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- 电子书与纸质书英语作文推荐度:
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Books are treasure banks storing wisdom passed down from generation to generation. Presently, it is easy for people to read books through computers or kindles. while some readers still choose paper book for reading. There are many similarities and differences between e-book and paper book. It is clear that they both can be used to read, but their price and convenience are different. There topic that can be considered are: the purpose they use to, readers’ convenience and price.
E-book and paper book are both used to read. Reading books can enrich our knowledge and broaden our eyes. Due to reading E-book for a long time is harmful to our eyes, readers are keen on using paper book for reading. Besides, some people tend to reading E-book by mobile phone or kindle in bed. It may also have some negative impacts on health. Reading paper books do not cause these problems. Thus, reading paper books is more healthy than reading E-books.
There is a clear gap in price of E-book and paper book. Some original books are too expensive for students to buy. If students want to read paper book for free, they need to go to library. Sometimes, paper books are easily damaged. On the other hand, readers can just type in the title, author or other related information of the book which they want to read to find it in minutes on Internet. Readers can even read the full content to a digitized book free of charge on the internet occasionally. Taken as a whole, E-book is cheaper than paper book.
E-book and paper book have different ways in using and carrying. Once people want to read E-books,they just need to open the kindle or computer and download the book on the internet for reading. Besides, it is easy to take a kindle for reading E-book on the train or at office. Although paper books tend to be heavy for readers to take, it can be read at your convenience. Readers can read in bed before sleep or during a boring journey, and what is more, without fussing with a computer. In conclusion, E-book and paper book have their own advantages and disadvantages in using and carrying.
Books are the ladder of human progress. Since E-books and paper books have their
respective advantages and can complement each other. The best way is to combine the two ways to meet different needs: for quick reference, E-books will probably be useful, to appreciate a novel or essay, perusers may prefer the traditional way of reading on paper books.

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