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Sharpley, Richard. "The research on sustainable development of tourism" [J]Journal of Sustainable tourism 2013,8(01): 9-21


The research on sustainable development of tourism

Sharpley, Richard


Sustainable development of the ecological environment is closely related to the social and economic development. A good ecological environment is the foundation for survival of the human beings and development, and the objective environment for development of tourism. At present, development of the tourist resources in all places catches equal importance to the economic, social and environmental benefits. With the rapid economic development of our country, however, its conflict against the ecological environment gets aggravated and in some areas, the ecological environment even continues to deteriorate. For many years, tourism has been regarded as the "smoke-free industry". But the negative effect upon the tourist places due to development of tourism has been an indisputable fact. Vigorous advocation of the Central Committee for building a conservation-minded society and developing the cyclic economy symbolizes that China's strategy of sustainable development has ushered in a new stage and sustainable development of the tourist places will surely become an important issue.

Travel agencies (tourist team-forming agency) are tourist enterprises comparatively far from the tourist places but most closely linked in economy and information. They exert broad and profound influences directly or indirectly on the tourist places. The influences may be active, including efforts taken to organize the

nation-wide ecological tourist activities to attract and guide the market environment of the source visitors, and promote the sustainable development of the tourist places. The influences may be negative, too, if the design of the short-term tourist lines or unhealthy tourist activities to attract large numbers of tourists, which can produce negative effects on the tourist places. This thesis proceeds from the day-to-day businesses of travel agencies to the probe of its active role in sustainable development of the tourist spots and means of controlling the negative influences.

Keywords : tourism area, sustainable development, protection of the environment

1 Introduction

Sustainable development of tourism is a global issue within the tourist circle today. The sustainable development of tourism has been proposed and accepted quickly and widely in time of the rapid expansion and prosperity of the tourist industry when crisis starts to be exposed. People have discovered many new issues, for example, "depletion of tourist resources appears" along the shores of Mediterranean Sea in Europe. Only in such cases can people come to know that adherence to sustainable development is the workable principle for developing tourism. The sustainable development of the tourist places has been regarded as a theory to maintain and enhance the future development opportunity and satisfy the various demands of the present tourists and residents in the tourist spots. Its essence is to integrate tourism with the nature, cultures and the living environment of us human beings, coordinate with and balance the mutual relationships and unify the objectives of economic development with those of social development on a global scale. With the rapid development of tourism, tourists have not only created substantial economic returns for the tourist places but also aggravated the negative effects. How to coordinate the relations between tourist spots and the tourists, strengthen the technical management of the tourists by the tourist departments and try every way to reduce and control the tourists' negative effects upon the tourist places has already become a issue

which cannot be ignored. Tourists are both the livelihood and service objects of the tourist places. In order to receive a certain quantity of tourists to achieve the economic objectives, develop, protect and publicize the protection of the tourist spots, the tourist places provide the tourists with tourist experiences, accommodation, catering, entertainment and other consumptions in return for economic benefits and economic inflows. But their capacity of self maintenance and self development has been weakened. Tourist spots serve as the media for tourists to experience the tourist targets and satisfy their own physical and spiritual requirements. It is in the tourist atmospheres that the tourists obtain the physical and spiritual pleasure through understanding, appreciation of and participation in various landscapes. Sometimes, there may be opposition between the tourist places and the tourists.

2 Influences from the Travel Agencies' Businesses upon the Environment of Tourist places

Businesses of the travel agencies exert both active and negative effects on the environment of the tourist places and the specific results vary with the related main bodies and interrelations concerning sustainable development of the tourist places.

2. 1 Active Effects

Travel agencies' design of the tourist lines plays a pivotal role in stimulating the economic development of the tourist spots. At the same time, development of the tourist industry can increase the employment and solve the issue related to the surplus laborers. In countries of developed tourism, employment for tourism accounts for 7%~10% of that for the whole country, and in our country, there are more and more people employed into the tourist industry. Tourism can provide job vacancies for more people, especially the non-professional people. Therefore, it plays a special role in development of economy and stability of the society.

The travel agencies can organize the inbound tourism to attract foreign visitors to the domestic tourist spots, publicize the tourist images to the whole world, serve as the medium for the local economic development and play an important role in attracting capitals from other areas of our country and foreign countries. The tourist

development can promote the local infrastructure construction, optimize the life of the local people, speed up the construction of communications and contribute to the local traffic convenience, and create more favorable health facilities and medical conditions.

Travel agencies can design the tourist lines of sustainable development and minimize the damages to the environment so as to maximize the economic benefits, protect the environment, ecological diversification and the living environment for wildlife and prevent the further disruption to the ecological environment.

2. 2 Negative Effects

It is often the case that the travel agencies seek for instant success and quick profits during their business operation, especially in the environment-sensitive regions, where large-scale development of tourism is not scientifically conducted. The developers are too optimistic to realize the latent negative effect from the blind rush for tourist development, only resulting in huge losses and damages to the environment.

Too large a size of the tourist team organized by the travel agencies will mean a great pressure to the ecological environment and bring about negative effects to the development of the regional tourism. Visitors are of different backgrounds. They enjoy different awareness and moral consciousness and have different knowledge on environmental protection. If marketers of the travel agencies fail to treat them differently, the part of visitors who lack the awareness of environmental protection may cause great negative effects on the ecological environment. The main results include: depletion of the tourist resources, deterioration of the tourist environment, traffic congestion and over-load bearing reception of tourists, a silent and subtle transforming influence on the value senses, social outlook and morality of the local residents. If no correct guidance is made, the local national cultures and daily life may be externalized, even affecting stability of the social order.

3. Operating Strategy of Travel Agencies Based on Sustainable Development of the Tourist Spots

3. 1 Strengthen the management of the operating process of travel agencies

Travel agencies, as the intermediate link of visitors' tourist demand to the relevant tourist supplies within the tourist industrial aggregates, are directly connected with the environment, and its ecological orientation exerts a direct influence on the ecological environment of the tourist places. After entry into WTO, travel agencies have taken up the multi-aspect and diversified operation and realized the transition from intermediaries to enterprise entities. In such a trend, travel agencies will take more frequent participation into the environment and the influence from their ecological orientations on the environmental changes will increase, too. Moreover, travel agencies' ecological orientations serve as a guide to the tourists' behaviors, attitudes of the local residents and the business operating orientations of tourist enterprises. Therefore, sustainable development of the industry of tourism should start with efforts by the travel agencies. The marketing concept of sustainable development for travel agencies is to build up the friendly properties towards the ecological environment during the operating process based on the guiding ideology of ecologicalization. On the basis of this concept, marketing of the travel agencies should attach great importance to the sustainable management of the marketing concept, design of products and process management.

Using the feeling of tourist well-being achieved by individual tourists we evaluate indirectly the competitive ability of the tourist area to offer a compound tourist site attractiveness. The methodology employed here uses individual survey questionnaires on the tourists' evaluation of the quality of tourist facilities and attributes in a given area (the regional tourist profile ) as the basis for constructing an aggregate expression for the relative attractiveness of that area. Using various multidimensional statistical techniques an estimation of the competitive attractiveness of the Southern regions in Italy is pursued. We also compare our findings with quantitative results on tourist competitiveness values obtained in a related previous study on tourist competitiveness in Italian regions. Finally, the paper highlights the need to use micro and macro data to analyse tourist attractiveness and to identify policies for improving regional tourist competitiveness.

Besides satisfying the visitors' requirements, travel agencies should also strengthen their management of the tourist behaviors. Before the normal start of tourist activities, travel agencies should take up pre-tour education to the visitors, including their codes of conducts for and matters needing attention to sustainable tourism, environmental policies, laws and regulations of the tourist spots, cautions for getting along properly with the local residents, and respect of others' privacy and dignity.

Upon completion of the tourist activities, the travel agencies should conclude the experience and subsequent influence of the whole tourist process on the future visitors. After the tourist activities are over, the travel agencies should make timely summaries, accumulate good experience, analyze the successes and advocate them in the future work. Meanwhile, it is necessary to find out the weaknesses and improve them in the future tourist activities. On the other hand, travel agencies can seek feedback information from the visitors, including their experience during the tour, their comments on whether or not the tour is properly organized, whether or not the tourist purposes have been realized and whether or not they have been inspired or learned something during the tourist activities. For visitors engaged in sustainable tours, when they return to their real life, the education on environmental protection and ecological knowledge they have received during the tour will surely influence their life styles, working attitude and way of act. Generally, they pay more attention to protection of the environment and stimulate people around them with their oral publicity and practical actions to support and participate in protection of the environment so that the force for environmental protection will continue to expand, contributing to the promotion of awareness of environmental protection of the whole society.

The travel agencies should strengthen their relations with the communities of the tourist places, win their supports to and understanding of the sustainable development of tourism. Local people of greater influences may be employed as tour guides of sustainable development so that visitors can both enjoy the beautiful sceneries of the nature and get better melted into the local cultural atmosphere. In this way, the tourist places of sustainable development will also serve as a beautiful classroom where

visitors can improve their ecological awareness.

The tourist product of sustainable development is only one of the many tourist products operated by the travel agencies. Travel agencies should not only give emphasis to protection of the environment when operating the tourist product of sustainable development but also attach awareness of environmental protection to other tourist products so that visitors who have not purchased the tourist product of sustainable development can also receive education on environmental protection and more and more people will join in the environmental forces and have sustainable tourist development deep-rooted in their mind.

3.2 Promote the Awareness of Internal Employees in Environmental Protection

The travel agencies must offer overall education to their internal employees so that they can understand and master the tourist thoughts of sustainable development. Employees of the travel agencies must be first armed up with overall technical knowledge because this is the foundation for them to improve the visitors' quality of tourist experience. Second, tourist employees, especially those in direct contact with the visitors, should learn the science of public relations and communicate with the visitors correctly. They should share the awareness of environmental protection, understand the local conditions and situations and be familiar with the contents of sustainable development and their implementation. At the same time, they should know how to guide the visitors to minimize the negative effect to the environment during their tour.

Discretionary time consumption has become an important activity for many people in a modern welfare society. As a consequence, the leisure sector has become a prominent economic industry in the Western world. The rise in disposable income and in free time in recent decades has created the foundation for a new lifestyle, where recreation and tourism have become major elements of consumer behaviour. Today, in many regions and countries, tourism is regarded as one of the major growth industries that deserve due policy attention. Clearly, tourism has become a global socio-economic phenomenon in a mobile world.

The new trend in modern tourism towards non-traditional and remote

destinations is likely an expression of the passage from mass tourism to a new age of tourism, and illustrates a change in the attitudes and needs of many tourists towards tailor-made tourist facilities ([Fayos–Solà, 1996] and [Poon, 1993]). Nowadays, isolated or previously unknown destinations have become places to be explored, since they meet the tourists' expectations: namely, a unique or special leisure experience based on a specific tourist destination profile.

A tourist destination (e.g. city, region or site) is at present often no longer seen as a set of distinct natural, cultural, artistic or environmental resources, but as an overall appealing product available in a certain area: a complex and integrated portfolio of services offered by a destination that supplies a holiday experience which meets the needs of the tourist. A tourist destination thus produces a compound package of tourist services based on its indigenous supply potential. This may also create fierce competition between traditional destinations seeking to maintain and expand their market share and new destinations that are trying to acquire a significant and growing market share. The success of tourist destinations thus depends on their regional tourist competitiveness in terms of the attractiveness characteristics (or quality profile) that make up the tourist strength of a certain area (see also [Agrawal, 1997], [Butler, 1980] and [Hovinen, 2002]).

The dynamic nature of tourist channel competition requires destinations to be able to combine and manage their tourist resources in order to gain competitive advantage (see Teece, Pisano, & Shuen, 1997). The new needs of tourists impose destinations constantly to reconfigure, gain, and dispose of attractive resource able to meet the demand of a shifting market. This has led to the concept of dynamic capabilities; viz. organisation's processes (in our case tourist destination) that “integrate, reconfigure, gain and release resources to match and even create market change” (Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000: p. 1107).

In the tourist field competition among territorial areas is usually not centred on the single aspects of the tourist product (environmental resources, transportation, tourism services, hospitality, etc.), but on the tourist destination as an integrated and compound set of tourist facilities for the client

Therefore, employees of the travel agencies must receive the training on awareness of environmental protection. First, either the administrators or the ordinary employees must build up their long-term concept of sustainable development, exercise their obligation of preservation of the ecological environment and promote the coordinated development of ecology with economy. Second, the resource-friendly sense of value must be established because for the travel agencies, uncontrolled consumption of tourist resources today means the loss of a foundation for enterprise development tomorrow. Third, build up the legal concept of environmental protection and consciously regulate the enterprise behaviors with laws and regulations. Fourth, establish the moral concept of environmental protection. The Central Government has already brought environmental protection into the category of socialist ideological and ethical progress. Modern tourist enterprises should perform their social responsibility, conscientiously abide by the social morality and endeavor to advocate the advanced cultures of our country. Only on basis of the above concepts can the travel agencies usher in harmonious development with the society and environment.

3.3 Guide the Visitors in Protection of the Environment

During the design of tourist products, the travel agencies should fully listen to the opinions of the regional ecological researchers and the natural protecting bodies. It is better to employ the local people to operate the hotels and visitors should be suggested not purchasing the local and special products which may affect the natural environment. Guide the visitors to communicate properly with the local people and organize various public benefit activities conducive to protection of the ecological environment. If we want more people to support the environmental protection, the tour guide should be an environmentalist. Tour guides should use their rich ecological and environmental knowledge to influence and educate the visitors to tour happily through the beautiful sceneries, tourist knowledge and social responsibility.

There should be the concept of guiding the visitor to protect the nature. Designers of the tour (travel agencies and design bodies) should share clear ecological concepts and the tour leaders and guides should educate the visitors timely in protection of the environment. Selection of different tour lines will exert different

influences on the bearing capacity of the resource environment (for example, avoid the tour peak time). Therefore, travel agencies should select tourist places with conditions for ecological tours and avoid the fragile and sensitive ecological regions. The number of visitors for each team must be controlled within the acceptable scope. Effective management can be conducted more easily of the smaller tour groups and reduce the artificial affections and damages to the ecological environment.


Development of tourism must be based on the bearing capacity of the ecological environment and agree with the economic conditions and social morality of the tour places. Sustainable development is a guiding method for overall management of the resources for the purpose of preventing various resources from being damaged and protecting the natural and cultural resources. With the overall development of economy and tourism, the travel agencies are playing a more and more prominent role in their intermediary functions, especially their connections of the tourist places with the tourist sources. Therefore, the travel agencies should assume their due responsibility in the sustainable development of and benefit from the regional tourism so as to realize the sustainable development of both the tourist products and the images of the travel agencies.







关键词:旅游区; 可持续发展; 环境保护

1 引言



2 旅行社业务对旅游目的地环境的影响


2.1 积极影响




2.2 消极影响


