
更新时间:2023-09-15 23:06:01 阅读量: 高中教育 文档下载


Unit 1 what’s your favorite season?你最喜欢的季节是什么? Xiaoling: look at all the colourful flowers and the beautiful birds in the trees. I really love spring. What’s your favorite season, Ben?


Ben: Summer. I love swimming and summer is the best time for swimming. Do you like summer, jiamin?


Jiamin: I like swimming,but I don’t like summer. It is too hot. I prefer winter. When it snows, I can make a snowman.


Janet: I don’t like summer and I don’t like winter, either. My favorite season is autumn. It’s very windy and I can fly a kite.


Unit 2 It’s the middle of winter 现在是中冬

“Hi, everyone!” said Ben to his classmates, “This is my cousin Reg. He is visiting me for the summer holidays.”


“I don’t understand.”said Xiaoling. “It is January now, the middle of winter. How can you have a summer holiday?”、


“I’m from Australia .” answered Reg.

“Our summer holiday is from December to February, so it’s summer in Australia now.”

“I see now,” said Jiamin. “When it is summer in Australia, it is winter in China.”


“我知道了。”嘉明说。“澳大利亚是夏季的时候,中国就是冬季。” “What’s summer like in Australia, Reg?” asked Xiaoling. “It’s very hot, so we always go swimming.” answered Reg.

“It’s too cold to swim now.” said Ben. “But if you are here from July to August, we can go swimming every day. “澳大利亚的夏季怎么样,雷格?”小玲问。



Unit 3 We are going to have an English test 我们即将进行英语测试 Janet: What’s the date, Ben? 珍妮特:今天几号?本? Ben: The first of June, why?


Janet: We are going to see a film tomorrow evening. Don’t forget. 珍妮特:我们明天晚上要去看电影,别忘了。

Ben: Isn’t that Mike’s birthday? We are all going to his home for a party tomorrow.

本:那天不是迈克的生日吗?我们明天要去他家参加晚会。 Janet: No, Mike’s birthday party is on June 11th . 珍妮特:不,迈克的生日派对在6月11日。 Ben: Is there anything else important this month? 本:这个月还有其他重要的事情要做吗?

Janet: Yes, we are going to have an English test on June 24th. Don’t forget.


Unit 4 Have a good time in Hainan 在海南玩得很开心

Next week, we will travel Hainan for five days. We will fly there early in the morning on Tuesday, November 23rd. In this afternoon, we will go for a picnic. On the 24th we will go mountain climbing all day. November 25th is a free day. We can go shopping, swim in the pool or play on the beach. On the 26th we are going to visit a farm. I can’t wait to see all the lovely deer. That evening we will camp under the stars. Then we will fly back home at noon the next day. I’m sure we’ll have a good time in Hainan.


Unit 5 Would you like to go with us?你愿意和我们一起去吗? Janet: Hey, guys. What are you doing this Saturday? 珍妮特:嘿,伙伴们。你们这周六干什么? Ben:Nothing, why?


Janet: My cousin and I plan to go on a picnic. Would you like to go with us?

珍妮特:我的堂兄和我计划去野餐,你们愿意和我们一起去吗? Jiamin: A picnic? That sounds great! 嘉明:野餐?听起来不错! Ben: What time should we go? 本:我们什么时候去?

Janet: Let’s meet at school gate at 9 a.m. We can all go to the park together.

珍妮特:那我们上午9点在学校门口集合。我们再一起去公园。 Ben: Cool. The picnic is this Saturday, August 14th, right? 本:酷。野餐时间是在周六,八月十四日,对吗?

Jiamin:Oh, dear. I’m sorry but I am going to my grandma’s birthday party that day.

嘉明:哦,亲爱的,我很抱歉,我那天要去参加祖母的生日派对。 Janet: No problem. Maybe next time. 珍妮特:没事儿,或许下次你可以去。

Unit 6 See you at the party派对上见 Dear Janet:

I’d like to invite you to Ann’s birthday party. We hope that all her friends and classmates will come together and have fun on this special day.



It is a surprise party, so please do not tell Ann. She will love it. 这是一个惊喜派对,所以请不要告诉安。她会很喜欢它的。 The party will be at the school meeting room, next Saturday, November 21st. It will begin at 2:00 p.m, but please arrive at 1:30 p.m.


If you are coming, please call me on 4442-2211 如果你会来,请打我电话4442-2211。 See you at the party. 派对上见。

Unit 7 We will go by train我们会坐火车去。 Janet: Do you have any plans for the birthday? 珍妮特:你生日有什么计划吗?

Ben: Yes, I will go travelling with my family. We are going to Shenzhen.

本:是的,我会和我的家人一起去旅行,我们会去深圳。 Xiaoling:How will you go there? 小玲:你们怎么去那里?

Ben: We will go by train. We will leave on October 2nd. I can’t wait. 本:我们会坐火车去,我们会在10月2日出发,我已经迫不及待了。

Janet: It’s very exciting. What will you do in Shenzhen? 珍妮特:这很激动人心。你会在深圳做些什么事呢?

Ben:Well... We are going to visit Window of the World, of course. And I want to to Happy Valley,too.

本,嗯,我们会去参观世界之窗,当然,我也想去欢乐谷。 Janet: When will you come back home? 珍妮特:你什么时候回家呢?

Ben: We will come back home on October 4th . 本:我们会在10月4日回来。

Unit 8 Ben’s first trip to Beijing 本去北京的第一次旅行。

It’s Ben’s first trip to Beijing and he is very excited. He came by plane this morning. Now he is going to Tian’anmen. It is near his hotel so he can go there on foot. This evening Ben and his Beijing friend Li Hua will have dinner together.


Tomorrow morning, they will drive to the Great Wall. Ben wants to take some photos there. In the afternoon they are going to the Summer Palace. The palace is big and beautiful. They are going to take a walk around the lake.


On Friday morning, Ben will buy some Chinese clothes in Wangfujing Street for his parents. He will go there by underground. Ben will fly back home on Saturday.


Unit 9 Be careful 小心

Mrs Webb: Come on, kids. It’s time to cook noodles. 韦伯夫人:来吧,孩子们,是时候做面条了。 Ben: Oops! 本:哎呦!

Mrs Webb: Be careful, Ben. Don’t run near the hot water. You’ll get hurt. 韦伯夫人:小心点,本。不要在热水旁边奔跑。你会受伤的。 Mrs Webb:Cooking can be fun, but you must be careful. 韦伯夫人:烹饪会很有趣,但是你必须得小心点。 Ben: Yes, You’re right. 本:是的,您说得对。

Xiaoling:Don’t cut the vegetables so quickly, Ben. The knife is sharp. You may cut yourself.

小玲:不要把蔬菜切那么快,本。这把刀很锋利。你会切伤你自己的。 Mrs Webb: Watch out, everyone. The floor is very wet. Don’t walk there. You may fall down.


Ben:Here...Let me help you dry the floor. 本:这儿。。。。。。让我来帮您擦干地板吧。

Mrs Webb: Great work, Ben. Safety first. Don’t forget. 韦伯夫人:干的不错,本。安全第一。别忘了!

Unit 10 How to stay safe 怎样保持安全 Children’s Safety Dos and Don’ts 儿童安全要与不要

Do cross the street at the traffic lights or safety crossing. 要在交通灯亮起时或走安全线过马路。 Don’t cross the road when the traffic light is red. 不要在红灯亮起时过马路。 Don’t climb tall trees. 不要攀爬高大的树木。 Don’t run on the stairs. 不要在楼梯上奔跑。 Don’t play in the street. 不要在大街上玩耍。

Don’t take any money or candy from strangers in the street. 不要拿大街上任何陌生人的金钱或糖果。 Do tell your teacher if you see a classmate in trouble. 如果看到同班同学遇到困难,要告知老师。

Don’t leave the school during school hours without asking your teacher. 不要未经老师允许在上学期间离开学校。

Unit 11 Can you tell me the way? 你可以告诉我路线吗? Janet: Oh, dear! I think we’re lost.

珍妮特:哦,亲爱的!我想我们迷路了。 Ben: Let’s go and ask the lady over there. 本:让我们去问那里的那位女士吧。

Janet: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the hospital, please? 珍妮特:对不起,请问您能告诉我去医院的路线吗?

Lady: Of course. Let me see. Go straight ahead then turn right at the second crossing.


Unit 12 I know a short cut 我知道一条近路。

John and Joan were standing in front of their house and John looked at his watch. “we will be late. The film starts in ten minutes, but we need 15 minutes to get there.” John said to Joan and he started to walk quickly. “Don’t worry. We have time,” Joan said, “I know a short cut.” 约翰和琼正站在他们的房子前面,约翰看着手表。“我们要迟到了,电影再过10分钟就要开始了,但是我们需要15分钟才能到那儿。”约翰对琼说道,然后他开始快步走。

“不要担心,我们还有时间。”琼说道。“我知道一条近路。” To get to the cinema, John usually turns left out of their house. Then he takes the first right, goes straight ahead and takes the second left. But today Joan took him a different way. They crossed the main street and turned left into the park. They walked through the park out of the front gate. Suddenly they were in front of the cinema. John looked at his watch. “ I can’t believe it. We are on time. You’re really great, Joan!”


