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5BM2U1 My favourite things Unit 1 Food and drinks

提供:三灶学校 张洁 朱萍 Content Aims 5B M2U1Listen and enjoy Look and learn (Period 1) 1. To learn the following new words: pork, beef, chicken, vegetable, tomato, potato, carrot,cabbages, beans 2. To encourage students to use the new words. 3. To have a good diet. Teaching focus Teaching Aids Step Pre-task preparation To use the words correctly Multi-media Procedures Teacher's activities 1. Listen and enjoy. (P23) 2. Ask the questions. 1) What’s this? (fridge) Students' activities 1. Listen and enjoy. Purpose 轻快的 儿歌2. Answer the questions. 为课堂营造1) Look and read. 轻松的氛围。围绕儿歌展开问答,引出新授内容。 2) What can you find in the 2) Find and answer. fridge? 3)To show: ham What’s in the fridge? 4)Try to read: What’s in the fridge? What’s in the fridge? There’s some ham. 3) Look and read. 4) Try to read.

There’s some good ham. There’s some ham in the fridge. 5) Show the rhyme again. While-task procedure pork, beef, chicken 创设情境,在1) To elicit: Now it’s half past 1) Look and listen. 情境中来学习新单词。 eleven. It’s time for lunch. Danny, Jill and Alice are in the canteen. They are looking for a restaurant. What do they want to have? Let’s listen. 2) Listen and read. 2) Listen carefully. Alice: What meat do you want 通过听录音,to have for lunch, Danny? 使学生对所Danny: I want to have pork. 要学习的新It’s yummy. 单词有一个Alice: What meat do you want 初步的认识。 to have for lunch, Jill? Jill: I want to have some beef. It’s delicious. What about you, Alice? Alice: I like chicken. It’s nice. 3)Ask some questions: 3) Answer the questions. a. What meat does Danny a. Read the new word want to have? and the sound. Show: pork Read the sound: 通过朗读语or, short, ball, small, for, door 音,使学生对b. What meat does Jill want to b. Read: beef. 新单词的音、eat? Read: beef Compare some beef 1.To teach: 5) Listen and read.

How much beef? a piece of beef a bowl of beef some beef c. What meat does Alice like? Read: chicken Show some pictures and Ask: What can you see? compare: a chicken/ some chicken 4) Read a rhyme. What do you want to have for lunch, beef, pork or chicken? Beef, beef. I want to have beef for lunch. What do you want to have for lunch, beef, pork or chicken? Pork, pork. I want to have pork for lunch. What do you want to have for lunch, beef, pork or chicken? Chicken, chicken. I want to have chicken for lunch. 2.To teach: vegetable, tomato, potato, carrot, cabbage, bean 1) To elicit: Look at Danny, Jill and Alice. What are they looking at? a. Show some pictures of vegetables. Read: vegetable 形有更深的认识。 c. Read: chicken Look and answer 4) Read a rhyme. 朗读儿歌能 复习巩固新 单词,又能提高学生的英 语运用能力。 1) Look and listen. a. Look at the vegetables then read. 学生齐声询

问,既能巩固vegetable。 like? Let’s ask. Danny, Danny. What vegetables do you like? 又能活跃课2) Match the pictures then 2) Listen and match. 堂气氛,调动read the new words. 学生的学习a. Read and fill: t_ m_ t_ a. Read and fill. 积极性。 p_ t_ t_ b. Read and spell. b. Read and spell. 通过拼读使c. Work in pairs. c. Work in pairs. 学生能区分What vegetables do you like, 两个新单词的异同点,有tomatoes or potatoes? 利于单词的3) Ask: What vegetables does 3) Ask: Jill, Jill, what 记忆。 Jill like? vegetables do you like? a. Read: cabbage a. Read: cabbage b. Golden eyes: b. Compare: 用各种不同How many cabbages? some cabbages 的方式来复Read: a plate of cabbage a bowl of cabbage 习、纠正读音,悦耳的歌4) Ask: What vegetables does 4) Ask and read. 曲,激发了学Alice like? 生的学习兴Read; carrots, beans 趣,又对学生5) Enjoy a song 5) Try to read. 的生活习惯进行了教育。 b. What vegetables do they b. Ask together. Post-task activity 1. Ask and answer: What do you have for lunch? 1. Answer the questions. 通过师生问答,复习巩固What do you have for breakfast? What fruit do you like? What drink do you like? 2. Read and judge.

Danny is a fat boy. His favourite food is pork. He likes eating grapes. strawberries He doesn’t and 2. Read and judge. like 以前学过的食物和饮料。为下面的自我介绍做好铺垫,使学生能有更多的东西可讲。 cabbages. He usually has eggs and some ham for breakfast. He is only nine years old. So he can’t cook. 3.Try to say: I’m… My favourite food is… I like eating… I don’t like… I usually have…for breakfast / lunch / dinner. I can / can’t cook. Assignment 1. Read and copy the new words on P21. 2. Listen to the tape and read after it. 教学反思 3. Try to say. 5BM2U1 Look and learn 板 书 设 计 meat: ham pork, beef, chicken vegetables: tomatoes , potatoes, cabbage(s) carrots, beans Content Aims 5B M2U1Look and say (Period 2) 1. To learn the following phrase and sentences: e.g. had, did, healthy, unhealthy, important, An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 2. To encourage students to use the simple past tense to talk about past events.

e.g. --- What did you have for breakfast, Danny? --- I had a hamburger and a large cola. 3. To have a good diet. Teaching focus Teaching Aids Step Pre-task preparation To use the simple past tense correctly. Multi-media Procedures Teacher's activities 1. Listen and enjoy. (P23) 2. Read together. 3. Make a new rhyme. Midge, Midge, What’s in the fridge? What’s in the fridge? There’s / are some ________. There’s / are some _________ _________. There’s/are some ________ in the fridge. 4. Show the picture then ask: What do you like eating? What do you like drinking? What do you usually have for breakfast/lunch/dinner? I usually have … While-task procedure 1. To teach: the simple past tense. 通过师生问答,自然引出本课重点内容,通过一般现在时态过and 渡到一般过去时,使学生Students' activities Purpose 1. Listen and enjoy. 轻快的歌曲(P23) 2. Read together. 3. Make a new rhyme. 4. Answer the questions. 为课堂营造轻松的氛围。 在自编儿歌的过程中将上一堂课学过的单词进行一次回顾和巩固。 What did you have for breakfast yesterday? I had… 1)Ask: 1) Listen What did you have for understand.

breakfast yesterday? a. To know the meaning: Today is… Yesterday is… b. Compare: do---- did a. Read: yesterday. b. Read: did c. Let Ss ask the question then c. Ask the question. I answer. d. Ask the question. e. Do a survey. Name BreaLuncDinner d. Answer the question. e. Do a survey. kfast h What did you have for ____ yesterday? I had… f. Do a report. f. Do a report. Yesterday ____________ had _____________ for breakfast. ___________ had _________ for lunch. ____________ had ________ for dinner. 2.To teach: Look and say 1) Listen and answer. 1) Ask: Look at Danny. What did he have for breakfast? Is it good or bad? 2) Read: healthy/ unhealthy. 3)Watch the flash.P20 2) Read the new words. 3) Watch the flash. 4) Read and judge. 了解一般过去时的用法和构成。 通过生生调查,使学生能及时巩固新句型,又能提高学生的英语运用能力。 通过报告,及时巩固had的用法,使学生对过去时态有更深的认识。 通过图片,了解Danny的饮食,引出新单词,学习新

单词,更有利于课文的学a. Danny had a hamburger 习。 and a glass of milk for breakfast. b. Jill didn’t have breakfast because she wasn’t hungry. c. Breakfast is very important. 在读一读,辨d. Alice had some cakes, a 一辩中自然glass of milk and an orange for 5) Judge and learn 引出课文的breakfast. a. Answer and read :cola 难句,并进行学习。 5) Judge and teach: a. What did Danny have? That doesn’t sound Read: cola. Is it healthy? healthy. Read: That doesn’t sound healthy. b. Jill didn’t have breakfast. b. Think and answer. Is that healthy? Why? Read: That’s not healthy either. 小组表演的Breakfast is important. We 形式能充分should eat breakfast every 调动学生的学习积极性,morning. 在生生互助c. What did Alice have? Is it c. Answer and read. 中能更好的healthy? 学会课文。 4) Read and judge. Read: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 6) Act out the dialogue. Post-task activity 1.Think and say: WBp (26D) Joe’s meals yesterday A: What did Joe have for…? B: He had… 6) Act out the dialogue in small groups. 1. Work in pairs. 复习形式由易到难,紧扣本节课的教

A: Is that healthy or 2. Listen and complete. 3. Look and write. 学内容。 unhealthy? B: That’s…(He should…) 2.Listen and complete: (WB p26 C) 3. Look and write. (WB p27 E) Assignment 1. Read and copy the text on P20. 2. Listen to the tape and read after it. 教学反思 5BM2U1 Look and say --- What do you usually have for…? 板 书 设 计 --- I have… --- What did you have for…yesterday? --- I had… healthy --- unhealthy important An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Content Aims 5B M2U1Look and read (Period 3) 1. To use the simple present tense to describe habitual actions. e.g. These children like running, jumping and playing. 2. To use the simple present tense to describe present states. e.g. They are healthy. 3. To use determiners to express indefinite quantities. e.g. They eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. 4. To Educate students to pay attention to diet. To use the sentence structure correctly. Multi-media,etc Procedures Teacher's activities 1. Read a rhyme. I like chicken. I like rice. Students' activities 1. Read a rhyme. Purpose 通过儿歌温习食物类单词,在问答中Teaching focus Teaching Aids Step Pre-task preparation

I like vegetables. They are very nice. I like ice cream. I like eggs. But best of all I like The cakes my mum makes. 2. Make a new rhyme. 3. Ask and answer. 2. Make a new rhyme. 3. Work in pairs. 巩固上一课时的新句型。 A: What did you have for breakfast this morning? B: I had… A: Is that healthy or unhealthy? B: That’s … While-task procedure 观看flash,healthy or unhealthy 使学生对本1) Watch the flash. 1) Watch the flash. 课内容有一个初步的认2)To teach: P1 2)To learn: P1 识。 a. Ask: a. Answer the questions. What do the children like doing? Are they healthy? b. Read the first b. Read: P1 paragraph. 3)To teach:P2 3)To learn: p2 a. What do healthy children a. Look and answer. eat every day? 读一读,填一b. Read and fill: b. Read and fill. 填,促使学生Healthy children eat some 更加认真的观察图片,开b__________, r________ and 动脑筋,提高n________ every day. They 1.To teach:

学生的英语阅读能力。 v________. They have some m________ and m________. 用问题引出4)To teach:P3 4)To learn: p3 文本内容,进a. Ask: 1. Read the new 而学习课文。 Do these children play sport phrases then think. very often? What do they often do and eat? Are they healthy? 分组朗读,复b. Listen and read. b. Listen and answer. 习巩固新授5)To teach: P4 5) To learn: P4 内容,提高学a. Ask: What do unhealthy a. Listen and think. 生的英语朗children eat and drink? 读能力。 What don’t they like? b. Show the picture. b. Look and answer. c. Show the fourth paragraph. c. Read the paragraph. 6) Show the whole text. 6) Read the text in small Try to say. groups. 通过判断,使7) Read and judge. 7) Read and judge. 学生对食物有更深层次a. Vegetables are good for us. 的了解。 b. A lot of sweets and chocolate are good for us. c. A lot of fruit is bad for us. d. Play sport very often is not healthy. e. We should drink a lot of soft drinks. eat a lot of f_________ and f. We shouldn’t drink a lot of water. 朗读填空让学生更好的

8) Read and fill. H_____ children h_____ some bread, rice and n_____ every day. They e______ a lot of f_____ and v______. They have some meat and milk. They like r_____ and j______. Unhealthy children eat t_____ much sweet food. They 8) Read and fill. 理解课文内容,有利于学生对课文的理解。 d_____ a lot of s_____ drinks. They d_____ like bread, r____ or fruit. These children w_____ too much TV and don’t l______ to play s_______. Post-task activity 1. Show a table then let the Ss 1. Write and answer. write about their diets. What do you eat every day? My diet a lot of some I eat… I have a healthy diet. (an unhealthy diet) 2.Try to say: 结合自己,谈谈自己的饮食习惯,引导学生思考,通过反思,让学生谈谈我们应该怎样做,2.Show some phrases (WBp33) then ask: I’d like to be a healthy 使学生养成良好的生活习惯。 Would you like to be a healthy child. child? 3. Look, write and tick. (WBp28 G) I should___. … I shouldn’t_____. … 3. Look, write and tick.

Assignment 1. Listen to the tape and read the text fluently. 2. Copy the text on P22 教学反思 M2U1 Look and read Healthy or unhealthy? healthy: play sport eat bread, rice and noodles 板 书 设 计 eat a lot of fruit and vegetables have some meat and milk unhealthy: don’t play sport very often watch too much TV eat too much sweet food eat a lot of sweets, hamburgers eat a lot of ice cream and chocolate drink a lot of soft drinks. don’t like rice, fruit or vegetables Content Aims 5B M2U1Read a story (Period 4) 1.To use the simple present tense to describe present states e.g. He is strong and healthy. 2. To use the simple present tense to talk about habitual actions. e.g. Matt never does any exercise. He always eats too much. 3. To encourage students to act out the story. 4. To Educate students to pay attention to their diets. To use the sentence structure correctly. Multi-media, etc Procedures Teacher's activities 1. Read and guess. Students' activities 1. Read and guess. Purpose 读一读,猜一猜,引导学生积极动脑,复习学过的食Teaching focus Teaching Aids Step Pre-task preparation a. It’s a kind of drink. It can be bitter. It can be sweet. Sometimes it’s white. Sometimes it’s black. Don’t

drink it at night. Or you can’t sleep right. What is it? 物类单词,为下面的问答做好铺垫。 b. It’s red and round. It's big. Touch it. It’s smooth. Taste it. It’s sweet. It’s healthy for us. It’s a kind of vegetables. It’s a_________. c. Look at it. It can walk. It can run. But it can’t swim. It has two feet. It has wings. It likes corn. Cook it. It ‘s delicious. What is it? 2. Ask some questions. --- What’s your favourite meat / fruit / vegetables / drink…? --- What do you usually have for breakfast? --- What did you have for dinner yesterday? While-task procedure 1.To teach: Jim and Matt 1) Show the title and the questions. a. Where do Jim and Matt live? b. What does Jim do every day? How is he? c. What does Matt always do? How is he? 2) Watch the flash. 2. Answer the questions. 在问答中比较区别两种句型,使学生能正确回答。 1) Read the title. 问题的提出有利于学生 更好的了解 故事内容。 2) Watch the flash then think. 3) Answer the questions.

重点词组的show some phrases: 呈现,能突出live in a small hole 两只老鼠的不同,又能帮do some exercise 助学生进行strong and healthy 描述。 eat too much never do any exercise become very fat 4) Let the Ss talk about Jim 4) Look at the phrases and Matt. and then talk about Jim 学生的建议能使学生更 and Matt. 加清楚哪些5) To teach: P2 5) Think and say; 是健康食品,T: Look, Matt eats all day and Matt, you should… 哪些是不健all night. Soon he becomes Matt, you shouldn’t… 康的。 very fat. Let’s look at his diet last week (WBp34). Then think: What should he do? What shouldn’t he do? T: Does Matt listen? What 问题层层深happens then? 入,激发学生6)Show P3 / 4 6) 思考。 a. Ask: a. Answer the questions. What does Jim do? How is he now? What does Matt do? Can he run fast? What happens to Matt in the end? b. Show the paragraph3/4 b. Try to read. 2. Read and fill then act out 2. Read and fill then act 3) Answer the questions then

the story. Narrator: Jim and out the story. Matt _______ in a small hole in the wall. Jim: I’m strong and _________. I do some exercise every day. 分角色表演,能更好的理解课文内容,培养学生的小组合作能力,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 Matt: I like eating sweet food. Chocolate is my favourite food. I _______ a lot every day. I______ do any______. Jim: You _________ eat so much, Matt. You should do some exercise. Narrator: Matt doesn’t listen and he becomes very _______. One day a cat comes. Jim and Matt both _______ _______to the hole in the wall. Jim runs _______ into the hole. Matt cannot run fast. He runs very slowly. Jim: Oh! I’m _________. Matt: Oh no! I can’t run fast. Help! Help! Narrator: Matt cannot run fast. The cat catches Matt. Post-task activity Read and answer. (WB p29 H) Read and answer.

Assignment 1. Read and retell the story 2. Say and act with your classmates. 教学反思 5BM2U1 Read a story 板 书 设 计 Jim and Matt live in a small hole Jim: do some exercise strong and healthy run into the hole safe Matt never does any exercise eat too much fat can’t run fast Content Aims 5BM2U1 Revision and learn the sounds (Period 5) 1. To learn the following sounds: /??/ /a?/ 2. To encourage students to read the new words according to the sounds. 3.To use the key words and sentences to describe healthy eating habits. Review the words and patterns Multi-media, etc Procedures Teacher's activities 1. Listen and enjoy. (P23) 2. Show a new rhyme. Midge, Midge, What’s in the fridge? What’s in the fridge? There’s some milk. There’s some fresh milk. There’s some milk in the fridge. 3. Make a new rhyme. Midge, Midge, What’s in the fridge? Students' activities 1.Listen and enjoy 2.Read the new rhyme 3. Make a new rhyme. Purpose 节奏轻快的儿歌渲染学习的氛围。 通过教师的指引,逐渐让学生自己创编儿歌,起到Teaching focus Teaching Aids Step Pre-task preparation

What’s in the fridge? There’s some____. There’s some _____ _____. There’s some ___ in the fridge. While-task procedure 1. Review: 1) Ask: 1) Answer the questions. 举一反三的效果。 复习巩固形式多样,帮助学生增强语用的能力。 机械操练对于新句型的学习是非常有必要的。 What do you usually have for…. What did you have 2) Read the passage and then talk about my for…yesterday? 2) Read a passage. Lily’s diet I’m Lily. I usually have an egg, diet. a glass of milk and some bread for breakfast. I usually have some rice, some chicken or pork and some vegetables for lunch. Sometimes I have noodles for lunch. I usually have some rice and fish for dinner. I eat a lot of fruit every day. Grapes are my favourite fruit. I have a healthy diet. What about you? 3) Change the sentences. e.g. What do you have? → What did you have? a. It is a chick. b. I am hungry. c. I don’t have breakfast. 3) Change the sentences.

d. Kitty plays sport every day. 2. Learn the sounds. 1) Watch the flash. 1) Watch the flash. 通过flash的播放让学生整体感知,陶冶学生的学习兴趣。 通过各种练习让学生对所学音标进行活学活用。并且在听听圈圈以及读读判断对错的过程中检测学生掌握情况。 2) Show some words with /??/ 2) Show some words /a?/ 3) Read together. 4) Listen and circle. (P17) 5) Listen and complete. sh_ _ h_ _se fl_ _er c_ _t th_se c_ _ bl_ _se cl_ _d n_ _e 6) Read and judge. grow crow ( ) cloud our ( ) hole cow ( ) show flower ( ) out noise ( ) Post-task activity Task: Good eating and living Complete the task. habits. A. Think and complete. B. Ask and answer. C. Think and write. Assignment A. Think and complete. B. Ask and answer. C. Think and write. with /??/ /a?/ 3) Read together. 4) Listen and circle.(P17) 5) Listen and complete. 6) Read and judge. 1. Read the sounds and the words on P23. 2. Listen to the tape and read after it. 教学反思 板 书 设 计

5BM2U1 Learn the sounds /??/ /a?/

