
更新时间:2023-10-24 15:20:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载




Ways of searching customers Ways of establishing relations A Task

Writing Skills Practice

寻找境外客户的方法 1.建立网站

外贸企业应该在网络上建立一个自己企业的主页,包括中英文两种版本。 1)

企业介绍:经营范围、经营方式、经济实力、公司名称、地址、 电话、传真、网址和电子邮箱等 2)产品介绍:包括产品名称、规格、编号、报价、产品标准等内 容。最好附有产品照片


1)国内参展 2)国外参展

3.利用企业名录 4.利用互联网

1)大量的商业信息网站 2)工具网站及搜索引擎



2)广告媒体的选择:报纸、杂志、电视、直接邮寄、广播、户外广告牌、互联网等 3)广告代理商的选择

6. 其他方法

1)向有关银行或咨询机构获取进口商资料 2)国内外的贸易促进机构或友好协会介绍客户,如我国的贸 促会也办理介绍客户的业务 3)我驻外使馆商务处或外国驻华使馆介绍合作对象

4)与国际经济组织、国外商务情报机构、研究机构、咨询公司、数据库建立经常联系,获得专项产品的市场报告。例如根据产品分组,市场信息服务杂志(Market News Service, MNS)可以提供诸如某些产品的确切交易价格、产品的供需情况和其他影响市场走势的经济信息等最新资料。

Ways of establishing business relations Traditional ways:

1.Writing letters/fax/telex

2. Advertising through radio, TV and newspaper 3. Through old clients 4. Embassy

5. Business counselor 6. Trade fair

Modern ways

1. Online advertising 2. Search engine 3. B2B websites posting 4. Modern communication tools E-mail Trade Manager Skype MSN/QQ

To establish business relations, a letter often consists of the following parts:

1.Where you get the information about the person or company to whom you are writing the letter 2.Your intention for export/import

3.A brief introduction to your business scope, experience and products 4.The information about your firm’s credit 5.Expectation for cooperation and an early reply.


To learn/know/obtain/note one’s name and address from? To owe one’s name and address to? Through the courtesy of? On the recommendation of?

To be recommended/introduced/given to sb. by?


以旭日进出口有限公司Lily的名义写一封建交函。要求: 1.介绍得知对方情况的途径,说明来信意图

2. 介绍自己公司和产品的情况,并寄一套最新的产品目录 3. 表达与对方合作的愿望,并希望早日得到答复

Dear Sir or Madam,

We have learned from the Internet that you are in need of 100% cotton children’s jackets, which just fall into our business scope. We are writing to enter into business relations with you on basis of mutual benefits.

Our corporation, as a private foreign trade organization, specializing in manufacturing

children’s garments, and we have got a lot of experience. Our own brand “Tommy & Winne” has won a high reputation both at home and abroad, selling well in Russia, the Occident, Middle East and the area of South and East Asia.

Our products are made of environmental friendly material, 100% cotton, and good in airiness, moisture absorption, fashion in design, and comfortable in wear.

Enclosed is our latest catalogue on children’s jackets, which may meet with your demands. It will be a great pleasure to receive your inquiries against which we will send you our best quotations.

We are looking forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully,

Zhejiang Sunrise Imp. & Exp.Corp. Lily


为了防范信用风险,外贸业务员尤其对于新客户来说必须要通过有效途径对客户进行资信调查 资信调查的途径有:


借助对方所在国的工商机构、商会、贸易协会及我国驻外使领馆调查 利用银行等金融机构调查 通过其他客户调查





