七年级英语下册:Unit 8 Summer Holiday Is Coming!全单元教案

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Unit 8 Summer Holiday Is Coming! Lesson 43: Have a Good Summer!

Ⅰ.Learning aims

1.Language goals: exam, tennis, final, write, write exams, play basketball / tennis / volleyball

2.Talk about your plan for the summer. 3.Make a plan and finish it. Ⅱ.Learning important points 1.The important vocabulary.

2.Know about activities in summer and talk about them in English. Ⅲ.Learning difficult points 1.Use “ will ” and “ be going to ”.

2.Some difficult structures: (1) I’m sure you did well.

(2) We will play basketball, tennis, volleyball and football. (3) Yes, I have big plans.

(4) Jenny and Danny took their final exams today. Ⅳ.Learning guide

(一)Self—learning 1.Warming up

How did you spend your last summer? What are you going to do in this summer? Write down your ideas and show to your friends.

2.Listen and answer the questions. (1) What will Danny do in summer? (2) What will Jenny do? Why?

3.Read the dialogue and complete Danny’s diary on P115. (二) Showing and exchange

1.be sure that… be sure to do sth. I’m sure you can pass the exam. I’m sure to be successful.

2.plan n plan to do sth. v I don’t have any plans for this weekend. I plan to go to Beijing next. 3.final last We win the final game. He is the last to arrive. 4.be going to do sth.

I am going to visit my uncle this Sunday. (三) Expansion

Master thest phrases: play basketball / volleyball / badminton / tennis / golf / ping-pong

(四)Task in class 1.Self—check

(1) us, about, with, going, how, swimming ?

______________________________________________ (2) with, I, will, my, stay, friends, there .

______________________________________________ (3) great, that, will, trip, be, a .

______________________________________________ (4) am, I, it, sure, you, well, can, do .

________________________________________________ (5) to, I, am, month, going, live, in, the, for, one, countryside . ________________________________________________ 2.Self—challenge

They enjoy ________( to play / playing ) tennis after school. (五)Blackboard design (六)Feedback

Lesson 44: Volunteering in Summer

Ⅰ.Learning aims

1.Language goals: care, pet, alone, field, take care of, move away, leave … alone, walk the dog

2.Talk about your thoughts of being a volunteer in English. 3.Love animals and give back to the community.

Ⅱ.Learning important points 1.The important vocabulary.

2.Know about ARG and give back to the community. Ⅲ.Learning difficult points 1.Be going to

2.Some difficult structures;

(1) ARG takes care of pets without a home.

(2) Sometimes, people move away and they can’t take their pets with them.

(3) His family left him alone in a field.

(4) I will walk the dogs and I’ll help with the other animals, too. Ⅳ.Learning guide

(一)Self—learning 1.Warming up

Did you volunteer ago? Where did you volunteer? Why? Do you know about ARG?

2.Read the lesson and answer the questions. (1) What does ARG do for pets without a home? (2) Why are pets taken to ARG?

(3) Why is the boy going to volunteer at ARG? 3.Finish exercise 2 on P117. (二) Showing and exchange

1.take care of / look after

Can you take care of my doy when I am away? 2.move away

They are going to move away. 3. leave … alone Don’t leave him alone. 4.walk the dog

He walks the dog every day. (三) Expansion alone, lonely 1.She was alone at home. 2.She felt very lonely. (四)Task in class 1.Self—check

(1) 幸运的是,莉莉找到了她的书包。 ______, Lily ______ her bag. (2) 他把那只小狗撇在了野外。 He ______ the dog ______ in the field. (3) 他们打算去当志愿者。

They ______ ______ ______ be volunteers. (4) 我爸爸一周锻炼四次。

My father exercises ______ ______ ______ ______.

(5) 那个男人正在遛狗。 The man is ______ ______ ______. 2.Self—challenge

I will look after your pet very well.

I will ______ ______ ______ ______ your pet. (五)Blackboard design (六)Feedback

Lesson 45: Baseball Season

Ⅰ.Learning aims

1.Language goals: baseball, pop, if, ever, shame, play against, take … out, root for …

2.Know about baseball and make a plan for your summer. 3.Love sports and keep healthy. Ⅱ.Learning important points

1.The important vocabulary. 2.Use “ will ” to make a plan. Ⅲ.Learning difficult points 1.Learn to sing the song.

2.Some difficult structures:

(1) On weekends, we will often play against other teams. (2) Take me out to the ball game. (3) If they don’t win, it’s a shame. Ⅳ.Learning guide

(一)Self—learning 1.Warming up

What’s your favourite sports? How do you practice it? Do you know what the national sport of the U.S is?

2.Read the lesson and answer the questions. (1) What is Greg going to do this summer?

(2) When will Greg’s team practice and when will they play against other teams?

(3) Who will come and watch Greg play? 3.Listen to the chant and sing it. 4.Finish exercise 3 on P119. (二) Showing and exchange 1.play against

We will play against the red team. 2.take out

I will take my dog out. 3.if … , … will …

If it rains tomorrow, I will stay at home.

(三) Expansion

Do you know if it will rain tomorrow? (四)Task in class 1.Self—check

(1) 我们将要和三班比赛。 (2) 我爸爸经常带我出去。 (3) 我最喜欢的运动时篮球。 (4) 他不在乎我是否喜欢他。 (5) 如果有空,我会打电话给你。 2.Self—challenge

My brother often practices ( playing / to play ) baseball. (五)Blackboard design (六)Feedback

Lesson 46: Get Ready for Summer Holiday!

Ⅰ.Learning aims

1.Language goals: noon, hamburger, nature, wish, have a party

2.Describe your plan for summer in English. 3.Cultivate a good habbit of making plans. Ⅱ.Learning important points

1.The important vocabulary. 2.Talk about your plans with “ will ”. Ⅲ.Learning difficult points

1.“ be going to ” and “ will ”. 2.Some difficult structures: (1) At noon, we had a party. (2) Wish you a great summer holiday. (3) Now I am ready for my summer holiday. Ⅳ.Learning guide

(一)Self—learning 1.Warming up

What are you going to do in summer? Where will you go? 2.Read the lesson and answer the questions. (1) What did Jenny do on the last day of school? (2) What will Jenny do next week? (3) What will Jenny do in August?

3.Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks on P121. (二) Showing and exchange 1.have a party / hold a party We are going to have a party for Lily. 2.wish to do sth.

I wish to be a doctor someday.

3.be ready for … / prepare for … They are ready for the New Year’s party. (三) Expansion wish sb. to do sth.

We wish our teacher to join us. (四)Task in class 1.Self—check

(1) I am at home at ______ (中午) and in the afternoon. (2) I’d like to buy a ______ (汉堡包).

(3) We love the forest and we love the ______ (自然). (4) I ______ (希望) I would fly like a bird. (5) The boy is standing ______ (在外面). (五)Blackboard design (六)Feedback

Lesson 47: Summer Plans

Ⅰ.Learning aims

1.Language goals: Germany, university, take lessons / classes, keep doing

2.Talk about your summer plans in English.

3.To be a lifelong learner. Ⅱ.Learning important points

1.The important vocabulary.

2.Talk about your summer plans with the simple future tense. Ⅲ.Learning difficult points 1.Some structures:

(1) I’m going to take swimming lessons.

(2) I am going to take summer classes at Beijing University. (3) I want to keep learning. 2.Never stop learning. Ⅳ.Learning guide

(一)Self—learning 1.Warming up

What activities can you do during the summer? Write down your ideas and share with your classmates.

2.Listen to the tape and answer the questions. (1) What will Wang Mei do? (2) What is Li Ming going to do? (3) What is Ms. Liu going to do? Why? 3.Read the lesson and fill in the blanks on P123. (二) Showing and exchange

1.take lessons / classes, have lessons / classes

He will takes four lessons this afternoon. 2.go to university

He hopes he can go to university. 3.keep doing sth. They kept smiling. (三) Expansion

stop doing sth. stop to do sth.

1.We stopped talking when Mr. Wang came in. 2.We stopped to talk when we met on the street. (四)Task in class 1.Self—check

(1) 对于即将到来的寒假,你有一些计划吗?

Do you have ______ ______ ______ the coming winter holiday? (2) 我今天晚上会给你打电话。 I ______ call you ______ ______. (3) 托尼打算参加英语俱乐部。

Tony ______ ______ ______ ______ the English club. (4) 他们因篮球赛而感到兴奋。

They were ______ ______ the basketball match. (5) 甚至老师也需要不断学习。 Even the teachers need to ______ ______. 2.Self—challenge

German, Germany 1.They are ________. 2.They come from ________. (五)Blackboard design (六)Feedback

Lesson 48: Li Ming’s Summer Holiday

Ⅰ.Learning aims

1.Language goals: camp, share, organize, summer camp, share … with …

2.Make a detailed plan for your summer holiday. 3.Cultivate a good habbit and learn to be yourself. Ⅱ.Learning important points

1.The important vocabulary.

2.Write a passage about your summer plan. Ⅲ.Learning difficult points

1.Use “ will ” and “ be going to ”correctly. 2.Some structures:

(1) I did well in my exams, too. (2) I am really looking forward to it!

(3) I am going to write down all of my experience and share them with you. Ⅳ.Learning guide

(一)Self—learning 1.Warming up

Share your summer plan with your partners. Write down some good ideas.

2.Listen to the tape and answer the questions. (1) Where will Li Ming go? (2) What will he do there? (3) How long will he stay there?

3.Read the lesson and write true (T) or false (F) on P125. (二) Showing and exchange 1.share … with

She always shares good things with her friends. 2.do well in sth. / doing sth. She does well in gardening. 3.look forward to doing sth.

We are looking forward to seeing you soon. (三) Expansion

organize, organization

1.They are going to organize a basketball match.

2.The Red Cross is a famous organization. (四)Task in class 1.Self—check

(1) 他们准备组织一次演唱会。 (2) 你想参加夏令营吗? (3) 我想和你分享我的经历。 (4) 我们将会有一个两周的假期。 (5) 请把你的名字和爱好写下来。 2.Self—challenge He does well in dancing.

He ______ ______ _____ dancing. (五)Blackboard design (六)Feedback

六、词语点将(据意写词)。 1.看望;访问。 ( ) 2.互相商量解决彼此间相关的问题。 ( ) 3.竭力保持庄重。 ( ) 4.洗澡,洗浴,比喻受润泽。 ( ) 5.弯弯曲曲地延伸的样子。 ( ) 七、对号入座(选词填空)。 冷静 寂静 幽静 恬静 安静 1.蒙娜丽莎脸上流露出( )的微笑。

2.贝多芬在一条( )的小路上散步。 3.同学们( )地坐在教室里。 4.四周一片( ),听不到一点声响。 5.越是在紧张时刻,越要保持头脑的( )。 八、句子工厂。 1.世界上有多少人能亲睹她的风采呢?(陈述句) ___________________________________________________________________________ 2.达·芬奇的“蒙娜丽莎”是全人类文化宝库中一颗璀璨的明珠。(缩写句子) ___________________________________________________________________________ 3.我在她面前只停留了短短的几分钟。她已经成了我灵魂的一部分。(用关联词连成一句话) ___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 4.她的光辉照耀着每一个有幸看到她的人。 “把”字句:_________________________________________________________________ “被”字句:_________________________________________________________________ 九、要点梳理(课文回放)。

作者用细腻的笔触、传神的语言介绍了《蒙娜丽莎》画像,具体介绍了__________,__________,特别详细描写了蒙娜丽莎的__________和__________,以及她__________、__________和__________;最后用精炼而饱含激情的语言告诉大家,蒙娜丽莎给人带来了心灵的震撼,留下了永不磨灭的印象。 综合能力日日新 十、理解感悟。 (一) 蒙娜丽莎那微抿的双唇,微挑( )的嘴角,好像有话要跟你说。在那极富个性的嘴角和眼神里,悄然流露出恬静、淡雅的微笑。那微笑,有时让人觉得舒畅温柔,有时让人觉得略含哀伤,有时让人觉得十分亲切,有时又让人觉得有几分矜( )持。蒙娜丽莎那“神秘的微笑”是那样耐人寻味,难以捉摸。达·芬奇凭着他的天才想象为和他那神奇的画笔,使蒙娜丽莎转瞬即逝的面部表情,成了永恒的美的象征。

