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本试题分为第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。共120分。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共85分) Ⅰ.听力测试

A) 听录音,在每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子,每个句子听一遍。(5分) 1. A. Let's go to the movie. B. This is a red pencil.

C. There is a picture on the wall.

2. A. I don’t like thrillers. B. Can you come to my party? C. Why do you like pandas?

3. A. We must do it again. B. He doesn’t do exercise every day. C. I have a brother and a sister.

4. A. How often do you go to movies? B. Are they your friends? C. Where is Tom from?

5. A. Your new sweater looks so cool. B. Your backpack is under the bed. C. I watched a football game last week.

B) 听录音,从每题A、B、C三幅图画中选出与听到的对话内容相符的一项。每段对话听两遍(5分)


11. A. New B. Old C. Green

12. A. On foot B. By bike C. By bus

13. A. 5 kilometers B. 10 kilometers C. 15 kilometers . 14. A. 10 minutes B. 15 minutes C. 20 minutes

15. A. Just so-so B. Not bad C. Good exercise D).在录音中,你将听到一篇短文及五个问题。请根据短文内容及问题选择正确答案。短文及问题听两遍(5分)

16. A. Last month B. Last weekend C. This weekend

17. A. To the countryside B.In the village C. Near a lake

18. A. Sleep and cook food B. Sing and dance C. Keep warm and cook food 19. A. A big noise in the forest B. A snake sleeping near the fire C. A snake has no ears.

20. A. He shouted loudly B. He went near it.

C. He jumped up and down

Ⅱ.读音选词 根据所给句子的句意及音标选择正确答案。(5分) 21.My _______/ pen /is broken. May I use yours? A. pig B. pet C. pen D. put 22.We should _________/kli:n/the classroom every day. A. clean B. clear C. clever D. cheap 23. It’s our_________/'dju:tI/to study hard.

A. dollar B. duty C. dinner D. date

24. It’s sunny today. Let’s go to _________/'vIsIt/ the Yellow River. A. visit B. very C. video D. view

25. Apple Inc. is a very famous ___________/'k?mp?nI/.

A. climb B. comedy C. come D. company

Ⅲ.选择填空 从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案(30分) 26. Look! There is ______ cat in the tree.

A. a B. an C. the D./

27. I’m talking with you, Jenny. Please listen to ______ carefully. A. me B. mine C. you D. yours

28.Tom wants to be a ______, because he wants to help the sick people in hospital. A. reporter B. doctor C. waiter D. cook 29. —Can you go shopping with you, Toby? —I'd love to, I'm too busy today. A. but B. and C. so D. or

30. The 30th Olympic Games was held in London ______ 2012. A. on B. for C. in D. at 31. —________ didn’t Mr. Wang come to work yesterday? —Because he has gone to Qingdao on business.

A. When B. Why C. Who D. Where

32. John is much shorter than his sister, but he jumps as _____ as she does. A. good B. better C. best D. high

33. There ______ a book and some pens on the table ,please take them away. A. am B. is C. are D. be 34. —Hi! Linda. ________ you free now? — Yes. I have nothing to do at the moment. A. Can B. Do C. Are D. Will

35. Which sign means to protect our environment?

36. —Let's play basketball after school, Jack. 一That good. A. tastes B. looks C. smells D. sounds

37. Jack is very smart. He can deal with any problem______.

A. easily B. slowly C. differently D. happily 38. —Don't take photos here, please. —______ .

A. It's a pleasure. B. Here you are. C. Sorry, I won't. D. I'm glad to hear that. 39. —What does Mary look like? 一She has .

A. a sister. B. big eyes. C. much homework. D. many friends. 40. —Mom, what do you think of our new house? —It’s nice, and it’s_________ than the old one.

A. big B. bigger C. biggest D. the biggest 41. —I am going to Hainan for a holiday with my father next month. — Wonderful! ______ .

A. Why not B. I hope so C. With pleasure D. Have a good time 42.—Would you like some _____? —No, thanks. I'm not thirsty at all.

A. bread B. noodles C. water D. eggs

43.I bought a pet dog yesterday, but I don't know how to ______ it.

A. look for B. look after C. look at D. look over

44. Breakfast is very important. There are 50 students in the class, how many students often eat breakfast?

A. 12 B. 15 C. 20 D. 30 45.Whatever you do, ______ is difficult if you put your heart into it.

A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing 46.I studied for the math exam ______ my mother was cooking. A. if B. while C. unless D. until 47. —I'm sorry I broke your glass. —______. Be careful next time.

A. Sure B. Yes, please C. It doesn't matter D. No, thanks

48. —_________is it from your home to school? — It’s three miles.

A. How far B. How often C. How long D. How soon 49.Before Mozart was six he could ______ the piano and the violin. A. make B. carry C. write D. play 50. — Could you please help me choose a dress online? —______. My computer doesn't work.

A.I hope so B. I'm afraid not C. I don't care D.I think so 51. —Look, ____ fast the man is running! —So he is. He is a professional athlete.

A. What B. How C. How a D. What an

52. —Please ______ to turn off the light when you leave the room. —I will.

A. stop B. forget C. want D. remember 53. —Have you ever been to Hong Kong?

—No, ______.I hope I can go there next year.

A. never B. sometimes C. often D. always 54. —How long have you ______ Jinan?

—For ten years.

A. moved to B. left for C. lived in D. gone to 55. —I'm a teenager's mother. Sometimes I don't know ______. —Love and understanding.

A. what does my son want to get B. what my son needs most

C. why is my son often annoyed D. Why my son gets annoyed very often

Ⅳ.完形填空 阅读短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。(10分)

??Once a king was waking around a pool with his ministers(大臣). Suddenly he came up with an idea. He asked, “How many buckets(桶) would you need to hold all the 56 in the pool?” the ministers couldn’t give an answer. The king was angry, “You 57 answer my questions in three days!”

Three days passed, but 58 of the ministers had the answer. Just then, a child said that he knew it. The king told the ministers to 59 the child to the pool. To his surprise, the child 60 and said with a smile, “It’s very 61 . We don’t need to go to the pool.” This made the king pleased. “All right. Let us know your 62.” The child said, “If you know the 63 of the bucket, the answer is known. 64 it is as big as the pool, there is one bucket of water; half as big, two buckets?” “Stop! That’s it. You have the answer. They were thinking of the things 65 the wrong way.” Sometimes to get out of a difficulty, one must change his or her way of thinking. 56. A. water B. fish C. flowers D. grass 57. A. can B. may C. will D. must 58. A. one B. none C. all D. every

59. A. make B. stop C. bring D. take

60. A. thought B. left C. disagreed D. agree 61. A. hard B. easy C. impossible D. possible 62. A. answer B. plan C. question D. problem 63. A. color B. shape C. size D. problem 64. A. But B. If C. When D. Because

65. A. by B. on C. at D. in


Rick: Hello, Rick is speaking.

Steve: Hi, Rick. It’s Steve. 66

Rick: Not bad, thanks. The weather’s great. 67 . Steve: I’m playing basketball with some friends at the park. Rick: Sounds like 68 .

Steve: Yeah. I’m very relaxing. Is your brother at home?

Rick: Oh, he’s not here. He’s studying at his friend’s home. 69 ? Steve: Yes. Could you tell him to call me back? Rick: Sure. 70 _____ . Steve: Thanks a lot.

66. A. How’s it going? B. How old are?

C. Are you speaking? D. I need your help.

67. A. Come and play basketball B. Would you like to the park? C. Where are you playing basketball? D. What are you doing? 68. A. you often go to the park. B. you’re having a good time.

C. you’re good friends D. have you been there for a long time 69. A. Could I borrow you some money B. Could you please take out the trash C. Can I take a message for him D. Can you go with us 70. A. No problem B. Good idea.

C. Have a nice day D. It doesn’t matter.

Ⅵ.阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。(15分) A

How do you get to school? Do you walk or ride a bike? Do you go by bus or by train? For many students, it’s easy to get to school. But for the students in a village in Sichuan province, it is

difficult. There is a very big river between their school and the village. There is no bridge and the river runs too quickly for boats. So these students go on a ropeway to cross the riverto school. One 11-year-old boy, Liang liang, crosses the river every day. But she is not afraid. “I love to play with my classmates. And I love my teacher. He’s like a father to me.”

Many of the students and villagers never leave the village. It is their dream to have a bridge. Can their dream come true? Can you help them?

71. For many students, it’s ___________ to go to school.

A. hard B. easy C. difficult D. important

72. Why don’t the students go to school by boat? Because ___________. A. they have no boats B. the river is too big C. they don’t like it D. the river runs too quickly 73. What does the word ropeway mean?

A. 高架桥 B. 绳索 C. 吊篮 D. 梯子 74. How old is Liang liang?

A. Eight years old B. Ten years old C. Eleven years old D. Thirteen years old 75. What’s the students and the villagers’ dream? A. To have a bride over the river B. To leave the village C. To cross the river every day D. To help others all the time B

One day, the father of a very rich family took his son on a trip to the countryside. He wanted to show his son how poor people lived. They spent a few days and nights on the farm. After they came back from their trip, the father asked his son, “How did you like our trip?” “It was great, Dad.”

“Did you see how poor people live?” the father asked. “Oh, yeah,” said the son.

“So, tell me, what did you learn from the trip?” asked the father.

“I saw that we have one dog and they have four. We have a pool that reaches to the middle of our garden, and they have a river that has no end. We have beautiful lights in our garden, and they have the stars at night. We have a small piece of land to live on, and they have large fields. We have servants(仆人) to serve us, but they serve others. We have fences(栅栏) to protect us, and they have friends to protect them.” The boy’s father was speechless. “Thanks, Dad, for showing me how poor we are.” said the son. 76. Why did the father take his son to the countryside? A. He wanted him to enjoy the beauty of the countryside.

B. He hoped that his son could help those poor people.

C. He wanted to show his son how poor people lived in the countryside. D. He hoped that his son could get a new idea of the countryside. 77. After the trip, the son thought___________________. A. what a poor life he had B. how great his father was

C. he should take good care of his rich life.

D. he should thanked for his father giving his happy life

78. From the passage, we know the people in the countryside____________________. A. often went on a trip in the city

