外研版-英语-七上Module4 2单元 教案 (2)

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Module 4 Healthy food



food, drink, candy, fruit, meat, vegetable, apple, bean, beef, carrot, chicken, chocolate, coffee, cola, juice, milk, potato, tea, tomato., water, shop, go shopping, have, get, have got, some, much, too musch, kind, lots of, so, How about…? Has, bad., healthy, delicious, bread, fish, hamburger, ice cream, noodle, rice, sugar, eat, child (pl. children), be good for, sweet, be bad for, right, egg, eye, cheese, tooth (pl. teeth), bit, a bit, tired, soup, important, remember, well, stay, fat, get fat, or, breakfast, every, lunch, home, dinner, banana, buy


1) We've got lots of apples.

2) —Have we got any juice?

—Yes, we’ve got some juice .We haven’t got any milk.

3) —Have we got any fruit?

—Yes, we have. / No, we haven’t.

4) —Have we got any meat in the fridge?

—Yes, we have.

5) Meat and fish are healthy food.

6) Too much meat isn’t healthy.

7) Meat and fish are healthy food but too much meat isn’t healthy.

8) Is your food and drink healthy?

9) What’s your favourite food and drink?

10) What’s your favourite sport?




3、and, or 和but的用法



Unit 2 Is your food and drink healthy?

ⅠTeaching model

Reading and writing.

ⅡTeaching method

Top-down approach

ⅢTeaching aims

1. To get information from the reading material about healthy food.

2. To write about healthy food with but and and.

ⅣTeaching Objectives

Key vocabulary: healthy, delicious, bread, fish, hamburger, ice cream, noodle, rice, sugar, eat, child (pl. children), sweet, right, egg, eye, cheese, tooth (pl. teeth), bit, tired,

soup, important, remember, well, stay, fat, or, breakfast, every, lunch, home,


Key phrase: be good for, be bad for, a bit,

Key structures: … and …are healthy food but … and … are my favourite food.

ⅤTeaching aids

Recorder, OHP, video

ⅥTeaching Steps

Step 1 Warming-up

1. Show some pictures to review the words of food and drink.

2. Review the text of Unit 1.

Step 2 Work in pairs.

1. Remember six words for food and drink. Make two lists.

Healthy food and drink:

Favourite food and drink:

2. Look at the pictures. Label the food and drink.




1. noodles

2. ice cream

3. fish

4. hamburger

5. Coke

6. rice


Eat : noodles, ice cream, fish, hamburger, rice, candy

Drinks : Cola

3. Call back the answers from the whole class.

4. Read the words after the teacher.

Step 3 Reading.

1. Play the recording.

2. Ask the students to read through the passage.

3. Read the passage and complete the table.

4. Check with a partner.

5. Call back the answers from the whole class.


1. Healthy food and drink: meat, carrots, eggs, potatoes, milk, cheese, fish, chicken, noodles, rice, juice, water, tea, fruit, vegetables

2. Not healthy food and drink: ice cream, hamburgers, cola, candy

Step 4 Do exercises.

1. Ask the students to read through the passage in Activity 4.

2. Complete the passage with the correct from of the words and expression from the box..

3. Check with a partner.

4. Call back the answers from the whole class.

5. Read the passage together.

Keys: 1. important 2. meal 3. lots of 4. sweet 5. teeth 6. delicious 7. fat 8. remember 9. stay Step 5 Work in pairs.

1. Ask the students to choose food from Units 1 and 2 for their meals.



2. Talk about their answers like this:

1) What’s your favourite food and drink?

2) Is it healthy food and drink?

Step 6 Writing.

1. Join the sentences with but.

1) Juice is a healthy drink. Cola isn’t a healthy drink.

2) Noodles are healthy food. Hamburgers aren’t healthy food..

3) Meat, vegetables and fruit are healthy food. Cola, ice cream and hamburgers aren’t healthy food and drink.

4) Chocolate is delicious. Too much chocolate isn’t good for you.

2. Check with a partner.

3. Call back the answers from the whole class.

4. Complete the sentence about you.

… and …are healthy food but … and … are my favourite food.

Step 7 Important and difficult points.


1. have/has got 拥有

2. go shopping 去买东西;去购物

3. let’s do sth. 让我们去做某事

4. too much 太多

5. too many 太多

6. lots of 许多

7. be good for 对……有益8. be bad for 对……有害

9. How about… ? ……好吗?……行吗?



1.water 水

2. meat 肉





7.juice 果汁

8. ice cream 冰激凌

9.tea茶10.rice米饭11.bread面包1b967be625284b73f242336c1eb91a37f011320bk 牛奶13.coke 可乐14.chocolate 巧克力15.fish鱼肉16. cheese 奶酪17. sugar 糖18. candy糖果19. soup汤


1.child—children 孩子

2. tooth—teeth牙齿

三、连词and, or, but 的区别:






Step 8 Do exercises:

A. 用and, or, but填空:

1. Mr. Zhang is an English teacher _______ he teaches us English.

2. Do you like to have Chinese food _______ western food?

3. He is rich, _______ he isn’t happy.

4. Have you got any brothers _______ sisters?

5. Juice _______ milk a re healthy drinks ________ cola isn’t a healthy drink.

6. Remember to eat noodles ______ rice, not hamburgers.


1. and

2. or

3. but

4. or

5. and, but

6. or


1.You should eat more _________(胡萝卜).

2. It’s important to _________(记得) to eat well and stay healthy.

3. Please have lots of _________(美味) chicken soup!

4. He had some fish and _________(面条) for lunch.

5. Eating too much meat is not good for _________(孩子).

6. I often eat some _________(面包), an egg and a cup of milk for breakfast.

7. If you are a bit _________(累) , please have a rest..

8. His mother wants to buy some _________(香蕉).


1. carrots

2. remember

3. delicious

4. noodles

5. children

6. bread

7. tired

8. bananas



What ___________________ food and drink?


It's very ___________________ more water.




Milk, cheese and fish ___________________.


If you want to stay healthy____________, you must ____________ vegetables.


Please eat lots of fruit and vegetables, _________ candy _________ ice cream. Keys:

1.are your favourite

2. important to drink

3. are good for your teeth

4. stay healthy, eat more

5. not, or


