
更新时间:2023-08-05 10:10:02 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载





1. — I want to tell you about my summer holiday by e-mail.

—OK. You can e-mail me _______ lily@http://www.77cn.com.cn.

A. for

B. with

C. at

D. in

2. You _______ lose your way if you walk alone in the mountains(山) at night.

A. may

B. need

C. can

D. should

3. The snow was really heavy. _______, she was two hours later for work.

A. Instead

B. At the end

C. However

D. As a result

4. -Jack looks so unhappy, do you know why?

-Yes. He _______ his new mobile phone yesterday.

A. was lost

B. was losing

C. lost

D. lose

5. They will protect their families if there's _______.

A. dangerous

B. in danger

C. danger

D. in dangerous

6. He made a fire _______ himself _______ warm.

A. make; to keep

B. to make; to keep

C. to make; keep

D. make; keep

7. The teachers ask some boys _____any noise nearby. Because they are having a meeting.

A. m ake

B. not to make

C. to not make

D. to make

8. In 1992, Zhalong Nature Reserve _____ one of the world’s most important ______.

A. b ecome; wetland

B. became; wetlands

C. b ecame; wetland

D. become; wetlands

9. Tell Tom ______ look out of the window, ______?

A. not to; will you

B. doesn’t; will you

C. don’t; does he

D. not to; will he

10. — Do you mind my taking this place? —______. It’s for Mr. Smith.

A. Not at all

B. Yes, please

C. Yes, of course not

D. Better not


Yesterday was Sunday. I went to Nanjing Zoo 1 my teacher and classmates. We were very happy, When we 2 to the gate of the zoo, it was half past nine. Then our teacher 3 tickets and we went into it.

First, we came to a big bird 4 . There were a lot of different types of 5 birds. We found a bird. It is tall and has a long head, a long neck and two long thin legs. The guide told us that it was 6 crane. Not far from it was another bird. It also has a long thin neck, and it has white feathers. Its name is 7 .

After that we came to a larger cage. There was only one big bird in it. It looked 8 to us. We were afraid of it. But I didn't know its name. Our teacher told us that it was a kind of eagle.

At half past four in the afternoon, we 9 Nanjing Zoo for home. We really had a wonderful time. I'll go there with my parents again if we 10 free.

1. A. and B. with C. without D. or

2. A. got B. arrived C. reached to D. arrived at

3. A. brought B. bought C. sold D. caught


4. A. family B. club C. hole D. cage

5. A. protecting B. protect C. to protect D. protected

6. A. calls B. calling C. called D. call

7. A. seagull B. sparrow C. swan D. parrot

8. A. unfriendly B. friendly C. kind D. kindly

9. A. went B. came C. started D. left

10. A. are B. is C. will be D. were



Animals have the ability to make people understand them, especially(尤其) when they are in serious danger and hope to get help from man. And they often go together to help one another. One day, I visited my friend Jack on a sheep farm in North America. Suddenly one sheep came to cry in front of us. She made the most painful(痛苦的) cries. Jack said ,"Something must be wrong. Come on, Mike. Let's follow her."

Together we followed the sheep back to where she was feeding on the farm. She rushed forward and kept on looking back to see if we were coming. She finally took us to an old well (井) , and we heard the sad voice of her young baby that had fallen into the well. As the well had no water and was only six feet deep, we took a ladder(梯子)and climbed down. After a few minutes, the baby sheep was saved. The mother sheep looked happy with the successful (成功的) result of the accident. She came to tell us her trouble and got help. How amazing!

1. The writer went to the sheep farm to_______.

A. buy sheep

B. visit his friend

C. feed sheep

D. help his friend

2. The mother sheep came to Mike and Jack because_______.

A. she needed their help

B. she had no food

C. she had no water

D. there was a hunter

3. When Mike and Jack went to the well, they found a _______ in it.

A. man

B. ladder

C. sheep

D. wolf

4. What does the underlined word "accident" mean in Chinese?

A. 机会

B. 演出

C. 玩笑

D. 事故

5. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. There was no water in the well.

B. At last the baby sheep lost its life.

C. The story happened in North America.

D. Animals can make people understand them.


A young American doctor was asleep when his door bell(门铃) began to ring. It was late at night. But what could the doctor do? He had to put on his coat. It was a man! He was standing outside with a hat in his hand. "How do you do?" said the man, "Can you come at once(立刻) to a place out of town? It's quite far but you have a car and I can show you the way. ""Certainly." said the doctor, "I can come at once."

Soon the car was at the front door. The man got on the doctor's car and they drove off. They drove for a long time, and then the man said, "Here we are. This is my home. Now I can give you money, and you can go back to the town."

"But I must see the patient (病人)." the doctor said, "How can I go back without seeing the patient?" "There's no patient," said the man, "No one is ill, I live here. There are no taxis at this


time of night, but a doctor often goes out for night calls(夜诊). So, excuse me, here's your money. Thank you, doctor. Good night!"

6. When the door bell began to ring, the doctor _______.

A. was sleeping

B. was watching TV

C. was working

D. was not at home

7. The man asked the doctor _______.

A. to travel

B. to give him a present.

C. to give him a car

D. to go to a place out of town

8. The man wanted _______.

A. to go boating

B. the doctor to take him out of town by car

C. a bed

D. to stay with the doctor

9. Why did the man give the doctor money?

A. Because he was rich.

B. Because they were friends.

C. Because the doctor took him home.

D. Because the doctor couldn't go to bed early.

10. The doctor knew _______ at last.

A. there were many patients

B. there was no patient

C. the man was doctor

D. the man had a headache


A) 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释或通过上下文,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空只写一词。

1. It's a_______(羞愧) that I misunderstood(误解) you without chatting with you.

2. He_______(接受)this job and worked very hard to make money.

3. The poor man couldn't_______(描述) what he saw because he was very afraid that time.

4. The_______(政府) says it will try its best to lower the housing price.

5. He found a ______ (罕见的)stone in that shop.

6. —Jim, can you ______yourself to us in Chinese? —Sorry,I can speak little Chinese.

7. —I think he is too young to _______the Swimming Club.

—You’re wrong. In fact, he is over 18 years old

8.—I am going to study hard from now on.

—_______speak louder than words. You should do it instead of saying.

B) 用所给词的适当形式填空。

9. We_______(face) great difficulties(困难) but finished the job at last.

10. The hunters agreed________ (not hunt) wild bears any more.

11. When you are in a hospital, don’t do things __________ (noise).

12. We should prevent fire_________ (burn) the house at once.

13. It takes_______ (little) time to go there by underground than by bus.

14. You need to explain your opinions quite _______ (clear) when having a debate(辩论).

15. I don’t know if he ________ (come)to have a meeting tomorrow.


1. 结果,我们没有赶上最后一班公交车。


2. 由于洁净的空气,越来越多的人喜欢住到乡下去。



3. 如果我们不采取行动,世界上也许什么也不剩了。


4. 我们计划给贫困地区的孩子提供一些食物。


5. 我们不希望野生生物的生存空间越来越少。



The peacock(孔雀) is a kind of lovely bird because it is beautiful when it opens its tail. So when children go to the zoo, they always shake something colorful to make the peacock show its fine tail feather.

The peacock in Yunnan Province in China is green. The head of the peacock is covered with dark-green feathers. The face is light yellow. People often use its tail feathers to make fans (扇子) or clothes.

When a peacock wants to marry a peahen(雌孔雀), it dances around his girlfriend and seems to say“Am I beautiful?”

The peacock does little harm(伤害)to the crops and is valuable(珍贵的). People shouldn’t hunt them without any reason.


1. When does the peacock look beautiful?


2. What do children always do to make the peacock show its fine tail feather?


3. Where do the green peacocks live?


4. What is the head of the peacock covered with?


5. What does a peacock do when a peacock wants to marry a peahen?



假设你是Mary,你想加入助人为乐俱乐部,请根据以下提示,写一封80词左右的申请信。提示: 1. 你在八年级二班。

2. 喜欢帮助别人,举例说明。

3. 加入该倶乐部的原因。

4. 你的联系方式:0512-********。

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单选:1-2 CADCC 6-10 CBBAD

完型:1~5 BABDD 6~10 CCADA

阅读:1-5 BACDB 6-10 ADBCB


A) shame; accepted; describe; government; rare; introduce; join; Actions;

B) faced; not to hunt; noisily; burning; less; clearly; comes;

句子翻译:1. As a result, we didn't catch the last bus.

2. Because of clean air, more and more people like living in the countryside.

3. If we don’t take action, there may be none left in the world.

4. We plan to provide some food for children in poor areas.

5. We don’t hope that there will be less and less space for wildlife.

阅读表达:1.When it opens its tail.

2. They always shake something colourful.

3. In Yunnan Province(in China)

4. Dark-green feathers

5. It dances around his girlfriend.


