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注意事項:(1) 請用橫式作答。

(2) 答案請依序寫在答案卷上(需標示題號,不必抄題)。



(5) 試題隨同答案卷一併繳回。



1. 下列文句中,各有三個「偏旁」相同的字,讀音完全相同的選項是:

(A) 偉大/經緯/夏禕 (B) 柱子/居住/拄著柺杖 (C) 撩亂/工寮/同僚

(D) 夜幕/暮年/驀然

2. 下列句子中,用字完全正確的選項是:

(A) 夜市裡的魯肉飯又香又濃,好吃極了!

(B) 目前機位全部客滿,請旅客排隊後補。

(C) 景氣不佳,大家應撙節開銷。

(D) 平時不肯下功夫多讀書,想在考試中拿得好成績不啻沿木求魚。

3. 下列何者是對長輩的書信用語?

(A) 手啟 (B) 如晤 (C) 擲交 (D) 尊鑒

4. 杜甫之詩歌以寫實聞名,尤其「三吏」、「三別」刻畫社會動亂最為深刻,下列何者不在「三別」之中?

(A) 新婚別 (B) 成年別 (C) 垂老別 (D) 無家別

5. 新聞標題中「大頭玩人頭,猛開空頭;債信難取信,如何徵信!」使用的修辭法是:

(A) 排比法 (B) 類疊法 (C) 對偶法 (D) 層遞法

6. 文學風氣常與時代相推移,所謂的「宮體詩」指的是一種輕薄華艷,專以女性或閨閣中事為書寫內容,此種文學盛行的朝代是:

(A) 漢代 (B) 隋唐 (C) 南朝 (D) 北朝

7. 下列何者墨家的思想?

(A) 尚樂 (B) 非攻 (C) 尚賢 (D) 兼愛

8. 下列成語的使用,那一個選項是正確的?

(A) 中央山脈的崇山峻嶺,形狀有如「陽關三疊」,非常雄偉!

(B) 市長「宵衣旰食」忙於公務,將市政治理得井井有條。

(C) 現在的民生物資不斷地漲價,真是讓人覺得「洛陽紙貴」啊!

(D) 他們兩人同心協力,「沆瀣一氣」,為學校爭取到了好成績。



9. 民間各行各業都有供奉祖師爺的習俗,請問「茶道」項的祖師爺是:

(A) 陸羽 (B) 諸葛亮 (C) 華佗 (D) 易牙


(A) 「不惑之年」指三十歲 (B) 「弱冠」指二十歲 (C)「二八年華」指二十八歲

(D) 「耳順之年」指七十歲



(A) 庖丁解牛/「庖」指動物管理員。

(B) 優孟衣冠/「優」是指以樂舞戲謔為職業的藝人,有如現在的戲曲演員。

(C) 師曠生而目盲/「師」是指太子的老師。

(D) 奕秋誨二人奕/「奕」指打獵。


(A) 換肝父子情,「同肝共苦」每一天。

(B) 3起酒駕車禍,4人「冥府乾悲」。

(C) 「重盜父轍」,機車搶匪逃亡4分鐘被逮。

(D) 大家一起來為為台灣教育「把脈」


(A) 是古代的歌本 (B) 完全是通俗歌謠 (C) 啟近體詩格律的規範

(D) 是一首歌詠后妃德性的詩


(A) 「秦晉殽之戰」是《戰國策》中戰事敘事的典範作品

(B) 「項羽本紀」其實不合於《史記》正規的編纂體例

(C) 「虯髯客傳」是史傳作品

(D) 「毛穎傳」繼承史書遊俠列傳精神。


(A) 小大如一 (B) 無為而治 (C) 利令智昏 (D) 絕仁去義


(A) 評論 (B) 敘事 (C) 抒情 (D) 弔唁 的功能


(A) 意象 (B) 韻律 (C) 修辭 (D) 平仄 的經營


(A) 紅樓夢 (B) 西遊記 (C) 水滸傳 (D) 三國演義


(A) 楊逵 (B) 鍾理和 (C) 黃春明 (D) 吳濁流


(A) 類疊 (B) 頂真 (C) 轉品 (D) 排比 的修辭法




Ⅰ. Vocabulary:20%(共10題,每題2分)


1. Ultrasonic waves can

(A) depict (B) arrange (C) find (D) rescue

2. When high fever is present, (A) originate (B) complication (C) confusion (D) depression

3. The sawfish is easily recognized by its saw-like head.

(A) protruding (B) promiscuous (C) rugged (D) small

4. He got a certain (A) thrill (B) sadness (C) uncertainty (D) defiance

5. I did not want to (A) suspect (B) endanger (C) strengthen (D) join

6. My neighbor has adopted and three children.

(A) raised (B) carried (C) abandoned (D) collected

(A) pressed (B) preferred (C) made (D) precluded

(A) composition (B) tendency (C) studies (D) movements

9. There is a (A) tradition (B) tendency (C) number (D) effort

10. I’m sorry

(A) disturb (B) disgrace (C) dispute (D) discord

Ⅱ. Grammar:20%(共10題,每題2分)


1. Blood in vessels just under the nasal lining ______ up heat to warm the air.

(A) gives (B) it gives (C) giving (D) is given

2. ______ forms of life, the most varied are the insects.

(A) All are (B) Of all (C) All (D) The are all

3. The first American ______ a professional sculptor was a woman, Patience Wright.

(A) to become (B) became (C) she became as (D) who she became

4. Pardon me for ______ late to the meeting this morning.

(A) being (B) am (C) be (D) been

5. As long as you keep practicing ______ English loud, you will not be nervous.

(A) speak (B) speaking (C) to speak (D) in speaking

6. When ______ about his exam results, George kept silent.

(A) ask (B) asking (C) asked (D) to ask

many printed stories and documents, old and new.

(A) to (B) on (C) in (D) about

8. I have a sore throat. with flu.

(A) to (B) in (C) up (D) down



9. He (A) not harmful (B) not harm (C) no harm (D) not harmfully

her knees to pray.

(A) against (B) in (C) to (D) on

Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension:10%(共5題,每題2分)


These days, college lecture halls in the United States are being filled more and more by female rather than male students. Women now make up 55 percent of the college population—and that number continues to rise. Within ten years, three million more women than men may be attending US colleges.

Thirty years ago, male students were the majority on college campuses in the Unites States. Traditionally men acted as the breadwinner of the family and college was seen as the path to career advancement and higher salaries. But during the feminist movements of the 1970s, more women aspired to having careers and enrolled in college to pursue a degree. By the mid-1980s, more women than men were attending college.

At the same time, there was an unexpected decline in the number of males applying to college. Educators are still uncertain of the cause of this decline, but it continues to affect enrollment numbers for men in higher education. Researchers have suggested a number of theories to account for males’ seeming decline in interest in seeking college degrees.

1. Which of the following is the main subject of this passage?

(A) The cause of decline in the enrollment number of male students at college.

(B) The rise of female students on college campuses in the US.

(C) The feminist movements of the 1970s that affected the number of female students at college.

(D) The theories that account for male students’ decline in interest in seeking college degrees.

2. According to the passage, what was the cause for the increasing number of female college students?

(A) Women by nature are more interested in seeking college degrees.

(B) Women traditionally were the majority on college campuses.

(C) The decrease in the number of male students causes the number of female students to increase.

(D) The feminist movements of the 1970s encouraged more women to enroll in college.

3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

(A) The academic performance of female students at college

(B) The traditional role men played in a family

(C) The traditional way colleges are viewed by people

(D) The percentage of women in the college population

4. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

(A) Thirty years ago more female than male students could be seen on college campuses.

(B) Traditionally women had to support the family.

(C) College lecture halls nowadays are filled more with female than male students.

(D) Educators have identified the cause for the decline of male students at college.

5. According to the passage, what can be expected in the future?

(A) The equality of the two sexes is going to be achieved.

(B) Women will be the breadwinner of the family.

(C) Men are going to be supported by women in the family.

(D) More women than men are going to enroll in colleges.


