
更新时间:2023-04-22 15:44:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载











Do you know how many countries belong to ________(欧洲)Union.

The government will take _________(立刻)action to punish the criminals.

Since my ___________(到达)in France,I have made a great number of friends.


One of the ______________(乘客)taking the plane to London is a great writer.

I set a trap for ___________(老鼠),but I failed to catch any one.


We’ve just bought a big house and need some new ________(家具).

We offered our __________(祝贺)to Li Ping on winning the first prize in the National English




It was extremely cold and some animals were__________(冻)to death.

The idea started in Standlake and has ____________(传开)throughout the country.

The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without _______(参考)to his



The house that fell last night is being __________(重建).

Many people___________(聚集)in the main square and supported him.


We’re looking forward to _________(收到)your letter as soon as possible.

John had a bad cold. He kept __________(咳嗽)the whole night.


You’ll feel _________(凉爽)to stand in the shade than in the sun.

Please think_________(仔细)before you answer the questions.







·I can’t find a copy of the dictionary you _______(提及) to yesterday.

· A fence at the back of the garden _________(分开) us from the neighbors.

· Everyone here took part in the fight against the flood ________(包括)the old people




〖名词〗 一般情况下在下列句式中我们可确定所缺空应为名词

a/an/the +(adj.)+名词; adj.+名词; adv.+ adj.+名词;

介词+ 形容词性物主代词+

数词+ 缺的词在句中为主语,表语,宾语时多为名词。

He was given a warm welcome on his _____(到达).

As we all know, cattle have four______(胃).


〖动词〗 由于动词在句中充当谓语和非谓语,可根据所缺单词在句中充当的成分来判断


People should _____(珍惜)what they have.

Lisa, I didn’认出) you----you’ve had your hair cut. 保护)his eyes from the sun.

_________(比较) to many other village children, she was lucky to have got the chance to

study here.


〖形容词和副词〗 若所缺单词为修饰语则考虑形容词和副词。形容词的主要句法作用为




I suggest that we have ________(定期) meetings

He was ______(好奇) to know what was happening in the office.

We were talking on the phone when, _______(突然),the line went dead.

I _______(通常)go to bed at 10:00 p.m, but I stayed up till 11:00 last night.





定式(to do ),现在分词(doing ),过去分词(done )等形式。尤其要注意不定式,动名词,

分词作宾语和宾语补足语等的固定搭配。如finish, mind, delay, consider等只能用动



·They finished ________(测量) that piece of land last week.

·The village children like to go _______(游泳) in the nearby river.

·People in different parts of the world _________(庆祝)their festivals in difficult ways.

·In our library,there are many newspapers and___________(杂志)。

·She has some__________(困难)rembering people’s names.

·It is_________(凉爽)today than it was yesterday.

·Several new railway are under ___________ (建设) in china.

·In the accident, fourteen people were killed, ________ (包括)three children.

·If _________ (加热),ice will become water.

·He is a writer of rich ____________(想象).




1)___________(春天)comes after winter.

2)Some American children posted some ___________(圣诞)cards to us.

3)The first month of the year is ___________(一月).







★一年中的十二个月;January 一月; February二月; March三月; April四月; May

五月; June六月; July七月; August八月; September九月;

October十月; November十一月; December十二月;


Monday星期一; Tuesday星期二; Wednesday星期三;

Thursday星期四; Friday星期五; Saturday星期六; Sunday星期天;

★一年中的四季:spring summer autumn/fall winter

★大洲大洋国家名(名词、形容词),如:Asian亚洲的; European欧洲的; African非洲

的 ;Pacific太平洋;Atlantic大西洋; German德国的,德国人,德语; Germany

德国;France法国; French法国人,法语,法国的; Canadian加拿大的,


加拿大人; Canada加拿大; Russia俄罗斯; Russian俄国人,俄语,俄国的;

★东西南北(名词、形容词): east (东,东方); eastern (东方的,东部的); west (西,西方);

western (西方的,西部的); south (南,南方); southern (南方的,南部的); north (北,北方);

northern (北方的,北部的)

★基数词和序数词(特别是序数词的不规则构成),如:fifth 第五;ninth第九;twelfth第

十二;twentieth第二十(30、40、50、60、70、80、90的序数词都是去掉y加ieth )


★动词加-ed和-ing双写最后一个字母的词,如:admit, broadcast ,control, equip, forget,

occur, prefer, permit,quarrel(美式英语中可不双写), regret, refer;

★形容词变名词的拼写变化,如:deep-depth long-length high-height strong-strength

wide-width happy-happiness

★动词变名词的拼写变化,如:succeed-success enter-entrance decide-decision

explain-explaination describe-description intend-intention weigh-weight arrive-arrival pronounce-pronunciation



66. The course will start in______ (十二月).

67. She_____(提醒) me that I hadn't written to Mother.

68. I hope to be back in a______ (两星期).

69. My_______ (最喜欢的) colour is green.

70. The baby in the next room_____(睡醒) and began to cry.

71.______(水桶) are often used for holding and carrying water.

72. They look like the teeth of a ____ (凶猛的) animal.

73. It is ___ (危险地) for children under five years old to be left alone at home.

74. Because of his special experience, he was chosen to be an _____ (助理) to the

president for energy affairs。

75. Two years later, he left his parents and entered a _____ (医学的) college.


1. Will it be ________(方便) for you to start work tomorrow?

2. They walked because they couldn’t ________(付得起) a taxi.

3. They are used to being ________(分成) into groups in their English class.

4. Because his family was very rich, he _______(接受) college education abroad.

5. Their floor is on the ________(第五) floor.

6. It is said that this show is going out _________(实况转播).


7. Nowadays children can choose to go to different _______(幼儿园).

8. They advised _________(提高) people’s living standard.

9. I’ll go and see you next ________(星期四).

10.After these days’ climbing, they reached the top of the mountain __________(成功地). (三)

1. We aim at ________(质量) rather than quantity.

2. We gave our classroom a ________(彻底) cleaning before the Spring Festival.

3. We tried to ________(劝说) him to give up smoking.

4. She looks ________(面熟) to me, but I don’t remember her name.

5. He ________(未能) to pass the driving test last summer.

6. The house was sold at such a low price that he had ___________(预料)

7. It’s wrong to _________(作弊) in the exam.

8. It’s _________(危险) to swim in the river.

9. He wants to come but he’s ________(不能) to.

10.Do you know about the __________(非洲) history?


1. We couldn’t stand the ________(残酷) done to him.

2. How long may I __________(借) this book?

3. I haven’t a thing in __________(共同的) with her.

4. We have a great __________(钦佩) for the people’s heroes.

5. I want to be an __________(工程师), when I grow up.

6. May I i ___________ my friend to you?

7. A dozen means t__________.

8. In my opinion, nothing is more v__________ than health.

9. The old woman was kind. She o_________ us a room for the night. 10.This problem needs _____ ( 解决) at once.


1. He has 30 _______(绵羊) on the farm.

2. ________(贫困) prevented the girl from continuing her education.

3. She is wearing a ________(破旧的) coat .

4. We have decided to________(牺牲) a trip for a new car .

5. Mary is so ________(累) that she can’t go with us.

6. A fence at the back of the garden ________(分开) us from the neighbors

7. Millions of people from all over the world have ________(参观) the Great Wall.

8. The teacher asked the students to practise ________(说) English every day.

9. It’s very ________(稀罕的) for him to be late for school.

10.Our price is very ________(合情合理), you can depend on us.




Dccember;reminded;fortnight,favourite;awoke/awaked;Buscets;fierce;dangeous;assistant; medical

(二) 1.convenient 2. afford 3.pided 4.received

5.fifth 6.live 7.kindergartens 8.improving 9.Thursday


(三) 1.quality 2.thorough 3.persuade 4.familiar 5.failed

6.expected 7.cheat 8.dangerous 9.unable 10.African (四): 1.cruelty 2.keep mon 4.admiration 5.engineer

6.introduce 7.twelve 8.valuable 9.offered 10.solving

(五)1.sheep 2.Poverty 3.shabby 4.sacrifice 5.tired

6.separated 7.visited 8.speaking 9.rare 10.reasonable

