hours .......................................................................................... 2. 加班Overtime .......................................................................................................... 3. 迟到、早退与旷工Late, Leave Early and Leave Without Notice .............................. 4. 休假Leave ............................................................................................................... 保险与福利Insurance and Welfare

1. 社会保险及住房公积金Social Insurance and Housing Fund .................................... 2. 一般津贴Common Allowance .................................................................................. 3. 年度体检Annual Medical Examination ..................................................................... 4. 长期服务奖励Long Service Incentive ....................................................................... 工作评估、培训和发展PDR, Training and Development

1. 工作评估 PDR ......................................................................................................... 2. 培训和发展Training and Development .................................................................... 3. 学业资助Training Assistance for Academic Education ............................................ 行为规范 Rules and Regulations

1. 个人资料Personal Profile ........................................................................................ 2. 公司资产Company Assets ....................................................................................... 3. 转移公司资产Transfer of Company Assets .............................................................. 4. 杜绝兼职No Part-time Job ....................................................................................... 5. 雇佣员工亲属Employment of Relatives ................................................................... 6. 吸烟Smoking ........................................................................................................... 7. 私人客访Personal Visitors ....................................................................................... 8. 媒体采访Contact with Media ................................................................................... 9. 对外交往中收受礼品登记和处理Business Gift Recording and Handling................... 10. 招待活动及应酬Entertainment and Social Intercourse ............................................. 11. 公费手机Reimbursement of Mobile Phone Fee ....................................................... 12. 工作不满的解决办法Grievance Handling ................................................................. 13. 重新聘用Re-hiring ................................................................................................... 14. 公司商务机密Confidentiality .................................................................................... 15. 酗酒和吸毒Alcohol and Drug Abuse ........................................................................ 16. 政治活动Political Activities ...................................................................................... 17. 刑事犯罪Criminal Offences ..................................................................................... 18. 生产区域Work Areas ............................................................................................... 19. 出勤记录Attendance Record ................................................................................... 20. 公司工作证Company Identification Card ................................................................. 21. 工作服Smock .......................................................................................................... 22. 更衣室和更衣柜Bathing Room and Cabinet ............................................................ 23. 工作餐Staff Meal .....................................................................................................

24. 进出包裹Package and Parcels ................................................................................ 差旅政策 Travel Policy

1. 操作流程Procedure ................................................................................................. 2. 交通工具Vehicle ...................................................................................................... 3. 住宿Accommodation ............................................................................................... 4. 积分Accumulation ................................................................................................... 5. 每日餐费报销限额Daily Meal Reimbursement Limit................................................. 6. 地面交通费Ground Transportation Fee ................................................................... 7. 私车公用Private Car for public use .......................................................................... 8. 其它费用Other Expenses ........................................................................................ 9. 现金借款Cash Advance .......................................................................................... 10. 报销流程Reimbursement Procedure ....................................................................... 纪律政策Discipline and Policy 办公室管理 Office Management

1. 员工安全守则Staff Safety Regulations .................................................................... 2. 名片、门卡的申请 Application for Name Card and Entrance Card ........................... 3. 邮寄信函收发Receive and Dispatch of Letters ........................................................ 4. 电话分机查询Inquire for Extension Numbers ...........................................................

互联网、局域网和电子邮件使用规定Policy for Internet, LAN and Email

1. 使用Usage .............................................................................................................. 2. 法律责任Law Obligation .......................................................................................... 3. 电子邮件 .................................................................................................................. 4. 下载Download ......................................................................................................... 5. 上传Upload ............................................................................................................. 6. 文件删除File Delete ................................................................................................ 7. 聊天室Chatting Room ............................................................................................. 8. 淫秽和诽谤性言论Obscenity and Defamatory Saying .............................................. 9. 安全Safety ............................................................................................................. 10. 其他Others .............................................................................................................. 11. 违反上述规定的处理Treatment for Disobeying Above Policy ...................................

结束语Final Message ...........................................................................................................


一、录用条件Conditions of Employment

1. 身体健康,无精神病、传染病及其他影响工作的疾病,女职工不处于怀孕及哺乳期内,能保证正


You should be healthy, no any diseases such as lunacy or contagion that affects normal works. Female employees are not in pregnancy or lactation period.

2. 各方面表现良好,没有吸毒、斗殴等各种劣迹,无任何刑事、行政或人事处罚记录,富有爱岗


Good performance in all aspects, no bad behavior such as Drug Abuse, fight etc. No any criminal, administrative penalty or personnel penalty record. Love your job and respect your profession.

3. 具备工作能力或有相关经验,能够按照公司要求完成各项工作内容、工作指标、工作任务。

With work ability and concerned experience. You should fulfill all works, targets and duties assigned by the company.

4. 试用期结束前, 员工按照公司的要求参加公司的考核, 且考核成绩合格。

Before the probation period expires, The Employee attends and passes the examination according to the requirements of The Company.

5. 应公司要求,向公司提供与个人情况相关的陈述(如没有不适于工作岗位的疾病)材料(如离职

证明、教育学历及证书、个人简历、婚姻及生育状况、体检证明等),且该等陈述与材料均真实、有效, 不存在任何欺骗、欺诈或隐瞒。

You should, as per the requests of the Company, make representations (e.g. having no diseases that will affect normal works) and provide documents (such as Leave Approval, Educational Certificates, Resume, Marriage and Bearing Status, Medical Examination etc.) related to your personal situation to the Company, and make sure that such representations and documents are all true and authentic and there are no fraud, cheat or disguise.

二、录用程序Procedure of Employment



User Department submits requirement(new or reinforce position, confirming the function and assess guideline).


After approval by the company management, HR issue out want ad. 人力资源部及用人部门初选简历。

Filtration of resumes by HR department and user department. 用人部门与人力资源部对应聘人员进行面试、笔试和评估。

Interview, examination and assessment for candidates by HR department and user department.


HR submits employing application for qualified interviewee.


HR inform the qualified interviewee to provide corresponding working background investigation and education certificates, and take a medical examination in the appointed medical institution before check in. The cost will be paid by company.


HR send the employing intent information to the eligible candidates after investigate his/her corresponding working background, education certificates, etc.

2. 3. 4.

5. 6.


三、入职手续 Procedure of Entry

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When the company decides not to extend the Labor Contract, we will proceed as items

concerning termination in Labor Contract Law. The employee will be informed in written 30 days advance, or paid one month of salary in-lieu of notice. When the employee decides not to extend the labor Contract, he/she also should inform the company in written 30 days before.

离职手续 Demission procedure

1. 公司辞退员工应向员工出具书面通知;员工辞职应向直属经理和办公室行政经理或人力资源部


The Company will issue a written notice on contract termination; you should also submit the written Resignation Application to your direct manager and HR/ADM manager when you want to terminate the contract with the company.

2. 员工离职时,须填写相关离职表格,经相关部门负责人确认签字后,交回人力资源部结清相关薪

资及费用。 Before leaving the Company, you should fill required demission forms. After the confirmation and sign of your department manager, the forms should be submitted to HR department and settle salary and other fee.

3. 员工离职时,须办理工作移交手续,未办理完备离职手续擅自离岗,公司将按旷工处理。离职手


When the employee dismiss, you are required to proceed hand-over, otherwise, you will be punished as absence. The procedure of hand over includes but not only: not-yet-finished case, document, file, technical CD, customers? information, all office facilities, You have to list all the above and transfer to the appointed person. All the salary and outstanding monetary claims will be paid after the employee finish all the demission procedure.

公司在收到签署完毕后的全套离职单据后应及时为离职员工进行财务结算(包括应向员工支付经济补偿金和最后的工资等,以及员工应向公司支付的违约金、赔偿金等)、出具离职证明。员工离职后,须在15日之内书面向公司提供档案及社会保险关系转移去向,如果该离职员工未及时提供相关转移信息,以致公司无法在该员工离职后7个工作日内为其办理完毕档案及保险转移手续者,由此产生的法律责任由该员工承担。The company should make out the resignation certificate and proceed financial closing in time for the employee after receiving all signed demission document (including last payment and compensation paid to the employee or the penalty, compensation, etc. paid to the company by the employee.). After demission, the employee should provide personal file and the new employer to whom he/she transfer social insurance. If the employee cannot provide the transferring information, causing the company cannot transact the personal file and social insurance transfer, the law liability caused has to be assumed by the employee himself/ herself.


Working Hours, Attendance Record and Leave

一、工作时间 Working Hours

工作时间是根据劳动法平均每周工作40小时的规定所制定的,但是,公司可以根据相关岗位 作内容和性质,对管理层、经理、销售、安装、售后服务、司机等岗位公司可以实行不定时工 作制或其他工作和休息办法。Working hours shall be 40 hours per week according to Labor Law, but the Company can implement unfixed working term or other working and leave term base on related job responsibilities and character for positions such as management, manager, salesman, installation, after-service and driver.

二、加班 Over Time

1. 原则 Principle

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依据《劳动法》,加班原则上每月不得超过36小时。 According to Labor Law, over time hours should not exceed 36 hours per month. a. 直属经理应妥善管理、合理安排好下属的工作量。如员工确需经常在正常工作时间以外上班的,经主管领导确认后,工作时间可在不超过法定工作时间的范围内进行调整。 Direct manager should arrange your subordinate?s workload in a reasonable way. If working outside normal working hours is a necessary, with the approval of direct manager, working hours could be adjusted within the limit of legal working hours. 加班必须事先征得直属经理的确认和批准, 否则不视为加班。Over-time application should be approved by direct manager in advance. 公司安排的非工作时间内的培训、研讨会、会议根据实际情况可酌情申报调休。 Overtime can be claimable when entertaining customers, attending training, seminars, conference arranged by Company after office hours. b. c. 2. 加班申请资格 Qualification of Over Time Application a. 非综合工时制和非不定时工作制的职员可以申请加班。 (售后服务、安装职位将申请综合工时制)Employees who enjoy Non-Period Aggregate Work Schedule and Non-Fix Work Schedule may apply for over time work. b. 由于经理、销售、售后服务和安装人员、司机适用不定时工作制和综合工时制,只有在公司安排及直属经理事先批准的情况下,才能在法定节假日申请加班。The working hours of Managers, Salesmen, After-service men, drivers are not fixed, so they can only apply for overtime work and get overtime paid under the Company?s arrangements and with the approval of their direct managers in Public Holidays. 3. 加班待遇 Over Time Salary a. 根据政府有关规定和公司的薪资结构,加班待遇经双方协商可申报调休或按以下制度结算加班费,但应先行安排调休。 According to related regulation of government and company’s salary situation, overwork can be replaced with off-in-lieu or paid by quarter. But the off-in-lieu should be arranged in advance. 综合工时制和不定时工作制职员 固定工时制职员 Non-Period Aggregate Work 项目Item Fix Work Schedule Schedule and Non-Fix Work Schedule 正常工作日 小时工资的150% Normal 按国家相关规定 Working 150% of the OT hour salary Day 等时调休或小时工资的200% 正常双休日 (直属经理决定) 按国家相关规定 Weekend Off-in-lieu or 200% of the Day overtime hour salary (Decided by direct manager) 法定节假日 小时工资的300% 小时工资的300% Public 300% of the overtime hour 300% of the overtime hour salary Holiday salary b. 加班按月经各直属经理记录,由办公室经理统计汇总。直属经理有责任督促下属合理安排调休时间。Overtime are recorded by direct managers, and calculated by local office manager. Direct managers have the responsibility to supervise your subordinates to arrange the off-in-lieu reasonably. 由直属经理结合实际情况决定给予加班费或等时调休。加班费每三个月支付一次。未休完的调休将于下一季度的第一个月计算加班费,个人所得税由员工自行承担。For employees with Non-Period Aggregate Work Schedule and Non-Fix Work Schedule, the overtime will be decided to be paid or off-in-lieu by direct managers according to actual situation. c. 员工手册 Page 8 Dec 2007

Company will pay for the overtime salary every three months. The outstanding off-in-lieu will be paid in next January base on overtime salary calculation standard, and the individual income tax will be afforded by employees.

4. 加班、调休及加班费的申请 Application of Overtime, Off-in-lieu and OT Salary

a. 对于符合申请加班条件的员工 For employees who are qualified for applying OT

i. 员工在一般工作日延长工作时间多于一个小时的,方可申请加班。You may apply

for overtime work only when the over time is one hour more than the normal working hours.

ii. 员工必须于加班前得到直属经理书面认可,并在《每月加班记录表》上填写实际

加班时间,注明加班原因,及直属经理的书面认可,在办公室行政经理处备案。.You should get the approval of your direct manager before overtime work. The exact overtime hours should be recorded into the Monthly Overtime Record, specified with reasons and submit to your direct managers for signature, then send to local office manager for file.

iii. 办公室行政经理每季度第一个月15日前将上一季度的未调休完的《每月加班记录


Office manager submits the Monthly Overtime Record of last quarter to H.R. Dept.


for outstanding off-in-lieu salary calculation before 15 in the first month of every quarter.

b. 调休 Off-in-lieu

i. 直属经理有责任督促下属合理安排调休时间,在员工拥有调休和年假情况下,先

行安排调休。Direct managers have the responsibility to supervise your

subordinates to arrange the off-in-lieu reasonably. It does prefer to arrange off-in-lieu first if your subordinates have both off-in-lieu and annual leave.

ii. 员工申请调休应填写请假申请表并获得直属经理签字确认后交办公室行政经理处

备案Off-in-lieu should be recorded in Leave Requisition and get direct manager?s approval, then you submit local office manager it for file.

iii. 员工调休未提交获得直属经理书面认可的请假表至办公室行政经理处,而当天缺

勤者视同旷工。Your off-in-lieu will be treated as absence if you don?t submit your approved Leave Requisition to local office manager.


加班计程车费报销 Overtime Traffic Claim

经理、销售人员及职员加班计程车费报销:Rules for Managers, Sales persons and office staff:

a. 若员工于工作日加班晚于正常下班时间3个小时,且未享受公司提供的车辆和交通补贴

者,可以报销从工作地点至住家单程的计程车费。When employees who don?t enjoy company?s traffic and car allowance are required to work three extended hours after normal working hours during normal working days, the company will reimburse one-way traffic expenses (commuting between home and the office).

b. 于正常双休日或法定节假日加班超过4个小时的,且未享受公司车辆和交通补贴者,可以

报销从工作地点至住家往返的计程车费。When employees who don?t enjoy company?s traffic and car allowance are required to work a minimum of four (4) working hours on weekend or public holidays, the company will reimburse the come-and-go traffic expenses (commuting between home and the office).

c. 加班车费的申请,须填写费用报销单,并随附直属经理签字审核过的加班申请单和相应金

额的计程车发票,随每月费用报销一同申报。After the check and signature of your direct manager, submit the Expense Report with the copy of the approved Overtime Application, expenses details and relevant bus or taxi receipts.

6. 加班餐费Overtime Meal Allowance

a. 司机 Drivers

i. 工作日上班时间前超过2个小时的额外工作,公司支付RMB 5.00的早餐补贴。

Breakfast allowance of ¥5 is payable when overtime work is performed for not

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less than two (2) hours immediately preceding the normal starting time, 08:00 or 08:30 hrs.

工作日下班时间后超过2个小时的额外工作,公司支付RMB20.00的晚餐补贴。Supper allowance of ¥20 is payable when overtime work is performed over two (2) hours after the normal starting time.


Meal allowance of ¥30 is payable when overtime work is performed after 23:00 hrs.

非工作日工作超过4个小时的额外工作,公司将支付RMB20.00的正餐补贴。Dinner allowance of ¥20 is payable when overtime is more than 4 hours in non-working days.

非工作日工作超过8个小时的额外工作,公司将支付每餐RMB20.00的两次正餐补贴。 Two meal allowance of ¥20 is payable when overtime is more than 8 hours in non-working days.


生产工厂一线工人 Workers in Production Unit i. 工作日下班时间后加班超过3小时,公司将免费提供一餐晚餐。The Company

will provide dinner for those who worked a minimum of three (3) hours of overtime.

ii. 非工作日工作超过4个小时,公司将免费提供一餐正餐。The Company will

provide dinner for those who worked a minimum of four (4) hours of overtime on non-working days and two dinners for a minimum of four (4) days and not less than eight (8) hours.

iii. 非工作日工作超过8个小时,公司将免费提供两餐正餐。The Company will

provide 2 dinners for those who worked a minimum of eight (8) hours of overtime. 除上述人员以外的人员 Other employees i. 工作日下班时间后加班超过2小时,公司将支付RMB20.00的晚餐补贴。Supper

allowance of ¥20 is payable when overtime work is performed over two (2) hours after the normal starting time.

ii. 非工作日工作超过4个小时,公司将支付RMB20.00的正餐补贴。Dinner

allowance of ¥20 is payable when overtime is more than 4 hours in non-working days.

iii. 非工作日工作超过8个小时,公司将支付每餐RMB20.00的两次正餐补贴。Two

meal allowance of ¥20 is payable when overtime is more than 8 hours in non-working days.


7. 加班餐费的申请,须填写费用报销单,并随附直属经理签字审核过的加班申请单和相应金额发

票,随每月费用报销一同申报。After the check and signature of your direct manager, submit the Expense Report with the copy of the approved Overtime Application, expenses details and relevant bus or taxi receipts.

三、迟到、早退与旷工 Lateness, Leave Early and Leave Without Notice

1. 定义 Definition

a) 迟到、早退:员工晚于上班时间上班或早于下班时间下班的,视为迟到或早退。

Lateness, Early Departure: It will be treat as Lateness or Early Departure if you work late or leave earlier than normal working time.


旷工:员工有以下情况之一者为旷工:Absence Without Notice: It will be treat as Absence Without Notice if you make any mistake of below: i. 无故不出勤。Absence without reasonable excuse. ii. 未经请假或请假未批准而不出勤或擅离工作岗位。Absence or leave your post

without Leave Requisition or your Leave Requisition isn’t approved.

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不按请假、补假和续假程序办理手续而休假。Leave isn’t proceeded as per the procedure.

iv. 请假事由被证明与事实不符。The leave excuse isn’t proved identical with truth. v. 未按规定提供医院诊断证明。Sick leave without hospital’s treatment certificate. vi. 已签订合同变更协议但不服从工作调动而缺勤或未按指定时间到职。Employee

who has signed contract alteration agreement with Company is absence or isn?t on board on time for disobeying the transfer.

vii. 无任何理由的迟到、早退2小时至4小时的,计为旷工半天;4小时以上的,计

为旷工一天。时间的计算自迟到或早退开始起连续计算。It will be treated as half day of absence without notice if you are late or leave early 2 hours to 4 hours.

2. 处理办法 Disciplinary Action for Offensive Behavior

a. 员工月迟到或早退2次,公司予以书面警告一次,员工被3次书面警告的,公司可按员工严重违纪与其解除劳动合同。Employee who is Lateness or Early Departure for 3 times in one month will get a Written Warning Notice; if the employee gets 2 Written Warning Notices, the Company will dismiss the contract for he/she has violated company’s policies seriously.

b. 员工旷工,取消当日工资;当月连续旷工2天(含2天)或全年累计旷工3天(含3天)以上者,按员工严重违纪解除劳动合同。 非工厂职工(如办事处,分公司职工)亦需准点上下班,否则以相同方法予以处理。The employee will not be paid for the day he/she is absent. Any employee who is absent for 2 days or a cumulated over 3 days (incl. 3 days) for the

whole year will be terminated for he/she has violated company’s policies seriously. The non-factory workers (such as office, branch) also should work in time, otherwise, the company will also dispose as the above mentioned.


四、休假 Leave


带薪年休假 Annual Leave

a. 经理级人员每年享受16天带薪年假,非经理级员工每年享受11天带薪年假。16 working

days per year for managerial employees and salesmen; 11 working days per year for other staff.


b. 年假计算期间为每年1月1日至12月31日。The calculation period is from 1 Jan to


31 Dec.

c. 员工在试用期内不得申请带薪休假,但其当年的年休假天数将从其加入公司的日期开始计

算。服务不满一年的年假按比例计算,小于0.5天的忽略不计,大于0.5天的视为1天。You should not apply for annual leave during your probation period, however, your

annual leave entitlement will be calculated from the date when you started your work at the Company. Annual leave shall be proportionate in respect of an incomplete year of service. In calculating the proportionate annual leave, any fraction of a day which is less than 0.5 of a day shall be disregarded and where the fraction of the day is more than 0.5 of a day, it shall be regarded as one day.

d. 申请年假时最少以0.5天为一次申请单位,员工应填妥《假期申请表》并至少提前2个工

作日向部门经理申请,部门经理将视实际工作情况及各方面配合而批准年假。如若申请3天以上(含3天)的年假,应至少提前1个星期申请。0.5 day is minimum for annual leave application; you should submit your Leave Requisition to your direct manager 2 working days in advance. For special cases, you should inform and get the approval from your direct managers in advance. Direct managers will approve the leave

application accordingly. If you want apply 3 days or above annual leave, please inform and get the approval at 1 week in advance.

e. 除了因违纪被解雇外,员工离职时,公司将当年尚未使用的剩余年假折算成工资。如果员

工所休年假已超过可使用年假,公司将从员工的最后一次工资中相应扣除。Upon leaving employment, except dismissal for misconduct, you will be credited with accrued annual leave on a pro-rata basis for each completed month of service in the year. If you have annual leave entitlement outstanding, this will be paid on pro-rata basis by reference to your pay. If you have taken more than your pro-rata entitlement, an amount calculated on a pro-rata basis by reference to your pay will be deducted from your final pay.

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f. g. h. 以下情况年假会被取消:Following Annual Leave Will Be Canceled: i. 如果员工因违纪行为被辞退,所累积的年假都将被全部取消。If you are dismissed for misconduct, all your earned annual leave shall be forfeited. ii. 本年度未使用完的年休假,公司允许最多保留5天年假至下一年度第一季度,其它未休完的年假可在当年度结束前一个月内申请折算成薪酬领取,未按时申请的,将被视为自动放弃使用权利。The Company may, at its absolute discretion, allow five (5) working days of the annual leave not taken to be carried forward to the first quarter in subsequent year. Unconsumed annual leave in excess of the five (5) days will be forfeited. 员工有下列情形之一的,不享受当年年假 累计工作满一年不满十年的员工,请病假累计2个月以上 累计工作满十年不满二十年的员工,请病假累计3个月以上 累计工作满十年满二十年以上的员工,请病假累计4个月以上 在年假期间住院或办理丧事,员工可向公司申请归还相应年假。There will be no crediting back of annual leave except for hospitalization and compassionate reasons. 2. 节假日Public Holidays 法定假日 休息天数 Public Holidays Entitlement 新年 1天 New Year?s Day One Day 春节 3天 Chinese New Year Three days 清明节 1天 Qingming Festival One day 五一劳动节 1天 May Day One Day 端午节 1天 Dragon Boat Festival One day 中秋节 1天 Mid-Autumn Festival One Day 国庆节 3天 National Day Three Days 三八妇女节 0.5天 Women?s Day Half day a. 每次法定节假日放假前(三八妇女节除外),人力资源部将统一宣布具体的放假安排。上述假日设定与人力资源部宣布的放假安排不一致的,以人力资源部的宣布为准。HR Department will announce the holiday arrangements to you before each public holiday (excl. the Women?s Day). Employees should obey H.R. arrangement if the above date of Public Days is different with Company?s. b. 当新年和春节前一天为工作日,为欢度节日,公司允许员工在确保工作已完成的情况下,中午12:30下班。如果员工必须在12:30后至正常下班时间继续工作,不计入加班,视为正常工作。超过正常下班时间,将按照加班制度执行。如果员工需在该天请假,视为请假一天。For Eve of New Year and Chinese Lunar New Year, to enable you to prepare for the festivities, early time-off at 12:30pm will be given by the Company if you complete your work. It shall be considered as part of a normal work day should you require to continuing to work. And it shall be treated as one (1) day leave should you apply for leave. c. “三八”妇女节,所有女职工可以享受0.5天换休。对于过节当天未休息的员工,按自动放弃处理,不得调休。如假期恰逢双休日或节假日,一律不予补休。 For Women?s Day, all female staff may have half day?s leave on that day. If you don?t take leave, that means you surrender it and you can not take off-in-lieu. If Women?s Days is weekend day or Public Days, it can not be compensate for more leave. 员工手册 Page 12 Dec 2007

3. 病假 Sick Leave a. 员工在申请病假时应提供三级以上医院开具的病假证明及当日的医生诊断证明,如果员工在病假前不能提交病假申请单和病假证明,应及时通知直属经理,并在病假结束后第一天补办相关手续。未能出示病假单的病假将视作旷工。Sick leave will only be granted on the basis of a medical certificate issued from district or higher level hospitals. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action and the leave days taken will be treated as absence without notice. Please inform your Manager immediately and apply for sick leave upon return to the office together with the medical certificate. b. 员工每月享有1天的全薪病假,一年共12天。全薪病假不可顺延至下一年,也不可折成工资。You are eligible for one (1) day of Sick Leave with Full Salary in each month, up to twelve (12) days in one year. These leave days cannot be forwarded to the following year nor redeemed in cash. c. 除全薪病假以外,短期病假(不超过1个月者)工资计算方式如下:If the employee exceeds the stipulated number of days of Sick Leave with Full Salary, the salary will be calculated as below: 在公司的服务年限 工资 Service period in Company Salary 2年或以下 扣日工资40% x 缺勤天数 < 2 Years deduct 40% of daily wages * leave days 2年1天到4年 扣日工资30% x 缺勤天数 2< ~ ≤4 Years deduct 30% of daily wages * leave days 4年1天到6年 扣日工资20% x 缺勤天数 4 <~ ≤6 Years deduct 20% of daily wages * leave days 6年1天或以上 扣日工资10% x 缺勤天数 > 6 Years deduct 10% of daily wages * leave days (上述公司的服务年限指连续服务的年限。)Service period above mentioned means continuous service years in Company. d. 如果员工需要申请长期病假(1年内累计一个月及以上),医疗期标准及待遇将根据当地的政策法规执行。If employee wants to apply long-term sick leave (more than one month but within 1 year), the salary will be calculated according to local rules and regulations. e. 员工在请病假过程中,其直属经理或相关部门可酌情要求其到公司指定的医院进行病情检查,并根据检查结果决定是否准假。During the procedure of sick leave application, the direct manager or related department may ask for the applicant to hospital the Company appointed for the check of illness. The long-term sick leave will be determined by the result of medical examination. f. 病假结束后应及时回到工作岗位。如果员工因身体状况实际需要延长病假时间,应事先向直属经理申请,得到书面批准,同时提供医院的相关证明和诊断病历书,否则所有超出病假期的天数一律以旷工处理。The employee should return the position in time after the long-term sick leave. If the employee wants to extend the sick leave according to actual illness status, he/she should apply for it and get direct manager’s approval in advance, and also provide the relevant certificates and diagnosis. Otherwise the leave over previous approved sick leave will be treated as Leave Without Notice. g. 大病患者对于医院开出的病假单必须严格休息,若要求上班,必须取得医生的有关康复或适应劳动强度证明。为安全起见,不得擅自上班。Patient with serious illness must take leave strictly as per sick leave certificate issued by hospital. If the employee wants to renew his/her work, he/she must get recovering or work ability certificate. It is forbidden that a patient renews his/her job without approval. h. 连续病假超过1个月以上的员工,重新上岗需征得人力资源部、直属经理和公司指定的医院确认同意后,方可回到原来的工作岗位。传染病患者需提供康复证明。 Employee whose sick leave exceeds 1 month returns his/her pervious position should get H.R. department, direct manager’s approval and hospital’s certificate which company appointed in advance. Infection patient should provide recovering certificated. 4. 事假 No-pay Leave 员工手册 Page 13 Dec 2007


由于需要处理私人事务,例如进修考试、国家义务或家庭的责任,员工可申请无薪事假,由公司逐次按事情的紧急和重要性来决定是否批准。连续事假期间遇公休日或法定假期将会被计算在事假中。No-pay leave up to a maximum of one (1) month may be granted for important personal reasons, such as education, community or public service, personal or family responsibilities. The approval of such leave is on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the Company and depending upon exigencies of work. Rest day or public holidays falling within the period of no-pay leave will be counted as part of no-pay leave.

请事假时,如还有未使用的年假或加班调休,则应先从未休年假和加班调休中扣减(比例为1:1)。You are required to clear your earned annual leave before you commence the no-pay leave (rate 1:1).


扣减公式为 : 月工资 / 当月实际工作天数 * 事假天数。Your salary will be deducted as per the days of No-pay leave you used, the formula is: Monthly salary/ 20.92* number of No-pay leave.

在事假期间,员工必须向公司提供联系地址和电话。一旦发现事假期间员工私自在其他单位工作,将视为员工自动终止劳动合同,按擅自离职处理。You are responsible for

keeping the Company informed of your address and contact number during the leave. If you seek employment elsewhere while on no-pay leave, this will be considered a

serious breach of employment amounting to repudiation of your Employment Contract. It will be regarded as employee terminates the contract on his/her own initiative.

如果员工当年事假累计超过10个工作日,公司有权决定减少或停发第13个月的工资、奖金和/或调整年度工资等。Payment of Annual Wage Supplement, incentive scheme bonus, annual leave entitlement and other employee benefits will be pro-rated if no-pay leave for any calendar year exceeds ten (10) working days.

一年内事假时间不得累计超过一月,否则公司保留终止劳动合同的权利。The Company reserves the right to terminate the contract if more than one (1) month of no-pay leave is consumed within the year.






5. 工伤假 On-job Injury

a. 员工在受聘期间享有工伤保险,任何工伤赔偿须经社保局核准。During the employment,

employee is insured with the on-job-injury insurance. Any on-job-injury compensation must be approved by Social Insurance Bureau.

b. 员工在工作中受伤,无论轻重,必须在八小时内向直属经理报告,由员工所属部门填写并经

直属经理签字的事故报告。When injured in work, the employee must report to the Manager within eight (8) hours, other employee in this dept. to help to fill in the accident report, and get the Manager?s signature.

c. 直属经理必须对每个事故报告进行调查,落实缘由,尽可能避免同类事故再次发生。Direct

manager must investigate the reason and liability for every injury to avoid it happen again. d. 经双方协商后,公司将为病愈的受伤员工另外安排一个职务(很可能在另一个部门),让员工

以安全地工作。Company will try to arrange injured employee to another position (possible to other department) for safety after negotiation under two parties.

e. 员工因工负伤可享受工伤假,并享受停工留薪期待遇,工伤病假期按医院证明及当地有关政

策法规决定。Injured employee can take On-job Injury Leave with full salary. The length of On-job Injury Leave will be calculated by hospital’s certificate and local rules. f. 工伤病假期结束后应及时回到工作岗位。如果员工因身体状况实际需要延长病假时间,应事

先向直属经理申请,得到批准,同时提供医院的相关证明,否则所有超出工伤假期的天数一律以事假处理。The employee should return the position in time after the On-job Injury Leave. If the employee wants to extend the leave according to actual injury status, he/she should apply for it and get direct manager’s approval in advance, and also provide the relevant certificates and diagnosis. Otherwise the leave over previous approved one will be treated as Leave without Notice.

6. 婚假 Marriage Leave

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a. b. 首次结婚婚假为3天。. Three (3) days paid leave on occasion of first legal marriage. 超过晚婚年龄结婚的员工(男性25周岁以上、女性23周岁以上)首次结婚可申请10天婚假(包括双休日但不包括法定节假日)。If you have surpassed the maturity age of marriage (Male – above 25 years old, Female – above 23 years old), you are entitled ten (10) days of paid leave. 员工再婚,不论是否晚婚,只享受3天婚假, On the occasion of a re-marriage whatever exceeding maturity age or not, you are entitled three (3) days paid leave. 符合以上条件的婚假,不扣减工资。Marriage Leave will not be deducted salary if it accord with above mentioned terms. 婚假必须在结婚登记后一年内一次性用完,不得分开使用。试用期期间员工不得申请婚假。Marriage leave shall be taken in one consecutive period within one (1) year of registration of marriage. c. d. e. 7. 丧假 Compassionate Leave 死者Decedent 带薪丧假天数Paid Leave 父母、子女、配偶、岳父母、公婆3天;如路途较远,可酌情考虑路程假 parents, parents-in-law, spouse or Three days; more leave with full salary will children be considered if the destination is distant. 祖父母、外祖父母、配偶方祖父母、外祖1天;如路途较远,可酌情考虑路程假 父母、及兄弟姐妹等brother, sister, one day; more leave with full salary will be considered if the destination is distant grandparents or grandparents-in-law 8. 产假Maternity Leave a. 产前检查:员工孕期根据医院规定需作定期产前检查的,如确需在工作时间进行,按当地劳动部门有关规定执行。Maternity Medical Examination: b. 产前假:妊娠七个月以上,员工每天有一小时的带薪休息时间。如工作许可,该休息时间可累计,员工可以选择以下两种方式之一,但须事先征得直属经理的同意:The employee is granted one (1) hour of rest everyday from seven (7) months of pregnancy. The rest period may be accumulated. The employee may choose from the two (2) options below, upon the approval of her Manager: i. 每天晚到或早离开办公室共一小时Report to work one (1) hour later or leave office one (1) hour earlier ii. 每周享受0.5天休假Enjoy 0.5 days of leave every week. c. 正常生育:女性员工可享受90天产假。包括产前15天(根据预产期推算。此假期不可在产后享受,除非早产),产后休息75天。 The Company shall grant a female employee ninety (90) calendar days paid maternity leave, which includs15 days before childbirth and 75 days after childbirth. d. 晚育假:如产妇初次生育,年龄在24周岁以上,可多享受30天晚育假。If you are 24 years old and above and bearing your first child, you will be granted additional thirty (30) days paid leave. e. 自然流产:员工妊娠三个月内自然流产,可休息30天;三个月以上自然流产,可休息45天。Miscarriage – if you suffer from miscarriage three (3) months into pregnancy, you are entitled thirty (30) days of paid leave; between three (3) to seven (7) months of pregnancy, you are entitled forty-five (45) days of paid leave. f. 产妇难产或一次生育每多一胎,可增加15天产假。In the event of dystocia or multiple births, you are granted an additional 15 days paid leave. g. 人工流产、计划生育及其它情形,严格按照当地政府规定执行。 The medical expense, family planning and other situation will be handled strictly as per local rules. h. 薪资根据当地政府《生育保险政策》执行。Salary will be paid according to the local rules of maternity insurance. 9. 陪产假 Paternity Leave 员工手册 Page 15 Dec 2007



男职员在配偶生育期间可以享受3天带薪陪产假(包括双休日和法定节假日)。A confirmed married male employee may be granted ten (10) working days on the birth of his legitimate child and his wife.

陪产假必须在孩子出生后的第一个月内一次性使用完,不得分开使用,并不能折抵现金支付。Such leave must be utilized within one month from the day of birth of the child. Please support the Leave Requisition with a copy of the child's birth certificate.

10. 哺乳时间 Lactation Leave

a. 在产假后回到工作岗位的女员工,在婴儿一周岁前,每天可有一小时的哺乳时间。如工作

许可,哺乳时间可以累计,员工可以选择以下两种方式之一,但须事先征得直属经理的同意:After returning to work from the Maternity leave, the female employee is permitted to breast feed her baby one (1) hour per day until her baby turns one (1) year old. The employee may choose from the two (2) options below, upon the approval of her Manager: i. 每天晚到或早离开办公室共一小时

Report to work one (1) hour later or leave office one (1) hour earlier ii. 每周享受0.5天休假 Enjoy 0.5 days of leave every week

b. 上述规定如果与员工劳动合同签约地有关法律法规冲突,将在不低于签约地法律法规规定

待遇上履行。 Above benefit standard will be changed and implemented accordingly if it conflict with local regulation.

11. 请假程序 Leave Application Procedure


所有休假必须预先征得直属经理书面认可或批准,并递交办公室行政经理核实和备案。 All leave application must be approved by direct manager in advance and sent to local office manager for confirmation and file.

员工须填写请假申请表,不论是病假、产假、陪产假、婚假、年假、事假、丧假或其它假期,前四类假期须附有关证明。Employee should fill in the Leave Requisition whether it is Sick leave, Maternity Leave, Paternity Leave, Marriage Leave, Annual leave, No-pay leave, Compassionate Leave or other leave.

办公室行政经理负责每月汇总交人力资源部。Office managers are responsible for monthly attendance and leave statistics and sending to H.R. department.



保险与福利Insurance and welfare

一、 社会保险及住房公积金 Social Insurance and Housing Fund


公司按照国家及地方规定,为员工办理养老、失业、基本医疗、工伤保险、生育保险,以及住房公积金等手续,并按规定缴费。In accordance with the state and local laws, Company will submit the social funds in a timely manner. The funds include pension, unemployment

insurance, medical insurance, on-job injury insurance, and maternity insurance and housing fund.

如员工在当月15日或以前加入公司,社会保险自当月开始缴纳。如员工在当月16日或以后加入公司的,则自下月开始缴纳。如员工在当月15日或以前离开公司,社会保险自当月停止缴纳。如员工在当月16日或以后离开公司的,则自下月停止缴纳。If you join the company on or


before 15 of the month, the Company will pay your social insurance for that month. If you


join the company on or after 16 of the month, social insurance will be paid from the second


month. If you leave the company on or before 15 of the month, social insurance will be


stopped for the month. If you leave the company on or after 16 of the month, social fund will be stopped from the second month.


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