陕西省延长县中学高一英语 Module2.3导学案

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学习 目标 学习 重点 学习 难点 学法 指导 1.知识目标:让学生掌握语法(verbs followed by –ing) 2.能力目标:让学生理解和运用语法(verbs followed by –ing)[ 3.情感目标:促进学生自主学习,培养合作精神。 Grammar (verbs followed by –ing) How to learn and use the grammar(verbs followed by –ing) 1.speaking 2. practising 3. discussing 4.pair-work& group-work 学 习 过 程 学习笔记 (教学设计) 【预习案(自主学习)】 掌握一些后面只能接v-ing形式的词,eg:admit, avoid, appreciate consider, dislike, enjoy, finish, keep, imagine, practice, suggest, advise, allow, miss, escape mind, understand, delay(推迟) ect. 了解一些后面既可接不定式也可接v-ing的词,eg: begin, start, like, love, prefer, continue, hate, ect. 了解一些后面既可接不定式也可接v-ing形式含义有区别的词,eg: remember, forget, regret, mean, stop, try, go on, can’t help ect. 【探究案(合作学习)】 1.喜欢干某事(enjoy) _____________________ 喜欢干某事(like) _____________________ ______________________ 2.讨厌干某事(dislike) _____________________ 讨厌干某事(hate) _____________________ ______________________ 3.一直在外面等 _________________________ 4.练习说英语 _________________________ 5.建议早出发 _________________________ _________________________ 6.停止谈话 _________________________ 停下来谈话 ________________________ 7.忘记去关灯 _______________________ 忘记已关灯 ________________________ 8.继续工作 __________________________ __________________________

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9. mean todo sth _______________________ mean doing sth ______________________ 10.try doing sth _______________________ try to do sth ____________________ 【当堂检测】 一、Finish Grammar on Page14 by groups. 二、Multiple-choice 1.We appreciate us to the ball. A.them to invite B.to invite C.their inviting D.being invited 2. I delayed your letter because I had been away for a week. A.answer B.answering C.writing D.to post 3.The thief drove as fast as he could to escape by the police.[ A.to be caught B.caught C.being caught D.catching 4. —Where is my book? I remember it here. —You shouldn't have left it here. Remember A.to put;to take B.putting;taking C.putting;to take D.to put;taking 5. After finishing his homework he went on a letter to his parents. A.write B.writing C.wrote D.to write 6. Would you mind quiet for a moment? I'm trying a form. A.keeping;filling out B.to keep;to fill out C.keeping;to fill out D.to keep;filling out 7. Please stop ____, boys, I have something important to ____ you. A. saying ...talk B. telling ... say C. talking ...speak D. talking ... tell 8. John regretted ____ to the meeting last week. A. not going B. not to go C. not having been going D. not to be going 9. He is very busy ____ his papers. He is far too busy ____ callers. A. to write...to receive B. writing...to receive C.writing...receiving D.to write...for receiving 10. It is no good ____ remember grammatical rules. You need to practise what you have learned. A. trying to B. to try to C. try to D. tried to 【当堂小结】Let the teacher summarize the text. 【课后巩固(布置作业)】Exercise3-4 on Page73. 【纠错反思(教学反思)】

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