大学实用英语视听说1 视频文稿 -

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视听说教程 1 视频文本

Unit 1 Campus life .......................................................................................................................... 1

A ................................................................................................................................................ 1 B ................................................................................................................................................ 2 Unit 2 Culture and Recreation ....................................................................................................... 5

A ................................................................................................................................................ 5 B ................................................................................................................................................ 6 Unit 3 Social Etiquette .................................................................................................................... 8

A ................................................................................................................................................ 8 B ................................................................................................................................................ 9 Unit 4 Food Culture ...................................................................................................................... 12

A .............................................................................................................................................. 12 B .............................................................................................................................................. 13 Unit 5 Festival and Customs ........................................................................................................ 15

A .............................................................................................................................................. 15 B .............................................................................................................................................. 16 Unit 6 Romance and love .............................................................................................................. 19

A .............................................................................................................................................. 19 B .............................................................................................................................................. 21 Unit 7 Figure and Legend ............................................................................................................. 24

A .............................................................................................................................................. 24 B .............................................................................................................................................. 25 Unit 8 Philosophy of Life .............................................................................................................. 27

A .............................................................................................................................................. 27 B .............................................................................................................................................. 28

Unit 1 Campus life


Reporter: Autumn rings in a season of possibilities for new college students. Many, including

18-year-old Emily Bishko, will be leaving their parents for the very first time.

Emily Bishko: I honestly, like, feel like I am old. Father: Yeah?

Emily Bishko: And that I - but I also feel like I don't belong here, like I'm too young to be here. Reporter: Her parents listen to their grown-up little girl with a bittersweet mix of emotions.

Mother: It's such a range from the happiest feeling to the saddest feeling. Happiness for her

because she's gonna go, and happiness for us because we're gonna move into this next phase. But then, oh, my gosh, she's gonna go.

Reporter: The Bishkos travel halfway across the country, from Atlanta to St. Louis. Emily Bishko: That's everything out of the trunk, right?

Reporter: To help Emily get settled in at Washington University. Mother: Do you need batteries? Emily Bishko: No.

Reporter: There are lots of adjustments in store, and it's just the moment for a healthy dose of


Father: There's plenty of room in here, don't you think, for two people and all their clothing,

books, and computers? And it shouldn't be any problem at all.

Reporter: It's a far cry from the spacious home where Emily grew up. She'll have to hold on tight

to the memories of her favorite meals with her parents and big brother, Jack.

Emily Bishko: You said you had some advice for me when I go off to college. Reporter: And evening romps with the two family dogs. Emily Bishko: I'm gonna miss this guy.

Reporter: And for mom and dad, it's time now to let go.

Mother: We started with a newborn baby, and it's 18 years later, and she's been very successful,

and we're very proud to see where she started to where she now has ended up.

Father: At some point in a child's life, you have to let them become the adult and mature into the

adult. And I think, you know, it's this letting go that's hard to do, but it's very important to do.

Reporter: And so begins the process. Back at school, there is advice for all concerned.

Reporter: Like many colleges across the country, Washington University offers orientation

programs not just for nervous freshmen but for the parents who leave them behind. The sessions are held separately to cushion the blow of letting go. The one Emily's parents attend features a skit with students who reenact the first phone call home.

Actor: Hello, mom? Hi. You remember that credit card you gave me just for emergencies? Well, I was at the bookstore and - hi, dad. Now I'm talking to both of you.

Reporter: Also on hand to offer insights, Wash U's Karen Coburn. She wrote the book Letting



Karen Coburn: I think that a lot of parents find it very confusing. Because one minute their child

wants them to be with them and says, \you coming here with me?\and the next minute, their child is practically running ten steps ahead of them so that the parent doesn't seem to be associated with them at all.

Reporter: After all, there are new friends, new experiences, newfound freedoms.

Karen Cohurn: The most important thing is to acknowledge the changes that are taking place in

your child, to see your child for who he or she is becoming, not for some image that you hold in your head of what this child is supposed to be, and to support those changes and to enjoy it.

Reporter: Enjoy it, because all too soon, all across the campus... Mother 2: I feel as though a piece of my heart is missing. Reporter: It's time to blink back the tears.

Mother 2: God bless you, baby. Joy. Joy and sorrow together, because he's my running mate.

Doing things for mommy all the time, and I'll miss that.

Reporter: And say goodbye. Mother 3: Bye, Joel. We'll miss you. Brother: Bye, Joel. Student 2: Bye, mom. Mother 3: Give Joel a hug. Give Joel a hug. Mother 3: Say goodbye to Joel. Father 2: See you, Joel.


-- (Waiter) Happy New Year's, ladies. -- Gabby, it's New Year's Eve. Enough reading.

-- But, Mom, I'm almost done.

-- The teen party? I've laid out your best clothes. Come get ready. -- Can I have my book back? -- Thank you. -- Come on.

(ball bounces)

-- Keep working left, Troy,

Got a guard in the championship game we're expectin. You'll torch 'em! --Am I going left? -- Yeah,

-- He looks middle, you take it downtown, -- OK, like this?

-- Whoo! That's it, man. Sweet.

I.et's see that in the game. -- Boys?


-- Don't worry about me.

-- Did we really fly all this way to play more basketball? -- Yeah.

-- It's the last night of vacation.

The party, remember?

-- Right, the party. The party. New Year's Eve.

-- Troy, they have a kid's party downstairs in the Freestyle club, -- Kid's party?

-- Young adults. Now go, shower up. -- Come on, One more. -- Last one. -- Real quick. -- There we go.

-- That's the way to end it.

(chatter and laughter) --Howdy, ma'am.

-- All right! How about that for a couple of

snowboarders? -- Yeah !

-- Who's gonna rock the house next? (kids shouting) -- Huh?

-- (emcee) Ha-ha! Ho-ho! (kids shouting)

-- I can't sing. No, you go. -- And you! Yeah, come on. -- Look, I don't sing, I can't sing, No, guys... --Get up there!

-- Hey, you know what? Someday, someday you guys might thank me for this. Or not.

(lyrics) [Troy: ]

Living in my own world Didn't understand

That anything can happen When you take a chance [Gabriella:]

I never believed in

What I couldn't see I never opened my heart ohhh ....

To all the possibilities

[ Both : ] I know that something has changed Never felt this way And right here tonight This could be the start Of something new It feels so right To be here with you And now looking in your eyes [Gabriella:] I feel in my heart [Troy:]

Feel in my heart [Both:]

The start of something new [Troy: ]

Now who'd have ever thought that [Both:]


We'd both be here tonight [ Gabriella : ]

And the world looks so much brighter [Troy: ]

Brighter, brighter [ Gabriella :]

With you by my side Troy: By my side Gabriella: I feel in my heart [Troy:]

Feel in my heart [ Gabriella :]

The start of something new [ Troy:]

Start of something new [Both:]

The start of something new

(crowd cheering and whistling) -- Troy. -- Gabriella.

-- But seriously, you have an amazing voice. You're a singer, right?

-- Just church choir is all. I tried solo and nearly fainted.

-- Really? Why is that?

-- I looked at the people staring at me. And next thing I knew, I was staring at the ceiling. End of solo career.

-- Well, with the way you sing, I say that's pretty hard to believe.

-- That was the first time I've done something like that. I mean it was so cool. -- l know! Completely!

-- You sound like you've done a lot of singing, too.

-- Yeah, sure. My showerhead is very impressed with me.

(crowd) 9, 8, 7 ...... , 6, 5, 4 ...... , 3, 2, I!

(cheering/fireworks explode)

-- I guess I better go find my mom and wish her a happy new year.

-- Yeah, me too. I mean, not your mom. My

mom.., and dad. Uh... I'll call you. I'll call you tomorrow. -- Yeah !

-- Here, put your number in. --- Here. -- You too. -- Oh, OK. (beeping)

There you go. Just so you know, singing with you was the most fun I've had on this entire vacation. So, urn.., where do you live? Gabriella.

(bell rings)

-- Mom, my stomach...

-- Is always nervous on first day at a new school? You'll do great, You always do.

-- And I made my company promise that I can't be transferred again until you graduate. -- I reviewed your impressive transcripts. I expect your light will shine very brightly here at East High.

-- I don't want to be the school's freaky genius girl again. -- Just be Gabriella. -- This way, ...


--Troy! Troy! Hey!

-- How's it goin'? How are you? Miss Darbus?

-- Do you remember the night before?

-- No, not at all. All I remember is like, pink jelly, 1...

-- Excuse me. (boy) Ooh ! -- Hi, Troy.

-- Hi. (bell rings)

-- I trust you all had splendid holidays. Check the sign-up sheets in the lobby for new activities,

Mr. Bolton. Especially our winter musicale, we will have singles auditions for our supporting roles… -- You OK?


-- Yeah.

--... and pairs auditions for our two leads. -- Mr. Danforth, this is a place of learning, not a hockey arena.

-- There is also a final sign-up for next week's scholastic decathlon competition. Chem Club president Taylor Mc Hessey can answer all of our questions about that. (rings)

-- Ah, the cell phone menace has returned to our crucible of learning. -- Is it your phone?

-- Sharpay and Ryan, cell phones. -- I will see you in detention. -- Ahh!

-- We have zero tolerance for cell phones in class, so we will get to know each other in detention.

Cell phone. And welcome to East High, Miss Montez. Mr, Bolton, I see your phone is involved. So we will see you in detention as well.

-- That's not a possibility, Miss Darbus. Your Honor. See, 'cause we have basketball practice, and Troy...

-- Ah, that will be 15 minutes for you too, Mr. Danforth. Count 'em.

-- That could be tough for Chad. He can't count that high.

-- Taylor Mc Hessey, 15 minutes. (Taylor gasps)

--Shall the carnage continue? Holidays are over, people, way over! Now, any more comments, questions? --Jason.

-- So how were your holidays, Miss Darbus? --What? (bell rings) --Sorry, man.

-- See you in detention. --See you in a minute. --Uhh, she's crazy, --Hey !

