
更新时间:2023-08-26 02:12:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



词 汇:

行政酒廊 啤酒 喜力 红茶 奶茶 意大利咖啡 卡布基诺咖啡 可乐 汤力水 干姜水 牛奶 鲜榨玉米汁 茶梅 爆米花 杏仁果 南乳花生 忌廉蛋糕 香烟 洗手间 南湖 咖啡勺 咖啡杯 糖包 沙发

Executive lounge beer heiniken black tea milk tea espresso cappuccino coffee coca cola tonic water ginger ale milk

fresh corn juice tea plum

microwave popcorn almonds peanuts fruit cakes cigarette rest room/toilet south lake coffee bucket coffee cup sugar sofa

红酒 嘉士伯 茶

(冻)柠檬红茶 咖啡

wine Carlsberg tea

(ice)lemon tea coffee

(顶)蓝山咖啡 (special)blue mountain coffee

饮品 雪碧 苏打水 依云矿泉水 鲜榨新奇士汁 金汤力 开心果 腰果 薯片 曲奇饼 果盘 座位 窗户 叉子 茶壶 烟灰缸 牙签

soft drink sprite soda water Evian water fresh orange juice gin tonic pistachios cashews fried potatoes cookies

fresh mixed fruit plates

seat window fork tea pot ash-tray toothpick

句 型:


Do you have reservation? / Have you booked the seat?

2、您可以找喜欢的位置坐下。 You can have a seat wherever you prefer. 3、这里有个靠窗的座位,您看喜欢吗? Here is a seat by the window, do you like it? 4、这个座位可以看到南湖风景。

You can have a good view of south lake by this seat. 5、您一共有几位朋友呢?

How many people in your party? / How many persons? 6、我们有茶、咖啡、啤酒和软饮,您看需要点什么?

We offer tea, coffee, beer, and soft drink, what would you like to order? 7、没关系!等你们决定了再点单吧。

It doesn’t matter!/ It’s ok, You can order when you decide. 8、别着急,您先喝杯水。

Take you time! Have some water please. 9、我们的最低消费是42元/位。

We have lowest expense for 42yuan per person.

10、行政楼层住客可以在每天8:00-18:00免费享用茶点。 Executive guest can have complementary tea everyday from 8am to 6pm. 11、我们的免费茶点有红茶,咖啡,曲奇饼,忌廉蛋糕,南乳花生。 We offer black tea, coffee, cookies, fruitcake, peanuts for free. 12、这个可以撤走了吗? May I collect this?

13、现在可以为您点单了吗? May I take your order now?

14、您点了一支啤酒,我们可以配送一份南乳花生。 You order a bottle of beer, we can go with some peanuts. 15、请核对一下您的账单,如果无误,请在这里签字确认。 Please check your bill, if it’s correct, just sight your name here.


Here is your bill, how would you like to pay? Credit card, cash, or charge to your room?


一、常用单词 Internet access


Express wash service slipper 快洗 拖鞋 Internet account 上网账号 Collect the luggage Transfer(sb to…) Meeting room

Beauty salon/ barber shop Swimming pool Go straight

Adjoining room/ beside Extra bed Deluxe room 套

Deluxe lake side suit(DLS) Curtain Safety box Bath towel Bath foam Bath tub plug 换器 baby cot air-condition wardrobe iron and iron board refrigerator blanket quilts guarantee


转接(某人到…) 会议室 美容美发 游泳池 直走 毗邻房 加床 豪华客房

豪华湖畔套 窗帘 保险箱 浴巾 沐浴露 浴缸

插座;转换插头 婴儿车 空调 衣柜 烫斗和烫板 冰箱 毛毯 被子 担保/保证 Late check out 延迟退房 banquet hall 宴会厅 sauna center 桑拿 gym/ healthy center 健身房 tennis courts 网球场 connecting room 连通房 opposite 对面/对门 service charge


deluxe lake view suit(LVS)豪华湖景

executive room 行政客房 hair dryer 风筒 face towel 毛巾 roll paper 卷纸 shampoo 洗发露 tooth brush 牙刷 transformer


baby carriages/ trolleys 手推车 laundry 洗衣 drawer 抽屉 heater 暖炉 pillow 枕头 sheets 床单 internet service 上网服务 IDD


DDD 电话 Letter paper Travel agency 二、前台接待用语

国内长话 collect call 对方付费

信纸 旅行社

envelope guide

信封 导游

欢迎光临我们的酒店。 Welcome to our hotel 住几个晚上? How many nights will you stay? 您想预订哪几天的? For which dates do you want? 您想订哪种房间? What kinds of rooms do you want? 祝您住店愉快。 I hope you will have a pleasant stay. 很高兴见到您。 Nice to meet you! 很抱歉打扰您了。 I am sorry to disturb you. 请这边走。 This way, please.

行李员会帮您拿行李并带您去房间A bellboy will show you to your room and carry the luggage for you.

我们酒店是五星级酒店。 Our hotel is a five-star hotel.

我们酒店毗临一个美丽的湖泊。 Our hotel overlooks a fine lake.

我想要一间面对南湖的单人间。 I want to have a single room facing the south lake. 你们提供哪些娱乐设施? What kinds of amusement do you offer? 我们酒店有夜总会、游泳池、网球场、台球等等。

Our hotel has a night club, swimming pool, tennis counts, billiards, and etc. 客房特别宽大,空气新鲜,窗口风景优美。

The rooms are spacious, airy and they command very nice view.

您有预订吗?是以谁的名字预订的? Do you have a reservation? What name was it, please? 请您填写一下住宿登记表好吗? Would you please fill in this registration form? 请在最后一行签名。 Please sign your name on the bottom line. 先生,可以看一下您的护照吗? Please show your passport, sir. 您准备住多长时间? How long do you intend to stay? 对不起,我们没有空房了,不过,我可以介绍您去**宾馆。

Sorry, we don’t have a vacant room. But I can recommend you to the XX hotel.

您得预付出1000人民币元的订金。 You should pay a deposit of RMB1000 in advance.

您先走,先生。 After you, sir.

这是您的行李,请检查一下是否有误。Here is your luggage, please check and see if it is the right one.

我想找斯密思夫人。 May I speak to Mrs. Smith?

我跟您接通李先生的房间。 I’ll put you through to Mr. Li’s room. 占线, 请稍等。 The line is busy, please wait.

电话通了,先生请讲。You’re through, sir. Go ahead please.

房间的分机号码与房号刚好相同。The extension number is just the same as your room number. 请告诉我到餐厅怎么走? Can you tell me the way to the restaurant? 请问在哪儿发传真? Where can I send a fax?

请稍等,我给您看一下。 Wait a minute, I’ll check for you.

斯密思先生请您上去。电梯在那边。Mr. Smith asked you to go up. The lift is over there. 您是第一次来中国吗? Is it your first trip to china, sir?

您是来度假还是出差? Are you here for a holiday or on business?

我要结账离店,请把账单给我。 I want to check out. Could I have my bill, please? 您要现金支付还是用信用卡支付? Are you going to pay in cash or by Credit Card? 这是您的收据,感谢您下榻我们酒店。 This is your receipt. Thank you for your stay in our hotel.

明天早上请叫醒一下。 I’d like to be woken up tomorrow morning. 您还得再付。 You will have to pay extra.

我查一下今天的汇率。 I want to check today’s exchange rates. 你们这儿有哪些健身设施? What fitness facilities do you have here? 抱歉,给您添麻烦了! Sorry for the inconvenience. 分开付,还是一起付? Separate bills or one for all?

上网每天需要收费33元,如果你要使用请通知我们,网线在抽屉里面的木盒子里。 Internet access is 33 Yuan per day, please tell us if you need to use, and the reticle just in the drawer of the wooden box.


Check out time is 12 at noon,half room rate will be charged before 6:00PM;after 6:00PM will be charged full day’s room rate。


I’m afraid we have no credit arrangements with your company. We will need an advance deposit by bank draft or in cash before the reservation date.

单人间的价格为… for a single room the price would be… 全部费用为… the total cost would be…. 早餐也是包括在内的。 Breakfast is also included.

