更新时间:2023-08-18 22:38:01 阅读量: 资格考试认证 文档下载
1. Translation of Guide Words in Tourism English论导游词在旅游英语中的翻译
2. Skills and the Translation of Puns in English Advertisement英语广告中双关语的运用技巧
3. Translation and Business-oriented Terms经贸术语及其翻译
4. On the Development of English New Words英语新词的发展
5. On the Usage of English Abbreviations on the Internet谈网络英语中的缩略语
6. Usage and Reason of Foreignism in Chinese汉语中外来词的使用 现状及原因
7. Characteristics of American Slang美国俚语特点初探
8. Comparison and Contrast between English and Chinese Proverbs
9. Differences between American English and British English
10. Analysis of Language Features in English News
11. A Study of Complimenting
12. The Polite Language in the English Language
13. An Account of Advertising Language广告用语一瞥
14. A Contrastive Analysis of English and Chinese Intonation
15. Characteristics and Purpose of English Intonation
16. Comparison and Contrast of English and Chinese Intonation
17. A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Prepositions
18. Different Method of learning Phonetics
19. On the English Negative Sentences
20. 浅谈二语习得中的社会因素Thesis on the Social Factors and Second Language Acquisition
21. 论英语语言教学中的文化教学On Culture Teaching in English Language Teaching
22. 中英文常用修辞格对比研究A Contrastive Study between Frequently Used Figures of
Speech in English and Chinese
23. 浅析英语委婉语的语用功能A Study of Pragmatic Functions of English Euphemisms
24. 浅谈广告英语中的修辞A study of Rhetorical Features of English Advertisements
25. 浅谈英语影视作品中的英语词汇和习语Practical Application of Vocabulary and Idioms in
English Films and Televisions
26. 英汉复合词的对比分析Contrast between English Compounds and Chinese Compounds
27. 英语商业广告的词法特点分析An Analysis of Morphological Features of English
Commercial Advertisements
28. 英语习语在日常生活中的运用Application of English Idioms in Daily Life
29. 场依赖性和场独立性对英语学习者听力的影响The Effect of Field Dependence and Field
Independence on English Learners’ Listening Ability
30. 论英汉翻译中汉语方言的正迁移Positive Transfer of Chinese Dialect on English-Chinese
31. 中式英文在中国流行的分析An Analysis of the Popularity of Chinglish in China
32. 英语中的性别差异及性别歧视Sexual Differentiation and Sexism in the English Language
33. 论第二语言学习的态度及动机On Attitudes and Motivation in Second Language Learning
34. 试论因特网在第二语言习得中的辅助作用The Assisting Function of the Internet in Second
Language Acquisition
35. 英语缩略语在汉语语境中的功能分析Functional analysis of English acronyms in Chinese
36. 汉语新闻报道中英语缩略语的语用优势Pragmatic advantages of English acronyms in
Chinese reports
37. 非语言因素在第二语言习得中的作用The Function of non-linguistic factors in Second
Language Acquisition
38. 汉语方言口音对英语发音的影响Influences of Chinese Dialectic Accents on English
39. 英语动物隐喻研究A Study on Animal Metaphors in English
40. 英语体育新闻语篇文体特征浅析Stylistic Features of Sports News English
41. 英语与汉语中暗喻的对比Contrast between English Metaphor and Chinese Metaphor
42. 英汉语言禁忌对比研究A Contrastive Study of Verbal Taboo in Chinese and English
43. 英汉拒绝语的对比研究A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Expressions in Refusing
or Declining
44. 语言模糊现象在语言交际中的运用An Analysis of the Application of Fuzzy Language in
45. On Politeness Norms and Mistakes in Interactive Communication of Spoken English英汉口
46. Pragmatic Analysis on the Approximating Quantities with Numbers数词模糊语的语用分析
47. 刻意曲解(Deliberate Misinterpretation)的语用动机和功能
48. A Study of the Elements in Improving English Listening Ability under Computer- and-
Internet- Assisted Circumstance计算机网络下的英语听力能力提高的元素
49. A Cognitive Semantic Analysis of Color Terms in English and Chinese
50. A Study of Symbolic Meanings of English and Chinese Numeral Words
51. 英汉歧义句对比研究
A Comparative Study of Ambiguous Sentences in English and Chinese
52. 英汉幽默语用研究
A Comparative Study of Humor in English and Chinese
53. 英语专业学生作文选词策略
A Study of Diction-Choosing Strategies in English Majors’ Compositions
54. 网络聊天室缩略语及其原词语的特点分析
An Analysis of the Characteristics of Abbreviations and Their Original Words in Online Chatroom
55. The Phenomenon of Mother Tongue Transfer in English Writing
56. A survey of the Use of Reading Strategies by College Students
57. A Survey of the Use of Writing Strategies by College Students
58. A Comparison between English and Chinese Analogic Rhetoric
59. Pragmatic Failures in the Cross-cultural Communication 跨文化交际中的语用失误
60. Cross-culture Failures by Chinese Learners of English中国英语学习者跨文化交际中的误
61. Error Analysis in Learning English as a Foreign Language 英语学习中的错误分析研究
62. Symbolism in Idiomatic Expressions 论习语中的象征手法
63. 英语语言在男女性别中的差异Language Differences between Males and Females – An
Analysis of English Language Features From the Perspective of Gender
64. 中英思维差异对英语学习的影响The Effects of Differences in Thinking between Chinese
and English on English Learning
65. 中英思维差异对英语写作的影响及其应对策略The Effects of Thinking Differences
between Chinese and English on EFL Writing and the Solutions
66. 文化差异对初学者习得英语句法的影响The Effects of Culture Differences on Beginners’
EFL Syntactical Study
67. 电子语料库对英语学习的革命Electronic Corpus – An Evolution of EFL Learning
68. 英语词汇记忆方法归纳On How to Memorize English Vocabulary
69. 法语对英语词汇的影响Influence of French upon English Vocabulary
70. 对中式英语产生的成因的初步研究和对策A Tentative Study of the Causes of Chinglish
and Solutions
71. 语音形状在语篇中的作用Phonology in English Discourse
72. Culture Features in American Slang美国俚语中的文化特点
73. 通过女权主义分析一部英文著作(例如《秃头歌女》)Analysis of an English novel from the
perspective of feminism (for example, The Bald Soprano)
74. 通过东方主义分析一部英文著作(例如《黑暗的心》)Analysis of an English novel from the
perspective of Orientalism (for example, Heart of Darkness)
75. Lady Gaga的流行看当今年轻人的反叛元素The prevailing Lady Gaga phenomenon – the
rebelling spirit of today’s younger generation
76. 从《美国达人》到全球热播的选秀节目看美国文化的影响力From America's Got Talent to
the worldwide-flourishing talent shows – the influence of American culture
77. 从英语谚语看圣经的文化影响力The Cultural Influence of the Bible on English Proverbs
78. 英语中的汉语词汇——论汉语对英语的反哺作用Chinese Vocabulary in the English
language –back feeding of Chinese to English
79. A Tentative Study of English Proverbs
80. Negation in the English Language
81. A Study of English Euphemism
82. A Comparison between English and Chinese Politeness Principles
83. Noun-verb Conversion in Contemporary English
84. Politeness and Indirect Speech Acts
85. On Intercultural Nonverbal Communication
86. The Effect of Context in the Meaning of Words
87. Influence of Science and Technology on English Vocabulary
88. A Study of English Word-Formation Rules
89. Ambiguity and Puns in English
90. On New Coinage in Contemporary English
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