怀文中学2014-2015 初三unit1-unit8导学案定稿

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初 三 英 语 (Unit1 Welcome to the unit Period 1)

主备:朱红梅 审校:吴卫方 班级___________学号_______姓名___________ 一、单项选择。

( ) 1. I have _______________books to read.

A. too many B. too much C. many too D. much too ( ) 2. He left the room without__________________.

A. say something B. saying something C. say anything D. saying anything ( ) 3. My clever sister keeps _____________ new and good ideas.

A. to come up with B. come up with C. coming up with D. coming up ( ) 4. It is raining hard outside. You ___________ better put on a raincoat. A. had B. could C. would D. must

( ) 5. Jack became so _____________ when he heard the _____________ news. A. excite, exciting B. excited, exciting C. excited, excite D. exciting, excited

( ) 6. Kunming is a good place for vacation. It‘s _________ too hot _________too cold. A. either, or B. neither, but C. neither, nor D. not only, but also ( ) 7. Neither I nor my brother ____________ Shanghai twice.

A. has gone to B. have gone to C. have been to D. has been to ( ) 8. It is silly________ him _________ lies to the teacher.

A. of, telling B. for, telling C. to, to tell D. of, to tell

( ) 9. Not only the students but also the teacher _________ enjoying the film. A. has been B. is C. are D. was

( ) 10. Emma always gets good grades in different exams because she is a __________ girl. A. shy B. friendly C. polite D. hard-working 二、词汇。

A)根据句意及所给英文解释或首字母,写出句中所缺单词。 1. He is a m______________ students, he never shows off.

2. Our English teacher is p______________ enough to explain a problem again and again. 3. The student is g______________, he always shares his things with his classmates.

4. If a person often comes up with new ideas. We may say he is a _______________ person. 5. My little brother is c______________. He always asks me many strange questions. 6. Susan can dance for hours a day. We all think she is an e girl. 7. She is so a______________ that she enjoys taking part in different activities. B)根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. I think to learn something about people‘s personality is __________________ (interest). 2. It makes me _____________ (feel) good to talk with her.

3. Our teacher is so kind. He doesn‘t get angry _______________ (easy).

4. All of us should _______________ (active) take action to protect giant pandas. 5. It‘s not good of you (show) off.

6. A good accountant should be well ___________________ (organize). 7. He does everything __________________ (careless). That is a bad habit.

8. It‘s impossible for an out-going person to work without ____________ (speak) all day long. 三、根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空词数不限。 1. 这儿有一篇关于个性的有趣的文章。

Here is_______________________________ about _________________. 2. 她很有条理。她把所有的东西放的井然有序。

She is________ _____________. She __________ all her things___________________. 3. 他们吃光了我的早饭。

They have _________________________ my breakfast. 4. 父母和我都认为我不能成为一个好会计。

_____________my parents __________ I think I can _______________________________. 5. 对我来说整天一言不发的工作是可怕的。

It‘s ___________ ________ ________ to work without speaking _____________________. 四、完形填空。

Different things usually stand for different feelings. Red, for example, is the color of fire, heat, blood and life. People say red is an exciting and active color. They associate(使发生联系) red with a strong feeling like 1 . Red is used for signs of 2 , such as STOP signs and fire engines. Orange is the bright, warm color of 3 in autumn. People say orange is a 4 color. They associate orange with happiness. Yellow is the color of 5 . People say it is a cheerful color. They associate yellow too, with happiness. Green is the cool color of grass in 6 . People say it is a refreshing color. In general, people 7 two groups of colors: warm colors and cool colors. The warm colors are red, orange and 8 . Where there are warm colors and a lot of light, people usually want to be 9 . Those who like to be with 10 like red. The cool colors are 11 and blue. Where are these colors, people are usually worried. Some scientists say that time seems to 12 more slowly in a room with warm colors. They suggest that a warm color is a good 13 for a living room or a 14 . People who are having a rest or are eating do not want time to pass quickly. 15 colors are better for some offices if the people working there want time to pass quickly. ( ) 1. A. sadness B. anger C. administration D. smile ( ) 2. A. roads B. ways C. danger D. places ( ) 3. A. land B. leaves C. grass D. mountains ( ) 4. A. lively B. dark C. noisy D. frightening ( ) 5. A. moonlight B. light C. sunlight D. stars ( ) 6. A. summer B. spring C. autumn D. winter ( ) 7. A. speak B. say C. talk about D. tell ( ) 8. A. green B. yellow C. white D. gray ( ) 9. A. calm B. sleepy C. active D. helpful ( ) 10. A. the other B. another C. other one D. others ( ) 11. A. black B. green C. golden D. yellow ( ) 12. A. go round B. go by C. go off D. go along ( ) 13. A. one B. way C. fact D. matter ( ) 14. A. factory B. classroom C. restaurant D. hospital ( ) 15. A. Different B. Cool C. Warm D. All 怀文中学2014-2015学年度第一学期导学案

初 三 英 语 (Unit1 ReadingⅠ Period 2)

主备:朱红梅 审校:吴卫方 班级___________学号_________姓名____________ 一、单项选择。

( ) 1. My dream hometown is an amazing place __________any pollution.

A. with B. without C. out D. out of ( ) 2. —Can I borrow your pen?

—Of course, here are two, you can take ______ of them.

A. both B. all C. any D. either ( ) 3. —Which do you like better, tea or coffee? —__________, thanks. Just some water.

A. Neither B. Either C. Both D. All

( ) 4. It was difficult time for people in Ya‘an, but they didn‘t ___________ hope. A. give out B. give off C. give up D. give to

( ) 5. —Why don‘t you buy the car, Mary? — It's too expensive. I can‘t __________ it. A. sell B. lend C. keep D. afford

( ) 6. I need a quiet place. I have to ______________ new ways to solve the problem. A. catch up with B. keep up with C. come up with D. take on ( ) 7. We should be brave to ___________ new challenges any time.

A. put up B. put on C. take on D. take away ( ) 8. Life _____________ a race.

A. is like B. likes C. is like to D. looks like ( ) 9. Don‘t eat ___________ meat, or you will get ___________ fat.

A. much too, too much B. too much, too much C. too much, much too D. much too, much too

( ) 10. The old man kept _________ the same words, and we all became impatient. A. talking B. repeating C. to repeat D. to talk 二、词汇。


1. His kindness _______________(给? 留下印象) us deeply on that trip. 2. My sister is a_____________(天生的) writer.

3. We use computer to s___________ for useful information on the Internet. 4. His hard work has won high ________________(表扬) from his boss.

5. He is a _________(首席的) manager of a company, but he tries his best to do everything well. 6. His horse came third in the ______________(比赛) last year.

7. If you want to take the ________________(领先地位), you must work hard. 8. We should face __________________(挑战) bravely.

B)根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. My father ______________ (give) up smoking five years ago. 2. Tom is willing ___________ (help) others.

3. His work __________________ (win) high praise from his classmates already. 4. You should do your work __________________ (care) next time.

5. I am confident and I can express myself ________________ (good) in public. 6. Can you tell the ________________ (different) between them? 7. After wait for an hour, he became ___________________ (patient). 三、根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空词数不限。 1. 他很安静,话不多,但是他的作品极具说服力。

He is ___________and doesn‘t talk ___________, but his work _____________! 2. 他以他极具创造力的作品给整个国家留下了深刻的印象。

He __________ __________ the whole country __________ his ___________ work. 3. 他的雕塑已经赢得了艺术界的高度评价。

His sculptures _________ _______ ________ ________ ________ the art community. 4. 这本身就很有趣。

This _________ _________ is __________ __________. 5. 我乐意随时迎接挑战。

I am___________________ _________________ new challenges _____________. 四、阅读理解

The size and shape(外形)of your ears show your character more than any other part of the face. Other parts of the face change shapes as we get older, but ears do not change their shapes. They only change in size.

Reading people‘s character from their ears is a very old science. In the past people thought that a person‘s ears with colour was dangerous. They also thought that the shape of the ears showed if a person was musical or not. Today, too many people believe that the size and shape of the ears help you know if a person is musical.

Ears are all different, and each different thing has a meaning. Next time you look at a person, see if his or her ears are large, medium-size, or small. Look at the lobes(耳垂). Do they stick to the face? Ears that are always red mean that a person may get angry easily. Ears that are always cold and nearly white colour mean that a person has a nervous(神经质)character. ( ) 1. Reading people‘s character from their ears is____________.

A. only for music B. an old idea C. very new D. a good way to talk with others

( ) 2. When a baby is born, ___________.

A. his / her ears are red B. his / her ears will not change all the life C. his / her ears will not change in shape D. he / she will get large ears ( ) 3. When one‘s ears are red, it means_____________ . A. he is a kind man B. he is very happy C. he may get angry easily D. he drinks too much

( ) 4. If you look at someone‘s ears, the right way is____________.

A. to look at his face,ears and nose B. to look at the size, colour, and shape C. to look at his mouth,eyes and nose D. to look at the hair,eyes and colour ( ) 5. Which may be the best title of the article? ___________.

A. Looking at a person in the right way. B. Ears and colours C. The change of ears. D. Ears and characters 怀文中学2014-2015学年度第一学期导学案

初 三 英 语 (Unit1 Reading Ⅱ Period 3)

主备:朱红梅 审校:吴卫方 班级___________学号___________姓名____________ 一、单项选择。

( ) 1. The great artist ____________ much of her time to charity. A. afforded B. devoted C. designed D. spent

( ) 2. Do you think your personality _______________ your job?. A. is suitable for B. is willing to C. is ready to D. is as good as ( ) 3. —When are you going to Beijing for your holiday?

— I haven‘t decided. _________ this Sunday ________ next Sunday is OK.

A. Not only, but also B. Neither, nor C. Either, or D. Both, and

( ) 4. Never_______________ dreaming even when you face lots of difficulty. A. give out B. give off C. give up D. give to

( ) 5. _______ Gian ________ Tara is studying Chinese culture now. They find it rich and amazing.

A. Both, and B. Not only, but also C. Either, or D. Neither, nor ( ) 6. We should pay attention to __________ these new words.

A. spell B. spelt C. in spelling D. spelling ( ) 7. When you walk along the street, don‘t _________ the museum. It‘s on your left. A. make B. miss C. find D. fail

( ) 8. They all thought __________ difficult _______ them to work with that serious man. A. it, for B. it‘s, of C. it, of D. it‘s, to

( ) 9. He can plan his work well, so we think he is __________________person.

A. a organized B. an organized C. an energetic D. a modest ( ) 10. That is an important bridge ____________ this old town __________ Nangjing. A. connect, to B. connect, with C. to connect, with D. connecting, to 二、词汇。


1. My father is the chief _________________(工程师) of the high speed railway. 2. _______________(细节) are very important to us. 3. An _______________(手术) is necessary to the patient.

4. You should _______________(连接) the mouse to the computer. 5. Do you know the famous _____________(外科大夫)?

6. I would like to do some _______________ (额外的) work for our class. 7. We should r_______________ our parents and teachers.

8. You can practice the dialogue with your ____________(搭档).

B)根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Mr Wu spent a lot of time _____________ (explain) this thing to us.

2. The kind man devoted most of his time to _____________ (help) those homeless people. 3. Today people‘s living ____________ (standard) have improved a lot. 4. It‘s necessary to pay attention to ____________ (check) every machine.

5. He is so modest that everybody thinks he is easy ______________ (work) with. 6. _______________ (care) will be a disaster to doctors.

7. The patient should be _____________ (operate) on at once. 三、根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空词数不限。 1. 对我们来说,失之毫厘,谬以千里。

________ us, a miss is ________________________ a mile. 2. 张丽莉—中国最美教师,—是我们教师的先锋。

Zhang Lili, the most beautiful teacher is __________ ________ of us teachers. 3. 我们犯不起任何错误。

We can‘t _____________________make any mistake. 4. 他总是致力于高标准。

He always ____________________ high standards. 5. 作为一名学生,你做作业时越认真越好。

As a students, you ______________________ to do your homework. 四、书面表达。


Wu Wei, 一位安静的男孩,天生的艺术家。他总是寻找更好或与众不同的东西。 Fang Yuan, 和蔼而有耐心,她把她的大部分时间都献给了她的工作。她说:“作为一名医生,再怎么仔细也不为过。粗心不仅对我们自己是一场灾难,对病人也是。”


_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________


初 三 英 语 (Unit1 Grammar Period 4)

主备:刘红林 审校:耿明明 班级_____________学号_____________姓名____________ 一、单项选择。

( ) 1. Hurry up, you will miss the plane. A. and B. but C. so D. or

( ) 2. Tony is a quiet student, he is active in class. A. so B. and C. but D. or

( ) 3. The rain is very heavy, we have to stay at home. A. but B. because C. so D. and

( ) 4. You have coughed for several days, Bill. Stop smoking, you‘ll get better soon. A. but B. after C. or D. and

( ) 5. — Rose Jack watched that new film yesterday. —What a pity! They missed the exciting moment.

A. Both; and B. Not only; but also C. Either; or D. Neither; nor ( ) 6. Tom Peter are fond of watching TV.

A. Not only; but also B. Both; and C. Either; or D. Neither; nor

( ) 7. Lisa Lucy may go with you because one of them must stay at home to take care of the dog.

A. Not only; but also B. Neither; nor C. Both; and D. Either; or

( ) 8. None of the shoes in the shops are the right size. They are too big too small. A. both; and B. not only; but also C. neither; nor D. either; or ( ) 9. Neither my sister nor I been to America before.

A. have ever B. have never C. has ever D. has never

( ) 10. Gina Tara are studying Chinese history and culture now. They find them rich and amazing.

A. Both; and B. Not only; but also C. Either; or D. Neither; nor 二、词汇。

A)根据句意及所给中文提示、英文解释或首字母,写出句中所缺单词。 1. Bad weather often causes natural__________ (灾害).

2. Neither Millie nor her friends know about__________ (类型) of personality.

3. Either my mum or my dad does the__________ (洗碗) after supper. I also help with it. 4. The nurses in the hospital are patient enough to take good care of those p .

5. Another terrible traffic accident happened yesterday because of the driver‘s c . B)根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Lisa‘s personality isn‘t suitable for __________ (be) an artist. 2. Either my sisters or my mum__________ (do) the housework.

3. Don‘t be__________ (patient)! Trust yourself. You can work out this problem.

4. Neither the students nor the teacher__________ (enjoy) listening to the rock music. 5. Not only my parents but also I__________ (be) willing to work with children. 三、根据所给汉语完成下列句子。

1. Billy 既不听取别人的意见,也不三思而行。

Billy neither nor . 2. 不仅那些学生还有他们的老师随时准备迎接新的挑战。

those students their teacher take on new challenges. 3. 你要么领先要么落后。

You either or .

4. 我的父母亲和我都认为我能成为一名好的会计师。 Both my parents and I think I can .

5. Millie不仅愿意和孩子们一起工作而且对他们很有耐心。

Millie is not only work with children but also them. 四、任务型阅读。 根据短文内容完成表格,每空一个单词。

Whenever we meet with difficulty or failure (失败), teachers, parents or others often say to us \trying to be successful no matter how many times he fails. Therefore, I believe that we should never give up.

One reason is that if we give up too easily, we will seldom achieve anything. It is not unusual for us to fail in something new, so we should try again. Besides, if we always give up when we fail , we will not be able to develop new skills and grow.

Another reason is that we can learn from our mistakes so as not to do the same things again. If we do not try once more, the lesson we have learned is wasted.

Finally, we should never give up because as we work to reach our goals, we develop confidence, and this confidence can help us succeed in other areas of our lives. If we never challenge ourselves, we will begin to doubt our abilities.

In short, it is important that we do not give up when working for our goals. We succeed in the end or not, we will learn something , and what we learn will help us to become better and more confident.

What's more, if we give up , we have no chance of realizing our dreams any more , but if we keep making great efforts, there is always a chance that we will be successful one day. Topic: Never Give Up

Possible meanings and the author's opinions The words \Never give up\can 1 others or oneself.

If a person wants to have 2 ,he should have the quality.

The 3 If we give up too easily, maybe we will achieve 4 , so when we fail in something new, we should think it is 5 and try again.

Never giving up will make us learn from the 6 and learn the 7 so that we can not make the same ones.

To reach our goals and develop the 8 we must not give up but challenge ourselves. Conclusions If you give up, you will have no 9 of reaching your goals. Never give up and you will attain your goals sooner or 10 .

1. __________ 2. ___________ 3. ___________ 4. __________ 5. ____________

6. __________ 7. ___________ 8. ___________ 9. ___________ 10. ___________ 怀文中学2014-2015学年第一学期导学案

初 三 英 语 (Unit1 Integrated skills Period 5)

主备:刘红林 审校:耿明明 班级___________学号___________姓名____________ 一、单项选择。

( ) 1. —Mum, my little sister is crying all the time.

—Mary, be_____! She feels sick. You should take good care of her. A. patient B. lazy C. polite D. fair ( ) 2. A year has four seasons and it _____ twelve different star signs.

A. divided into B. is dividing into C. divides into D. is divided into ( ) 3. —Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow? —Well, it all _____ the weather.

A. belongs to B. happens to C. depends on D. concentrates on ( ) 4. —Which of the two T-shirts will you take?

—I‘ll take _____. One is for my brother and the other is for myself. A. either B. both C. all D. neither

( ) 5. I didn‘t know which dictionary was better, so I took _____. A. none B. neither C. each D. all ( ) 6. —When are you going to visit your grandparents?

—I haven‘t decided. _____ today _____ tomorrow is OK.

A. Not only; but also B. Neither; nor C. Either; or D. Both; and ( ) 7. —Don‘t forget to give my best wishes to your uncle. — _______.

A. No, I don‘t B. No, I won‘t C. Yes, I do D. Yes, I would ( ) 8. —What is your animal sign, Joe?

—My animal sign is the Tiger. It that people born in the Year of the Tiger are brave. A. says B. is said C. talks D. A&B

( ) 9. People born the same animal signs may have similar personality. A. in B. to C. under D. in all

( ) 10. Do you know what your personality? A. decide B. decides C. deciding D. decision 二、词汇。


1. He keeps a __________ (日历) , and every morning he checks off a day. 2. When Yao Ming a__________, everyone screamed and jumped excitedly. 3. A child’s personality is__________ (固定的) in the first five years of life.

4. He had a strange way of making his classes__________ (生气勃勃的) and interesting. 5. That flying machine is__________ (塑造) something like a bird. 6. The customs in Qingdao are__________(相似的) to those in Yantai.

7. Some people in the West believe that your star sign__________ (决定) your personality. B)根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. The sunlight we are all used to__________ (include) seven different colours.

2. I can__________ (easy) recognize her although we haven‘t seen each other for a long time. 3. The movie was interesting, but Grace was not__________ (interest) in it. 4. I had my old bicycle__________ (fix) up in order to give it away to charity.

5. A year is__________ (divide) into twelve different star signs in some Western countries. 6. My mum is__________ (practice) and always pays attention to details. 7. Lisa is a__________ (honest) girl, all of us don‘t like her.

8. The girl is__________ (power) though she is only ten years old. 三、根据所给汉语完成下列句子。

1. 我们是否需要更多的食物,这要视到场人数而定。

Whether we need more food how many people turn up. 2. 她不但歌唱得好,舞也跳得美。

She well, beautifully. 3. 本文分为三个部分。

This article three parts.

4. 如果你对生肖感兴趣,仅仅当做娱乐读读他们。

If you animal signs, read about them just . 5. 是你塑造你的生活和未来。

It you who . 四、根据短文内容及首字母提示完成短文。

Only Mother‘s Love is true love. It gives everybody everything all h___1___ life. When you are still a baby, mother takes good care of you as much as p___2___. In your w___3___ hours, she always holds you in her arms. When you are ill, she stops her work right now to look after you day and night a___4___ forgets about herself. When you are growing up day b___5___ day, she feels very happy. When you are old enough to go to school, mother still looks after you all the time. On cold winter days, she always tells you to put on more clothes. She always stands in the wind, w___6___ for you back from school. When you hurry to leave home for school with little breakfast, she always feels w___7___ about you at home. She usually knows about your study and spends much money on your school things. When you do well at school, you will see the brightest smile on her face. Mother is always ready to give everything she h___8___ to her children, n___9___ to receive. What true love that is in the w___10___! We will remember Mother‘s Love forever!

1. ___________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. __________ 5. _________ 6. ___________ 7. _________ 8. _________ 9. __________ 10. ________


初 三 英 语(Unit1 Study skills & Task Period 6)

主备:刘红林 审校:耿明明 班级___________学号_______姓名____________ 一、单项选择。

( ) 1. Tom, _____ afraid of speaking in front of people. You are the best one. A. Don‘t B. not C. not be D. don‘t be

( ) 2. Paul‘s parents were worried that he _____ too much time chatting online. A. spent B. paid C. took D. cost

( ) 3. David, get up early, you‘ll get to school on time. A. but B. and C. after D. or

( ) 4. —I‘m sorry, Mr Li. I _____ my English homework at home. —Don‘t forget _____it to school tomorrow.

A. left; to bring B. forgot; to take C. lost; to bring D. forgot; to bring ( ) 5. The water here is polluted, _____ even the animals can‘t drink it. A. so B. because C. though D. if

( ) 6. —Bill, please turn down the music. _____ Mum _____ Dad are sleeping. —Sorry, I‘ll do it right away.

A. Neither; nor B. Either; or C. Both; and D. Not only; but also

( ) 7. We just need one of you for the game. _____ you _____your brother can join us. A. Both; and B. Neither; nor C. Either; or D. Not only; but also ( ) 8. —How does your sister like your presents for her birthday?

—Well, _____the dress_____ the coat is fit for her. They‘re too small.

A. both; and B. either; or C. neither; nor D. not only; but also ( ) 9. Henry is _____ to _____ new ideas.

A. impatient enough; think of B. creative enough; come up with C. enough wise; come up with D. enough active; think of

( ) 10. —Pay attention to details when solving difficult problems. —______. A. Don‘t mention it B. Thank you, I will

C. You worry too much D. There are not difficult problems 二、词汇。

A)根据句意及所给中文提示、英文解释或首字母,写出句中所缺单词。 1. His__________ (演讲) touched us to the heart.

2. Liu Tao is ill at home, so he is a from school today. 3. Our__________ (班长) is a person who is pure in heart. 4. I hope you are quite happy in your new__________ (职位).

5. I see your point, but I can’t really__________ (同意) with you.

6. His teachers are full of__________ (赞扬) for the progress he has made. 7. An article in the newspaper about animal signs caught my a . B)根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. David is never afraid of__________ (walk) in the dark by himself. 2. We think Henry is the__________ (suit) person to be our monitor.

3. He has learnt to get himself__________ (organize) by using computers. 4. There are thirty people in the classroom, __________ (include) the teacher.

5. You may become confident if you (success) complete a difficult task

through hard work.

6. He__________ (win) several science competitions since he came to our school. 7. Not only you but also Tom__________ (know) the answer.

8. Both Billy and Paul__________ (be) very confident and energetic. 三、根据所给汉语完成下列句子。


He thinks he can do anything if he . 2. 我希望你能同意我的看法。

I hope that you can me.

3. 他总是帮我们复习功课如果我们缺课。

He always helps us with our lessons if we school. 4. 他和我都不擅长踢足球。

he I good at playing football. 5. 你会说英语或法语吗?

Can you speak English French? 四、书面表达。


提示:1. 李平自信,不害怕在众人面前演讲。2. 勤奋,总是做很多额外的工作。 3. 聪明,富有创意,总能想出很多好主意。 4. 有条理,从来不会忘记他需要做的事。 Dear Mr Wang,

I‘m writing to

_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Yours sincerely, Lisa


初 三 英 语(Unit2 Welcome to the unit Period 1)

主备:范文娟 审校:杨应山 班级_____________学号_____________姓名____________ 一、单项选择。

( ) 1. _________ something wrong with my bike. Can I use yours? A. It is B. It was C. There was D. There is

( ) 2. If you want to buy this dress. You‘d better ________ first to make sure it fits you. A. pay for it B. take it off C. tidy it up D. try it on ( ) 3. I think you look nice ________ yellow.

A. in B. for C. on D. at

( ) 4. Do you know how many comic books ____________ ?

A. does he have B. he has C. are there D. there are ( ) 5. It‘s not my blouse. It may be ____________.

A. someone else B. someone else‘s C. else someone D. else someone‘s ( ) 6. —Is Kate serious? —I _______. She never means it.

A. suppose B. agree C. believe D. wonder ( ) 7._______ is not easy for us to get to the top of the mountain.

A. It B. That C. This D. They ( ) 8. Mary isn’t in the classroom. Do you know_________?

A. where she is B. where is she C. who is she D. who she is 二、词汇。


1. There is nothing _____________ (in a bad condition) with your computer. It works well. 2. Millie often wears a ____________(紫罗兰色) dress in summer. 3. My favourite colour is ____________(靛青).

4. Sometimes we can see a r_____________ in the sky after a rain shower in summer. 5. There’s ___________(没什么) wrong with my computer. 6. My f______________ colour is orange.

7. The girl went out in a ____________(粉色的) coat.


1. I find it easy_______________ (see) a rainbow in the sky after the heavy rain in summer.. 2. I bought a _______________ (colour) dress just now.

3. Which coat do you want _______________ (wear), this one or that one? 4. I think blue is ______________ (good) than green. It‘s the sky‘s colour. 5. I _____________ (see) a plane in the sky just now.

6. There isn‘t _______________ (something) wrong with your watch. 7. Which is your _______________ (sister) favourite colour? 8. Amy ___________ just ____________ (finish) her homework. 三、根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空词数不限。 1. 我的手表有什么问题吗?

Is there ________________ ____________ _____________ my watch? 2. 我可以试穿这条黄色的裤子吗?

Can I _________ _________ this __________ of yellow _______________? 3. 她的英语比她弟弟好得多。

Her English is _____________ _____________ ____________ her brother‘s. 4. 粉色是女孩的颜色吗?

Is pink ______________________________________ ?. 5. 这件毛衣穿在我妈妈身上好看。

This sweater _______________________________ my mum. =My mum __________________________________ this sweater. 四、完形填空。

Different things usually stand for different feelings. Red, for example, is the color of fire, heat, blood and life. People say red is an exciting and active color. They associate(使发生联系) red with a strong feeling like 1 . Red is used for signs of 2 , such as STOP signs and fire

engines. Orange is the bright, warm color of 3 in autumn. People say orange is a 4 color. They associate orange with happiness. Yellow is the color of 5 . People say it is a cheerful color. They associate yellow too, with happiness. Green is the cool color of grass in 6 . People say it is a refreshing color. In general, people 7 two groups of colors: warm colors and cool colors. The warm colors are red, orange and 8 . Where there are warm colors and a lot of light, people usually want to be 9 . Those who like to be with 10 like red. The cool colors are 11 and blue. Where are these colors, people are usually worried. Some scientists say that time seems to 12 more slowly in a room with warm colors. They suggest that a warm color is a good 13 for a living room or a 14 . People who are having a rest or are eating do not want time to pass quickly. 15 colors are better for some offices if the people working there want time to pass quickly.

( ) 1. A. sadness B. anger C. administration D. smile ( ) 2. A. roads B. ways C. danger D. places ( ) 3. A. land B. leaves C. grass D. mountains ( ) 4. A. lively B. dark C. noisy D. frightening ( ) 5. A. moonlight B. light C. sunlight D. stars ( ) 6. A. summer B. spring C. autumn D. winter ( ) 7. A. speak B. say C. talk about D. tell ( ) 8. A. green B. yellow C. white D. gray ( ) 9. A. calm B. sleepy C. active D. helpful ( ) 10. A. the other B. another C. other one D. others ( ) 11. A. black B. green C. golden D. yellow ( ) 12. A. go round B. go by C. go off D. go along ( ) 13. A. one B. way C. fact D. matter ( ) 14. A. factory B. classroom C. restaurant D. hospital ( ) 15. A. Different B. Cool C. Warm D. All 怀文中学2014-2015学年度第一学期导学案

初 三 英 语 (Unit2 ReadingⅠ Period 2)

主备:范文娟 审校:杨应山 班级___________学号_______姓名____________ 一、单项选择。

( ) 1. Do you know ________ the different colours represent and _______ they affect us? A. what; what B. what; how C. how; what D. how; how ( ) 2. I knew _________ about the news until you told me last night. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything ( ) 3. I was in a bad mood because it ____________ all day.

A. rains B. kept to rain C. kept raining D. is raining

( ) 4. Sandy has a lot of difficulty __________ English so she often asks me for help? A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. learned ( ) 5. Jack is unhappy. He lost his bike. Let‘s go to _____________. A. cheer him up B. cheer up him C. make up him D. make him up ( ) 6. I think red can make it _______ for you ____________ action.

A. easy; take B. easier; to take C. easy; taking D. easier; take ( ) 7. The___________ music makes us ___________.

A. relaxing; relaxed B. relaxed; relaxing C. relaxing; relaxing D. relaxed; relaxed ( ) 8. It is foggy today. I’m not sure __________ the highway will be closed soon. A. whether B. when C. how D. why ( ) 9. The new-designed car is on show now. I wonder how much __________.

A. it cost B. it costs C. did it cost D. does it cost 二、词汇。


1. People in many countries are still__________________(受影响) by Confucius’ thoughts. 2. Colors can change our____________(state of one‘s feelings) and some may make us feel sick. 3. I feel quite _______________(方松) when I listen to music. 4. Smiles can help you forget your ______________(悲伤).

5. The report explains what colors can do and what_____________(特征)they_________(代表). 6. This old photo _____________(helps remember) me of my childhood. 7. The walls were ______________(涂) blue, a calm and peaceful colour. 8. I enjoyed my p_____________ life in the countryside.

B)根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Drinking some coffee will make you feel ________________ (energy). 2. I am too ______________ (sleep) to keep my eyes open.

3. Mike has some _______________ (difficult) with such a long speech. 4. Listening to music can make me feel ______________ (relax). 5. I hope we can make a ________________ (decide) today. 6. White is the colour of ______________ (pure).

7. _________ you ever___________ (paint) your house blue? 三、根据所给汉语完成下列句子, 每空词数不限。

1. 色彩能使我们感到快乐或悲伤,充满活力或昏昏欲睡。

Colours can make us feel ____________ or __________, ______________or ____________. 2. 橙色能给你带来成功并使你振奋。

Orange can __________________________ and ______________________. 3. 许多女士喜欢在婚礼上穿白色。

Many women like wearing white_________________________________.. 4. 生活在寒冷地区的人们更喜欢暖色以使他们的家温暖、舒适。

People in cold areas_____________________________ in their homes ________________ a warm and comfortable feeling.

5. 黄色能使你想起温暖阳光的日子。

Yellow can ______________________________ a warm and sunny day. 四、阅读理解。

Americans have used colours to create many expressions they use every day. We say we‘re ―in the pink‖ when we are in good health. It is very easy to understand how this expression was born. When my face has a nice fresh colour, pink colour, it is a sign that my health is good. The colour green is natural for tree; it is an unnatural colour for humans. When someone doesn‘t feel well, someone who is sick, we use this word. For example, when someone doesn‘t have what someone else has, we say he is ―green with envy‖. Some people are ―green with envy‖ because someone else has more dollars, or ―greenbacks‖. Dollars is called greenback because that‘s the colour of the backside of the money. Blue is a cool colour. The traditional blue music of American blacks is the

opposite of red hot music. It is slow, sad and soulful(深情的). To be blue, of course, is to be sad. The colour black is often used in expressions. People describe a day in which everything goes wrong as a “black day”. A“black sheep” is the member of a family or a group who always seems to be in trouble. If someone meets a ―black cat‖, something unlucky might happen to him. Not all the ―black‖ expressions have bad meanings. A company ―in the red‖ is losing money. If someone tells you to put something ―in black and white‖, they want you to write it down. ( ) 1.After reading the passage, we can infer if someone ―looks gray‖, he________. A. looks well B. may need a doctor C. is healthy D. is ―in the pink‖ ( ) 2. I was really when I saw his new car. A. green B. red C. blue D. black ( ) 3. Which word can describe the red hot music? A. Fast B. Sad C. Slow D. Soulful

( ) 4. My brother is of our family, everyone hates him. A. a black horse B. a black dog C. a black sheep D. a black cat ( ) 5. Which of the following is true? A. Company surely likes to be ―in the red‖.

B. All the colour expressions in the passage come from Britain English. C. Not all the ―black‖ expressions have bad meanings.

D. Dollar is called ―greenback‖ because it has trees on the backside. 怀文中学2014-2015学年度第一学期导学案

初 三 英 语 (Unit2 Reading Ⅱ Period 3)

主备:范文娟 审校:杨应山 班级___________学号___________姓名____________ 一、单项选择。

( ) 1. —I don‘t know_________. —Because he has to look after his mother. A. why he is leaving B. why is he leaving C. how he is leaving D. how is he leaving ( ) 2. This kind of colour _________me _______ a sunny day.

A. from; to B. between; and C. reminds; of D. remembers; to

( ) 3. It is our hope that we can live in a ________world and say goodbye to wars forever. A. similar B. peaceful C. familiar D. natural ( ) 4. I‘m sleepy. I prefer __________ at home to going out for a walk. A. sleeping B. to sleep C. slept D. sleep ( ) 5. He failed in the maths test and looks sad. Let‘s ___________ .

A. put him up B. set him up C. cheer him up D. clean him up

( ) 6. We find _________ impossible for us to learn a foreign language well in a short time. A. that B. this C. one D. it ( ) 7. My father has a computer, but he doesn‘t know _________to use it.

A. what B. how C. who D. which ( ) 8. __________ blue clothes _________good for your mind.

A. Wear; is B. Wearing; are C. Wearing; is D. Wear; are ( ) 9. I prefer_________ rather than __________ on such a rainy day.

A. to go out; stay at home B. to stay at home; go out C. going at home; stay at home D. staying at home; go out 二、词汇。


1. Wearing red can help you make a___________(决定). 2. The sun gives us light and ____________ (hotness).

3. Dickens ___________(创造) many wonderful characters in his novels.

4. Learning English ____________(需要) action and patience, or we’ll get nothing. 5. One cannot have _____________(智慧) without living life. 6. Please be r__________. Don‘t be so nervous.

7. We p_________ to watch TV on rainy days at home.

8. The walls are p_________ white. It makes people feels calm and peaceful. B)根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. What colour do you think is a calm and _____________ (peace) colour. 2. Wearing red can help you make a _____________ (decide). 3. Yellow is the colour of _______________ (wise). 4. Everyone hopes for______________ (succeed).

5. Our teachers often remind us _________________ (not swim) in the river near school. 6. Don‘t knock at the door with all your _____________ (strong). 7. I had difficulty _______________ (learn) English well. 三、根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空词数不限。 1. 他问我是否能帮他。

He asks _________ _______ _________ _________ __________. 2. 我们得尽力使他振作起来。

We should try to _____________ _________ ________________. 3. 这些照片使我想起了我的儿童时代。。

Those old photos ___________ __________ ________ my childhood. 4. 我有他的地址,所以找到他的家没有任何困难。

I had his address, so I did not have any _____________ _____________ his house. 5. 在你生气的时候请不要做任何决定。

Please don‘t __________ ___________ ___________ when you are angry. 四、书面表达。


1.颜色能改变我们的情绪并且让我们感到开心或快乐,精力充沛或昏昏欲睡。 2.一些颜色如橙色和黄色,能让你感到温暖。

3.当你感到疲倦或虚弱的时候,你应该穿像绿色类的精力充沛的颜色。 4.如果你的身心需要力量,红色可能对你有些帮助。


_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________


初 三 英 语 (Unit 2 Grammar Period 4)

主备 杨应山 审校:范文娟 班级___________学号___________姓名____________ 一、单项选择。

( ) 1. —What do you think of my skirt? It _______________cotton. — It looks nice on you.

A. is made in B. is made for C. is made of D. is made by

( ) 2.The teacher told the children that the sun__________________ round. A. was B. is C. were D. are

( ) 3. When H7N9 bird flu first appeared, people didn‘t know ______________doctors could cure it.

A. if B. that C. what D. why

( ) 4. Could you tell me _______________ a meeting in Guangzhou next week? A. if there was going to be B. if there is going to be C. whether is there going to be D. whether there is going to have

( ) 5. The wood is used _____________ the chairs, instead of ___________ a bridge. A. for making, set up B. to making, setting up C. of making, setting up D. for making, setting up ( ) 6. —Could I borrow your book, Tom?

—_____________________, but please give it back tomorrow. A. I am sorry B. Of course C. Certainly not D. No, thanks

( ) 7. The young man can not do anything, he ______________ his parents all the time. A. depend in B. depend on C. depends on D. depends in ( ) 8. The colour makes us ___________ comfortable.

A. to feel B. feel C. felt D. to feel 二、词汇。

A)根据句意及所给中文提示、英文解释或首字母,写出句中所缺单词。 1. Do you know there is a r__________________ between colours and moods. 2. Our school bought a _________________(个人的) computer for everyone. 3. Were people rich in ______________(古老的) China?

4. —May I use your pens? —_________________ (当然可以). Here you are. 5. I am not sure if the coat _______________(搭配) my trousers.

6. Tom practises my ___________________(日常的) English every day. 7. I think colours i__________________ our own lives in many ways. 8. The colour blue can make us feel_________________(放松).

B)根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. She is sure that yellow can bring her good _____________(lucky). 2. Is this kind of books _______________(suit) for your son?

3. The teacher told us the earth ______________(go) around the sun. 4. He should stay in bed instead of ________________(walk) in the park. 5. Tony isn‘t here, he__________________ (go) to Beijing.

6. I wonder if they __________________(arrive) here in two days. 7. The boy is too excited __________________(say) a word. 三、根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空词数不限。 1. 我们应该使用使我们感觉放松的颜色。

We should use the colour which makes us _____________________________ . 2. 老师们经常对我们讲勤劳能带给我们好运。

Teachers often tell us that hard work can bring us _____________________. 3. 选择哪种颜色取决于个人品味。

Choosing which colour _____________________ personal waste. 4. 爸爸对颜色的方面了解很多。

Dad ____________________ about colours. 5. 颜色在许多方面改变了我们的生活。

_________________________, colours changed our lives. 四、任务型阅读。


Every scientist has a childhood dream. A scientist in China once had a dream. He wished to grow a new type of rice. This new type of rice would be as big as peanuts. This person is Yuan Longping-“Father”of hybrid rice.(杂交水稻)

Yuan Longping was born in 1930. He graduated from the Southwest Agriculture(农业) University in 1953. He came up with an idea for a hybrid rice in the 1960s. Since then, he has devoted himself to research and to the development of new varieties(种类)

In 1973, together with other people, he succeeded(成功) in the development of hybrid rice. This made China a worldwide leader in rice production(生产). In 1980, the technology(技术) for hybrid rice was introduced to the Unit States. Now his “super rice” has been introduced to more than 20 other countries.

Because of Professor Yuan‘s hard work, China now produces enough rice to feed her people every year. Last November an online survey showed that most Chinese believed that Yuan should get a Nobel Peace Prize.

In his spare time, Yuan Longping loves playing the violin and listening to music. Every night, he reads for half an hour before he goes to sleep. He likes swimming, too. It is said that Professor Yuan is one of the richest people in China. But he cares about nothing but his research. Yuan Longping — 1 of Hybrid Rice His Childhood

2 Growing a new type of rice that would be the same size 3 peanuts His 4 Playing the violin, listening to music, 5 and swimming

Personal details He was born in 6 .He graduated from the University at 7

Achievements In 1973, he was 8 in the development of hybrid rice. In 1980, the technology for hybrid rice was 9 to the many other countries. China now 10 enough rice to feed people

1.____________ 2. _____________ 3._____________ 4._____________ 5. ___________ 6.____________7. ______________8.____________ 9._____________10.___________ 怀文中学2014-2015学年第一学期导学案 初 三 英 语 (Unit2 Integrated skills Period 5)

主备:杨应山 审校:范文娟 班级___________学号___________姓名____________ 一、 单项选择。

( ) 1. He was made ____________ from morning till night..

A. work B. to work C. working D. works ( ) 2. What a beautiful skirt! It ___________________ you.

A. looks well in B. looks well on C. looks good on D. looks good in

( ) 3. At present, lots of people would rather _______________in the country because there is ____________ pollution in the country.

A. live; more B. to live; less C. live; less D. to live; more

( ) 4. The colour of blue ________________ the feeling of ________________. A. makes; energy B. represents; joy C. creates; harmony D. creates; purity ( ) 5. He ____________ apples _____________ oranges in the past. A. prefers; for B. preferred; than C. preferred; to D. prefered; to ( ) 6. She prefers _____________ to ______________ after supper.

A. walk; run B. walking; running C. to walk; run D. walking; run ( ) 7. He would rather ______________ to school than ______________. A. ride a bike; take a bus B. by bike; by bus

C. rides a bike; takes a bike D. to ride a bike; to take a bus

( ) 8. The food is ______________ delicious, but you should not eat _____________ . A. too much; much too B. much too; too much C. too much; too much D. much too; much too

( ) 9. Do you know _____________ Zunyi or not tomorrow?

A. whether are they leaving for B. whether they are leaving for C. if are they leaving for D. if they are leaving for

( ) 10.―Wish you good luck in the exam. ―__________________

A. That‘s OK B. Thank you C. Congratulation! D. You‘re welcome. 二、词汇。

A)根据句意及所给中文提示、英文解释或首字母,写出句中所缺单词。 1. People lived a hard life in a_________________ China.

2. If it doesn‘t w_________________ , you can get your money back. 3. We __________________(find out) the colour can change our moods. 4. Work hard,_________________(否则) you will fall behind others. 5. Jeans are ________________(舒适的) and they’ll match your shirt. 6. She ___________________(建议) different colours to different people 7. The power of colours can ________________ (改善;提高)your life. 8. We ________________ (承诺) that everyone can get the good grade. B)根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. I have difficulty________________(do) my homework. 2. I prefer to_________________(go) there.

3. I‘d rather_________________(buy) this one than that one.

4. A teacher with her two students___________________(talk) in the office now. 5. I prefer_________________(go)shopping to_________________(stay) at home. 6. The girls are singing and dancing___________________(happy).

7. It‘s difficult for me___________________(work) out this problem. 三、根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空词数不限。 1. 这张照片使你想起了什么?。

What does the picture make you __________________________ ? 2. 我们宁愿步行去那儿也不愿乘车。

We ______________ walking there _______________ taking a bus.

3. 从她大学毕业开始,她已经练习颜色疗法了。

She has practiced colour therapy since she __________________. 4. 如果你睡眠不好,把你的房间漆成蓝色

If you cannot ______________________, paint your room blue. 5. 如果你感到压力,这种食物帮你振作起来。

If you feel tired, the food can help ______________________ 四、根据短文内容及首字母提示完成短文。

Teenagers live very busy lives now and often forget to think about their diets and exercise. The truth is, healthy eating along with regular exercise is the only way to k____1_____ fit.

During your teenage years, it is important to give your body the energy it needs. Teenage g ____2____ need about 2,200 calories a day and boys need a bit m ____3____ —— doctors suggest 2,800 for teenage boys. 50% of your calories should come f ____4____ rice, bread, vegetables and fruit. You also need to drink a lot of water, 6 to 8 glasses a day. Drinking e____5___ water will improve your skin and give you healthy hair.

E______6_____ is something that can help to make you look good, feel good and be healthy. Experts (专家) suggest that teenagers s _____7____at least 30 minutes exercising, five times a week. I_____8______ you exercise, your body produces something that makes you feel r_____9____. It can even help you s ____10____ better at night and let you pay more attention when your study!

1. k__________ 2. g__________ 3. m__________ 4. f__________ 5. e__________ 6. E__________ 7. s__________ 8. I__________ 9. r__________ 10. s__________ 怀文中学2014-2015学年度第一学期导学案

初 三 英 语 (Unit2 Study skills & Task Period 6)

主备:杨应山 审校:范文娟 班级___________学号___________姓名____________ 一、单项选择。

( ) 1. I was born ____________ the evening ______________ March 12, 1977. A. in; of B. in; in C. on; of D. on; in ( ) 2. It‘s very nice of you _______ each of us a gift.

A. give B. giving C. gave D. to give ( ) 3. There _____________ ice and snow in winter.

A. are too much B. is too much C. are much too D. is much too ( ) 4. ―Do you mind if I sit here?‖ ―______________. It‘s for Mr Brown.‖ A. Not at all B. Never mind C. Better not D. Of course not ( ) 5. He always works hard, so he is a _______________person. A. hard working B. working-hard C. hard-working D. working hard ( ) 6. Everyone _______________ at the good news.

A. cheered up B. cheered on C. was cheered up D. was cheered on ( ) 7. He prefers _________at home to __________out for a walk . A .stay ;go B. staying ; going C. to stay; to go D. to stay; going ( ) 8. Don’t trouble him , he is in a _____________ mood today. A. happy B. bad C. good D. terribly ( ) 9. What a beautiful skirt! It _____________ you .

A. looks well for B. looks right on C. looks good on D. looks good for

( ) 10.On a hot day, I would rather _________ at home than _________ out under the sun.

A. to stay ;to go B. to stay ;go C. stay; to D. stay ; go 二、词汇。

A)根据句意及所给中文提示、英文解释或首字母,写出句中所缺单词。 1. Red and white is a good m_____________________ 2. I’d ___________________ (宁愿) wear blue than pink.

3. Do you know the relationship between colours and _________________ (心情)? 4. The powerful red can ____________________(平衡) the colour of white. 5. Listening to music can make me feel __________________ (放松).. 6. Black represent power and ______________(信任).

7. He _________________(建议)you to do more exercise. . 8. They have some difficult making a ________________ (决定)

B)根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. The sun brings us __________________ (warm).

2. The students prefer going out to _____________________(stay)at home.

3. Alan wears a pair of red shoes to make himself look more _______________. (power) 4. Sandy _________________ jogging to running when she was young. (prefer) 5. The girls are singing and dancing___________________________(happy) 6. I‘d rather_______________________(buy) this one than that one

7. It‘s very difficult for me_____________________(work) out this problem. 三、根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空词数不限。 1.红色和白色是很不同的颜色。

Red and white are very _____________________________ 2.我认为这位妇女一定感觉有点紧张。

I think this woman must feel_____________________ stressed. 3.她就是想让她看起来更强有力一些。

She just wants to make herself look________________________________ 4.她可能希望白色能帮她镇定

She may hope that the colour white could help her__________________________ 5. 我认为它与英国的姓名不同。

I think it _______________________________ English names.. 四、书面表达。




__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________


初 三 英 语 (Unit3 Welcome to the unit Period 1)

主备:徐敏 审校:邱玉玲 班级____________学号_______姓名____________ 一、单项选择。

( ) 1. There was _____for us to last a week.

A. enough food B. food enough C. enough foods D. A and B ( ) 2. You are right, I agree___________ you.

A. on B. to C. with D. for ( ) 3. I hate ____________ exams and tests.

A. too many B. too much C. many too D. much too ( ) 4. Have you got any____________?

A. teenage problems B. teenage problem C. teenager problems D. teens problems ( ) 5. Bob doesn‘t know __________to write about.

A. how B. what C. but D. what ( ) 6. Jim sat __________to his mother with his eyes half ___________.

A. closed; opened B. close; open C. closely; opening D. closely; opened ( ) 7. Why not _________your teacher for help when you can‘t finish _____the story by yourself?

A. to ask; write B. to ask; writing C. ask; writing D. asking; to write 二、词汇。

A)根据句意及所给中文提示、英文解释或首字母,写出句中所缺单词。 1. I think all the t_________________ should not be allowed to smoke. 2. Do you have any c_______________ friends to talk to?

3. Not all the parents want their children to get good m______________. 4. The e________________ will begin soon, please put away all the books. 5. The old man lives alone, but he never feels l__________________. 6. A cow has six ________________(胃,肚子). 7. P____________ (可能) he is not at home now.

8. Don’t fight with him, he is a _______________ (疯狂的) man.


1. __________ (noise) pollution is one of the biggest problems now. If you live near the airport or the railway station, it will be __________( noise).

2. Our country is _____________ (get) stronger and stronger.

3. We should eat ___________ (little) and exercise___________ (much). 4. Jack doesn‘t have enough time _______________ (play) football.

5. I didn‘t sleep well last night, so I feel _____________ (sleep) in class today. 6. How about ___________(row) a boat with me?

7. Mum and I are much _____________ (close) now than before. 三、根据所给汉语完成下列句子。

1. 如果你有太多朋友,你就不会感到孤独。

If you have __________ ____________ friends, you will not ___________ ___________. 2. 我家的电视总是开着,噪音几乎让我发疯。

The TV is always on at my home, the noise almost ___________ _________ _________. 3. 吃的太多对你健康没有好处。

__________ _________ __________ is bad for your health. 4. 我的父母整天工作,几乎没有时间陪我。

My parents _________ ________ __________, they have little time for me. 5. 我的许多同学有青少年问题。

__________ ________ ________ __________have teenage problems. 四、完形填空。

David is a ___1___ student at No. 1 Middle School, Xining. He got back home on March 1 after four days out in the open. He ran away from home ___2___ he felt stressed out about the ___3___ senior high school entrance examination(中考). The boy is not the only one stressed out over exams. Reporters ___4____ a survey at a middle school. It showed that 72 percent of students feel stressed and 67 percent of these students said their stress comes from school grades.

People often feel stressed when they have a big ____5____, such as ___6___ in a play, taking a test, or playing in a sports match. Some stress is ___7___. It makes you active. If you have an important test, stress can __8___you to study ___9___. But too much stress is unhealthy. It can___10___ make you feel __11____ and tired.

What is the best way to__12_____ stress? During the days when you are preparing for the exams, you can take a walk and chat with your classmates. You can also ___13___ each other your worries. it makes you stay___14___.Doctors suggested that, besides sharing thoughts with friends , students could also relax __15___ listening to music, reading a book or just spending some time alone.

( ) 1. A. ninth grad B. nine-grade C. ninth-grade D. ninth grades ( ) 2. A. because B. so C. and D. though ( ) 3. A. come B. came C. coming D. comeing ( ) 4. A. do B. does C. did D. was doing ( ) 5. A. Work B. job C. rest D. sleep

( ) 6. A. perform B. performed C. performs D. performing ( ) 7. A. bad B. sad C .boring D. good. ( ) 8. A. pull B. push C. take D. make ( ) 9. A. hard B. harder C. hardest D. well ( ) 10. A. hardly B. never C. almost D. also

( ) 11. A. worry B. worries C. worried D. worrying ( ) 12. A. deal with B. catch up with C. agree with D. com up with ( ) 13. A. say B. speak C. tell D. talk to ( ) 14. A. unhappy B. upset C. peaceful D. unhealthy ( ) 15. A. by B. with C. in D. to 怀文中学2014-2015学年度第一学期导学案

初 三 英 语 (Unit3 ReadingⅠ Period 2)

主备:徐敏 审校:邱玉玲 班级_____________学号_____________姓名____________ 一、单项选择。

( ) 1.Thank you for giving me so many _____________. A. advice B. advices C. suggestions D. suggestion ( ) 2. I doubt whether it is worth ________________so hard? A. work B. to work C. worked D. working

( ) 3. I have a problem, but I don‘t know ____________to solve it.

A. how to B. what to C. where to D. when to

( ) 4. We are looking forward to ____________the Great Wall. A. visit B. visited C. visits D. visiting

( ) 5. Everyone has problems at times. The most important is that we need to learn how to ___________these problems.

A.deal with B. do with C. tell D. Know

( ) 6. We have given her some advice, but I don‘t know ____________she will accept it. A. what B. where C. whether D. which ( ) 7. —What‘s the matter with you, Andy? You look tired. —I ___________to prepare for the final exam last night. A. picked up B. woke up C. stayed up D. put up 二、词汇。

A)根据句意及所给中文提示、英文解释或首字母,写出句中所缺单词。 1. There is no ______________(怀疑)that you are right.

2. We should listen to the teacher carefully and keep ___________(醒着) in class. 3. We ___________________ (almost not) have any spare time for my hobbies. 4. Can you i_____________________ your life in the future?

5. I often doubt ______________(是否)it is worth doing so much homework? 6. Thank you for __________________(主动提供)me so much help.

7. You must make a ____________ (the right to decide which thing you want) between them. B)根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. I don‘t know how ____________________ (solve) the problem.

2. It‘s raining now, I have no choice but _________________ (stay)at home. 3. Sometimes I find it difficult _______________ (take) care of babies well. 4. LuXun‘s works are worth ___________________ (read). 5. Can you give me some ____________________ (suggest)? 6. Painting is one of my favourite ______________ (hobby).

7. Have you imagined _______________ (live) on Mars some day in the future? 8. I hope________________ (hear) from you soon. 三、根据所给汉语完成下列句子。 1. 我不知道如何处理这个问题。

I don‘t know _________ _________ ___________ __________the problem. 2. 他常常为按时完成作业而熬夜很晚。

He often _______ ___________late _________ _________the exercises on time. 3. 我梦想有个假期以便我有更多的时间来进行业余爱好。

I dream of a holiday _______ ______I could have _____ ______ for my hobbies. 4. 请你为必须做的家庭作业列份清单。

________ _________ ________ ________ the homework that you have to do please. 5. 对我们来说,每天花一些时间锻炼是有必要的。

It is necessary for us __________ ______________ some time _______________every day. 四、阅读理解。

A recent report from Dazhou Daily says about 18% of Dazhou teenagers can have problems with their minds(内心,精神). Some students become worried because they have to study very hard. Others have trouble getting on well with people like their parents and classmates.

Zhang Qiang, a Junior 2 student from Dazhou, could not understand his teachers in class and was doing badly in his lessons. He was afraid of exams. When he looked at the exam paper, he couldn‘t think of anything to write. Another student, a 15-year-old girl called Wu Yan from Guang‘an often argued with her classmates even her parents because of some different ideas. She became so annoyed about them that she started to cut her finger with a knife.

However, many students who have problems won’t go for advice or help. Some think they will look stupid(愚蠢的) if they go to see a doctor. Others don’t want to talk about their secrets. In order to solve the teenagers’ problems, here is some advice : ●Talk to your parents or teachers often.

●Take part in group activities and play sports. ●Go to see a doctor if you feel unhappy or unwell.

( ) 1. It is reported that ______students in Dazhou can have problems with their minds. A. most B. many C. some D. all the above

( ) 2. From the passage we know teenagers have problems with their minds because of___. A. Their study B. getting on with other people C. their hobbies D. A and B. ( ) 3. Wu Yan started to cut her finger with a knife because _____________. A. she couldn‘t get on well with her classmates and even her parents B. she could not understand her teachers in class C. she was afraid of exams

D. she had no money for a new shirt

( ) 4. Why don‘t the students who have problems want to go for help ? A. Because they think no one will help them.

B. Because they don‘t want to talk about their secrets and they think it‘s stupid to see a doctor.

C. Because they think they can solve the problems by themselves. D. Because they think the doctors could do nothing with their problems.

( ) 5. How many pieces of advice are given to the teenagers who have problems in this passage?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five. 怀文中学2014-2015学年度第一学期导学案

初 三 英 语 (Unit3 ReadingⅡ Period 3)

主备:徐敏 审校:邱玉玲 班级_____________学号________姓名____________ 一、单项选择。

( ) 1. I think I should ______myself _________my work.

A. be strict with; in B. strict with; in C. be strict with; with D. be strict in; with ( ) 2. Drivers are not allowed _______after drinking, or they may cause trouble. A. drive B. driving C. to drive D. to be driven

( ) 3.Her son is a naughty boy. He often plays for house and forgets _________. A. where to stop B. what to stop

C. when he should stop D. how he should stop

( ) 4. I _________your father that it is better for you ______less time on volleyball. A. agree to; to spend B. agree with; to spend C. agree to; spending D. agree with; spending ( ) 5. She can hardly write her own name, __________?

A. can she B. can‘t she C. need she D. doesn‘t she

( ) 6. You may______ trouble if you stay out too late without _______your parents first. A. get out of; tell B. get into; to tell C. get out of; telling D. get into; telling

( ) 7. Don‘t be crazy_______ computer games, or your parents will be worried. A. at B. on C. about D. for 二、词汇。

A)根据句意及所给中文提示、英文解释或首字母,写出句中所缺单词。 1. I hear the ________________(起因)of the fire hasn’t been found out. 2. Our teacher is always s ______________with us in our study. 3. Are you _________________(醒着的)or asleep?

4. We should d___________ (start to have a skill) our hobbies in our spare time. 5. Teenagers are not a ___________________to smoke.

6. The truth of the accident is beyond _______________(怀疑).

7. Don’t trust the words which harm the _________________(友谊) of ours. B)根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Yao Ming is crazy about ________________ (play) basketball.

2. My parents allow me __________________ (watch) TV for half an hour every day. 3. It is bad for you to stay out late _________________ (play) games with your friends. 4. I wonder how ___________________ (achieve) a balance between play and schoolwork.. 5. I think your advice is very _______________________ (value) to me.

6. Plan your day____________________ (careful) and do well as possible as you can. 7. Some hobbies can make our lives more __________________ (interest). 8. Some classical music can make us feel______________________ (relax). 三、根据所给汉语完成下列句子。

1. 计算一下你完成这项任务需要的时间。

_____________ ____________how much time you ________________the task.. 2. 根据新的交通法,小汽车上的每个人都要系安全带。

________________ ________ the new traffic rules, everyone in a car must wear the seat belt. 3. 我希望我的建议值得采纳。

I hope my suggestions ____________ ______________ _____________. 4. 杰克痴迷收集各种邮票。

Jack __________ ___________ _____________ ________________ all kinds of stamps. 5. 人们正在期望着看到一片没有污染的天空。

People ________ __________ ___________ _________ seeing a blue sky without pollution. 四、书面表达。

假如你是Daniel ,请你写一封信给你的笔友,告诉他有关你的问题,并向他请求帮助。 提示:1.经常上网,并花许多时间聊天; 2.经常晚回家,不能准时上交作业; 3.父母和老师不喜欢这样,叫我放弃这个爱好,为此我感到很生气; 4.希望他能给你一些建议。 Dear my penfriend


________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Daniel


初 三 英 语 (Unit3 Grammar Period 4)

主备:邱玉玲 审校:徐敏 班级____________学号_________姓名____________ 一、单项选择。

( ) 1. Let me tell you __________________.

A. how much is the car B. how much does the car cost C. how much did I pay for the car D. how much I spent on the car. ( ) 2. Peter knew____________.

A. whether he has finished reading the book B. why the boy had so many questions

C. there were 12 months in a year D. when they will leave for Paris ( ) 3. Could you tell me ___________?

A. where do you live B. who you are waiting for C. who were you waiting for D. where you live in ( ) 4. I can't understand __________the boy alone. A. why she left B. why did she leave C. why she had left D. why had she left

( ) 5. She told me that the sun ______ in the east. A. rise B. rose C. rises D. had risen ( ) 6. I don't know ________ up so early last Sunday.

A. why did he get B. why he gets C. why does he get D. why he got ( ) 7. The manager came up to see _________

A. what was the matter B. what the matter was C. what the matter is D. what's the matter ( ) 8. He asked his father ___________.

A. where it happens B. where did it happen C. how it happened D. how did it happen ( ) 9. No one tells us___________, so we need your help.

A. how we should do B. what should we do C. how to do it D. what to do it ( ) 10. They don't know ____________their parents are.

A. that B. what C. why D. which 二、词汇。

A)根据句意及所给中文提示、英文解释或首字母,写出句中所缺单词。 1.We need to keep s_______________ when listening to a speech.

2. I have written about my problem to him . I‘m waiting for his r . 3. What m ____________ do you usually use to do with problems like that ? 4. I used to ___________ (解决) problems in a simple way. 5. Mr. Green is a ________ (青年) worker. 6. Have I ___________ (表达) myself clearly ?

7. I don’t know _____________ (谁) I should talk to .

B)根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. My friend Tom always has difficulty in making (choose).

2. Plan your time (care) if you don‘t have enough time for your homework. 3. Talk to your good friends when (feel) sad and share your problems with them. 4. When I entered the room ,they were talking and laughing (noisy).

5. She would rather (watch)TV than (prepare) for the exam. 6. Can you imagine (live ) in a house near the sea ? 7. I am sure (pass )the exam .

8. Why not (ask ) your teachers for help if you can‘t finish (write ) it by yourself?

三、根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空词数不限。 1. 我不知道我应该怎样处理这个问题。

I don‘t know how I should . 2. 根据你拥有的时间来选择你的爱好怎么样?

_____________ choosing your hobby _________ the time you have. 3. 为什么不做有趣的某事?

Why not ____________________ ? 4. 我常常在表达自己方面有困难。

I often _____________ . 5. 我怎样才能快速地提高我的英语呢?

How can I my English ? 四、根据短文内容完成表格。 Enjoy a Wonderful Holiday

The holiday season is a wonderful time to stay with the family and to enjoy delicious food you like best. But along with the many joys of the holiday, there is also quite a lot of stress Exercise is an excellent way to fight that stress. Traveling, shopping, and many other exercises as well as eating well are also good for health. Here are some holiday tips that will help you save time for holiday necessities and prevent you from getting weight. Make time for a walk and do some activities every day. Take the stairs instead of waiting for the lift.Make time for breakfast. Even a quick breakfast , like fruits or juice, whole-grain cereal and milk, can prevent hunger during the day. Drink at least eight glasses of water every day. Enough water prevents hunger and tiredness. You can choose good drinks like water, juice and tea. Eat at least five kinds of fruits and vegetables every day. If you want to eat something between breakfast and lunch, pick fruits and vegetables. They are great snacks!

The main idea is about the ways to enjoy a wonderful 1 . Don‘t wait for the lift. Take the 6

The holiday 2 is a wonderful time to stay with the family and to enjoy 3 food you like best.. Make time for 7 even a quick one.

The following holiday 4 are good for your health Drink at least eight glasses of 8 every day.

Make time for a walk and do some 5 Eat at least five kinds of 9 and 10 every day.

1.____________ 2. _____________ 3._____________ 4._____________ 5. ___________ 6.____________7. ______________8.____________ 9._____________10.___________


初 三 英 语 (Unit3 Integrated Skills Period 5)

主备:邱玉玲 审校:徐敏 班级__________学号________姓名_____________ 一、单项选择。

( ) 1. Millie is often seen with her friends in the park . A. dance B. to dance C. dancing D. dances

( ) 2. They were afraid English with the exchange students. A. to practice to speak B. of practicing speak C. of practicing to speak D. to practice speaking

( ) 3.We learned it all by ourselves ; that is to say, nobody told us . A. when to do B. where to do C. what to do it D. how to do it

( ) 4. —Are you on business here, Kate ? —No, .It‘s my holiday today. A. with pleasure B. my pleasure C. for pleasure D. much pleasure ( ) 5.Many of us have difficulty_____________out that Maths problem. A. work B. works C. working D. worked

( ) 6. —Do you know ____________ the Capital Museum? —Next Friday. A. when will they visit B. when they will visit C. when did they visit D. when they visited

( ) 7. I‘m wondering what each other.

A. are they talking about B. they are talking about with C. they are talking with D. are they talking with about ( ) 8. —Is your friend Michael still in Australia?

—I don‘t know .I have information about him because we haven‘t seen each other for years.

A. a little , a few B. little , a few C. a few ,a little D. few, a little , ( ) 9. Our teachers often tells us in the river. It’s dangerous.

A. don‘t swim B. not swim C. not to swim D. not swimming ( ) 10. Don’t talk ________. Your grandmother is sleeping now. A. loud B. hardly C. loudly D. hard 二、词汇。

A)根据句意及所给中文提示、英文解释或首字母,写出句中所缺单词。 1. Lucy hasn‘t r_________ to my last e-mail.

2.My son is i in (化学) because he thinks it is interesting. 3. Daniel feels sad because he has made little (进步) in his English.

4. In English learning, (发音 )correctly is as important as correct spelling. 5. —Thank you very much! —Don’t ( 提及) it. 6. She likes reading and her classmates call her a (书虫). 7. Pay no a to those classmates who laugh at you. B)根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. Our teacher is helpful enough to give us lots of useful (suggest). 2. In each class, we should pay much attention to ___________(listen) to our teachers. 3. It is our (please) to help people in need.

4. (plan) ahead can help make your work easier.

5. Sometimes her classmates call her a bookworm. This makes her (feel) sad.

6. I think this maths problem is much (easy) than that one. 7. I need someone (share) my worries with. 8. I wonder (who) I should go to for help. 三、根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空词数不限。 1. 如果有人嘲笑你,你应该不理他。

If someone ______________you , you should him . 2. Nora 在她的班上是一名尖子生。

Nora is in her class . . 3. 我的英语没什么进步。

I‘ve in my English . 4. 你应该和你的朋友分担你的困难。

You should _________ your friends 5. 学习它们的正确的读音将帮助你记住它们。

Their correct pronunciation will them. 四、根据短文内容及首字母提示完成短文。

How to learn to relax.

Overwork is the main reason why so many students feel tired and s 1 . Cut down some of the jobs you need to do each day so that you can only focus on the most i 2 things. Leave time for activities that are relaxing and fun. This might mean reading a good book, l 3 to the music, g 4 for a walk or taking a relaxing bath.

Get a good night’s s 5 . Getting enough sleep will help you keep your body and mind in the best form. If you s 6 up late and need to get up e 7 for school the next day, you may not be able to concentrate (集中)on the things you need to do.

Exercise regularly and eat w 8 . Don’t rush through your meals. Eat l 9 junk food(垃圾食品)or fast food. Eat h 10 food instead.

Have a happy attitude (态度). Your attitude decides the way you see things. Is your cup half full or half empty? Learn to think more positively(积极地)about the difficulties you face.

1.____________ 2. _____________ 3._____________ 4._____________ 5. ___________ 6.____________7. ______________8.____________ 9._____________10.___________


初 三 英 语 (Unit3 Study skills & Task Period 6)

主备:邱玉玲 审校:徐敏 班级__________学号______姓名____________ 一、单项选择。

( ) 1. Listen! How his voice ! A. beautiful, is sounding B. beautifully, sound C. beautifully, is sounding D. beautiful, sounds ( ) 2. How did you make him ?

A. stop crying B. to stop crying C. stopping to cry D. stopped to cry ( ) 3. Thank you very much for me about your problem. A. tell B. tells C. telling D. told

( ) 4. Sometimes I feel because of about too many exams. A. stress ,worry B. stressed ,worrying C. happy, worry D. sadly ,worrying

( ) 5. The problem of stress will get even when you keep it to .

A. He took away the other‘s pencil case. B. He made fun of another student. C. He fought back for the first time. D. He told the secret to the teacher. ( ) 3. How did Peter feel after it happened?

A. Lucky. B. Worried. C. Excited. D. Confident. ( ) 4. Where did Peter have a long talk with his teacher? A. In the classroom. B. At the teacher‘s house. C. At Peter‘s home. D. In the office.

( ) 5. The teacher told Peter he should__________. A. believe in himself B. work hard on his lessons C. have stronger body D. tell it to the teacher at once 怀文中学2014-2015学年度第一学期导学案

初 三 英 语 (Unit4 Reading Ⅱ Period 3)

主备:刘华 审校:戈雅静 班级___________学号___________姓名____________ 一、单项选择。

( ) 1. Mike was ill yesterday. He had to ________ his plan for the holiday. A. draw up B. give up C. carry out D. set up ( ) 2. It isn‘t warm today, _________ the sun is shining. A. or B. and C. because D. although

( ) 3. How kind you are! You always do what you can __________ others. A. help B. helping C. helps D. to help ( ) 4. —I‘m sorry. I broke your tea cup. —_________,

A. It doesn‘t matter. B. You‘d better not. C. Take it easy. D. It‘s too bad.

( ) 5. ______our teacher is ill, ________he still comes to our class to teach us. A. Though; but B. Though; / C. Although; but D. Because; so ( ) 6. Tony, a five-year-old girl, asked his grandpa__________ smoking. A. give up B. gave up C. to give up D. giving up

( ) 7. I‘ll go to visit my aunt in England ________ the summer holidays start. A. while B. since C. until D. as soon as ( ) 8. He was made to stand in the cold before some __________ him.

A. took notice of B. is interesting in C. looked at D. succeeded in ( ) 9. The singer ________ to take part in the talk show on CCTV-3 last night. A. invites B. invited C. is invited D. was invited ( ) 10. —Do you know _________ this afternoon? —I‘m not sure, but I‘ll tell you as soon as she_______.

A. how will Betty arrive; starts B. how Betty will arrive; will start C. what time will Betty arrive; will start D. what time Betty will arrive; starts 二、词汇。

A)根据句意及所给中文提示、英文解释或首字母,写出句中所缺单词。 1. He will have to _________________ (逗留) in hospital for at least 10 days.

2. If you want to _______________(成功),always ____________(强迫) yourself to do more. 3. He was ___________________(命名) Player of the Year.

4. Thank you for ____________________ (邀请) me to your party.

5. She failed many times, but she didn‘t lose her h _________________. 6. CCTV is reporting n___________________ and international news.

7. Many audiences sat in the_______________(a place where people stand or sit to watch sports) watching that important match.

8. The scientists have ___________________(use facts to show that something is true) what he said is right.

B)根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. You must give up _______________(play) computer games.

2. When I was walking past the window, I noticed Lili ____________(copy) my homework. 3. To keep healthy, I decided ______________(exercise) an hour every day.

4. —What‘s the secret of your ________________(successful)? — Working hard. 5. They were proud of their children‘s _____________________ (achieve). 6. I_________________(force) to take a taxi because the last bus had left. 7. Peter invited me ___________________ (go) on a trip to Tai Mountain. 三、根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空词数不限。 1. 我感觉好多了。

I‘m feeling ________________________________. 2. 如果你想保持健康,就不要放弃锻炼。

Don‘t ____________________________ if you want to stay healthy. 3. 他父亲对他做的事感到自豪。

His father ________________________ what he has done. 4. 我一读完这本书就还给你。

I‘ll return the book to you _______________________ I finish reading it. 5. 我昨晚很累,直到12点才睡觉。

I ______________________________ until 12 o‘clock last night. 四、书面表达。


Spud Webb于1963年出身在美国。在学校他比其他的孩子矮了许多,但是,他有一个大的梦想——他想在NBA打球。上初中时他参加了校队的选拔,但起初因为他太矮而被拒绝,他没有泄气。当他终于得到机会时,他在第一场比赛中得了20分。从那以后,他成了队里的明星。在高中,斯巴德继续成为队里的领导者。1985年,他成为NBA里最矮的运动员,他最自豪的时刻出现在1986年。通过努力,斯巴德证明高矮胖瘦不重要——如果永不放弃,几乎没有什么你做不到的。


_____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

怀文中学2014-2015学年度第一学期导学案 初 三 英 语 (Unit 4 Grammar Period 4)

主备:戈雅静 审校:刘华 班级___________学号________姓名____________


( ) 1.You‘d better make a plan you take a holiday. A. before B. during C. since D. although

( ) 2. the children were having fun, the parents were taking photos of them . A. When B. After C. Until D. While

( ) 3. Help others you can and you‘ll make the world a nicer place to live in. A. though B. till C. whenever D. before

( ) 4. I‘ll go to visit my aunt in England the summer holidays start. A. while B. since C. until D. as soon as ( ) 5. Oh, it‘s raining outside. Don‘t leave it stops. A. since B. until C. while D. unless

( ) 6. Hardly had he reached the school gate the bell rang. A. while B. when C. as D. as soon as

( ) 7. Many people do not realize the importance of health they have fallen. A. until B. while C. when D. after

( ) 8. A true friend can see the pain in your eyes everyone else believes the smile on your face .

A. while B. because C. before D. until

( ) 9. the 632-metre Shanghai Tower is finished ,it will be the second tallest building in the world .

A. When B. Since C. Before D. unless ( ) 10. —What was the party like ?

—Wonderful. It‘s years I enjoyed myself so much.

A after B. before C. when D. since 二、词汇。

A)根据句意及所给中文提示、英文解释或首字母,写出句中所缺单词。 1. (无论何时) you go, I will go to see you off . 2. On weekends, we often play a other teams. 3. We should become s about the problem.

4. He borrowed my iphone 5s and hasn’t (归还) it to me . 5. He has two film (票, 劵) .

6. While attending college, Amy t out for all the clubs. 8. My grandmother r many gifts on her eightieth birthday. B)根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Jack was crazy about (play) computer games.

2. Many young people took part in (plant) trees on Tree Planting Day. 3. We enjoyed (us) very much.

4.You should try your best (learn) English.

5. She has finished (watch) her favourite TV programme . 6. I go ________________(jog) every morning.

7. Billy practised _______________ (speak) French for hours. 三、根据所给汉语完成下列句子。 1. 史密斯医生叫约翰戒酒 。

Dr Smith asked John .

2. 刘涛不断在尝试新方法,最后终于成功了。

Liu Tao , and finally he succeeded. 3. 直到回家,他才意识到他把钥匙忘在办公室了。

He realize he had left his keys in his office he got home. 4. 你爸爸一回到家就给我打电话。

Please call me your father home. 5. 这是自周一以来我们第一次打篮球。

we have played basketball since this Monday . 四、任务型阅读。

Many people believe that life has smiled to Yang Mi: at the age of 4, she got her first TV play role; at 16, she became a model for a fashion magazine; at 18, she went to her dream college ——Beijing Film Academy. Last year, the 24-year-old actress played bad girl Luo Qingchuan in the time-travelling TV play, Palace. The play became a big success and made Yang very famous. Could she be any luckier? Yang doesn‘t think luck had anything to do with her success. ―Every chance is gained from the efforts I‘ve made,‖ said Yang. People now think she‘s very hard-working. She still remembers the time when people gave her the cold eyes. Some treated her with little respect. They didn‘t want to help her in her time of need. ―I have to thank them because they gave me the drive to prove myself,‖ she said. That‘s why she is glad to help others when they are in need. This year, Yang became the ambassador(大使) for the Climate Group. She calls on people to join the Million-Miracle project and plant trees on China’s dry land. Together we’ll fight the bad weather!

根据上面短文内容完成下面表格中的有关信息 Age Achievements

At the age of 1 She got her first TV play 2 . At the age of 16 She 3 for a 4 magazine.

At the age of 18 She went to a 5 ——Beijing Film Academy.

At the age of 24 She became 6 because of the TV play, Palace. At the age of 7 She became the 8 for the Climate Group. Yang Mi is 9 now because she 10 .

1.____________ 2. _____________ 3._____________ 4._____________ 5. ___________ 6.____________7. ______________8.____________ 9._____________10.___________ 怀文中学2014-2015学年度第一学期导学案

初 三 英 语 (Unit4 Integrated skills Period 5)

主备:戈雅静 审校:刘华 班级__________学号_________姓名____________ 一、单项选择。

( ) 1. Is Hitler German or French? A. a; / B. a; a C. /; a D. /; / ( ) 2. He wants to have his TV .

A. repairing B. repaired C. to repair D. to be repaired

( ) 3. As we all know, it‘s not polite to keep others for a long time. A. wait B. waited C. to wait D. waiting ( ) 4. — What‘s the of China ? — The Great Wall . A. medal B. prize C. symbol D. record ( ) 5. He didn‘t go to school yesterday his illness.

A. because B. because of C. if D. so ( ) 6. Anne and her elder sister illness.

A. died from B. died of C. died out D. died away

( ) 7. Kitty found interested the differences between the twins. A. /; to learn B. it; learning C. it; to learn D. /; learning ( ) 8. He didn’t find in the room .

A. anything unusual B. something unusual C. unusual anything D. nothing unusual ( ) 9. Have you succeeded the exam ?

A. in pass B. to pass C. in passing D. passes ( ) 10. People on the bus remain in their seats .

A. forced B. were forced C. were forced to D. forced to 二、词汇。

A)根据句意及所给中文提示、英文解释或首字母,写出句中所缺单词。 1. He has no (勇气) to face the failure .

2. He did very well, but failed to break the (记录) . 3. He is a man with many ______ (想法).

4. She is confident of (胜利) in Saturday’s final . 5. The foreign teachers in our school are (德国人) .

6. I’m wondering how the 10-year-old girl (幸存) the war . 7. It‘s necessary for us to learn team s . 8. All I want is (和平) and quiet .


1. There were thirty people in the classroom, (include) the teacher. 2. The book (write) by a little girl in 2012.

3. The novel (translate) into over ten languages since it was first published. 4. In the diary, we can write down our (think), feelings, hopes and so on. 5. Keep (try), and your dream will come true one day.

6. I felt a great sense of (achieve) when I reached the top of the mountain. 7. After (read) The Diary of a Young Girl, we all hate German Nazis. 三、根据所给汉语完成下列句子。 1. 战争爆发时他29 岁 。

He was 29 when the war . 2. 每年近百万人死于饥饿。

Every year, nearly one million people hunger. 3. 世界上其他地方的一些孩子仍然生活在为他们的生命安全担忧中。

Some children in other parts of the world still live their . 4. 国王被迫躲藏起来。

The King was to . 5. 在那场战争期间,大约有1000人丧生。

About one thousand people during that war . 四、根据短文内容及首字母提示完成短文。

Have you watched The Man from the Star? Many Chinese people are c 1 about it. It was first on TV on December 18, 2013 in Korea. Then it was sold to China where it‘s been viewed

f 2 14.5 billion times. It tells a love story. The m 3 characters are Do Min Joon and Cheon Song Yi. Do Min Joon is an alien who l 4 on the earth 400 years ago in Korea and fell in love. Fast forward to present, he still lives a 5 and has the young and

handsome appearance as he first arrived on earth with superpower. He meets his f 6 love’s doppelganger (面貌相似的人) —Cheon Song Yi, and falls in love with her. Chicken and beer, Cheon Song Yi’s favorite food, become very popular in China. A company boss even let his workers have a day o 7 just to catch the series final and eat fried chicken and beer at KFC. A few days ago, a young couple got Acute Pancreatitis(胰腺炎) just because of e 8 too much fried chicken and beer. Yan Feng, a professor at Fudan University, says the new wave of South Korean drama is trying to attract a wider audience when he is

i 9 . ―It is interesting to explore what elements of those dramas attract the audience. It‘s obviously more than just pretty f 10 and beautiful love stories.‖says Yan. 1.____________ 2. _____________ 3._____________ 4._____________ 5. ___________ 6.____________7. ______________8.____________ 9._____________10.___________


初 三 英 语 (Unit4 Study skills & Task Period 6)

主备:戈雅静 审校:刘华 班级___________学号________姓名____________ 一、单项选择。

( ) 1. His father is unusual person though he has usual face. A. a; an B. an; a C. a; a D. an; an ( ) 2. Now more and more Chinese can to buy a car. A. expect B. choose C. afford D. offer

( ) 3. The bus driver always says to us ,?Don‘t get off the bus stops .‘ A. when B. while C. until D. if

( ) 4. I failed to save the cat. The of the cat made me very sad. A. dying; died B. dead; dying C. dead; died D. dying; death ( ) 5. I thought John was older, for he seems to be .

A. in his thirties B. in his thirty C. in thirty D. in his thirtieth ( ) 6. Judy was to see the animal.

A. surprised; surprising B. surprise; surprised C. surprised; surprised D. surprising; surprising

( ) 7. The successful businessman often money Project Hope. A. gives; for B. raise; for C. donates; for D. donates; to ( ) 8. The life experiences in one’s childhood have great influence ____ his / her personalities .

A. / B. to C. on D. for ( ) 9. If Nancy the exam, she will go to Australia for English study. A. pass B. passed C. passes D. will pass ( ) 10. He is the young man has been to different countries .

A. who B. which C. what D. whom 二、词汇。

A)根据句意及所给中文提示、英文解释或首字母,写出句中所缺单词。 1. It‘s (not usual or common ) for the trees to flower so early .

2. The present filled his wife with (惊奇) .

3. The dog‘s (the end of the life) made her very sad. 4. He spent his spare time doing _____________ (研究) in Moscow . 5. My mother is the person who has i ___________ me most.

6. Many people don‘t have the money for m treatment. 7. All of us were s that such a little girl spoke English so well. 8. Yao Ming is s in his basketball career.

B)根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. The woman seems to be in her ________________ (forty). 2. You have some pocket money _______________ (leave).

3. Wang Liang has decided (donate) books to the poor children. 4. We can‘t afford (buy) a new house.

5. I‘m sure that you‘ve made a wrong (decide).

6. The blood my brother has donated is enough (save) at least 20 lives. 7. — Did you hear anything (usual) in the next door ? — No , I was chatting online with friends . 三、根据所给汉语完成下列句子。 1. 我爸爸四十多岁。

My father is . 2. 吴老师是对我影响最深的人。

Mr Wu is the person ______ _________ _________ most . 3. 现在我明白爸爸有一副热心肠 。

Now I realize that my father has a heart . 4. 让我们惊讶的是,约翰解决了这个问题。

, John has worked out the problem . 5. 自1990年以来,我爸爸已捐过许多次钱了。

My father money since 1990 . 四、书面表达。




3.我的英语老师幽默又善良,对我很有耐心,她很细心的给我讲解题目。 4.有了她的帮助,我的成绩大大提高了,她给了我学习的信心,我很感激她。 A Person Who influenced My Life


_____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 怀文中学2014-2015学年度第一学期导学案

初 三 英 语 (Unit5 Welcome to the unit Period 1)

主备:徐小艳 审校:曹海荣 班级_____________学号_____________姓名____________ 一、单项选择。

( ) 1. Would you like to tell me ________ about MH370? A. anything important B. important something C. important anything D. something important ( ) 2. —Why do you like light music?

—_________it can make people feel relaxed after a day‘s hard work. A. As B. For C. Because D. Since

( ) 3. When I see some _______animals in Nanjing Hongshan Zoo, I feel _______. A. amazed; amazing B. amazing; amazing C. amazed; amazed D. amazing; amazed

( ) 4. More and more musicians want to learn _______about country music. A. a lot of B. lots of C. a lot D. lot of

( ) 5. —Which would you like, rice or noodles? —_______is OK. I‘m hungry. A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. All

( ) 6. My family and I had a (n) _____ trip in Taiwan because of the typhoon and rainstorm. A. suitable B. unpleasant C. comfortable D. impatient ( ) 7. Which is NOT a kind of art form in the following?

A. Painting B. Travelling C. Photography D. Film

( ) 8. —I must go now. My plane is ready to board. —Goodbye.__________________. A. Don‘t worry B. With pleasure C. So would I D. Have a pleasant trip 二、词汇。

A)根据句意及所给中文提示、英文解释或首字母,写出句中所缺单词。 1. The ____________ (电影) starts at nine o’clock.

2. What art f _____________ do you like best? —I like music best. 3. —What do you like, Lucy? —I like _______________ (画画). 4. I p____________ rock music because it‘s exciting.

5. There is going to be a ____________ (才能) show at our school hall in two days. 6. The Elizabethan period was the golden age of English ____________ (戏剧). 7. He was my ____________ (音乐的) partner and my friend.

B)根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Liu Huan‘s musical talent is so ______________ (amaze).

2. My parents are ______________ (please) with my progress in Chinese.

3. Last Sunday I saw an _______________ (pleasant) thing in the park—trash lay everywhere. 4. How beautiful the Chinese _____________ (paint) are!

5. The great _____________ (art) is famous for his amazing use of colours and shapes. 6. Sandy plays the piano very well. She is a _____________ (music) girl. 7. Let‘s stop _____________ (have) a short rest.

8. I prefer staying at home to ___________ (go) out on rainy days. 三、根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空词数不限。 1. 埃米,你最喜欢什么艺术形式?

_________________________do you like best, Amy ?

2. 为什么你停止玩电脑游戏啦?因为我已经发现比他更令人愉快的事情了。

—Why do you __________________computer games?

—Because I‘ve found __________________________________than it. 3. 朗朗擅长弹钢琴,他的音乐才华是令人惊奇的。

Lang Lang is good at playing the piano. His _____________________ is amazing. 4. 我父亲小的时候更喜欢呆在家里看小说。

My father ________________________________ and read a novel when he was young. 四、完形填空。 “Never give up!” It is my law(法则) of life. It has brought me __1__. I learned the law from my father's __2__ story.

My father was __3__ in a poor village in the north of Jiangsu,in China. When he was a young boy,he went to school in the morning,then __4_ in the fields till sunset. And then he did his homework __5__ midnight. Life was hard,because they had no __6__!

At the age of 14,my father heard of the United States of America. It was the land of gold,the land where __7__ people can become rich. “__8___don't I go to America?” he thought to himself,full of hope. So,my father came to America. “I had thought it was easy to __9__ money in America,” he told me. “But when I arrived there,I realized it was not true. They did not like to hire(雇佣) me because I spoke __10__English. Later,I worked in a small restaurant,cleaning up tables,__11____dishes and sweeping the floor. Life was __12__ for the first few years. I worked from 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. I wanted to go to school to learn English,but it was impossible. I couldn't __13_ the schooling(学费). ”My father __14__ working hard,and reached his goal. “Alan,” he often says to me. “If you want something,you have to work for it and never give up. Things do not come __15__ in life. ” That is what I learned from my father. ( ) 1. A. disaster B. loss C. success D. pity ( ) 2. A. Life B. fashion C. danger D. history ( ) 3. A. famous B. lucky C. rich D. born ( ) 4. A. taught B. worked C. studied D. slept ( ) 5. A. until B. towards C. for D. during

( ) 6. A. experience B. energy C. time D. money ( ) 7. A. kind B. poor C. strong D. lazy ( ) 8. A. What B. How C. Why D. When

( ) 9. A. discover B. make C. collect D. spend ( ) 10. A. little B. good C. much D. excellent ( ) 11. A. giving B. running C. washing D. receiving ( ) 12. A. comfortable B. cheerful C. nice D. hard

( ) 13. A. borrow B. need C. afford D. pay ( ) 14. A. kept B. finished C. minded D. stopped ( ) 15. A. really B. easily C. quietly D. slowly


初 三 英 语 (Unit5 ReadingⅠ Period 2)

主备:徐小艳 审校:曹海荣 班级___________学号___________姓名____________ 一、单项选择。

( ) 1. —Do you know the song Gangnan Style? —Of course. It __________ interesting. A. tastes B. smells C. sounds D. feels

( ) 2. __________ she had no money to afford the expensive car, she had to give it up. A. So B. Before C. Until D. Since

( ) 3. His new work was a great _______, and he is a _________ composer. A. success; successful B. successful; successful C. success; success D. successful; success

( ) 4. I still remember my first teacher_______ we haven‘t seen each other for many years. A. for B. because C. since D. though ( ) 5. He has been _______the Award for Best Actor several times.

A. got to know B. presented with C. taken part in D. played the role ( ) 6. The singer is famous _________ her beautiful voice.

A. as B. with C. for D. in ( ) 7. Mo Yan is known _________ a writer.

A. of B. for C. as D. in ( ) 8. —How do you like the concert given by F.I.R?

—Exciting, _________one piece of the music wasn‘t played quite well. A. though B. because C. so D. and 二、词汇。

A)根据句意及所给中文提示、英文解释或首字母,写出句中所缺单词。 1. Nie Er is one of the greatest ___________ (作曲家) in China.

2. ___________ (中央的) Park is far away from here. You’d better take a bus there. 3.Tan Dun doesn’t use any musical ___________ (乐器) in his work “Water”. 4. There are lots of huge ___________ (石头) in the mountain. 5. Whose ___________ (物品) are those? Please put them in order.

6. T__________ he has read the book three times, he hopes to read it again.

7. This is a piece of ______________ (not special) news on such an ordinary newspaper. B)根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. He went on ____________ (study) in the USA after graduating from university. 2. The music at the party _____________ (write) by my father.

3. Driving safety can be realized by ___________ (control) the speed of the car. 4. A medal ______________ (present) to the pop star at the ceremony yesterday.

5. Ann Lee, as a director, is famous for ____________ (win) an Oscar for his film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

6. Do you like the sounds of the _____________ (rush) water?

7. David was a famous _______________ (music) years ago, but he plays no longer. 8. The Mid-Autumn Festival is a ______________ (tradition) Chinese festival. 三、根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空词数不限。

1. 谭盾1958年出生于中国湖南省的中部地区,他是在浏阳河边长大的。

________in 1958 in central Hunan, China, Tan Dun __________________ the Liuyang River. 2. 在美国,他开始认识来自世界各地的伟大的音乐家。

In the USA, he ___________________ great musicians ________________________. 3. 作为一位作曲家,他认为最美妙的音乐来自于大自然。

___________________________,he thinks the best music ___________________________. 4. 当我的堂弟很小的时候,他就对音乐产生了兴趣。

My cousin _______________________________ music when he was very young. 5. 我作品的宗旨就是梦想无边。

The principle of my works is _____________________________________. 四、阅读理解

Can you imagine a world without the Internet? It‘s surprising to think about it.

Now, China has more than 162 million Internet users, according to the China Internet Network Information Centre. This is the second highest number of user in the world after the United States. Today, 66%of Chinese “netizens (网民)” are teenagers. “They spend about thirteen hours every week online,” said Qian Hulin, an Internet expert(专家). Doctor Song in Beijing Xuanwu Hospital said about 14% of Chinese netizens who are teens often lasted over ten hours to play online games.

The main reasons why teenagers surf the Web are to search for information, to communicate with others and to have fun. On the Internet, teenagers can find out almost anything. And surfing the Web can help students with their homework and widen their knowledge.

Li Dong, a teacher at No. 41 Middle School in Shijiazhuang, likes her students to use the Internet. ―When we talk in class, students who surf the Net usually know more background information than the others,‖ she said.

In addition, people can use the Internet to write letters or stories and send emails. Many teens keep in touch with their friends online. It is cheaper than phoning somebody far away and also much quicker.

( ) 1. _______ has the most Internet users in the world according to the article. A. China B. America C. Canada D. Russia

( ) 2. There are about _______ Chinese netizens to surf about 13 hours every week. A.107 million old B. 22.7 million old C. 107 million young D. 22.7 million young ( ) 3. Song said some teenagers continued _______ more than ten hours. A. playing online games B. searching for information C. chatting with their friends D. sending emails to others

( ) 4. Li Dong in No. 41 Middle School likes her students to use the Internet because she ______.

A. thinks surfing the net can help students spend less time on homework B. thinks her students can get more background information than the others C. wants her students to talk to her about their hobbies and interests D. wants to know what her students do and think about at home

( ) 5. Which way is the cheapest and quickest to learn something about friends far away? A. Giving them a call. B. Going to see them.

C. Writing a letter to them. D. Sending emails to them. 怀文中学2014-2015学年度第一学期导学案

初 三 英 语 (Unit5 Reading Ⅱ Period 3)

主备:徐小艳 审校:曹海荣 班级___________学号_________姓名____________ 一、单项选择。

( ) 1. Today it‘s normal for married women to go out for work, but it was _____in the past. A. common B. more common C. less common D. the most common ( ) 2. This kind of dress is _______this year, and I really want to get one. A. in danger B. in trouble C. in style D. in use

( ) 3. ________ wonderful talent show they performed in our school yesterday! A. What a B. What C. How D. How a

( ) 4. After reviewing the new words, he __________ the text. A. went on to explain B. went on explaining C. preferred to explain D. stopped explaining

( ) 5. She ___________live alone. But she _________living alone because she feels lonely. A. used to; doesn‘t used to B. is used to; was used to C. used to; is not used to D. was used to; doesn‘t used to

( ) 6. _________he likes the sounds of nature, he uses them a lot in his music. A. Though B. As C. Because D. With ( ) 7. You can improve your English _______ practicing more .

A. by B. with C. of D. in

( ) 8. Boys and girls, feeling peaceful is the first step to become ______ in the exam. So please take a deep breath and calm down.

A. runners B. winners C. players D. singers 二、词汇。

A)根据句意及所给中文提示、英文解释或首字母,写出句中所缺单词。 1. My dream is to be a ______________ (音乐家) when I grow up. 2. John could dance well _____________ (没有) music.

3. After hundreds of experiments, Edison _____________ (成功地) invented the light bulb. 4. My little brother is interested in all kinds of i ______________. He has musical talent. 5. Bowls, chopsticks, knives and so on are everyday o ____________ in life.

6. As soon as the b____________ rings, all the students get out of their classrooms. 7. The white pollution here has been c ____________ during the past three years. B)根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Without ______________ (say) goodbye, he left the room in a hurry.

2. There are many ____________ (west) restaurants along the Renmin Road. 3. You should knock at the door before ____________ (enter) the room. 4. There is a _____________ (divide) line between you and me . 5. The traffic lights ____________ (control) by a central computer.

6. Look! The teenagers are making cards _____________ (show) love for their mothers. 7. ??—Why are you so happy today? —Because I __________ (win) the badminton match. 8. His music is _____________ (dream) without boundaries. 三、根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空词数不限。

1. 因为他喜欢周杰伦的音乐,在他的电影中使用了很多他的音乐。

As he likes the music of Jay Chou‘s , he ______________________________ . 2. 读完这本书不同人的脑海里会产生不一样的画面。

After reading the book, it will ________________________________________. 3. 谭盾是世界上最伟大的作曲家之一。

Tan Dun is ________________________________________ in the world.

4. 我通过控制游泳的速度最终游过了这条河。

I finally swam across the river _________________________________________ . 5. 我能用一些普通的东西,比如石头、纸,做出精美的艺术品。

I can make beautiful art works _____________________________________ . 四、书面表达。

下面是一张关于谭盾的简介表格,请你围绕表格中的信息写一篇关于谭盾的介绍。 Year of birth 1958 Place of birth Hunan Interest(s) like music Job composer Education studied music at a university in Beijing went on to study in the USA Best known for winning an Oscar for the music in a film His music uses the sounds of nature a lot builds a bridge between the East and the West

_____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 怀文中学2014-2015学年度第一学期导学案

初 三 英 语 (Unit5 Grammar Period 4)

主备:曹海荣 审校:徐小艳 班级_______学号________姓名________ 一、单项选择。

( ) 1. Mo Yan‘s books have been sold out in many bookstores_________ his winning of the Nobel Literature Prize.

A. because B. since C. as D. because of ( ) 2. I‘ll help you with your study_________ you didn‘t do well in it.

A. so B. until C. since D. though ( ) 3. —_________ is the street crowded with so many people? —Because they are waiting to watch the boat races.

A. Why B. Where C. How D. Who ( ) 4. It must have rained last night, _________ the street is wet.

A. although B. but C. because D. so ( ) 5. —I‘ll go to the USA next month. —_________ for?

A. Why B. How C. Which D. What

( ) 6. _______ a football fan, he is looking forward to ________ the coming World Cup. A. As; watch B. For; watch C. As; watching D. For; watching ( )7. —Tim and I will visit the exhibition this weekend. Would you like to join us? —_________

A. Well done B. That‘s right C. You are welcome D. I‘d love to ( ) 8. —Could you tell me _________ yesterday?

—Because my bike was broken on my way here.

A. why you came late B. why do you come late C. why you come late D. why did you come late 二、词汇。

A)根据句意及所给中文提示、英文解释或首字母,写出句中所缺单词。 1. I’m so excited to receive a free ticket to an ____________ (歌剧). 2. Sandy will design a _______________ (海报) for the art festival. 3. Why do people think _______________ (高度地) of his film. 4. I decided to play the v _______________ at the party.

5. She got there out of b _______________ because there was too much traffic on the road. 6. We should get close to _______________ (自然).

7. My mum has c _______________ a new type of dish and it‘s delicious. 8. He is able to build a b _______________ over the river.

B)根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Soon we saw Mary _______________ (run) towards us.

2. The film _______________ (start) in five minutes. Let‘s hurry.

3. My father suggests _______________ (leave) for the airport in his car at once.

4. We didn‘t get ___________ (boring) at all because the drama was really interesting. 5. Rub this oil into your skin and your headache will soon _______________ (appear). 6. She can draw very _______________ (good ). 7. Be _____________ (quick), or we‘ll be late.


1. 他到达的时候上气不接下气,然后他匆忙地进了电影院。

He arrived _________________, then he _________ _________ the cinema. 2. 据说艺术节对所有人开放。

It is said that the art festival _________ _________ _________ everyone. 3. 为什么人们高度评价他的音乐作品?

Why do people _______________________ his musical works? 4. 为什么你们一点儿也没感到乏味?

Why didn‘t you _________ _________ at all. 5. 我们最好快点,电影已经开始五分钟了。

We‘d better be quick because the film _______ _______ _______ 5 minutes. 四、任务型阅读(每空限填一词) How to beat sadness

We all have days when we are down, tired and unhappy. That‘s OK. You need days like this, or how would you know you are happy? You‘ll enjoy your good days even more when you have a few bad days. Even if sadness is a part of life, let‘s try to make it small. Here are a few simple ways to help you feel better when you are feeling sad.

1. Stand up straight and this helps your energy flow(流动). When your energy is flowing freely, you can flow too.

2. Smile! It‘s easy to do and have good results. This way can not only leave you in a good mood but also bring others a good mood.

3. Listen to music. It can be your favorite music. Some kinds of music work better than others ,so try and find out what kind of music works the best for you.

4. Take some ―me‖ time. You can find pleasure in reading a book, watching a sunrise or having a hot bath, or something like that.

5. Exercise. Even something as simple as taking a walk will get your blood flowing. It is a great way to clear your mind of anything that makes you sad.

These ways will cheer you up when you are down, but don‘t just use them when you are sad. Try and practice them every day to make them a habit. You will be surprised to learn that these simple ways will keep your sadness away. But if you are in a deep depression(沮丧), go to see a doctor. Title: How to beat sadness

Opinions ● It is OK to feel down, 1. ▲ and unhappy. ● It is possible to make sadness a small 2. ▲ of life. Simple 3. ▲ to cheer you up ● Stand up straight so that your 4. ▲ can flow freely. ● 5. ▲ at others because it can bring you and others a good mood. ● Listen to your 6. ▲ music because it works the best. ● 7. ▲ pleasure in everyday life, such as watching a sunrise. ● Take a walk and you can clear your 8. ▲ of sad things. Suggestions ● Try to make these simple ways a 9. ▲ . ● Go to see a 10. ▲ when you are in a deep depression.

1. ____________ 2. ___________ 3. ___________ 4. ____________ 5. ___________ 6. ____________ 7. ___________ 8. ___________ 9. ___________ 10. ___________ 怀文中学2014-2015学年度第一学期导学案

初 三 英 语 (Unit5 Integrated skills Period 5)

主备:曹海荣 审校:徐小艳 班级________学号________姓名_______ 一、单项选择。

( ) 1. We held a concert in the hall yesterday, and Kate sang ________ among the singers. A. good B. well C. better D. best ( ) 2. —How do you like the concert given by F.I.R.?

—Exciting, ______ one piece of the music wasn‘t played quite well. A. though B. because C. so D. and ( ) 3. —If you‘re free tonight, how about having dinner together? —_________. A. It doesn‘t matter B. That‘s all right C. All right D. Not at all ( ) 4. There_________ a music show during the art festival.

A. is going to have B. will have C. will be D. are going to be ( ) 5. _________ his mother was cooking in the kitchen, the boy fell asleep in the chair. A. Since B. While C. Because D. As ( ) 6. He had to start to work at early age, _________ his family was very poor. A. if B. but C. because D. or ( ) 7. —Would you like to go out to play football with me? —_________, but I should finish my homework first.

A. It‘s hard to say B. You‘re welcome C. I‘d love to D. You‘re right ( ) 8. I want to relax myself right now. Would you please change to _________ music? A. sad B. loud C. exciting D. gentle

