新编实用英语综合教程4 unit8答案

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1.there are really differences between Chinese and American cultures. 2.But we also have a lot in common. 3.Chinese people are very modest 4.American people are more practical

5.Americans will say \6.People's behavior and habits are closely related to culture. 1.I went there ten years ago.

2.You should go to see Beijing again. 3.great changes have taken place there.

4.new things keep coming up and growing fast. 5.spring up like mushrooms.

6.If you go back to visit Beijing this time. 7.kill two birds with one arrow P149-p151 ABCD CAA

1.No, they are not changed easily because they are deeply rooted in tradition.

2.Because according to traditional Japanese thinking, a good personal relationship is more important than a written contract.

3.They treat business relations as legal, not personal. 4.Because the services sector in Europe is in a bad state.

5.Japanese value vertical thinking while Europeans horizontal. 1.conviction 2. personally 3.reputation 4.monarchy 5.vertical 6.conceivable 7.challenges 8.guidance 9.extremely 10.go-betweens

1.indirect 2.approach 3.negotiating 4.associates 5.mislead 6.impolite 7.Interrupting 8.offense 9.acceptable 10.frustrated P151

1.In Europe, contracts as a principle are put in writing, and written contracts are minutely drafted. 2.Even if Japanese contracts are put in writing, they are often only of a summary nature. 3.I have little inclination to listen to you all evening.

4.Students cannot be judged as being \5.It's very generous of you to cut down your price by 10%.

6.Being deeply rooted in tradition, such ideas cannot be changed easily. 7.On the contrary, men and women are equal in modern China. P152

1.It is a challenge that offers you not only a successful career, but also a warm welcome.

It is a challenge that offers us an opportunity to overcome the difficulties and create a promising future as well.

2.In order not to make his parents disappointed, Xiao Qiang works very hard on his lessons. In order not to be looked down upon by his colleagues, Jack was determined to start a new life. 3.In the control of production process computers are of considerable use. In negotiations with the rival his assistant was of extreme importance.

4.This is especially true in their mutual relations.

This is especially true in the relations between study and entertainment.

5.In China, on the other hand, there is an inclination to treat this kind of behavior as impolite.

In school, on the other hand, there is an inclination to refuse this kind of argument as unacceptable.

