
更新时间:2024-02-28 10:30:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载




Be anxious~担心,想念 be cautious~谨慎

concerned~担心,挂念 excited~对…事激动 nervous~担心,害怕 pleased~高兴于,乐于 be careful~注意,重视 be certain~有把握 be enthusiastic~热心于 be happy~因某事而高兴 be particular~对…讲究 be crazy about


Be Good at Be angry at Be quick at Be annoyed at

常见的与介词for搭配的形容词有: Be appropriate~对…合适 Be competent~能胜任

Be convenient~合宜,对…方便 Be famous~由于…而闻名 Be good~对…有益

Be necessary~为…所必须 Be possible~能够,可能 Be proper~合乎于

Be renowned~因…出名 Be eligible~合格 Be fit~适合于 Be late~迟于

Be noted~因…出名 Be profitable~对…有益


Be absent~缺席

Be different~与…不同

be hopeful about be doubtful about Be sure about be curious about be outspoken about

be straightforward about … be knowledgeable about be upset about be skeptical about

be optimistic / pessimistic about sth be realistic about sth

Be slow at Be mad at

Be amazed/surprised/shocked/marvelous at sth Be alarmed at / be cautious about / be alert to

Be ready~为…准备 Be sorry~对…抱歉 Be eager~期待

Be responsible~对…负责任 Be desperate for Be Favorable for Be ready for Be known for Be hungry for Be crucial for Be competent for Be punctual for Be greedy for

Be vital for sb to do sth

Be distant~离…远 Be divorce~脱离


Be distinct~与有差别 Be free~免于 Be isolated~隔离 Be remote~远离

Be tired~由于…疲劳 Be recovered~复原


Be confident~对…信任 be employed~从事于… be expert~专长于

be experienced~对…有经验 be successful~在…成功 be engaged~从事于

be interested~对…感兴趣 be skillful~精心于 be accurate in be prompt in be fortunate in

be disappointed in


Be afraid~害怕 Be aware~知觉 Be capable~能够 Be certain~确信

Be characteristic呈…特征~ Be conscious~意识到 Be jealous~妒忌,羡慕 Be proud~自豪 Be short~缺乏 Be tired~厌倦 Be sure~确信 Be worthy~值得 Be ashamed of Be incapable of


Be dependent on 依靠 Be hard on 对…严厉 Be reliable on


be alert~对…警觉

Be secure~没有…危险 Be inseparable from Be secure from

Be safe from

be experienced in be fluent in…

Be rich/adequate/abundant/lacking in Be fluent in Get trapped in Be buried in Be absorbed in Be lost in

Be rooted in … Get involved in …

Be swift in / quick at / slow in Be fond ~喜欢 Be guilty~有罪 Be ignorant~无知的 Be independent~独立于 Be composed~由…组成 Be considerate~体贴 Be critical~对…挑剔 Be full~充满

Be composed of Be tolerant of Be suspicious of Be skeptical of

be typical of sb to do sth be free of / from

be independent of / from / gain independence from / depend on / be dependant on sth

get close~接近于


be contrary~违反,相反 be comparable~比得上

be corresponding~一致;相应 devoted~献身于

be essential~对…很重要 be faithful~忠实于

be indifferent~对…不感兴趣,漠不关心 be necessary~必要,必需 be parallel~平行于 be rude~对…粗鲁 be strange~对….生疏 be useful~对…有用 be equal~等于 be fair~对…公平

be familiar~为…所熟悉 be loyal~忠于

be opposite~…相对 be polite~礼貌

be relevant~对…有关系 be similar~相似,相同 be suitable~适合于 be true~忠于

be vital~至关重要 be related~与…有关系

get unaccustomed to doing sth

be indifferent to sb/sth

be superior / inferior to be junior / senior to be/get addicted to doing sth be convenient to be agreeable to sb

be deaf to turn a deaf ear to/ turn a blind eye to be equivalent to

be Fundamental to

be grateful to sb for sth be contrary to the fact be opposed to doing sth be allergic to sth be mean to sb

be strict to sb / be strict with sth

be prior to … / ahead of time / in advance / prior to sth be relative to be sensitive to sth Be loyal to sb be beneficial to

Be determined to do sth

Be devoted/ dedicated to doing sth Be sentenced to 3years in prison Be dying to do sth


Be acquainted~相识 be popular~受…欢迎 Be annoyed~对某人烦恼 be strict~对…严格

be crowded with Be angry~恼怒

be Confronted with Be bored~对厌倦

Be frank with Be busy~忙于…

be nervous with Be concerned~关心,参与

be generous with Be confronted~面临

be ill with be familiar~精通,熟悉

be disappointed with be patient~耐心

be popular with be wrong~坏了,出故障

be loaded / burdened with … be delighted~对…喜欢

Be content/ satisfied / pleased with sth be frank~对…坦率

Be consistent with be identical~与…相同

be equipped/furnished /surrounded / filled / armed with …

be busy with sth/in doing sth = be occupied in doing sth / with sth



I believe reserves of coal here are ________ to last for fifty years. A. sufficient B. efficient C. persistent D. rich 2. We are __________ for the dance.

A. all ready B. already C. all get D. getting 3. I’ll meet you at the station if that’s _________ with you. A. alright B. all-right C. all right D. allright 4. Tom is the most _______ pupil in the class.

A. industrial B. indulgent C. industrious D. industry e. industrialist 5. The Mayor of the town is a __________ old man.

A. respective B. respectable C. respecting D. respectful e. respect 6. Industry is _________ in HongKong.

A. blooming B. brooming C. bombing D. booming 7. I cannot read your writing. It is ___________.

A. legible B. illegible C. intelligible D. eligible e. ineligible 8. Henry wasn’t paid because he was the _________ secretary of the association. A. honorable B. honor C. honored D. honoring e. honorary 9. No one would believe his story. It was quite _________.

A. credible B. credulous C. incredible D. incredulous 10. As a writer, Walter was very __________.

A. imagining B. imaginary C. imaginative D. imaginable 11. Eating an apple a day is considered __________ .

A. health B. healthy C. healthful D. healthily

一. 词根相同或词性相同,意义不同

1. industrious / industrial

an industrious / diligent / hardworking engineer the industrial reform / development

2. economical / economic

An economical / financial / commercial center

Be economic with money / be mean / generous with money

3. considerate/ considerable

A considerate / caring / thoughtful husband A considerable large sum of money

4. hospital/hospitality

Hospital / patient

Hospitality / friendliness / warm reception ---- hostile / hostility

5. current / currency

Current news / affairs water/electricity currents Foreign currency the exchange of currency

6. freezing / frozen

Freezing / extremely cold A Frozen potato

7. sentimental / sensitive / sensible


Sentimental / in a changeable mood / in a blue mood / in low spirits / one’s spirits sinks Be sensitive to / be allergic to / A sensible / wise / smart / clever man

8. distinct / distinction / distinctive

Distinct: clear / apparent / obvious / certain

Distinction: cultural distinction/ difference distinction / distinguish between A and B distinction / outstanding Distinctive:

9. heartily / lighthearted / warmhearted / coldhearted / …

10. relevant / relative / related

11. constantly / instantly / continuously / consequently


Instant noodle/ coffee Continuous Consequent:

12. alike / unlike / dislike / like

Alike: Great minds think alike. / it attracts men and women alike. Unlike: unlike his mother, he is very diligent. --- as with / be similar to Dislike: hate / not love

二. 近义词(形不同,意义同或似,常用语境搭配有异)

1. conscious / aware

Aware: --- environmentally friendly awareness / public awareness Conscious: lose ones’ consciousness /

2. satisfactory/ satisfied

3. shabby / worn-out / exhausted

A shabby house Worn-out clothes A exhausted person

4. transparent / apparent / evident / obvious

5. intellectual / intellect/intelligence/intelligent

6. complex / complicated

7. prosperous/ promising / flourishing/ booming

Prosperous / flourishing/ booming Promising/ potential

8. mature / immature / ripe / ripen / amateur / professional 9. steady / stable / sustainable

Steady: not shaking , in a continuous gradual way


keep the camera steady / a steady stream of visitors/enquiries 源源不断的… drive at a steady speed / Steady job/ income / relationship / make steady progress / there is a steady decline in … stable: not likely to move or change / fixed

a stable marriage/ a politically stable country / the stability of the dollar / the patient’s condition has now been stabilized sustainable: can last/continues for a long time ---- sustainable development / sustainable economic growth

10. novel / novelty a novel idea / an original idea

11. be adequate to doing sth / be equal to doing / be competent of doing / can match sth 12. delicate --- be in delicate health fragile --- fragile relationship 13. rich / adequate / abundant / affluent / sufficient / ample 14. renewable /alternative resources / energy

15. splendid / spectaculars / grand / brilliant / outstanding / marvelous / 16. antique / precious / treasured / cherished 17. appealing / attractive / arresting / charming

18. delighted / gay / happy / pleased / satisfied / content / fulfilling / enjoyable / pleasing / satisfying

19. deadly / fatal

A fatal blow / disease/error A deadly poison / deadly enemy

20. be absorbed / lost / buried / engaged / occupied/involved in doing sth 21. co-operative / joint / united

Co-operative / co-educate / a co-operative activity co-ordinate

Joint: joint efforts / a joint bank account / joint first prize / join hands with sb / join together United: united states / union ---- divided a united effort to clean up the neighborhood

22. cautious / alert

Be cautious about sth Be alert to sth Be careful about sth

23. former / previous

24. original / primitive / initial

25. vacant / blank / hollow / bold / bald

26. civil / domestic

27. roughly / approximately / appropriately

Roughly: there are roughly 200 people on board. / roughly speaking / generally speaking Approximately: the plane will be landing in approximately 20 minutes. Appropriately: suitably / properly

28. spotless / stainless / dotty

29. authentic / genuine / real / true / false / faked / artificial


30. essential / vital / fundamental / important / significant / crucial 31. concise / brief

32. thorough / detailed / entirely / completely

Make a thorough investigation into sth Give a detailed account of the scenery there

Entirely/ completely: you are entirely/completely mistaken!

33. firm / solid / concrete / liquid / fluid

Firm: be firm with sth / have a strong belief in sth Solid: solid evidence / lay a solid foundation for sth Concrete: concrete evidence

34. urge / urgent / urgency / emerge / emergent / emergency

35. mild / gentle / tender

Mild: be mild with / mild climate a mild infection / be mildly swollen a mild scold/ earthquake / man ---- slight Gentle: gentle breeze/ laughter / slope not sharp / steep

Tender: tender beef --- tough a tender look/ tender loving care / tender blossoms/plants My arm is still tender where I bruised it. --- painful

36. enormous / huge / large / great / giant /vast / tiny / subtle / small / little / minor / slight 37. guilty / innocent / illegal / invalid

Be guilty of Illegal / legal

Invalid / valid (not officially/legally acceptable) an invalid passport/ticket/password invalid argument 站不住脚跟的论据

38. bored / upset / frustrated / disturbed / depressed 39. terrified / frightened / horrified / scared / afraid

Terrified: terror / terrify / terrifying ---- terrific/ wonderful terrible/ much bad Frightened: fright/ frightening frighten sb to death Horrified: horror / horrible horror film

Scared: scare/ scary scare sb to death sacred / holy scar Afraid: be afraid of / be afraid to do sth

40. abstract/ specific ridiculous / absurd 41. surprised / amazed / shocked / astonished

Surprised: surprise / be surprised at /of

三. 形似,意不同

1. priceless / worthless / valueless/valuable/invaluable /worthwhile/worthy / inexpensive / penniless

2. awkward / awful /awesome/adorable

Awkward: clumsy Awful: terrible / Awesome:

Adorable: respectable


3. preserved / reserved / conservative: preservation / reservation / conservation / maintain / maintenance

4. contradictory / controversial / contrary / unconditional / conventional

Contradictory: contradict --- what he said contradicts the witness’ account. Controversial: cause/ bring about a heated/fierce discussion/debate Contrary: on the contrary / be opposite to sth Unconditional: on every condition

Conventional: traditional / on a regular basis

5. permanent / contemporary / temporary

Permanent: forever

Contemporary: of the same period Temporary: not stable/ occasional

6. moderate / modest / medium

Moderate: Modest:

Medium: mass media / a man of medium height

7. major/minor maximum / minimum majority / minority

Major: major in English in college / major problems Minor: minor injury/illness --- subtle / slight

Maximum: maximum height / bare maximum/ minimum

8. critical / critics / criticism 9. drunken / drunkard / drunk

10. submissive / subjective / objective / indifferent

Submissive: submit / submit oneself to doing sth --- obedient / obedience Subjective: subject --- objective

Indifferent: not show any attitude towards sth

11. extensive / intensive / exclusive / inclusive

Extensive: covering a large area / extensive reading /damage/repairs extend / extension

Intensive: involving sth in a short period intensive fighting / farming / agriculture 精耕细作 intensify / reinforce Exclusive: Inclusive:

12. handy/ convenient / portable / accessible/ available

Convenient / it is convenient for sb to do sth / it is convenient to you! Be accessible to sb / be reachable/approachable / have an access to sth Be available to sb / useful

13. normal / abnormal / formal / informal / regular / irregular / common / uncommon / frequent / universal

Above / below normal / normal temperature / normal people


Formal / formal clothes / casual wear

Regular / on a regular basis / an irregular triangle / regular customers/visitors / regulate / regulation Common / common sense / common ground / common people

Frequent / a frequent visitor / customer /user/ correspondent / maintain frequent contact with my friends high/low frequency Universal: a universal truth / a topic of universal interest / meet with universal agreement

14. lame / lamp / lamb / deaf / blind / numb / damp

15. impressive / impressed / impression / depressed / depression

Impressive: leaving an impressive on sb / be impressed with sth

Depressed: being anxious/upset depression / in anxiety / in a blue mood / economic crisis

16. effective / efficient

Effective: effect—side-effect --- take effect --- have an effect on … -- come into effect Efficient: efficiency --- be of high efficiency

17. diplomatic / diplomacy / diplomat / diploma / certificate

Diplomatic relationships / affairs / a diplomat / spokesman

18. athletic / energetic / active / muscular/ robust 19. aboard / board / broad / abroad

Aboard: all aboard! / get aboard the ship/plane

Board: boarding school / a piece of board / board of directors / on board / board the plane/ship Broad: broad-minded/narrow-minded / broad shoulder/ road / sense Abroad: go abroad/ study abroad / overseas

20. acute / chronic

Acute: severe / smart acute pain / observers acute analysis/ understanding / observations acute sense of smell/hearing Chronic: slow chronic disease

21. compulsory / optional

Compulsory: a must / necessity / required by the law / compulsory education

Optional: be of choices / alternative / have no choice/option/alternative but to do sth an optional subject

22. shabby / shallow / shade / shadow / messy

Shabby: worn-out, badly off / good-looking Shallow: on the surface / deep / profound

Shade: in the shade of the tree / shady / shade/shelter one’s eyes/face from the sunlight Shadow: in the shadows/ in the darkness / cast a shadow over/on sth 投影于… Messy: be in a mess / not in order


Instant coffee/ frequent customers/ secure income / unexpected visitors A moral decline / a brake failure / a sharp brake Blow a whistle / blow one’s nose

Raise one’s hands / one’s eyebrows / voice Shrug one’s shoulders

Lower the eyes / one’s head / one’s voice

15. immigrant / immigrate / immigration / migrate workers 16. slip / slide / swing

Slip / slippery / slipper / a slip of tongue Slide / slid / slid: A swing of

17. roar / rock / roll

reject / deny / refuse / decline

distribute / allocate / divide / separate

expand / extend / stretch / shrink / contract / underline / highlight / stress / emphasize

whisper / roar / murmur / giggle / howl / scream / speak in a low/high/ gentle voice /weep dash / crash / collide / cast / stir / roast

yawn / frown / sigh / shrug / blow / bow / bend / stretch / scratch

27. anecdote / incident / coincident / affair / matter / issue / deed 28. item / object / subject / article

29. essay / composition / column / thesis / novel / story / legend / fairytale revision / adaptation / version / copy/edition barrier / obstacle / hurdle / block

bond / connection / relationship / ties / union tournament/ championship


