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【说明:n.名词pron.代词adj.形容词adv.副词v.动词vi.不vt. 及物动词prep.介词conj.连词interj.感叹词】


1.able unable ability n. disable vt.使残废disabled adj.残废的

2.about be about to do sth.即将做......

3.above---below over---under

4.accept~ A as B 把A当作B接受/接纳cf. receive

5.accident accidental adj.偶然的;偶发的by ~/chance偶然地

6.ache n./ vi. toothache backache headache

7.across---through across the world=all over the world

8.act v./n. action n. active adj. actively adv. activity n.活动

act as...扮演;充当be active in...=take an active part in...积极参加act...out表演出

9.actual adj. actually adv.事实上

10.add v. addition n. additional adj.附加的;额外的

add to sth.增强add A to B把A加到B上去add...up把......加起来

add up to sth.合计为;意思是in addition=what’s more=besides而且

11.admire vt. admiration n. admirer n. ~ sb. for sth因......钦佩某人in admiration钦佩地

12.admit vt.承认;录取admission n. admitted admitting

admit doing sth. be admitted into a college被......录取

13.advance v. advanced adj.先进的;高级的in ~ = ahead of time提前

14.advice u.n. advise vt. give sb. advice on sth. advise sb. to do sth./ advise doing sth.

cf. advise与persuade

15.affair n.事物family/foreign/love ~s

16.afford vt. can ~ (to do) sth.

17.afraid adj. I’m ~ so/not.恐怕是这样/不是这样。

18.Africa n. African n./adj. Asia---Asian America---American Europe---European

Australia---Australian Austria---Austrian奥地利人(的)Canada---Canadian

19.again~ and ~=over and over=time and again反复地once ~=once more=~又一次

20.three years ago(一般过去时)three years before(过去完成时)


21.agree vt. agreement n.协议agreeable adj.可爱的

~ to sth.同意某事~ on sth(经讨论)达成共识~ with sb.同意某人

come to/arrive at/reach an agreement达成协议

22.agriculture n. agricultural adj. industry---industrial

23.aim n./v. ~ at...瞄准;意思是

24.alive adj.(表语形容词) eat sth ~ bury sb. ~ catch sb. ~

Cf. living活着的live现场直播的lively活泼的

25.air n. in the ~在空中on the ~在播出by ~乘飞机

26.allow vt. allowance n.补助金;补贴

~ sb. to do sth. ~ doing sth. ~ for...考虑到;酌量Smoking is not ~ed here.

27.almost adv.几乎(可接否定词) nearly adv.(不接否定词)I have seen almost no such book before.

28.alone adj./adv.独自的;单独的lonely adj.寂寞的;孤独的

29.along adv./ prep. all ~=all the time一直

30.although conj.虽然;尽管though conj. 虽然;尽管though adv.尽管如此(句末)

31.anger n. angry adj. hunger n. hungry adj.

32.announce vt. announcement n. make an announcement

33.another pron. one after ~= one by one another three chairs= three more/ other chairs

34.always adv. for ~/ good/ ever永远He is ~ talking in class.(反感) He is ~ asking clever questions.(赞扬)

35.answer n./v. the ~ to the question in ~ to响应;回答

~ the door/phone/letter ~ for=be responsible for为......负责

36.anxious adj.急切的;焦虑的anxiety n.

be ~ to do sth.迫切要去做...... be ~ about..=worry about/ be worried about...担心He is too ~ to leave the lonely island.(too...to与anxious连用不表示否定)

37.any常用在否定句、疑问句、条件句中Come to me if you have any question.

no=not any全否He has no brothers.= He has not any brothers.

38.apologize/apologise v.道歉apology n.

~ to sb. for doing sth.=make an apology to sb. for doing sth.因某事向某人道歉

39.argue v.辩论;说服argument n. ~ with sb. about sth. cf. debate quarrel

40.arm n. arms n.武器;怀抱take sb. by the ~拉住某人的胳膊~ in ~

carry sth in one’s ~s抱着...... ~s sale军火销售be armed to the teeth武装到牙齿

41.army n.军队;群an ~ of ants一大群蚂蚁

42.arrive vi.到达arrival n. ~ at a conclusion得出结论~ at an agreement达成协议~at/ in sp.

cf. reach vt. come vi.

43.art n. artist n. artistic adj.艺术的artificial adj.人工的;人造的fine ~s美术

44.article n.文章;件an ~ of clothing/ furniture


45.as prep.作为work ~... serve ~... act ~... be famous ~... use

A ~ B

accept/regard/ treat/consider/ think of/ look at/take A ~ B把A当作B

~ it is事实上mistake A ~ B误以为A是B

as conj.按照;像Dance ~ I showed you.

as conj.随着;一边......一边As time goes by, he has come to love Ningbo as his second hometown.

He usually does his homework ~ he listens to music.

as conj.虽然;尽管(倒装语序)Clever ~ you are, you have to work harder to fulfill your dream.

Fast ~ you run, you can’t catch me up.=Run ~ you may, you can’t catch me up.

=Fast runner ~ you are, you can’t catch me up.

as conj.像一样He is ~ busy ~ a bee. He did the job ~ well ~ Bob did.

Fan Wei is ~ funny an actor ~ Zhao Benshan. Peter is not ~/ so tall as Bill.

as conj.由于As you go to the bookshop, please get me a Harry Porter VI.

as pron.(引导定语从句) I will buy such a pen ~ you are using. I study in the same school ~ Mary.

Here is so big a stone as no one can lift. cf. Here is so big a stone that no one can lift it.

46.ashamed adj.羞愧的be ~ of...对感到羞愧

47.ask v. ~ sb. for sth.向某人要...... ~ A after B向A问候B ~ for trouble自寻烦恼

~ sb. to do sth. ~ to do sth. ~ to be done ~ about...询问;打听

48.asleep adj. fall ~ =go to sleep入睡(动作)be ~= sleep睡着(状态)be fast ~睡得香甜

49.assist vt.帮助assistance n. assistant n.助手an assistant professor副教授

50.attack v./n. be under ~遭到攻击an air ~空袭

51.attempt n./v.努力;尝试~ to do sth.= make an ~ to do sth. in an ~ to do sth.努力/尝试去做......

52.attend v.出席;照顾attendant n.服务员~ to sb./ sth. 照料;从事;处理

53.attention n. attentive adj.注意力集中的pay ~ to sth.注意...... draw sb’s ~ (to sth.)吸引某人的注意力(到......)

54.attract vt.吸引attractive adj.有吸引力的;迷人的attraction n.吸引(人的人或物)

be attractive to sb.吸引某人be attracted to sth. 被......吸引

55.average n./adj.平均(的) on (the) ~ 平均(来说)above/below the ~ 在一般平均以上/下

56.awake adj.醒着的v.醒来(awoke/awoke; awaked/awaked)



1.bad adj. (worse/worst) from ~ to worse每况愈下go ~ 变质Not ~.还好

2.badly adv. be ~ ill得了need sth. ~ 急需be ~ off生活较差

3.baggage u.n.行李(=luggage)

4.balloon n.气球

5.bargai n v. 讨价还价n. 讨价还价;便宜货 a real ~便宜货

6.base n. 基地;基础vt.以......为基础~ A on B A以B为基础/依据be ~d on 以......为基础

7.bath n.洗浴bathe v. be bathed in the sunshine沐浴在阳光之中

8.bear vt.忍受;承受(bore/born-borne) He can’t ~ being looked down upon.

He was born in Shanghai. They have borne three children.

9.beat v.打;击败(beat/beaten)

10.beauty n. beautiful adj. beautifully adv. beautify vt.美化

11.become/became/become link.v.系动词

12.because of=on account of=owing to prep. 由于She cried because of what I had said about her work.

13.bed n. go to ~ (college/church/court/hospital)(零冠词)强调动作

be in ~ (college/church/court/hospital) 强调状态make the ~

14.beg v.乞讨;哀求begging begged beggar n.乞丐~ sb. for sth. go ~ging去乞讨

15.begin/began/begu n v. beginning beginner初学者Well begun, half done.良好的开端成功的一半。

to ~ with首先=first of all in the beginning at the beginning of

16.believe vt. belief n.信仰;信念

17.bend/bent/bent v. 弄弯~ over sth. 伏在......上面be bent over......一心想/做

18.besides prep./adv. 除了(以外)B~ English, we study five other subjects.

I don’t like football; ~, the weather is too hot.(=what’s more; in addition )

19.best do/try one’s ~ =do what one can=do everything (that) one can=spare no efforts=go all out尽力

all the best(wishes)祝好

20.bette r be ~ off富裕be worse off贫困had ~ =might as well最好

He’d ~ come earlier, hadn’t he? Better late then never.

21.beyond prep.在......以外The beauty of the West Lake is ~ description. Sorry. This is ~ my power.

22.bill n.帐单foot the ~ 埋单

23.biology n.生物学biological adj.生物学的biologist n. 生物学家

24.birth n. birthday birthplace at birth天生give ~ to 生育

25.bite/bit/bit:bitten v.咬Never bite off more than you can chew.要量力而行。

26.blame vt.责备be to ~ (for doing sth.)因......而应受责备~ sb. for doing sth. 因......而责备


Don’t ~ the child for the broken glass. It was my fault.

I wonder who is to ~ for the broken glass.=I wonder who to ~ for the broken glass.

27.blood n.血bloody adj.血腥的bleed v.流血 a bleeding nose a bloody war

28.blow/blew/blown v.吹~ up爆炸~ sth. up把......炸毁~ ...away把吹走

29.boil v. boiling water在沸腾的水boiled water沸水boiling hot超热

30.bone n. bony adj.瘦骨嶙峋的=skinny

31.brain n.大脑brains智力If only I had your ~s!

32.bottom n.底部from the ~ of one’s heart 发自内心;衷心地from top to ~从顶到底B~ up!干杯!

33.brave adj. bravely adv. bravery n.

34.break/broke/broken v. ~ down出故障;破除~ up破坏;解散;开垦~ into sp.闯入;侵占

~ the law/rule违反~ one’s promise食言~ away (of)脱离

~ forth/out爆发~ off折断;突然中断~ open撬开~ with与......断交

c.n.休息take/have a ~

35.breath n. breathe v. bath---bathe breathless adj.上气不接下气的

hold one’s ~ 屏住呼吸lose one’s ~上气不接下气(动作) be out of ~上气不接下气(状态)

catch a ~喘口气breathe one’s last死

36.bring/brought/brought vt. ~ sb. up抚养~ sth. up呕吐;提出bring sth. forward提出

37.Britain n. British adj. the Great Britain大不列颠

38.broad adj.宽阔的abroad adv.在国外aboard adv.在船(飞机、火车等)上broaden vt.拓宽

39.broadcast/broadcast/broadcast vt.广播~ sth. live现场直播Cf. cast/cast/cast forecast/forecast/forecast

40. build/built/built vt.建造;建设building n. ~ ...up建造~ A into B把A建成B

41.burn/burnt/burnt v. ~ sth. up烧光~ sth. to the ground=~ sth down夷为平地It’s ~ing hot.

42.burst vt.爆发;爆炸~ sth. up =blow sth. up炸掉~ into tears/laughter/cheers

~ out crying/laughing/cheering ~ into...闯入~ forth= ~ out= break forth= break out爆发

43.bury vt.埋葬burial n.葬礼~ sb. alive活埋

44.busy adj. business n. Business is business.公事公办Business before pleasure.先干正事后娱乐

be ~ (in) doing sth.= be busy with sth. go to sp. on business到......出差get (down) to business 开始干正事


45.but conj. But me no ~s.不要辩解。but for要不是因为the last line but two倒数第二行

46.butcher n.屠夫go to the ~’s去肉店

47.butter n.黄油Bread and ~ is always my breakfast.

48.buy/bought/bought vt. I won’t ~ your story.我才不信呢。

49.by prep.乘坐~ bus/train/plane/ship/air/sea/water/land on/in a train in a plane


1.call v./n. ~ for请求;要求;需要;呼吁~ at sp.参观~ on sb.访问~...off取消

~ out大声叫喊~ forth...唤起;鼓起(勇气等)call (on) sb. to do sth.号召

2.camp v.宿营n.帐篷go camping去宿营

3.capital n.资本;首都capitalism n.资本主义capitalist n.资本主义者adj. 资本主义的

4.care v. ~ for...喜爱;关心;照管~ about...关心;顾虑

care n. take ~ of...照料;照看take ~当心;保重under the ~ of在......的照料下with ~ =carefully小心地;慎重地

5.carpet n.地毯

6.carrot n.胡萝卜

7.caryy vt. ~ sth. in one’s arms抱着~ sth. on one’s back背着

~ sth. in one’s hands捧着~ sth. in one’s hand拿着

~ sth. out实施;执行~ ...away带走;冲昏...的头脑

~ sth. on继续下去~ through坚持到底

8.cart n. 马车Never put the cart before the horse.不要本末倒置

9.case n.情况;案例;病历;箱子in ~ 万一(可单独使用也可接句子)in ~ of万一(接名词、代词、动名词等)

Take an umbrella in ~. Take an umbrella in ~ of rain. Take an umbrella in ~ it rain/in ~ it should(万一) rain.

As is often the ~, Tom came late again.

10.castle n.城堡 a ~ in the air空中楼阁

11.catch/caught/caught vt.抓住~ sb. = ~ up with sb.追上catch sight of突然看到~ hold of突然抓住

~ (a ) cold得感冒~ sb.’s attention/ eye吸引的注意力~ sb. doing sth.

be caught in a rain遭遇风雨等be caught in/between the trees卡在树中

12.ceiling n.天花板

13.celebrate v. 庆祝celebration n. ~ one’s birthday/Christmas/Easter/New Year’s Day (=mark/observe/keep)

14.center/centre n.中心;中部central adj.

15.century n.世纪the twelfth ~

16.certain adj. ~ly adv. certainty n. 确定性It is ~ that he will make it.=He is


~/sure to make it.

be ~/sure about...对确信

17.chain n.链条;锁链 a ~ shop连锁店 a ~ smoker连续吸烟者

18.chair n.椅子chairman主席;书记;懂事长chairwoman chairperson The ~ is comfortable to sit in.

19.chalk u.n. 粉笔 a piece of ~

20.chance n.机会by ~ 偶然take one’s ~碰运气;冒险Chances are that he will win.=Possibly he will win.

21.change v./n.变化~/turn A into B 把A变成B ~ trains/planes/clothes换车、飞机、衣服

~ for the better/worse边得更好/坏~ with...随着......而变化~ oneself=get ~d换衣服

Great ~s have taken place in China since the reform and opening up in 1979.

22.charge v.收费;控告;冲锋~ sm. sb. for sth. He ~d me $10 for the book.

~ sb. with (doing) sth. He was ~d of sealing books from the newsstand.

n.主管;收费;控告;冲锋in ~ of 主管in the ~ of由......主管free of ~免费的

23.cheap adj.便宜的 a ~ buy便宜货

24.check n.检查;控制;支票(cheque) a money ~汇票

v. 检查;控制~ one’s tears控制住眼泪~ in入住宾馆/进入商场等~ out ~...up核对;检查

25.chief adj.主要的;首要的CEO=chief executive officer

in ~ 主要地;尤其an editor-in-~总编 a commander-in-~总司令

26.chimney n.烟囱

27.choice n.选择have no ~ but to do sth.=have to do sth只好;不得不adj.精选的

a ~ friend 好朋友

28.choose/chose/chosen v.选择~ to do sth. cannot ~ but do sth.=have no choice but to do sth. 只好;不得不

29.church n.教堂go to ~做礼拜(动作)be in ~z在做礼拜(状态) a ~ goer信教者

30.cigar n.雪茄cigarette n.香烟注:-ette是表示―小‖的后缀,如case, cassette。

31.cinema n.电影院go to the ~/theatre/hotel

32.circle n.圆圈in ~s The bees dance in ~s.

33.citizen n.市民;国民citizenship n.国籍senior ~s老年人

34.clap v. n.拍(手)

35.class n.课;班级;阶级;等级world-class adj.世界级的first-class adj.一级的Class A最高级的

in /after/before ~ have ~es听课


36.clean adj.干净的; a ~ sweep完胜;全胜vt.弄干净clean...up扫除;收拾干净

cleaning n.扫除;擦give sp. a thorough/spring cleaning大扫除

37.clear adj.清晰的;明亮的;(头脑)清醒的be ~ about...对明了make it ~ that...弄清楚;使人明白

vt.使干净;清除~...off清除;消散~...up整顿~ up放晴

38.clever adj.聪明的be ~/quick/good/expert/skilful at...擅长

39.clinic n.医务所

40.clock n.钟表around the ~=24 hours a day全天地

41.close adj.近的;亲密的closely adv. 密切地;亲密地be ~ to sth.靠近be ~ at hand迫近

v.关闭~...down关闭;封闭Zhang Fei liked sleeping with his eyes closed. 42.cloth u.n.布料 a piece of ~一块布料 c.n.有特殊用途的布,如桌布、擦脚布等

clothes n.衣服 a suit of clothes一套衣服

clothing u.n..衣服的总称 a piece/an article of clothing一件衣服

sugar-clothed pills糖衣药片

43.cloud n.云cloudy adj.多云的Soon the ~s lifted.云很快散去了。

44.club n.俱乐部join the ~

45.coast n.海岸an island off the ~ a town on the ~ coastline海岸线

46.coffee n.咖啡make ~/tea/bed煮咖啡/沏茶/铺床black/white ~

47.coin n.硬币head正面tail反面Every coin has two sides.

48.cold n./adj.冷(的)leave sb. in the ~疏远某人throw ~ water on...泼冷水;不赞成catch a ~ 得感冒(动作)have a ~感冒(状态)

49.collar n.衣领white-~ blue-~ pink-~ golden-~ gray-~

50.college n.大学go to ~上大学(动作)be in ~在上大学(状态)

51.colour/color n.颜色colourful/colorful adj.色彩斑斓的

94a27703a6c30c2259019ec7b n.梳子tomb n.坟墓bomb n.炸弹

94a27703a6c30c2259019ec7e/came/come vi. 来

~ about发生~ across...偶遇~ along一道来;进步~at...袭击

~ back回来;恢复~ back to life苏醒~ down降落;跌落;病倒

~ for...来取(物);来接(人)~ into being产生;出现~ into existence成立;出现

~ into force开始生效、实行~ into office上任~ into power上台;掌握政权

~ into use开始得以使用~ off脱落~ out出来;长出;出版;显现

~ to苏醒~ to a conclusion告一段落;得出结论

~ to s stop停下来~ to light现露出来~ to oneself苏醒过来

~ to terms with sb.与某人妥协~ to the point说到要点~ true实现


~ up走近;上升;流行~ up to sth.到达;符合(标准);不辜负(期望)~ up with...提出~ what may不管发生什么~ from...来自

94a27703a6c30c2259019ec7fort vt./n.安慰comfortable adj. comfortably adv.

94a27703a6c30c2259019ec7mon adj.共同的;常见的in ~共有的 a ~ room卫生间

94a27703a6c30c2259019ec7mune n.公社communism n.共产主义communist n./adj. 共产主义者/的

socialism n.社会主义capitalism n.资本主义feudalism n.封建主义

94a27703a6c30c2259019ec7panion c.n.伴侣;伙伴

94a27703a6c30c2259019ec7pany n.公司;伙伴keep sb. ~给某人做伴in ~ with sb.和某人在一起keep ~ with sb.与某人交往

94a27703a6c30c2259019ec7pare v.比较comparison n. 比较comparative adj.比较的

~ A with B把A与B比较~ A to B把A比作B in comparison with...与......比较Compared with Shanghai, Beijing is important politically.

94a27703a6c30c2259019ec7plete adj.完全的vt.完成completion n. 完成

94a27703a6c30c2259019ec7position n.作文;作曲compose vt.写作;作曲Your ~ is well written except for some spelling mistakes.

94a27703a6c30c2259019ec7puter n.电脑PC=personal ~

94a27703a6c30c2259019ec7rade n.同志 a ~-in-arm战友

64.concert n.音乐会

65.condition n.条件conditional adj.有条件的unconditional adj. 无条件的

on ~ that(接句子)如果on ~ of (接名词和动名词等) on no ~决不

living/working/studying ~s生活/工作/学习条件(环境) in ~状况良好out of ~状况不好

66.conductor n.导体;乘务员

67.congratualte vt.祝贺congratulation n. ~ sb. on (doing) sth.因......而祝贺某人~ oneself on sth.庆幸

68.connect vt.连接connection n. ~ A with B把A和B连接起来be ~ed with...与有关;与连着

69.consider vt.认为;考虑consideration n.考虑considerate adj.体贴人的;体谅人的

~ A as B认为A为B ~ doing sth.打算take sth. into consideration考虑到Charles Babbage is generally ~ed to have invented the computer.=It is ~ed that Charles Babbage invented the computer. It is considerate of you to have brought so much food.

70.contain vt.包含;含有container n.容器

71.content n./adj.满足(的) I’m ~ with my salary. He’s ~ to stay in the present job.

vt.使感到满足As there is no cream, we have to ~ ourselves with black coffee.

n. (复数)目录;内容

72.continent n.大陆;大洲continental adj. 大陆的continental climate大陆性气候

73.continue v.继续continuous adj.连续不断的continual adj. 频频的;时断时续的


~ to do sth.= ~ doing sth. The story is to be ~d.(未完待续)

74.control n./v.控制controlled controlling

be in ~ of控制be in/under the ~ of被控制beyond ~无法控制

keep/get...under ~控制住lose ~ of失去对......的控制

75.convenient adj.方便的convenience n. 方便It is ~ for me to get the milk from the grocery shop.

76.conversation n.交谈conversational adj.口头的conversational English=spoken English

77.cook n.厨师v.烹调;烹饪cookie n.甜饼do some cooking

78.copy n.拷贝;(相同书、报、杂志等的)份,本,册vt. 抄写;抄袭 a ~ cat只会模仿的人

79.corn u.n.玉米;谷物 c.n. 谷粒

80.corner c.n.角落in the ~ of on the ~ of at the ~ of around the ~即将到来

81.correct adj.正确的vt. 改正;纠正;矫正~ the papers批改试卷

82.cost/cost/cost vt. 花费; 使丧失How much/What does the book ~? The carelessness ~ us $1,000.

n.成本;花消;代价at the ~ of以为代价at all ~s不惜任何代价

count for: 有价值under the counter: 非法地take up courage: 鼓起勇气cover one’s tracks: 掩盖证据

from cover to cover: 自始至终cross off: 划掉cross up: 欺骗in one’s cup: 醉酒

be curious about: 对…好奇customs: 海关damage: ―损坏‖(不可数) damages: ―赔偿费‖(可数)

be in the dark: 被蒙在鼓里up to date: 及时的day in day out: 日复一日dead end: 死胡同

deadly: 致命的deadline: 最终期限put to death: 处死declare war: 宣战

in deep water: 在困境中made a defense: 做防御by degrees:逐渐地without delay: 毫不拖延

take a delight in: 以…为乐in demand: 有需求a department store: 百货商店have design on: 对…别有用心

beyond one’s depth: 超出…的理解力devote oneself to: 致力于die away: 平息diamond cut diamond: 强中更有强中手make a difference: 有影响eat dirt: 忍辱get into difficulties: 陷入困境dirty one’s hands: 干不正当的事 a long distance call: 长途电话

in the distance: 在远处dog eat dog: 互相残杀give to the dogs: 无用而扔掉lead a dog’s life:过苦难生活


work like a dog: 拼命干from door to door: 挨门挨户show a person the door: 下逐客令

shut the door to: 拒之不见beyond doubt: 毫无疑问without doubt: 毫无疑问come down on a person: 责备

come down to business: 认真谈论正事down to the ground: 完全地down under: 在世界另一边

hit a man when he’s down: 打落水狗let a person down: 见死不救put sth. down: 铲除;停止

send a person down: 开除某人shout a person down: 拒绝听某人讲话draw a bread on: 攻击

draw a conclusion: 得出结论draw aside: 拉到一边draw back: 不信守诺言draw off: 撤退dress down: 责备dress up: 打扮drink deep: 大量饮酒

drink hard: 痛饮drink in: 倾听;欣赏drink to: 为…干杯drink up: 喝干

drive a person into a corner: 逼入绝境drive out: 赶出去drop across: 偶遇drop in: 顺便拜访dry goods: 干货dried milk: 奶粉dry up: 干涸

dryer: 烘干机 a duck’s egg: 零分like a duck to water: 自热地;如鱼得水due: adj.到期的When is the rent due? 合适的Respect is due to older people.

应到的;预期的When is the steamer due? (这船预定何时到?)

由于;起因His absence was due to the storm.

Incorrect: He fell due to his mistake.

Correct: His fall was due to his mistake.

Incorrect: Due to the storm, he was late.

Correct: Because of the storm, he was late.

(due to一般不用于句首)

dull: 枯燥的;阴郁的;不锐利的;愚蠢的

Incorrect: During I was sick, I couldn’t eat well.

Correct: While I was sick, I couldn’t eat well.


dust: 灰尘be in the dust: 受屈辱make a dust: 引起骚动

off duty: 下班on duty: 值班

Incorrect: I’m eager to success.

Correct: I’m eager for success. (=I’m eager to succeed.)

be all ears: 倾听turn a deaf ear to: 对…根本不听

have an ear for: 有对…的鉴赏能力

in one’s early thirties: 30岁出头

keep early hours: 早睡早起


the early bird catches the worm: 捷足先登

earn one’s living: 谋生on earth: 究竟

come back to earth: 重返现实

easier said than done: 说得容易做得难

eat one’s word s: 食言eat out: 在外吃饭

eat up: 吃光edge: 边;缘;刀刃;

come into effect: 有效;生效of no effect: 没有作用

make an effort: 努力spare no effort: 不遗余力

put all one’s eggs in one basket: 孤注一掷

teach one’s grandmother to suck eggs: 班门弄斧

or else: 否则;要不然out of employ: 失业

employee: 雇工;职员employer: 雇工

enclose: 随信寄来come to an end: 结束

make ends meet:收支相抵put an end to: 结束

end in: 以…告终end up with: 结束

enter for: 报名参加entrance fee: 入场费

equal to: 等于;能胜任equip with: 用…装备起来

trial and error: 反复试验in that event: 如果那样

in the event of: 万一quite an event: 重要大事

Incorrect: Everyone of the books is broken.

Correct: Every one of the books is broken.

(everyone 不可与of结构连用。Everyone 只能代表人,而every one 可代表人,也可代表物。)

Incorrect: Everyone should do exercises every day.

Correct: Everyone should do exercise every day.

(作为―运动‖讲,exercise 是不可数名词;而当―练习体操‖或―练习‖来讲则是可数名词。例如:We do a lot of exercises in the class.)

on exhibition: 展出

1.exist v. 存在existence n. 存在come into existence / being 形成

2.expect v. 料想,希望expectation n. expect sb sth expect sb to do sth expect

that …

beyond one’s expectation(s) 出乎意料live / come up to one’s expectation(s) 不辜负,符合…的期待

3.expensive adj. 昂贵的expense n

at the expense / cost of 以…为代价spare no expense 不惜一切代价living / school expenses 生活费/ 学费

4.experience n. / v. 经历(可数);经验(不可数)experienced adj. 有经验的

5. experiment n . / v. 实验experimental adj. 实验的carry out / conduct / do an


experiment 做实验

6.explain v. 解释explanation n.

7. explore v 探险,调查

8. exploit v. 开采,剥削

9. express v. 表达,快递,快车expressive adj. 意味深长的expression n. 表情

10. extra adv. / adj./ n. 额外的extraordinary 非同寻常的

11. extremely adv. 极其地,非常extreme adj. / n. 极其,极端


1. face n./ v. facial adj. face to face面对面make a face / make faces 扮鬼脸

face the danger / difficulty 面对危险/应付困难be faced with the difficulty 面临困难in (the) face of 面临;不顾

2. fact n. as a matter of fact / in fact / actually 事实上

3. fail vt./ vi. failure n. 失败;失败的人或事fail to do sth 没做成succeed in doing sth 做成,成功

4. fairly adv. 相当地(多与褒义词连用,e.g. a fairly easy question)

5. faith n. 信念keep/ have / lose faith in … faithful adj. 忠实的

6. fall v. / n fall asleep 入睡fall ill 生病fall in love (with …) 爱上fall silent 沉寂下来

Pride goes before a fall. 骄兵必败

7. false adj. 假的true adj. 真的

8. familia r adj. 熟悉的be familiar with… 对…熟悉be familiar to sb 为某人所熟悉

9. famous adj. (= well-known ) be famous / well-known for 因…而出名

be famous / well-known as 作为…而出名be famous/ well-known to sb 为某人所熟知

比较:for his Theory of Relativity.

Einstein was famous as a great scientist

to people all over the world.

10. far adj. (farther , further; farthest, furthest )

futher study深造Do you have anything further to say?你还有什么要说的吗?

far (away) from sp 远离… far from 远离;远远不,完全不,决非

so far 到目前为止(与现在完成时连用)by far 显然地;很

so / as far as 远到;就…而言(as far as I known = as far as I am concerned)

far / much / rather too + adj. 实在太,过于far + adj. 比较级… 得多

11.fast adj. / adv. fast: 迅速地;指运动的物体和运行的速度quickly: 快;强调立刻行动,毫不迟疑

12. favo(u)r n. 帮助;偏爱favo(u)rite adj. /n. in favor of 喜欢,赞成do sb

a favor 帮忙

13. fear n./ v. 害怕fearful adj. 可怕的be in fear of 害怕for fear (of sth / that +


句子) 生怕,以免

14. feather n. 羽毛Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚,人以群分

15. feed vt./ vi. (fed, fed) 喂养,饲养feed on (牛,马等)吃… feed … on / with… 喂(动物)饲料

16. feel v. (felt, felt) 感觉feel like sth / doing sth 喜欢;觉得好像

17. fever n. 发烧(run / have a fever)

18. fierce adj. 凶猛的;猛烈的;强烈的; 激烈的 a fierce tiger / storm / effort / competition

19. fight n./ vt./ vi. (fought, fought) 战斗fight for / against / with

20. figure n. / v. 数字;身材;图形;人物;算出;认为figure out 算出,想出

21. fill v. 充满fill in (the blank / the form …) 填(空/表格…)be filled (up) with 充满,填满

22. final adj./ n. 最后的;决赛(~s) finally adv. (= eventually = at last= in the end ) 最后

23. finger n. 手指toe 脚趾the thumb ---拇指the index ( first ) finger / the forefinger ---食指

the middle finger--- 中指the third / ring finger 无名指the little finger 小指

24. firm adj./ adv. / n. 牢固的;公司firmly adv.

25. first first of all 首先,第一at first 起先,开始in the first place 首先

the first time 可直接引导时间状语从句(同immediately, instantly, directly, the moment, the instant, as soon as…)

It (This) is the first time (that)…

26. fit. v. / adj. / n..fit sb / sth 适合(强调大小尺寸合身)

区别:suit sb (趣味方面适合;形状、颜色等其他方面协调一致)

fit in (with) 与… 相适应,与… 相协调be fit / suitable for / to... 合适keep fit 保持健康

27. fix v. 固定;专注于;修理(~up)fix one’s attention / one’s eyes on / upon … 把注意力/目光集中于…

28. flash n. / v. 闪光;闪烁in a flash 一瞬间flesh n. 肉,肉体flesh and blood 血肉fresh adj. 新鲜的

29. follow v. 跟随;遵守(~ the rule / one’s advise / the fashion / one’s example)as follows 如下

30. fond adj. 喜欢的be fond of = be into … 喜欢

31. fool n. / v. 傻瓜;愚弄foolish adj. 愚蠢的make a fool of sb 愚弄某人

All Fools’ Day/ April Fools’ Day 愚人节

32. forbid v. (forbade, forbidden ) 禁止(反义allow / permit)

forbid / allow / permit / advise sb sth

forbid / allow / permit / advise sb to do sth

fordid / allow / permit / advise (sb’s) doing sth

forbid / advise that sb (should) do sth


33. force n. / v. 暴力;强迫by force 以武力come into force / effect 开始有效(实施)

carry / put into force / practice 把…实施force sb to do sth = force sb into doing sth 强迫某人做某事

34. forget v. (forgot, forgotten) forget to do sth 忘记去做某事forget doing sth 忘记曾经做过某事

35. foreign adj 国外的foreigner n. 外国人

36. forgive v. ( forgave, forgiven) 原谅,宽恕forgiveness n. forgive sb sth forgive sb for doing sth

37. fork n. 叉a knife and fork 一副刀叉(谓语动词用单数)

38. form n 形式in the form of 以… 的形式

39. fortnigh t n. 两个星期

40. fortunate adj. 幸运的(lucky)unfortunate adv. 不幸的(unlucky)

fortunately adv. 幸运地(luckily) unfortunately adv.不幸(unluckily)

fortune n. 幸运,命运;财富misfortune 不幸

41. forward adv./v./ adv 向前方(反:backward)look forward to doing sth 期待,盼望

42. found v. 建立foundation n

43. fountain n. 喷泉

44. free v. / adj. / adv. 使自由;自由的;免费的;有空的freedom n. freely adv.

set free 释放be free to do sth 随意做某事(be free of sth)for free 免费地(free of charge)

free sb from / of (from 有免除之意,of 有救济之意)

45. freeze v. (froze, frozen) 使结冻freezing adj. 极冷的freeze / starve / beat to death 冻死/饿死/打死

46. Frenchman (pl. Frenchmen) Englishman (pl.Englishmen) Chinese (pl. Chinese) Japanese (pl. Japanese)

German (pl. Germans) American (pl. Americans)

47. frequent adj. 频繁的frequently adv.

48. friend n 朋友(反:enemy) friendship n. 友谊friendly adj. 友好的make friends with sb 与…交朋友

A friend in deed is a friend in need. 患难见知己

49. frighten n 使害怕frightened adj. 惊吓的,害怕的be frightened / afraid to do sth

be frightened / afraid of doing sth

50. from from now on 从今往后from then on 从那时起

51. front n. / adj. 前面,前部,前线;前面的,前部的in front of 在某一物以外的前面

in the front of 在某物本身内部范围内的靠前部分

52. fuel n. 燃料add fuel to the fire (flame) 火上加油


53. full adj. 满的,充分的fully adv. 完全地,全部地be full of 充满to the full 完全的

make full use of = make the most / best of 充分利用

54. fun n. (不可数) 玩笑,乐趣,有趣的事或人funny adj 滑稽的

What fun it is to have a bath in the sunshine in such hot weather! make fun of 开玩笑,嘲笑for (in) fun 开玩笑地

55. furniture n.(不可数) 家具a(n) piece / set / article of furniture

56. future n./ adj. 未来in future 从今以后in the future 将来


1. gain v. / n. Pain past is pleasure. 苦尽甘来No pains, no gains. / No pains without gains. 不劳无获

2. garage n. 车库

3. gather v. (反:scatter ) gather oneself 振作起来

4. gay ad j./ n. 快乐的;男同性恋

5.general adj. / n. 大体的,一般的generally adv. in general 就一般而言as a general rule 一般而言;通常

generally (speaking) 一般说来

6. generation n 代generation gap 代沟pass down from generation to generation 代代相传

7. gentle adj. 温柔的,亲切的gently adv. gentleman (pl. gentlemen ) 绅士

8. geography n. 地理

9. get v. get along (on) with 进展,相处get away 逃脱,离开

get back 回来,恢复,取回get down 下来;记下;使情绪低落

get in 进来;收(庄稼)(get down to doing sth 开始认真干某事)

get off 从火车、汽车、船、飞机、马上下来(从出租车或小车下来用get out of);脱下get it 明白

get on 登上车、船、飞机等;进展get over 越过,克服

get rid of 处理,去掉get through 穿过,完成,拨通

get together 聚集get up 起床,站起来,化装

10. gift n 礼物,天赋,轻而易举之事have a gift for 有…的天赋

11. give v. give back 归还,回来(=return)give away 赠送,泄露,出卖

give in 投降,屈服give up 放弃give off 发出(蒸汽,光等)

give over 沉湎于(give oneself over);交出,让给give out 分发;分配;发表;用完;


give way to 让位于…;让步于… give birth to 生

12. glad adj. 高兴的be glad at/ about sth be glad of sth / to do sth / that…

13. glance n. / v. 瞥见at a galane 一眼,乍见之下take a glance at 看…一眼

14. glass n. 玻璃(不可数);玻璃杯(可数);眼镜(可数)

15. globe n.地球,地球仪global adj. 地球的;全球的


16. glove n. 手套

17. go n ./ v. on the go 忙碌have a go/ try试一下go about sth / doing sth 开始… go after 追求

go against 违背,对... 不利go all out to do sth 全力… go away 离开go back 回去

go by 过去,逝去go for 出去(散步等);设法得到);喜欢

go on 继续;举行;进展go on (well ) with sb 与某人相处(好)

go out 出去,熄灭,落伍go over 复习,仔细查看go through 通过,经历,仔细看go with … 与… 配

18. goal n. 目标

19. goat n. 山羊

20. god n. 神,上帝(God)goddess 女神pray to God 向上帝祈祷believe in God 信上帝

God bless you! 上帝保佑你!My God! 天哪!God knows that… 天知道…

21. gold n. / adj. 金子;金的, 金制的golden adj. 金黄色的

22. good adj. / n. goodness n. 良好,长处be good at 擅长be good for 对…有好处as good as 几乎

a good deal of 很多(修饰不可数) a good many 很多(修饰可数)

do good / harm to sb对…有好处/ 坏处(=do sb good / harm)good and +adj. = nice and + adj. / adv. 非常

It’s no good / no use doing sth 做…没好处/ 做…没用

23. goods n. 货品(无单数形式,做主语配用复数谓语动词)

24. goose(pl. geese) 鹅

25. government n 政府govern n. 统治,管理governor n. 洲长,总督

26. gradually adv. 慢慢地gradual adj. 慢慢的

27. graduate v./ n 毕业;毕业生graduation n. 毕业graduate from 从… 毕业

28. grain n 谷物(不可数)

29. grammar n. 语法


1.great adj. greatly adv.

2.Greek n. 希腊adj.希腊的,希腊人的

3.green green—eyed adj. 嫉妒的greenbelt be green at one’s job 无经验的

4.greet vt. greet the New Year n..『c』greeting a New Year ~

5.grey/gray adj. 灰色的,灰白色

6.ground ground floor(英)底楼down to the ~彻底的


8.grow ( grew,grown ) vi.生长,发育link v.渐渐变成~old /dark ~up 长

大~out of 源自于…

9.guard n.士兵v.保卫,守卫n.. guarder 守卫者,看守员


11. guest n.

12. guide n.导游,指南,入门 a traveler’s ~ a ~to Italy

v.引导,指导,领导~sb to a place ~sb in /out/up guided missile 导弹



1.habit n. be in the/a ~of doing sth. have the/a ~of doing sth. 有…… 的习

form/fall into /get into the /a ~of 养成…… 的习惯

get sb into the ~of 让某人养成……的习惯get out of a ~戒除★ Habit is second nature 习惯成自然

2.hair n. make one’s hair stand on end 令人毛骨悚然haircut n. 理发

3.half n. half an hour = a half hour one and a half hours = one hour and a half

Cut it in half 对半分half –hearted adj.半心半意的

4.hall the Great hall of the People 人民大会堂

5.ham n.火腿 a ham 一只火腿 a slice of ham 一片火腿

6.hammer n.锤 a hammer and sickle 锤子和镰刀

7.hand n.& v. n. hand in hand a green hand 生手the hour hand 时针at first hand / at second hand 直接/ 间接at hand 即将到来,就在手边The examinations are at hand.

by hand 用手工on (the) one hand… on the other 一方面,另一方面shake hands with sb. = shake sb. by the hand

n.handshake 握手Hands off 不许摸,不许干涉hands up 举起手来

v.hand in 上交hand out 分发hand / pass down /on 传下去

8.handkerchief pl.handkerchiefs or handkerchieves hand + kerchief(方头巾) = handkerchief 手帕

9.handsome adj. a handsome man

10.hang v. hang -- hung -- hung 悬挂hang one’s head in shame 含羞低头

pictures hanging on the wall 挂在墙上的画不可用hung

hang--- hanged—hanged 绞死He was hanged for murder.

11.happen vi. 偶然发生sth. happen to sb. Sb. happen to do sth./ to be doing sth. /to

have done sth.

It happens that… 恰巧,碰巧

12.(un)happy adj. (un)happily adv. (un)happiness n. live / lead a happy life 13.hard adj.& adv. work hard adv. a hard student adj.

hard—working adj. 努力工作的*hardly adv. 几乎不hardship n.苦难go through hardship

14.hardly hardly / scarcely …… when…… no sooner…… than …… 15.harvest 收获n. a good / bad harvest v. harvest / get in crops


16.hat put on / take off one’s hat

17.hate hate / like to do sth. hate / like doing sth.

18.have (had, had) I have got a cough . = have cf have to & must

have on 1)(无进行时态,表状态)穿着,戴着 e.g He had nothing on except a hat. 2)有事在手头I don’t have anything on tonight.

19.head use one’s head head teacher 班主任headmaster 校长

★ Two heads are better than one .两人智慧胜一人

20.headache have got a headache /toothache /backache

21.health n. healthy adj. unhealthy 指人(不)健康的He is healthy.

healthful adj.有益于健康的食物 a healthful food be in good /bad /poor health

22.hear (heard, heard) 听见强调结果listen to 强调过程

hear sb. do sth. hear sb. doing sth. hear from sb.收到…来信hear of 听说

23.heart n. heart and soul 全心全意的break one’s heart 心碎

learn /get /know sth. by heart 熟记,背出put one’s heart into sth.全神贯注做sth = be absorbed in doing sth.

lose one’s heart to sb.爱上… lose heart 灰心,气馁with all one’s heart / with one’s heart and soul全心全意的

adj. hearted cold/warm –hearted 冷酷的/热心的

heart disease 心脏病heart failure 心脏衰竭heart transplant 心脏移植

24.heat n./v.热adj. heated 加热的,热烈的,激烈的 a heated discussion

25.heaven n.天堂,天国go to heaven 死去

26.heavy adj. 重的;大量的n.heaviness adv. heavily a heavy rain 大雨

27.height n. / hait/ v. heithten 增高adj. high high jump 跳高

adv.highly think /speak highly of highly skilled 高度熟练的28.hello say hello to sb.

29.help n.& v. cannot help but do sth.不得不 e.g Icannot help but admire his courage.

help oneself to sth.随便吃help sb. out help sb with sth

help sb. (to )do sth. help (to) do sth. with the help of

cf assist assist sb. with sth. assist sb. to do sth. assist sb. in doing sth.

30.here here and there

31.hero (heroes) heroine (女英雄) heroic adj.

32.hide (hid,hid/hidden) hide sth.from sb. sth.瞒着sb. 捉迷藏hide and seek hiding—place 藏身之处

33.hill 小山adj. hilly mountain 大山hillside 山坡,山腰hill billy (俚语) / yokel 乡下人

34.he-- him --his --himself she --her --her--herself by oneself 独立的35.hire雇佣fire 开除


36.history n. with a history of adj. historic 有历史意义的 a congress of historic significance

historical adj.历史的,历史上的historical events

37.hit(hit,hit)v./n. 击中hit sb. on the head 偶然碰到,找到hit on/upon a good idea

n. 轰动一时的人或物make a hit

38.hold (held, held) hold on (to)抓着不放,坚持;不挂电话hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸

hold one’s head high hold up the traffic 延误交通hold the view that… 持有…的观点

hold back one’s tears = keep back one’s tears 阻止,抑制hold sb. from doing sth.阻止;隐瞒

e.g You are holding it back from me .你在瞒着我

39.hole n.洞be in a hole 处于困难,为难

40.holiday ( 英) vacation (美) be on holiday /vacation make holiday /vacation take a holiday / vacation

41.home adj. home life 家庭生活home and foreign affairs 内政外交

adv. go home on one’s way home see sb. home 送回家

n. at home make oneself at home 别拘束one’s last /long home 坟墓

adj. homeless无家可归的homelike 像家的home born 土生土长的homesick 想家的

n. hometown 家乡homeland 祖国homework do one’s homework

42.honest adj.(dishonest)正直的,诚实的adv. honestly /dishonestly n. honesty /dishonesty

honest wool真羊毛to be honest 坦白说

43.hono(u)r n.荣誉,尊敬adj. honourable adv. dishonourable

do honour to 对…表示敬意,带来荣誉in honour of 表示敬意,为了纪念

I have the honour to inform you that… an honoured guest 贵宾

44.hope n./ v. There is not much hope that…

hope (to) do sth. hope for hope that…

wish sb. sth. wish sb. to d o sth. wish for wish that…

in (the) hope of

adj. hopeful be /feel hopeful about the future adv.hopefully

hopeless a hopeless case 绝症adv. hopelessly

45.horse talk horse 说大话,吹牛horse sense 起码常识be on one’s hig h horse = hold one’s head high

a horse of another color 风牛马不相及的人

eat like a horse 很能吃ride /mount the high horse 趾高气昂Put the cart before the horse .本末倒置


46.hospital be in hospital 住院

47.hot a hot temper 急躁的脾气hot dog blow hot and cold 摇摆不定hot spring 温泉

48.hotel motel = motor + hotel 汽车旅馆

49.hour by the hour 按终点the rush hours 拥挤时间adj./adv. hourly 每小时的

50.house housewife housework housekeeper

the House of Commons 英国下议院the House of lords 上院

n. housing 住房供给bad housing

51.how far 多远how long how many /much how old how often how/what about doing…

52.however adv. 无论如何However cold it is, she always goes swimming.

但是I’d like to go with you, however, my han ds are full.

53.huge adj. hugely adv. n. hugeness

54.human a human being

55.hundred three hundred hundreds of

56.hunger n. 饥饿die of hunger hunger strike 绝食

adj. hungry go hungry be hungry for news渴望的adv. hungrily

57.hurry i n a hurry 匆忙Hurry up, or we’ll be late. 快点

58.hurt (hurt,hurt) adj. hurtful adv. hurtfully n. hurtfulness

vt.伤害He hurt his leg when he fell. vi.疼痛My leg hurt.

59.husband hook a husband 钓一个金龟婿wife


1.ice ice cream ice water water ice冰棍,刨冰break the ice 打破僵局adj.icy 冰冷的,冰似的

2.idea have a good idea 有了好主意have no idea 不知道ideal adj. 理想的,完美的

3.ill adj.生病的(常作表语)fall ill/sick (定语) 不好的,不祥的ill luck 坏运气,厄运

a sick man病人an ill man 坏人speak / think ill of sb. be ill off = be badly off 贫穷

n. illness / sickness疾病

4.imagine (sb./sb.’s) doing sth.

5.immediate adj. 立即的an immediate reply 直接的the immediate cause 直接原因

adv.immediately 马上conj. 一…就… I came immediately I heard the news.

6.importance n. adj. important be of great / no importance = be very /not important

be of great value = be very valuable


