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Interview conducted for C/E&2/E candidate

1: What is the plant to ready for manoeuving and departure


*start the second generator and after all checks, take it on load

*The third generator should be kept on standby condition *Essential steps to be noted: Turning engine indicator cocks parameters abnormal noise

*Check system FO service and settling tanks diesel oil service tank air system LO system T/C CW system checking the fuel regulating gear & starting system * slow turning the engine

*this must be carried out to prevent damage caused by fluid in one of the cylinders and to check the reversing mechanism

*Before beginning the slow turning obtain permission from the bridge

2 what items to be analysis on lube oil?

*Specific gravity viscosity flash point TAN(total acid

number)SAN(strong acid number) alkalinity TBN( total base number) water content Conradson carbon ash insoluble

3 what cause of exhaust temperature rises in all cylinders? * Increased scavenge air temperature owing to inadequate air cooler function

*Fouled air and gas passages

*Inadequate fuel oil cleaning or alerted combustion characteristics of fuel *wrong position of camshaft

4 what causes of high turbocharger speed?

*Fouled air filter(early stage of unloading the compressor) *Fire (early stage) in the exhaust check immediately. 5 what causes of cylinder knocking?

*Fuel timing too far advanced

*fuel injector valve needle sticking at open position *Excessive carbon built up on the crown *Broken exhaust valve

*Mechanical damage in the3 cylinder

6 what action to be taken of crankcase mist detector alarm (never cut out mist detector potentially dangerous)? *Inform bridge and C/E *Stay away from crankcases *slowdown and stop

*start turning gear immediately for at least 30 minutes to cool down

*Through investigation of mist detector crankcase abnormality and moving parts required

7 what caused of scavenge fire and action taken? *Inform bridge and C/E

*Do not stand near the relief valves

*slow down engine ensure that the auxiliary blowers are off *In case the fire persists stop the engine gradually to prevent risk of piston seizure

*Fire should be go off when all deposits burnt out

*keep turning the engine with cooling on to prevent seizure of moving parts

8 what action taken when crankcase explosion? (Most of the cases engine will suddenly stop upon explosion) *Inform bridge and chief engineer *evacuate the E/R

*Every safe effort to be made to turn engine by turning gear or slow turning for 30 minutes to prevent seizure of moving parts

*Thorough investigation required into the cause of the explosion before re starting

9 What will you do when boiler water level was low during normal steaming condition?

*Fist start the standby feed water pump

*Second check and wash the local water level gauge

*Third check any leakage on steam pipes or safety valves

10 Turbo charger surging causes and preventive measures? * T/C surging can be divided into three main categories * malfunction in the fuel system *Rapid variations in the engine load

* Fuel system fuel injection system fuel line components fuel timing

*exhaust system valve exhaust passage through turbocharger and gas boiler *scavenge air system

*Miscellaneous rapid changes in load and RPM governor *Immediate action temporarily counteracted by blowing off Reduce engine load by taking the T/C away from the surging line

*Preventive measures regular maintenance of items

mentioned above prevent load fluctuations during ballast voyage and bad weather

*Periodical check of M/E bedplate a strength member * Cross girder under the bearing housing *Bolt holes

* Holding down bolts of slackening *Chocks (fretting cracks and slackness)

11 Turbo blower maintenance during operation and check to be made during maintenance

Important points for turbo charger maintenance ? Gas casing scaling and corrosion ? Water treatment is essential

? Rotor unbalance due to improper cleaning of the air side as well as turbine side wheels

? Air side impeller usually have a film of oil on the aluminum surface

? Gas side in service cleaning necessary to prevent deposits from combustion products

? Improper cleaning of air side or turbine side could result in rotor unbalance and subsequent operational problems

? Bearings and gear pumps should be repaired at intervals specified by maker

12 Daily routine checks required on steering gear system. * Oil quantity in the oil tank within range of level gauge *Oil temperature

*Pressures of hydraulic cylinders comparing with normal data

* Abnormal noises and vibration from moving parts and motor couplings

* Oil leakages from tank cylinder valves ram packing and pipe joints

* Abnormal overheating of cylinder stuffing box and glands motor ampler

13 Immediate action/causes of abnormal related to steering gear system.

* Rudder does not respond * Trouble of auto pilot control

* Control the steering gear by the trick wheel in the steering gear room

* Failure in buffer spring levels and pins

* Continue the operation by changing to stand by pump unit after removing the broken part

* Trouble with hydraulic pump (including link mechanism)

* Check the link mechanism (coupling) and electrical power to the pump

* Lightly press the pump suction valve and check for oil suction

* Trouble or abnormal operation of valves * Obstacles around the tiller and ram

Rudder rate of turning speed low

? Slow auto pilot ordering

? Trouble and abnormal operation of valves ? External oil leakage

14 If main engine turbocharger out of operation due to rotor blade damage as a chief engineer what will be your plan and advise to all engineer to resume sea passage ASAP?

-If main engine one unit out of operation due to fuel pump roller guide damage (no spare part on board) what precaution will you take and your plan to resume passage with one unit cut off. -what do mean by balanced engine ( If peak pressure different ) what will be affect on engine

- If one unit peak pressure high compare to other unit what will be your action to balance the engine

- How you will adjust fuel pump timing for scroll type fuel pump?

- If timing advance or retarded what will be affect on engine exhaust temperature and peak pressure?

15 Pilot on board engine can not start from control room. As a chief engineer what will be your first action of plan.

- If can not start engine from engine local side what is your plan of action to start engine ASAP?

- What are you going to check in engine maneuvering system? - Before taking bunker what will your plan as a chief engineer? - How will you maintain main engine fuel system if AL/SL is high and also water content is higher side? Fuel and lube oil

purifier correct operation procedure and as a chief engineer advise to all engineer?

- Auxiliary engine running on heavy oil starting difficulties on DO what is your action to resolve starting problem?

-Boiler safety and action of plan if boiler tube leakage at sea. advise to all engineer regarding importance of boiler water treatment?

-Oily water separator operation and incinerator operation and how you going to fill up oil record book/sulpher record book? - oily water record book and incinerator capacity how will calculate in oil record book?

- CMS item preparation as a chief engineer

- Earth fault findings what is your plan and how you going to check?

- Generator circuit breaker can not close what is your action?

- If any machinery merger reading 0 what is the cause? 16 How do you understand good house keeping?

Answer: - Safe and secure storage of loose items

- proper securing of doors etc

- Good maintenance of fittings and fixtures - Adequate illumination of work or transit area - Avoidance of over loading electrical circuit especially in cabins

- Clear and legible signs or operational notices

- Proper clearance and disposal of garbage or waste materials or waste oil

17 who has responsibility for protection of environment? Answer: Every body on board has the responsibility to protect the environment

18 What will you do from your engine side when ship gets fire while discharge cargo in port? Answer : - Life saving

- Support fire fighting team

- Prepare engine for leaving the port

19 If you have to work in side of an enclosed space, what is necessary before you commence your work?

- Work permit from master or chief engineer to enter enclosed space.

20 What will you do to prevent spreading of fire? - shut off ventilator to affected area

- Switch off electrical power supply to affected area

21 How would you detect the condition of diesel engine during operation?

22 How would you keep diesel engine in good operation order? 23 How many types of indicator diagram can be obtained from two stroke diesel engine?

24 What is the indication that white smoke from M/E exhaust funnel?

- It is the indication that fuel oil is evaporating in exhaust gas manifold and used to happen during raising engine speed from harbor speed to sea speed

- In the other hand it is indication high water contend in fuel oil or there is water leakage in one of combustion space/exhaust valve’

25 what is the indication of black smoke from M/E exhaust funnel? 26 How would you organize engineers and ratings for overhauling of M/E piston piston ring and stuffing box during port stay? 27 How would you prepare for M/E X-head survey? 28 What do you understand PMS?

29 Describe safety shut down and alarms for M/E 30 how often will test safety devices in E/R?

31 What will you do if M/E remote control was failed during


32 How may fuel be cut off a cylinder without stopping the engine? 33 How would you confirm a exhaust valve of main engine was


34 How would you check M/E air starting valve was leakage? 35 What is the purpose of taking M/E crankshaft deflection? 36 If a ship goes aground what precautions must be taken after

vessel is afloat prior to operation M/E?

37 What examination carried out before dismantling main


38 How are main bearing remove from the bearing pocket? 39 What would you do if M/E turbocharger surging occurred? 40 what is the cause of turbocharger surging?

41 How would you known exhaust turbo blower air filter require to

be cleaned?

42 what do you understand about ISM code? 43 what do you understand about MARPOL? 44 What do you understand about SOPEP? 45 Explain bunkering procedure.

46 What drill will you do within 24 hours before bunkering? 47 what are the usual causes of starting air valve leakage?

Answer: leakage of start air valve is usually by sluggish /seizes

valve action. Preventing fast closure of the valve or the by dirt or foreign particles from lodging on the valve seat and so preventing the valve from fully closed

48 why it is need to keep the main engine to be warm enough to a

temperature of 50 to 60 degree Celsius?

Answer: To avoid condensation in the crankcase and to be able to

get high temperature for the air compressed in the cylinder at the time of maneuvering.

49 If the automatic starting air valve should fail during

maneuvering time. What provision is made so that maneuvering can be continued?

Answer: Usually designers provide emergency operating handles

or hand wheels to open and close the valve manually. All joined engineer should observe it.

50 Do you think it is necessary to run the cooling water pump and

lube oil pump when you are going to check piston .piston rings and cylinder liners through inspection peep holes?

Answer: Yes it is a good practice to run cooling water pump and

lube oil pump when to check piston, piston rings and cylinder through the inspection peep holes because it can be observed clearly if there is any leakage of water or oil from cylinder liner or piston.

51 If you have experience with MAN-B&W MC engines, what will

happen to the fuel injection pump when reversing roller guide for particular injection pump does not move to the required position?

Answer: The safety device will activated and fuel pump rack will

be remained in zero position and no fuel oil will be injected from that pump

52 What are the causes of scavenge fir of a two stroke type main engine?

Answer: Accumulation of sludge and fuel oil in scavenge air space and considerable blow out from scavenge air ports of cylinder liner or liners

53 What will you prevent occurring of scavenge fire?

Answer: a. Ensure scavenges air space drain valve is slightly opened during operation of engine and check the drain is not blocked

b. Open the drain valve and blow off momentarily once in every watch to prevent clogging of scavenge drain line

c. Cleaned the scavenge air space and drain pipe and valve at regular intervals

d. Maintain fuel injection valves, piston rings and cylinder liners at regular intervals and inspection pistons, piston rings and cylinder liners through inspection holes regularly to d3cide the condition of respective parts

e. cleaned turbocharger regularly

54 How can you know that scavenge fire occurs in your engine? Answer: a. the rise of exhaust gas temperature from the cylinder affected by the fire

b. the engine speed drops c. turbocharger may surge

d. exhaust gas color from funnel will be black e. scavenge air temperature rise

55 What kind of action will you take immediately when you know that scavenge fire takes place?

Answer: a. reduces engine speed to slow, inform bridge and request for stopping of main engine

b. if permitted stop engine and stop auxiliary blower

c. check scavenge air temperature with local thermometer and if temperature exceed 80 degree Celsius use scavenge fire extinguish system. If less than 80 degree Celsius can open the window with great precaution and extinguish fire with fire extinguisher for oil fire.

56 What effects does afterburning have on an engine?

A .Creates high exhaust gas temperature and drop in maximum combustion pressure and damage to exhaust valves and risk of scavenge fires

57 What kind of spare parts will you check for main engine after you have taken over the duty from signing off first engineer? Answer: Spare piston, piston rod, cylinder head, cylinder liner, cross head bearing, cylinder head tightening studs, high pressure pipes for fuel injectors, fuel injectors, thrust bearings, connecting rod big end bearings, exhaust valves, cylinder starting air valves, indicator cocks, cylinder head gaskets, piston rings and special tools for overhaul and measure tools main engine etc.

58 How will you organize engineers and ratings for overhauling of main engine piston and piston rings and stuffing box during port stay of one day?

Answer: a. Fourth engineer on top parts dismantling b. Third engineer in crankcase

c. Overtime ratings helping fourth engineer and third engineer d. Second engineer supervising fourth and third engineer

59 What will you do if one of cylinder starting air valves of main engine was leaking during maneuvering time and bridge could not give you to stop main engine and change the valves with good spare? Answer: Cut out fuel to defective cylinder and carry out

maneuvering with great care and infirm chief engineer about the event and follow of there is special instruction

60 What is to be very careful when you are maneuvering the vessel from emergency maneuvering stand?

Answer: Main engine RPM should be careful watched not to run move than rated RPM because governor is cut-cut and controlled by fuel handle


