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一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(共10个小题,每小题1分,共10分)

( ) 1、A、America B、China C、 New York ( ) 2、A、postcard B、newspaper C 、map ( ) 3、A、east B、eat C、west ( ) 4、A、thousand B、million C 、hundred ( ) 5、A、restaurant B、shop C、school ( ) 6、A、love B、like C、live ( ) 7、A、right B、get C、map ( ) 8、A、dancing B、singing C、writing ( ) 9、A、take B、send C、swim ( ) 10、A、sometims B、kilometre C、Chinese 二、 听录音,选出听到的句子(共5个小题,每小题2分,共10分)

( ) 1、A、There’s a mountain in China. B、There’s a Chinatown in New York. ( ) 2、A、Are there any restaurants in the town? B、Is there a shop in the town?

( ) 3、A、I’m sending an email to my brother. B、I’m sending a letter to my cousin.

( ) 4、A、There are lots of beautiful rivers in the US. B、There are lots of beautiful lakes in China. ( ) 5、A、It’s more than six thousand kilometers long. B、It’s more than ten thousand kilometers long. 三、听录音,选择填空。(共5个小题,每小题2分,共10


( )1、What a big of the Great Wall. A、map B、photo C、picture ( )2、It’s in the of the US. A、south B、east C、north ( )3、How is it ? A、big B、old C、long ( )4、Where is ?

A、Boston B、New York C、Houston ( )5、Tell me more about your . A、school B、cousin C、teacher 笔试部分(70分) 四、按要求完成下列各题。(共10分) 1、mountain(复数形式) 2、taxi(复数形式) 3、China(形容词) 4、There’s(复数形式)

5、dance(-ing形式) 6、lots of(英译汉) 7、a postcard from China(英译汉) 8、send an email (英译汉) 9、想念中国(汉译英) 10、非常坚固(汉译英) 五、将短语与对应的汉语意思连线。(共10分) 1、how long A、八百万 2、more than B、多大 3、look at C、西方 4、eight million D、东方 5、how big E、超过 6、east F、多长 7、north G、看 8、south H、北方 9、west I、去唐人街 10、go to Chinatown J、南方 六、选择填空(共10个小题,每小题2分,共20分) ( )1、 is the West Lake ? A、Where B、Why C、Do ( )2、What a of China! A、something B、big map C、city

( )3、Can you tell more about Chinatown? A、I B、me C、he ( )4、 is it ? It’s 1000 kilometres long .

A、How old B、How long C、How much ( )5、Chengdu is the west of China . A、on B、at C、in ( )6、What San Francisco ? A、about B、of C、the

( )7、These are some postcards China. A、from B、for C、at

( )8、The Huangshan Mountain is . A、long B、tall C、high

( )9、It’s more one thousand kilometers long . A、of B、that C、than

( )10、Can you tell me about Sichuan? A、something B、anything C、thing 七、选出下列问句得而恰当答语。(共10 分) ( )1、Are these pictures great ? ( )2、Where is the West Lake ? ( )3、How long is the Yellow river ? ( )4、Do you miss China ?

( )5、Is there a book on the desk ? A、 It’s in the east of China. B、 Yes,I do. C、 No,there isn’t.

D、 It’s about 5400 kilometers long. E、 Yes,they are.

八、根据短文内容判断句子正(T)误(F)。(10分) I’m Mike.I’m a boy from the US. I’m a pupil. I’ve got lots of hobbies. I like bikes, riding my bike,swimming and reading story books. I’ve got lots of photos of bikes. I often go fishing and swimming at the weekend . My father likes swimming too. We often have a swimming contest(比赛)。My mother likes reading books .And she’s got a book about China. It’s very interesting. ( )1、Mike hasn’t got any hobbies. ( )2、Mike likes swimming.

( )3、Mike’s father has got lots of photos of bikes. ( )4、Mike’s mother has got a book about the UK. ( )5、Riding hia bike is Mike’s hobby. 九、根据以下信息介绍以下你的家。(10分)

My house two books on the desk some milk in the bottle a map on the wall a cat and a dog in the garden a computer on the desk some toy cars in the box Look,this is my house. There are two books on the desk.

