2010北京英语一模解密预测试卷四 - 图文

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2010北京英语一模解密预测试卷(四) 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,总分110分,考试时间120分钟。 注意事项: 1.答第Ⅰ卷前考生务必将自己的姓名、考试证号、考试科目用铅笔填涂在答题卡上。 2.每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,不能答在试题卷上。 3.第Ⅱ卷必须答在答题纸上,做在试卷上无效。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共60分) 一、听力(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分) 第一节 每小题你将听到一段对话,从A、B、C三幅图中找出与所听内容相符的选项。每段对话读一遍。 1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. 4. A. B. C. 5. A. B. C. 第二节 听下面的对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几小题,请根据你所听到的内容,从所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个适当的答语。听每段对话或独白前,你都有时间阅读各个小题,每小题20 × 20 5秒钟;听

完后,各个小题将给出段对话或独白读两遍。5 秒钟的作答时间。每听第六段材料,回答6-7题。 ( ) 6. Who didn’t come to school on time? A. Daniel and Kitty. B. Simon and Kitty. C. Daniel and Simon. ( ) 7. Why didn’t they come to school on time? A. Because they got up late B. Because of the heavy rain they didn’t catch the early bus. C. The traffic was bad because of the heavy fog. 听第87段材料,回答~10题。 ( ) 8. What are they talking about now? A. Chinese. B. English. C. Maths. ( ) 9. Is Dick good at listening? A. Sorry, I don’t know. B. Yes, he is. C. No, he isn’t ( ) 10. Which one does Dick like best? A. Reading. B. Writing. C. Listening. 听第8段材料,回答11~15题。 ( ) 11. Who is Jenny going to see? A. Jim's uncle. B. Her father's brother. C. Her father's sister. ( ) 12. When will she leave for Hangzhou? A. On Sunday. B. On Friday. C. Tomorrow. ( ) 13. How long will the journey take? A. 10 hours. B. 6 hours. C. 4 hours. ( ) 14. Why doesn't her uncle come to meet her at the station? A. He is ill. B. He can't drive. C. He has no raincoat. ( ) 15. What will the weather be like in Hangzhou? A. Cloudy and rainy. B. Dry and cold. C. Wet and quite cold. 听第9段材料,回答16~20题。 ( ) 16. Why did Mr Wood spent 20 × 20

Christmas Day in hospital? A. Because he liked to. B. Because he broke his left leg. C. Because he broke his right leg. ( ) 17. How did he feel on Christmas Day? A. Sad. B. Better. C. Happy. ( ) 18. When did he have a good time? A. On Christmas Eve. B. On New Year’s Eve. C. On New Year’s Day. ( ) 19. What happened to him on his way home that night? A. He drank too much. B. He had a traffic accident. C. He fell and broke his left leg. ( ) 20. Where would Mr Wood spend New Year’s Day? A. Outside hospital. B. In Hospital. C. At home. 二、单项填空(共15小题;每小题15分) 从A、B、C、D1分,满分四个选项中,选出 21. Yesterday ______ 可以填入空白处的最佳选项。11-year-old boy fell into the river. Luckily _____ boy was saved by his neighbour at once. A. a; a B. an; a C. an; the D. the; a 22. ?CWho will sit in front of _________? -Wang Hai, a new student, comes from Yangzhou. A. we B. us C. our D. ours 23. Please look at these two photos _______, and you will find out 5 differences between them. A. careful B. careless C. carefully D. carelessly 24. I bought a red skirt and a blue skirt for my sister, but she liked ________ of them. A. neither B. none C. all D. both 25. There _________a clothing factory near my school, now it has changed into a supermarket. A. 20 × 20

used to have B. is used to be C. used to be D. was used to be 26. The Greens __________ having their supper when I visited them last night. A. was B. were C. is D. are 27. Timmy is _______ a clever boy _____ he worked out the maths problem. A. so; that B. too; to C. enough; that D. such; that 28. -Could I watch TV, Mum? I want to have a rest. -No. you _______. You must finish your homework first. A. mustn’t B. couldn’t C. may not D. can’t 29. -Please __________ coat and put it on that chair, Bob. -OK, Mrs King. It’s really very warm here. A. wear B. put on C. take off D. take away 30. He speaks English ______ an American, so we all believe that he has stayed in America for many years. A. as good as B. worse than C. as badly as D. as well as 31. -__________ sheep in the picture! -I looked after them with their master for half a day when I traveled in Australia. A. What a lovely B. What lovely C. How a lovely D. How lovely 32. -How long have you ________ your hometown? -For 3 years. A. left B. got to C. been away from D. come to 33. -Can you come to play basketball with us this afternoon? -_____. I have to play the piano at home. A. I hope so B. I’m afraid not C. I’d like to D. Of course 32. The children in our country are very happy because they ________. A. are taken good care B. take good care of C. are looked after well D. look after well 35. 20 × 20

The old man wondered __________. A. which gate he can go through B. where could he get a ticket C. when the train would arrive D. who was he talking to 三、完形填空(共10小题;每小题分,满分10分)的A、B、C和 D1阅读下面短文,从每题所给四个选项中,选出可以填入 All the five 2008 Olympic mascots 空白处的最佳选项。(吉祥物) have become top fashion. If you can draw them by yourself, you will become ___36___ kid in your classmates’ eyes. Since China made its final decision __37__ 8 p.m. November 11, the five mascots have been seen everywhere. If you put their__38___ together, they say “Beijing welcome you!” in Chinese. People rushed into many big shopping centers to buy them. Some shelves were __39___ after only one day of business. Do you know why the mascots __40__kids? “Children are the future of the world. So we have five childlike mascots,” said Wu Guanying, a key member of the design group. Wu __41___ the idea of five dolls. When artists finished the first designs in April, they showed their work to some kids 42 if they liked them. They were quite happy at seeing the lovely images. They had many ideas about___43___ they meant. “There were all kinds of answers. Some kids thought the mascots were a family of earth 20 × 20

protectors. One even mistook 44 for a daughter of the sea.” said Wu. An Olympic mascot is a symbol for the games. It’s always an image with ___45____ for people of the host country. Also, it carries people’s best wishes for the success of the games. ( ) 36.A.cool B. cooler C. the cooler D. the coolest ( ) 37.A. in B. at C. on D. to ( ) 38. A. pictures B. names C. colors D. sizes ( ) 39. A. empty B. full C. clean D. tidy ( ) 40. A. look at B. look for C. look like D. look the same ( ) 41. A. came up B. came up with C. came from D. thought over ( ) 42. A. to see B. seeing C. see D. to seeing ( ) 43. A. that B. how C. what D. why ( ) 44. A. the panda B. the fire C. the fish D. the swallow ( ) 45. A. something special B. special something C. anything interesting D. interesting anything 四、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下A、B、C面材料,从每题所给的四个选项(和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A Harry’s father bought a magazine which gave its readers information about all kinds of products and helped them make the best choice while buying. Harry borrowed his father’s magazine when he needed a new computer. “I’ll read it and choose the best one.” He said. The magazine described these computers. The DGT PC450 The BNK 975XF: AT $3,200 The CGP 8PT 20 × 20

This computer comes with lots of good software. However it does not have much memory and is rather slow. At $2,850 it’s not very good value for money. This is the most expensive computer we tested. However it is also far the most reliable (可靠的). It is very fast and has lots of memory. It is worth the extra money if you can afford it. At only $1,900. It has lots of money and is quite fast. However it broke down twice while we were testing it and we cannot recommend (建议) it for reliability. Harry chose the BNK 975XF. “I know it’s expensive,” he said, “but it will be with me for a long time and do everything I want it to do.” 46. Harry wants to buy a computer, so he borrowed ___________ from his father. A. a computer magazine B. a magazine about all kinds of products C. a shopping book D. a book about all kinds of computers 47. ____________ doesn’t have much memory and is rather slow. A. The DGT PC450 B. The BNK 975XF C. The CGP 8PT D. Harry’s computer 48. The CGP 8PT is _____________ among the three kinds of computers. A. the fastest B. the most expensive C. the cheapest D. the slowest 49. Harry chose the BNK 975XF because _________. A. it is the most expensive B. it has lots of good software C. it has much memory D. it would work for him for a long time 50. ___________ helped Harry to choose the computer. A. His 20 × 20

father B. His friend C. The shopkeeper D. The magazine B Jeff Keith has only one leg. When he was 12 years old, Jeff had cancer. Doctors had to cut off most of his right leg. Everyday Jeff puts on an artificial leg. The leg is plastic. With the plastic leg Jeff can ski, ride a bicycle, swim, and play soccer. He can also run. In the photo, Jeff is running with some young men. They have plastic legs, too. They are wearing special T-shirts. The T-shirts say, “Run, Jeff, Run. Jeff Keith’s Run Across America.” When he was 22 years old, Jeff Keith ran across the United State, From the East Coast to the West Coast. He started running in Boston. Seven months later, he stopped running in Los Angeles. He ran 3,200 miles, that’s about 16 miles each day. Jeff wore out 36 pairs of running shoes and five plastic legs. Jeff stopped in cities on the way to Los Angeles. In every city people gave Jeff money. The money was not for Jeff. It was for American Cancer Society. The American Cancer Society used the money to learn about cancer. On the way to Los Angeles Jeff talked to people about cancer. He also talked about being disabled. Jeff is disabled, but he can do many things: he skis, swims, plays soccer, and runs. He finished college and is studying to be a lawyer. Jeff says, “People can do anything they want to do. I want people to know 20 × 20

that. I am not only for disabled people. I ran for everyone!” 51. This passage tells us a story about a ____________ young man. A. disabled B. healthy C. blind D. sad 52. Jeff lost one of his right _____________ because of cancer. A. arms B. legs C. eyes D. ears 53. The underlined word “artificial” means ___________ in Chinese. A. 天生的 B. 天然的 C. 伪造的 D. 人造的 54. Jeff ran across American ____________. A. when he was twelve years old B. when he was at college C. at the age of twenty-two D. at the age sixteen 55. Which of the followings is NOT true according to the passage? A. Jeff is studying in a college now and he wants to be a lawyer. B. The money people gave Jeff is used for learning about cancer. C. What Jeff did tells us people can do anything they want to do. D. In order to run across American, Jeff wore out five plastic legs. C Is human blood all the same? “Yes.” You may say. “It’s all red.” Well, it’s not as simple as you might think. Blood is made up of different parts, such as red blood cells (红血球), white blood cells and platelets (血小板). Two chemical molecules (分子) on the red blood cells make people’s blood different. Scientists mark one molecule “A” and the other molecule “B”. According to which and how many molecules are on the red cell, scientists divide 20 × 20

blood into four types: A, B, AB and O. Your blood type will stay the same all your life. Scientists have been wondering if there are some links (联系) between people’s blood types and their personalities, but they don’t know for sure yet. But some say that people with the same blood type may have things in common. What’s your blood type? Do you have family members or friends who are of the same type as you? Read the following. People with type A: They look peaceful from the outside. But they ask too much of themselves that they may be very nervous inside. They get happy or sad easily. Sometimes they are shy but always very careful. They can easily win people’s trust. People with type B: They have strong minds. Once they start a task, they don’t give up easily. They’ll try their best to finish it and do it well. Type B people always try to make themselves different from others. They want to do things in their own way. People with type AB: They are maybe the strangest among al blood types. They can be both open and shy., noisy and quiet at the same time! They are responsible and always ready to help others. People with type O: They are open and good at making friends. They always start tasks but don’t always finish them. They have lots of new ideas and love to be the centre of attention. They always strongly believe in themselves. 56. The blood 20 × 20

types are decided by __________. A. the kind and amount (数量) of molecules on the white cell B. the kind and amount of molecules on the red cell C. the kind and the amount of platelets D. the amount of white blood cells 57. Scientists are _______ about the relations between blood and personalities. A. sure B. not sure C. worried D. excited 58. If you are with type A, you might __________. A. have strong minds B. be always ready to help others C. look peaceful outside D. always start a task and don’t finish it. 59. If a person is both open and shy, noisy and quiet at the same time, he or she might be with _________ blood. A. type O B. type A C. type B D. type AB 60. The best title of the passage is ________. A. Blood Type B. Red cells and White cells C. Personality D. Blood Type and Personalities 第II卷(非选择题,共50分) 五、填1分,满分15分) A) 空(共15小题;每小题根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确。 61. Little Jim is ______________ (独自的) at home when his parents got to work. 62. The earthquake in Taiwan made a lot of people ________(无家可归). 63. Summer is his 游泳). 64. Be favourite season because he likes ______________ (quiet! I heard someone _________(20 × 20 哭) in the bush. 65. There is

more and more air ________( 污染) in the big cities. B) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 66. I know only one of the ____________ (visit), how about you? 67. It’s _________(danger) for the boys to play on the street. 68. It’s _______(usual) for Sandy to stay at home at weekends because she is outgoing. 69. My father was watering flowers in the garden while I _________ (read) in it. 70. When his favourite match began, he stopped ________ (play) the computer game. C) 根据短文内容,从下面方框中选择适当的词组填空,使短文内容完整正确。 preparing for, have fun, playing tricks on, too much, are strict with Dear Jenny, I am very sorry for not writing to you for so long. I know it is hard to believe, but I am really too busy to write. You know, a very important exam is on its way. And I am busy 71.________ it. All the students are trying their best. And, of course, I am one of them. There is 72. ________homework and all our teachers 73.______ us. Though life seems to be tough, we can still 74._________. April Fools’ Day really gave us a break and we had a great time 75._____our friends. How did you spend you April Fool’s day? Please write and tell me. I am looking forward to your letter. Jane 六、阅读短文(共15小题;第81 --- 8520 × 20

小题每小题2分,第86 --- 95小题每小题1分,满分20分) A)根据短文内容,按要求答题。 The Canadian people are not all the same. There are many different groups. They came to Canada at different times. They came from different places. Many of them still live in different ways. Long ago, only Native (土著的) Americans live in Canada. They arrived thousands of years ago. Today there are about fifty different American groups. The Eskimos came after the Native Americans did. They have also been in Canada for a long, long time. Most Eskimos live in the north of Canada, where it is very cold. The European settlers started arriving 450 years ago. Most came from France. They are a large group in Canada today. They follow French customs or ways of doing things. They speak French. Later, most settlers came from England and Scotland. They speak English. Today more than half of all Canadians speak English. Canadians have also come from Germany and Italy. There are smaller groups from other places, too. You can see that different kinds of people are called Canadians. Many do not want to forget their own customs and languages. But they share a large country. They share a future in that country. They are all Canadians. 根据短文内容回答下列问题 76. Who first came to live 20 × 20

in Canada? 77. Where do most Eskimos live? 78. How long have the European settlers been in Canada? 79. What language do most Canadians speak today? 80. The Canadians look the same, don’t they? B)根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。 Yesterday I visited the Hong Shan Forest Zoo. I was s??????___81__ to find few people there. Zoos are very important places. They p___82 _ homes for many endangered animals. They also help to educate the public about caring f___83___ them. If we don’t s__84__ our zoos, they won’t have e__85 _ money to take care of so many fine animals. Therefore, people should go and visit the zoos m 86 often to learn about animals and help to protect them better. H__87___, some people do think so. They think zoos are t___88___ places for animals to live. “I’ve visited a lot of zoos in my life, and I have never seen o__89__ I liked or one that was suitable for animals to live in.” Jenny said. ‘The animals are k___90 __ in small cages and can hardly move at all. What’s more, they are only given food once week. That’s terrible.” 七、书面表达 (满分15分) A) 你明天要在英语课上作演讲,内容是介绍你和你好朋友Tom最喜欢的季节。为了演讲成功,请你先完成下20 × 20

面的演讲提纲。 Tom’s favourite season 91. My favourite _____________ season winter spring colour white 92. __________________ weather cold 93. __________________ activities go skating 94. ___________ kites in the open air Make a snowman 95. ___________ trees around the lake B) 用英文以My favourite season为题写一篇短文。要求短文中要写明你最喜欢的季节是什么、喜欢的原因、这个季节的气候和景色、以及你在这个季节中常进行的活动。A项中关于“spring”的信息要运用到你所写的文章中。词数80左右。 2010题 泰州市初三英语模拟试题五答五 六 七 (总分 号 题 得纸 分 A B C A B A B 登分人第II卷非选择题,共50分) 五、填1分,满分15分) A) 空(共15小题;每小题根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确。 61. ______________________ 62. ____________________ 63. ____________________ 64. ______________________ 65. ____________________ B) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 66. _______________________ 67. ____________________ 68. ____________________ 69. 20 × 20

_______________________ 70. ____________________ C) 根据短文内容,从下面方框中选择适当的词组填空,使短文内容完整正确。 71. _______________________________ 72. _______________________________ 73. _______________________________ 74. _______________________________ 75. _______________________________ 六、阅读短文(共15小2分,第86 --- 95小题题;第81 --- 85小题每小题每小题1分,满分20分) A)根据短文内容,按要求答题。 76. __________________________________________________________________________ 77. __________________________________________________________________________ 78. __________________________________________________________________________ 79. __________________________________________________________________________ 80. __________________________________________________________________________ B) 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。 81. s__________ 82. p__________ 83. f____________ 84. 20 × 20

s____________ 85. e___________ 86. m__________ 87. H__________ 88. t____________ 89. o____________ 90. k___________ 七、书面表达 (满分15分) A) 你明天要在英语课上作演讲,内容是介绍你和你好朋友Tom最喜欢的季节。为了演讲成功,请你先完成下面的演讲提纲。 91. _____________________ 92. __________________ 93. ____________________ 94. _____________________ 95. __________________ B) 用英文以My favourite season为题写一篇短文。要求短文中要写明你最喜欢的季节是什么、喜欢的原因、这个季节的气候和景色、以及你在这个季节中常进行的活动。A项中关于“spring”的信息要运用到你所写的文章中。词数80左右。 2010听力B、北京英语一模解密预测试卷(四) A) C每小题你将听到一段对话,从 A一、、三幅图中找出与你所听内容相符的选项。每段对话读一遍。 1. ?CWhat will Tom and Kate do next Sunday? -They will go fishing by the river. 2. ?CThe tigers are not in the cage now. How can we watch them? -Don’t worry. Let’s take this bus when watching them walking around outside. 3. -Who is 20 × 20

singing in the next door? -Mike. He is singing while he is playing the piano. 4. -Hi, David. You look good today! -Thanks. This sweater is my birthday present. 5. ?CYou draw the parts of our body. What do you want to show us? -I think each person has got two of them. I want to tell people to look after them well. We see everything with them. 第二节(本节共15小题) 听下面的对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几小题,请根据你所听到的内容,从所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个适当的答语。听每段对话或独白前,你都有时间阅读各个小题,每小题完后,各个小题将给出段对话或独白读两遍。5 5秒钟;听秒钟的作答时间。每听第六段材料,回答6-7题。 W: Why was Miss Green so worried this morning? M: Because some students didn’t come to school on time. W: Was Daniel one of them? M: No ,but Simon and Kitty were . W: Why were they late for school? M: It was foggy this morning and the traffic was very bad. W: Oh, bad luck. 听第7段材料,回答8~10题。 W: How are you getting on with you’re your English, Dick? M: Not quite well. My grammar is improving, but I still have some difficulty in listening. W: I suggest you should do more practice. You’d better 20 × 20

listen to more English tapes. And you can also watch English news on TV. What about you writing? M: I think it is better than before. To improve my writing, I keep writing diary every day. W: What do you think of reading? M: It’s not very difficult. I like reading practice. W: Remember: If you want to learn English well, you must keep practicing. M: Yes, I know. I will try. Thank you, Mr Black. 听第8段材料,回答11~15题。 M: Hello! W: Hello, Sam! It's me, Jenny. My uncle hasn't been well these days. I'm going to see him the day after tomorrow. M: Oh, really? Where does he live? W: He lives in Hanzhou. And I'm going by train because I don't like the bus. M: How long will it take? W: Well, the train leaves at six in the morning and arrives there at about ten. M: Who will meet you at the station? W: My aunt is going to meet me. She can drive. M: What will the weather be like there? W: Well, it will be quite cold and wet. So I'm going to take some warm clothes. M: And take your raincoat with you. W: Oh, yes, thank you. Oh, by the way, what day is it today? M: Friday. I hope you'll have a good journey. W: Thanks a lot, Jim. See you soon, bye. M: Goodbye. 听第9段材料,回答16~20题。 Before Christmas Mr Wood broke his right leg and had to stay in hospital. When he was there, he always asked his doctor when 20 × 20

he could go home. He didn’t like to spend Christmas in hospital. Though the doctor did his best, Mr Wood didn’t get better. So on Christmas Day he was still in hospital. He spent a bad day in bed thinking that he missed a lot of interesting things on such a happy day. After a few days the doctor told him that he might be well enough to leave the hospital in time for the New Year. Mr Wood was very happy to think that he would spend New Year’s Day outside the hospital. Soon Mr Wood left the hospital and on New Year’s Eve he went to a party. He enjoyed himself there. But he drank too much. On his way home that night, he had a fall and broke his left leg. 2010北京英语一模解密预测试卷(四) 第I卷 1―5 AABBA 6―10 BCBCA 11―15 BACAC 16―20 CABCB 21―25 CBCAC 26―30 BDDCD 31―35 BCBCC 36―40 DBBAC 41―45 BACCA 46―50 BACDD 51―55 ABDCA 56―60 BBCDD 第II卷 五、A) 61. alone 62. homeless 63. swimming 64. crying 65. pollution B) 66. visitors 67. dangerous 68. unusual 69. was reading 70. playing C) 71. preparing for 72. too much 73. are strict with 74. have fun 75. playing tricks on, 六、A) 81. Native Americans. 82. In the north of Canada. 83. For 450 years. 84. English. 85. No, they don’t. B) 81. surprised 82. provide 83. for 84.. support 85. enough 86.more 87. However 88. terrible 89. one 20 × 20

90.kept 七、A) 91. autumn 92. green 93. warm 94. go hiking 95. mooncakes B) 略 20 × 20

