
更新时间:2023-11-05 08:04:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载





S3328-V100R005C00SPC100.cc,中间需过度升级到S3328-V100R003C00SPC301.cc,这三个升级的bootrom 文件最初开始是bootrom310.bin,后来升级到S3328-V100R003C00SPC301.cc需要用到的bootroom文件是bootrom315.bin,最后升级到S3328-V100R005C00SPC100.cc时需用到的bootroom文件是bootrom329.bin)

升级需要用到文件有:(zjnx@hotmail.com邮件中所有的文件都有) 一、 S3328-V100R002C02SPC100.CC 配套bootrom bootrom315.bin

二、 S3328-V100R005C00SPC100.cc 配套bootrom bootrom329.bin或者bootrom329.bin(这个好像是cc


三、 升级到web界面时用到的S3328-V100R005.001.web.zip(web界面所需要用到的)

S23_33_53-V100R003SPH007.pat(升级到四、 Tftpd32.exe软件

五、 有可能由于升级到S3328-V100R003C00SPC301.cc出现电子标签丢失后需要和华为沟通而他们发给的


好了,开始第一步(先升级到S3328-V100R003C00SPC301.cc) 1.






* *

* Basic BOOTROM, Ver310 * * *

************************************************ Copyright (c) 2007-2008 HUAWEI TECH CO., LTD. Creation date: Sep 16 2009, 00:23:12 CPU L1 Cache : 32KB CPU Clock Speed : 266MHz Bus Clock Speed : 133MHz Memory Size : 128MB

Press Ctrl+B to enter BOOTROM menu... 2 这个地方按下Ctrl+B

password: 如果第一次,这个地方的默认密码是huawei BOOTROM MENU 1. Boot with default mode 2. Enter serial submenu 3. Enter startup submenu 4. Display flash files

5. Modify BOOTROM password 6. Reboot

Enter your choice(1-6): 2 (选择第2项) SERIAL SUBMENU

1. Update BOOTROM small system

2. Download file to Flash through serial interface 3. Modify serial interface parameter 4. Return to main menu

Enter your choice(1-4): 3 (选择第3项,设置串口参数,这个地方选择5) 1: 9600(default) 2: 19200 3: 38400 4: 57600 5: 115200

please select an appropriate baudrate:

Enter your choice(1-5): 5 (注意这个地方选择5的时候,会出现超级终端没有反应的情况,这个时候需要断一下连接,也就是呼叫这个地方,然后点击超级终端――文件――属性,将里面的配置这个地方的端口设置这个的每秒位数修改成为115200,然后直接回车就可以连上交换机了,切记。)

BaudRate is 115200 bps. Please change the terminal's speed to 115200 bps SERIAL SUBMENU

1. Update BOOTROM small system

2. Download file to Flash through serial interface 3. Modify serial interface parameter 4. Return to main menu

Enter your choice(1-4): 1 (选择第1项开始升级bootrom返回主菜单,注意由于我们是先升级到S3328-V100R003C00SPC301.cc这个FLASH,所以他的bootrom也是bootrom315.bin,切记。) Please select file.

XMODEM downloading ...CCCCC download to SDRAM successfully

(注意,这个地方当出现 第一个C的时候,我们就可以在超级终端上点—传送—发送文件,如下图所示)看清楚这个地方的协议,必须是Xmodem)

传送完成后,会出现download to SDRAM successfully 这句话。


Warning: Don't Power-off or Reset the Device!!! Update bootrom system ... done ! SERIAL SUBMENU

1. Update BOOTROM small system

2. Download file to Flash through serial interface 3. Modify serial interface parameter 4. Return to main menu

Enter your choice(1-4): 4 (OK,返回到主菜单) BOOTROM MENU

1. Boot with default mode 2. Enter serial submenu 3. Enter startup submenu 4. Display flash files

5. Modify BOOTROM password 6. Reboot

Enter your choice(1-6): 6 (重启交换机) Reboot...

这时候会发现出现如下提示 :


File system does not exist, format Flash now?(Y/N):n


Seeking a VRP software in flash file-system ...

Formatting Flash, please waiting several minutes ............................... ....................................... done

Can not find any file in flash file-system! Can not find a valid package.

Auto-booting failed! Reboot...


Press Ctrl+B to enter BOOTROM menu ... 0




这个时候的密码应该是空,直接回车就OK了。又是如下画面来了 BOOTROM MENU

1. Boot with default mode 2. Enter serial submenu 3. Enter startup submenu 4. Display flash files

5. Modify BOOTROM password 6. Reboot

Enter your choice(1-6): (这个地方直接按Ctrl+Z健)

--------------直接按下ctrl+z,进入下面的菜单-------------- HIDDEN MENU 1. Erase Flash

2. Delete file from Flash 3. Format flash

4. Enter ethernet submenu 5. Return to main menu

Enter your choice(1-5): 4 -----------选择选项4 ETHERNET SUBMENU

1. Download file to SDRAM through ethernet interface and boot 2. Download file to Flash through ethernet interface 3. Modify ethernet interface boot parameter 4. Return to main menu

Be sure to select 3 to modify boot parameter before downloading! Enter your choice(1-4): 3 -----------选择选项3,设置传输参数。

Note: Two protocols for download, tftp & ftp. You can modify the flags following the menu. tftp--0x80, ftp--0x0.

'.' = clear field; '-' = go to previous field; ^D = quit

boot device : netdrv0 processor number : 0 host name : switch

file name : S3328-V100R003C00SPC301.cc --------需要升级的大包文件名

inet on ethernet (e) : --------ip与PC同一网段任一地址,掩码相同 inet on backplane (b):

host inet (h) : --------我自己PC的ip地址 gateway inet (g) : user (u) : cx ftp password (pw) (blank = use rsh): cx flags (f) : 0x80 target name (tn) : startup script (s) : other (o) :

Starting to write BOOTLINE into flash ... done

上面是配置TFTP服务。将自己的PC配置成为192.168.1.2 交换机的端口配置成192.168.1.1然后再返回到如下菜单。


1. Update BOOTROM system

2. Download file to Flash through serial interface 3. Modify serial interface parameter 4. Return to main menu


Enter your choice(1-4): 2 (选择第2项) Please select file. (TFTP32软件界面会自动处理所升级的cc,时间大约一分钟左右) 升级后,返回到如下界面


1. Update BOOTROM system

2. Download file to Flash through serial interface 3. Modify serial interface parameter 4. Return to main menu 选择4返回到

1. Boot with default mode 2. Enter serial submenu 3. Enter startup submenu 4. Display flash files

5. Modify BOOTROM password 6. Reboot

Enter your choice(1-6): 3 (选择3) Startup Configuration Submenu 1. Display startup configuration 2. Modify startup configuration

