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[1] Which signal of the follwings is not provided with onboard lifeboat? 哪种信号救生艇不配


A. Rocket parachute signals B. Buoyant smoke signals C. Hand flare signals D. Self-igniting signals 答案:D Self-igniting signals自动点火信号 (记忆题)

[2]According to IMO regulations,______shall be posed outside lifeboat? 救生艇外面应安放 A. the retro-reflective tapes B. the reflective tapes C. the flashing bands D. the anti-flashing bands 答案:A)反光带 (the retro-reflective tapes) (记忆题)

[3]Which one of the following is not required on survival crafts? 救生筏上哪一个不做要求? A.Anti-seasickness medicine B.Immersion suits C.axes D.lifebuoys 答案:D. lifebuoys救生圈(记忆题)

[4]Have the safety belts for _______been examined? 全封闭式救生艇的安全带已经检查过了吗?

A.total enclosed lifeboats B.totally enclosing lifeboats C.totally enclosed lifeboats D.total encloseing lifeboats 答案:C. totally enclosed 全封闭式lifeboats

[5]The fire-protected lifeboats are found________. (经检查)发现防火救生艇状况

A.in satisfactorily condition B.satisfactorily C.satisfactory D.satisfactored 答案:C. satisfactory令人满意

[6]We test the water spray fire protection system of fire-protected lifeboats every 3 months, ______ the abandon ship drill. 我们每三个月测试防火救生艇的喷水防火系统, A.combining with B.combined with C.combining to D.combined to 答案:B. combined with (the abandon ship drill) 连同弃船训练。 [7]Are your lifeboats fitted with_______? 你轮救生艇装有

A.cargo wires B.topping lift C.guiding lines D.tripping line 答案:D. tripping line锚爪拉索 (记忆题)

[8] (_________is prohibited, because it will weaken its sensibility)因为会减弱灵敏度,所


A.ship shell B.exterior of winches C.hydrostatic release unit D.hold ladders 答案:C. hydrostatic release unit 静水压力释放器(记忆题)

[9]Where shall the key to CO2 room be kept? (二氧化碳室的钥匙应放在哪里?) A.In master's cabin B.In third office's cabin

C.In a break-glass-type enclosure conspicuously located adjacent to the room

D.In a locked locker conspicuously located adjacent to the room 答案:C. 应在一“玻璃可击碎式”、紧靠二氧化碳室、易识别的封闭处(记忆题) [10] (消防员装备The fireman's outfit 包括consists of________.

A.Safety lamp, protective clothing, rigid helmet, breathing apparatus (记忆题) B.Emergency escape breathing device,fire damper,extinguishers C.Firefighting equipment, portable extinguishers,fire dampers D.Fire hoses,fire nozzles,fire hydrants,fire pumps 答案:A 安全灯,防护衣,钢盔,呼吸器。


[11]Which one of the following is incorrect about Mercator projection? A.It projects a sphere onto a cylinder.

B.Because the resulting distance between latitudes are constantly increasing,it is also called progressive projection

C.It can always give true distances

D.It advantage is that longitudes and latitudes are at right angles, which makes it easy to read true bearings

答案:C. 它总是能提供真实的距离。

[12]Why do distances always have to be measured from the nearest scale on a Mercator chart? (距离为什么总是由墨卡托海图上最近的比例测量?)

A.Because it is thr most efficient way B.Because it varies for each latitude C.Because it varies with the change of longitude D.Because it is the most straight line. 答案:B 因为它随着每一纬度的变化而变化。

[13]What is ship's heading? 什么是船舶航向?ship's heading is the direction_______. 船舶航


A.the vessel is pointing. B.the vessel is traveling relative to land C.the vessel is traveling relative to ground D.the vessel is drifting 答案:A 船首正在指的方向

[14]How long would 15 minutes of longitude be at a latitude of 60 degrees North? 在北纬60度15分, 经度是多长?

A.30 nm B.60 nm C.15 nm D.7.5 nm 答案:D 7.5海里 (记忆题)

[15]Which one of the followings is incorrect about magnetic compass? A.The magentic compass is compulsory on my vessel B.The magentic compass is prone to error

C.The magentic compass is always placed inside steel constructions

D.The magentic compass needs to be calibrated to compensate for local magnetic distortion 答案:C 磁罗经总是放在钢性结构里面

[16]Which one of the followings is correct regarding the use of gyrocompass? 关于磁罗经下面哪项是不正确的?

A.Gyrocompass does not have to be started before sailing.

B.Gyrocompass must be stopped when vessel alongside a berth C.Gyrocompass needs to be checked from time to time

D.Gyrocompass is not influenced by the latitude and ship's motion 答案:C 电罗盘需要经常核查

[17]What may affect the accuracy of sounding with echo sounder?


A.Sea bottom B.Ship's speed C.Speed of current D.Water temperature and density 答案:D Water temperature and densit 水的温度和密度

[18]What often happens when using echo-sounder at river estuary where a layer of fresh water lies on the top of denser salt water? 当回声探测仪使用于一层淡水位于高密度海水之上的河口时将发生什么?

A.A scattering layer appears. B.Echo sounder stops working. C.shallow water appears. D.Nothing abnormal happens.


答案:A A scattering layer appears. 出现散射层

[19]Regarding the use of GPS, which one of the followings is incorrect?

(关于GPS的用途,哪项是不正确的?) A.GPS is the most accurate global system today.

B.Its use is still under the U.S. Department of Defence's control C.DGPS is more accurate than GPS

D.GPS can provide a real-time position under any condition 答案:D. GPS能在任何条件下提供实时位置

[20]Without doubt the radar is a highly important navigation aid. But duty officer shall be aware

that_____when using it. 毫无疑问雷达是一种非常重要的助航设备。但是值班驾驶员在使用的时候应该注意到

A.Its range reading is more accurate than its bearing reading

B.A low-lying coastline with a long, flat beach will show up properly on the radar C.Radar is only aimed at collision avoidance.

D.The use of radar is necessary only when visibility is restricted.

答案:A 它的距离读数(range reading) 比方位读数(bearing reading) 要精确。

[21]As for racon,which one is incorrect. in the following? 关于雷达信标, 下列哪项不正确? A.Racon is a radar transponder.

B.Racon is often installed on major waypoints.

C.When activated by a radar signal, the Racon sends it back with an identifier D.Racon can be used to take place of radar 答案:D 雷达信标能用来取代雷达

[22]What does a Racon help with? 雷达信标能帮助做什么?

A.Measuring the distance B.Measuring the relative speed C.Identifing a vessel D.Identifing a seamark 答案:D Identifying a seamark识别航标。

[23]What does ECDIS stand for? ECDIS缩写代表的是什么? A.Electrical Chart Display and Indication System B.Electronic Chart Display and Information System C.Electric Chart Display and Informing System D.Electronic Chart Display and Indicating System

答案:B. Electronic Chart Display and Information System电子海图显示和信息系统 [24]The IALA buoyage system is divided into two categories:________.


A.The buoy system and the lighthouse system B.The central buoy system and the side buoy system C.The lateral system and the cardinal system D.The stripe system and the band system

答案:C The lateral system and the cardinal system 侧标系统 和 界标系统 [25]The lateral system is used in_______. 侧标系统用于 A.restricted water such as shoals, reefs or wrecks B.restricted water such as buoyed channels

C.open waters such as shonls,reefs or wrecks D.open waters such as buoyed channels


答案:B.restricted water 限制水道,例如:浮筒航道

[26]In region A, the green buoys are kept to_____and red to _____when sailing from____to____. 在A区(在侧面左手标),绿色浮标保持在右舷,红色在左舷, 当从海上往陆地航行时 A. starboard / port / sea / land B. starboard / port / land / sea C. port / starboard / land / land D. port / starboard /sea / sea

答案:A starboard / port / sea / land (保持) 在右舷 / 在左舷, 从海上往陆地航行 [27]Which one of the followings about Traffic Separation Scheme(TSS) is incorrect? A.TSS separates inbound and outbound traffic in well marked lanes. B.Regulations request all vessels to join or leave lanes at the extremities.

C.If a TSS has to be crossed, it has to be carried out as close as possible to a right angle D.Being in the TSS does change the general rule of the Road convention 答案:D在分道通航制区,改变分道通航制一般通航规则 [28]How do you take a running fix? 你怎样进行移线定位?

A.By measuring the angle between to fixed landmarks and finding the sine of the angles. B.By taking bearings from a landmark at time intervals and finding the sine of the angles.

C.By taking bearings from a landmark at time intervals and measuring the distance covered in the intervals.

D.By taking the relative bearings from 2 sets of landmarks and plotting the difference. 答案:C 隔段时间获取一次陆标方位(taking bearings from a landmark)

并且隔段时间测量所走的距离(measuring the distance covered)

[29]Who has the right of way in a Traffic Separation Scheme? 在分道通航制区域谁有优先权? A.The inbound vessel B.The outbound vessel

C.The vessel coming from the starboard side D.The vessel coming from the port side 答案:C 右舷来的船

[30]What would be the colour of an IALA starboard hand lateral buoy, as seen when sailling

toward land, in Europe? 在欧洲,当驶向沿岸时将会看到航标协会右舷指示侧标是什么颜色?

A.Green B.Red C.Red and green stripes D.Black and yellow stripes 答案:A.Green绿色

[31]As the tide makes the water _____ twice a day a resulting current, or tidal stream, is generated. 潮汐每天涨落两次,形成了流或者潮流。

A.rising and falling B.Rose and fell C.the rise and fall D.rise and fall 答案:D rise and fall 涨落

[32]When reversing, the tidal stream will have a period with little or no effect.This is called

the______. 当回落的时候,潮流将会有一段时间有很小或者几乎没有影响。 A.Rise B.Range C.Slack D.Spring 答案:C 这叫做平潮 Slack

[33]The average time between two high waters is 12 hours and 25 minutes because this is the time

it takes for____. 两个高潮之间的平均时间是12小时25分钟,因为这个时间是 A.The sun to be at the opposite side of the moon B.The moon to be at the opposite side of the earth C.The moon to be at its apogee D.The sun and the moon to be on the same side

答案:B 月亮转到地球对面 所花费的时间(the time it takes)


[34]What is the tidal height? 什么是潮高?

A.Twice the tide amplitude B.The range of the tide

C.The water above the Lowest Astronomical Tide D.The height above or under the mean level 答案:C 最低天文潮上的水位

[35]What is the right way to use VHF CH16 and working channel? 正确使用VHF16频道和工


A.Ships can call other ships on Ch16 but should move to a working channel as soon as possible.

B.Ship should use working channel to call other ships at any time. C.Ch16 is only used as the international distress and calling frequency.

D.Ship can use Ch16 or working channel as they like 答案:A 船舶可在16频道上呼叫其他的船,但是需要尽快移到工作频道。 [36]How to report your ship callsign to a shore station? 如何报告你船呼号到岸站? A.Use capital letters B.Use phonetic alphabet C.Use letters and numbers D.Use flag signals 答案:B. phonetic alphabet用音标字母

[37]Which one of the followings is not a right way to call an unknown vessel of VHF? 下列哪个不是VHF呼叫未知船的正确方法?

A.According to her characteristics B.According to her cargo

C.According to her movements D.According to her crewmembers 答案:D 根据他的船员

[38]If there were suddenly an immediate danger for both the vessel and its crew, would you send a MAYDAY on_____? 假如船舶和船员都有突发的紧急危险,你会在_____发送一个“MAYDAY” 信号吗?

A.Ch06 with dual watch B.Ch06 with 25 watts ouput

C.Ch16 with 1 watt ouput D.Ch16 with 25 watts ouput 答案:D 在输出功率为25瓦的VHF Ch16

[39]In the unlikely event that a distress situation allows you to send only a very short message, after MAYDAY would you first say______? 假设发生的遇险情况只能允许你发送一个非常简短的信息,在MADAY后你首先要说

A.Your name and callsign B.Your position

C.The number of persons on board D.the nature of the distress situation 答案:A 你的船名和呼号

[40]The GPS satellite orbits the earth in approximately_______. 全球定位通讯卫星围绕地球轨道运行一圈需

A.3 hours B.6 hours C.12 hours D.24 hours 答案:C 大约12小时

[41]GPS receiver errors depend on ________. GPS接收误差取决于 A.operation B.installation C.display type D.construction 答案:D. construction 结构

[42]Error in the GPS positions has nothing to do with _____.GPS位置误差 A.user clock bias B.satellite clock bias


C.atmospheric interference D.ship's position 答案:D. has nothing to do with ship's position与船位无关

[43]What is the main purpose of DGPS? 差分GPS的主要用途是什么? A.Improve positioning accuracy B.Decrease positioning accuracy C.Reduce operational cost D.I don't know 答案:A Improve positioning accuracy提高定位精度

[44]The acccuracy of the DGPS mainly depends on_______.差分GPS的精度主要取决于 A.The price of the equipment B.The relative angle between the satellite C.The position of the observer D.The age of the calculated correction 答案:D 计算改正量 ? [45]What is the purpose of a Pedestal(基座,柱脚)Roile?

A.To change the direction of lead on a mooring line B.To secure a chain C.To secure the eye of a mooring line D.To facilitate towing 答案:A Pedestal Roile的用途是什么?改变系泊缆的导向

[46]You stand a greater risk of injuring yourself or your shipmate during mooring and unmooring operations than at any other time. So remember________. 跟其他任何时间比起来,在系离泊的时候,你和你的船友有更大的受伤害危险。因此记住: A.Do not wear safety shoes,gloves and an overall with long sleeves B.Stand as closely as possible in the rope rail

C.Do not work too close to the drum when handling wires/ropes D.If the line takes charge, try to stop it with your feet/hands 答案:C 在操作绳索时,不要太靠近鼓轮。

[47]Which one of the following is not a right way to behave during mooring unmooring operation? 在系离泊期间以下哪一项不是正确的方法举动?

A.Stay close to the towline at all time B.Beware the bights

C.When operating the winch/windlass,ensure that yourself understand the controls D.When the tug is being secured or let go, monitor the operation closely 答案:A Stay close to the towline at all time 总是靠拖缆太近

[48] (纤维绳最大的危险是The most serious danger from synthetic ropes is____, ) 这种危险就

是,当其断裂时拉伸纤维绳蓄积的能量突然释放出来which is the sudden release of the energy stored in the stretched synthetic line when it breaks.

A.Rotting B.Wear and tear C.Snapback D.Weakness 答案:C.Snapback 急速反弹

[49]Unlike wires, synthetic ropes do not give audible_____of pending failure and may not exhibit

any broken elements before completely parting.

A.broken B.slack C.track D.sign

答案:D 不像金属索,纤维绳在完全断裂之前,并不发出听得见的声音,也不会出现


[50] a ship does not possess an all-wire or all-sythetic mooring outfit, the best procedure is to use____ for spring and breast lines and _____for headlines and stern lines. 船舶不会光有全金属绳或者全纤维绳锚泊设备,最好的方法是_____ A.The synthetic ropes / the wires B.The wires / the synthetic ropes

C.The wires / the synthetic ropes with the wires


D.The synthetic ropes with the wires / the same as the former 答案:B 用金属绳做倒缆和横缆,用纤维绳做首缆和尾缆

51.The ideal rope for stoppers should satisfy the following requirements except that _____. 阻挡器的理想的绳索需要满足以下要求,除了_____ A. The stopper should be of synthetic fibre rope B. The size of the stopper should be as large as possible C. The stopper should be of low stretch material D. The stopper should be very flexible 答案:B 阻挡器的尺寸应尽可能大

52. Usually, do not use more than _____ complete rope turns around the drum. 通常,不要用全套绳绕鼓轮超过_____

A. 1-2 B. 3-4 C. 5-6 D. 7-8 答案:B 3-4圈 53.If you have steel wire ropes leading in the same direction with other ropes, which will take the

most of the load? 如果你让钢丝绳和别的绳索导向同一个方向,哪个承担的负荷最大? A. Steel wire rope B. Manila C. Nylon D. Polypropylene rope 答案:A 钢丝绳

54. Snapback is a serious danger when we are handling_____. 急速反弹非常危险, 当操作____ A. Wire rope B. Nylon ropes only C. Synthetic ropes D. Manila 答案:C 纤维绳的时候

55. Choose one statement which is correct according to safe mooring practice. 根据安全系泊操练,选择一项正确的陈述

A. Synthetic rope can be used as a stopper on wires B. A safety helmet without chinstraps is allowed C. ……. have the same elongation as used ropes

D. Two or more lines leading in the same direction should always be of the same material. 答案:D 导向同一个方向的2根或2根以上缆绳,应是同一材质。

56. What does a navigator who uses an ECDIS require? 对使用电子海图的航海者的要求? A. Good navigational knowledge and a professional job attitude B. Good computer knowledge

C. Good system knowledge D. Nothing special

答案: A 良好的航海知识和职业态度

57. When own ships position input to ECDIS wrong, what is the result? 如果把本船船位错误输入电子海图,结果会怎么样? A. Nothing B. ECDIS will give warning C. ECDIS will automatically be switched off

D. Position, range and bearing taken on the ECDIS will be wrong 答案:D 显示在电子海图上的船位,航程,方位都错了。

58. What should you avoid when receiving work order? 当收到工作命令时应避免什么? A. Having other people help you with your work B. Swearing

C. Wasting time on having procedures explained D. Misunderstandings 答案:D Misunderstandings误解

59. What kind of information dose the fire plan contain? 消防计划包括哪种信息?


A. Fire alarm signal, fire instruction and your assignment B. location of firefighting equipment onboard

C. How to use firefighting equipment onboard D. Information on how handle different types of fires 答案:B 船上消防设备的位置location

60. Do you need to measure oxygen levels before entering an enclosed space? 进入一个密闭空间前你需要测量氧气浓度吗? A. Yes, always. B. No. C. Not if you measure for toxic gases.

D. Yes, but not if you ventilate properly first for 24 hours. 答案:A 是的,总是这样。

61. What is the most important treatment concerning a foreign body in the eye? 眼睛异物(a foreign body)治疗方法是

A. Rinsing of the eye B. …… anaesthetic

C. Wring the eye-lid to prevent blinking D. Close the eye for a while 答案:A 清洗眼睛

62. What is the meaning of UEL? UEL的意思是什么? A. Upper exposure level B. Upper explosion level C. Upper explosive level D. Upper evaporation level 答案:C Upper explosive level爆炸上限

63. In which way may intake of poisoning material not occur? 哪一种方法不会使有毒物质进入的情况发生?

A. By inhaling B. By skin penetrating and skin absorbing C. By swallowing D. By protective measures 答案:D 通过保护措施

64. What is OPA 90? 什么是OPA90?

A. Oil Production Act of 1990 B. ore Pollution Act of 1990 C. Oil Pollution Act of 1990 D. Ore Production Act of 1990 答案:C 1990油污法案

65. What is the maximum oxygen percentage allowed in a tank? 油舱中允许的最大氧气百分比是多少?

A. 12% B. 6% C. 8% D. 10% 答案:C. 8%

66. What does OBO mean? OBO的意思是什么?

A. Oil Bulk Oil B. Ore Bulk Oil C. Only Bulk Ore D. Only Basic Oil 答案:B. Ore Bulk Oil 矿石/散货/油

67. What is the meaning of LEL? LEL是什么意思?

A. Low evaporation limit B. Lower exposure limit C. Lower explosive limit D. Low explosion level 答案:C Lower explosive limit 爆炸下限

68. What kind of fixed extinguishing plant is installed in an oil tankers engine room and pump

room? 那种固定灭火装置安装在油轮机舱和泵房?

A. Powder plant B. Foam plant C. CO2 plant D. Water spray plant 答案:C. CO2 plant 二氧化碳装置


69.Before any portable gas indicators are brought to the measuring spot, what is very important to do with these analysers first? 任何便携式气体指示器在带到测量地点以前,关于这些分析器什么是最重要的?

A.To do a full calibration B.Just renew the batteries C .Zero adjust them D.Just check the filters 答案:A.To do a full calibration全面校正

70. Which one of the following factors does not reduce the effect of free surface?


A. Minimum number of daily service tanks in use

B. Where possible, tanks either full or empty C. GZ max at minimum 25°

D. Bilges pumped out

答案:C. GZ max at minimum 25° 最大复原力臂 最小在25度

71. Where is the draft largest when the ship has an aft trim? 当船舶尾倾时最大吃水在哪里? A.Forward B.Aft C.Midships D.The drafts are equal all over the ship 答案:B 船尾

72. What percentage of the baggage is required to be checked at Security Level 1? 在安全等级I


A. 25-50% B. The percentage is not specified C. 100% D. 5-15% 答案:B. 没具体规定百分比

73. Who is responsible for the development of the ship security plan?


A. The company security officer B. The classification society C. The port facility security officer D. The ship security officer 答案:A 公司安全检查员 (CSO)

74. Who is responsible for the regular security inspections of the ship?


A. The company security officer B. The classification society C. The port facility security officer D. The ship security officer 答案:D 船舶安全检查人员

75. For whom is the ISM Code mandatory? 国际安全管理法规对谁是强制性的? A. All vessels 500 GRT and above B. All tankers

C. All vessels built after 1998 D. All vessels on international routes 答案:A 所有500总吨以上的船舶

76. Who can contact the Designated Person? 谁能联系指定人? A. The designated person B. The captain

C. All senior officer D. All officers and crew 答案:D 所有高级船员和普通船员

77. Who can suggest changes to the SMS? 谁可以向安全管理系统提改动建议? A. The designated person B. The captain

C. All officer and crew D. All senior officer 答案:C所有高级船员和普通船员

78. How many hours of rest is the minimum required in a normal day? 一正常日要求最低休息多少个小时?


A. 14 hours B. 10 hours C. 6 hours

D. It does not matter as long as my overtime is paid for 答案: B 10小时

79. The ISM code is part of _____. 国际安全管理法规是

A. SOLAS B. STCW C. MARPOL D. High Speed Craft Code 答案:A SOLAS公约的一部分

80. When are you allowed to throw plastic garbage overboard?


A. Being more than 25 miles from shore B. Only at night when it’s dark C. Being more than 6 miles from shore D. Never 答案:D 什么时候都不行

81. Why is the ISM Code mandatory? 为什么国际安全管理法规是强制性的? A. To satisfy US Coastguard B. To improve safety

C. To save money for the company D. To get lover insurance premiums 答案:B 为了提高安全

82. Why should you report accident to the Designated Person?


A. To find some one to blame

B. To prevent it from happening again

C. So the company can calculate your safety bonuses

D. To be able to receive an insurance claim

答案:B. To prevent it from happening again 防止事故再发生

83. Shipboard Emergency Drills must be carried out at least_____? 船上应急演习必须至少 A. Once every third year B. Once a month C. Once a year D. Once a week 答案:B 每一个月进行一次

84. What is the purpose of the girders in the tank? 舱内桁的用途是什么? A. They support the stiffeners

B. They transfer all the sea forces acting on the plating

C. They support the stiffeners and take up some of the sea forces

D. I don’t know

答案:C 支持加强杆和抵挡一些海水压力

85. When does a bulk carrier experience extreme tension in bottom structure during fast rate

loading? 在快速装货期间,在什么时候散货船底版结构经受极大的张力? A. During ballasting in port

B. During loading of heavy cargo in mid-ship holds

C. During correct loading pattern, but with heavy cargo

D. During loading light cargo in end holds 答案:B 在船中货舱装载重大货件期间

86. What is the difference between static and dynamic forces on a ship hull?


A. The former is set up by cargo and sea while the latter by wave action

B. The former is acting during loading and from wave action while the latter before and

after the ship has been loaded

C. The former is set up by cargo while the latter by wave action


D. I don’t know

答案:A 前者由货物和海水形成,而后者由海水波动形成。 87. What is the worse case consideration for the hull girder at sea? 对海上船桁体来说,要考虑的最差情况是什么? A. When the wave crest are fore and aft

B. When a wave length between the crests is approximately equal to the length of the ship C. If the wave crest is amidships

D. When a wave length is two times of that of the ship 答案:B 当波峰之间的波长约等于船舶长度的时候

88. Who is normally deciding which search pattern to use? 通常由谁决定使用的搜寻方式? A. CRS B. OSC C. SMC D. SRU 答案:B. OSC

89. What is the meaning of the word “ROGER” when used in radio communication? “ROGER”一词是什么意思?

A. Please repeat your message B. Not readable

C. Correct D. I have received your transmission satisfactorily 答案:D “明白了”的意思: 我已经满意的收到了你的传送。 90. What type of oil is most suitable for reducing the effect of heavy seas? 哪种油最适合减小波涛汹涌的海面的作用?

A. Crude oil B. Fuel oil C. Vegetable oil D. Lubricating oil 答案:C. Vegetable oil植物油

91. Communication between ship and aircraft is _____. 船舶和飞机之间的通信 A. Easy and straight forward B. Difficult because of different radio bands C. Not possible D. Not allowed 答案:B 困难的,因为无线电频段不同

92. When is the parallel sweep search used? 什么时候使用平行搜索?

A. When searching a small area B. When searching a large area C. When searching over hilly terrain D. When searching during night 答案:B当在一个大的海域搜索时

93. The following information may not be required to be communicated to a distressed craft? 下列哪个信息可以不需传送遇险船筏?

A. Own vessels identity, call sign, name and position B. Own vessel speed and ETA to distressed craft

C. Distresses crafts true bearing and distance from ship

D. Rescue award if successful

答案:D 成功后的救助报酬Rescue award 94. A search and rescue region is _____.搜救区域是

A. A search area B. An area covered by air surveillance C. An area covered by radar surveillance D. An area of defined dimensions 答案:D. An area of defined dimensions是一个界定范围区域

95. The first ship arriving of a SAR incident should _____. 第一艘抵达搜救现场的船应 A. Assume OSC duties B. Assume SMC duties

C. Assume ACO duties D. Assume SRU duties 答案:A. Assume OSC duties 担任OSC职责


96. Which standard man overboard manoeuvre is considered the best during bad visibility

conditions? 在能见度不良时,哪一个人员落水标准操作被认为是最好的?

A. The Anderson turn B. The single turn C. The one turn D. The Williamson turn 答案:D 威廉逊回旋法

97. Can the RCC and RSC use NAVTEX for shore to ship distress traffic? RCC和RSC能把NAVTEX用于岸对船的遇险通信吗? A. Yes B. No

C. Only if no other communication is available D. Only at night time 答案:A

98. What is most important when using expanded square search? 当用展开方形搜索时,什么最重要?

A. Accurate navigation B. Constant speed C. Fixed ROT D. Fixed turn radius 答案:A. Accurate navigation精确航行 99. What is most important for visual search purposes?

A. Design of individual search patterns B. Design of special search patterns C. Use of standard search patterns D. Start search immediately 答案:A. 个人搜索方式计划

100. Does the COLREG give any preference to ship equipped with radar? 《国际避碰规则》对配备雷达船舶给出了任何优先权吗?

A. Yes B. No C. Only during reduced visibility D. Only in good visibility 答案:B No

101. COLREG NO.10 apply to _____. 《国际避碰规则》第十条适用于

A. Vessels sailing in any condition of visibility B. Vessels sailing in reduced visibility C. Vessels sailing in good visibility D. Vessels sailing in separation schemes 答案:D在分道通航制航行的船舶

102. How is a uncoded racon displayed on the PPI? 未编码雷达信标在PPI上如何显示? A. As a line B. As a dot C. As small circle D. As a large circle 答案:A. As a line 成直线显示

103. What type of radar can activate a racon? 什么类型雷达能激活雷达信标? A. X-band radar B. S-band radar C. C-band radar D. No radar can 答案:A X波段的雷达

104. What is a coded racon? 什么是编码雷达信标?

A. A racon which automatically activates itself B. A racon only works at night

C. A racon which displays a morse code on the radar screen D. A future racon expected to be operational after Y2000 答案: C 在雷达屏幕上显示摩尔斯码的雷达

105. What is the purpose of the radar reflector? 雷达反射器的用途是什么?

A. Making objects less visible B. Making echoes weaker on the radar C. Making large echoes smailer D. Making small objects better visible 答案:D 使小物标更清晰

106. How to reduce beam width distortion? 怎样减少波束宽度的失真? A. Adjust centre position B. Adjust brilliance

C. Adjust heading marker D. Reduce gain


答案:D. Reduce gain 减少增益

107. Marine radar range accuracy is generally______. 船用雷达测距精度一般 A. Low B. High C. Unstable D. Very low 答案:B 很高

108. What is the purpose of VRM control? VRM控制的用途是什么?

A. To measure distance accurately B. To measure bearing accurately C. To measure range accurately D. To adjust radar monitor 答案:A. To measure distance accurately精确的测量距离

109. What course should be fed in to a stabilized radar picture? 什么航向输入稳定雷达图象? A. Compass course B. Gyro course C. True course D. Course made good 答案:C. True course 真航向

110. What is the correct speed input to an ARPA used for traffic surveillance? 输入ARPA用来交通监控的正确速度是什么?

A. Ground speed B. Speed through water

C. Speed from GPS D. Speed from Doppler 答案:B. Speed through water 对水速度

111. How does current and drift effect the relative motion, relative vector presentation? 海流和漂流是怎样影响相对运动、相对矢量的? A. No effect

B. Producing small errors in calculated aspect C. Producing large errors in calculated aspect

D. Produce errors in calculated CAP/TCPA 答案:A. No effect没有影响

112. Does current and drift effect the CPA/TCPA calculations on a true motion display? 海流和漂流在真运动显示上影响计算CPA/TCPA吗?

A. Yes B. No C. Only a little bit D. Yes, very seriously 答案:B. No

113. What type of fire detectors is the first to go of?in case of a fire? 假如发生火灾,什么类型的探测器首先使用?

A. Smoke detectors B. Flame detectors C. Heat detectors D. Gas detectors 答案:A. Smoke detectors 烟雾探测器

114. According to SOLAS the breathing air apparatus that must be onboard shall have sufficient

capacity for how many minutes of operation? 根据SOLAS公约,船上必须配备的呼吸器装置应该有足够的能力支持多少分钟? A. 20 B. 30 C. 45 D. 60 答案:B. 30 分钟

115. For most products the fire will die out when the oxygen content is reduced to _____. 大多数产品,火在含氧量减少到12%就会熄灭。

A. 10% B. 12% C. 15% D. 21% 答案:B. 12%

116. Which of these materials has the best heat conduction? 这些材料中哪一种最容易导热? A. Gas B. Liquid C. Metal D. Wood 答案:C. Metal金属

117. It is important to get familiarized with the emergency exits onboard, when should this be


done? 熟悉船上的紧急出口非常重要,这应在什么时候做? A. Within a week B. Immediately after boarding C. Before boarding D. When you have some extra time 答案:B. Immediately after boarding一上船

118. Emergency compressed air breathing escape sets onboard, shall have a duration of service no

less than _____. 船上应急压缩空气呼吸逃生装置使用时间应不少于

A. 20 minutes B. 15 minutes C. 10 minutes D. 5 minutes 答案:B 15分钟

119. Watertight compartments are separated by _____. 水密舱隔开

A. Longitudinal bulkhead B. Tween decks C. Dunnages D. Decks and bulkheads 答案:D. Decks and bulkheads? 被垫板

120. Cleaning, painting and repairing work is known as _____. 清洗,油漆和修理工作叫做 A. Maintenance work B. Lashing work C. Tallying work D. Overtime work 答案:A. Maintenance work 维修工作

121. What is important to remember when using AIS for collision avoidance? 当使用AIS避免碰撞时,应该记住什么是重要的?

A. AIS may not give a complete picture of the traffic situation

B. AIS is more accurate than ARPA

C. AIS is not as accurate ARPA

D. AIS is not allowed to be used for collision avoidance 答案:A AIS提供的船舶情况图可能不完整。

122. What is the required minimum ship reporting capacity for AIS according to IMO

performance standards? 按IMO标准,AIS船舶报告能力最低要求的性能标准是什么? A. 1000 B. 2000 C. 4000 D. 4500 答案:B. 2000 ?

123. In case of AIS overload, what can you expect? 如果AIS超负荷,你能预料到什么? A. AIS will shut down B. AIS will “freeze”

C. Largest far away drop out D. Closes targets drop out 答案:C. Largest far away drop out 最大远离到退出

124. Which of the following is defined as static information? 下列哪个定义为静态信息? A. Navigational status B. Safety related message C. MMSI D. Route plan 答案:C. MMSI 海上移动通信业务标识

125. The AIS transponder is designed to transmit information ______. AIS应答器是设计来自动传输信息的。

A. Automatically B. Semi-automatically

C. Manually D.AIS is not transmitting at all 答案:A. Automatically 自动地

126. How much can the AIS broadcast mode be overloaded without any significant operational

effect? AIS播发模式可以超负荷多大而没有重大操作影响?

A. 50-100% B. 200-300% C. 400-500% D. No overload is accepted 答案:C. 400-500%

127. Where should you record the crude oil washing after completion?


A. Oil Record Book B. Cow manual C. Pumping Log D. Inter plant manual


答案:A. Oil Record Book 油料记录簿

128. Why was COW made compulsory? 为什么原油洗舱被强制执行?

A. To reduce amount of sludge in cargo tanks B. To reduce pollution

C. To improve cargo outturn D. To prevent corrosion is cargo tanks 答案:B. To reduce pollution 为了减少污染

129. How to avoid vapour emission during filling of departure ballast (non SBT vessel)? 在填充出港压载水时,怎样避免蒸汽放射?

A. By simultaneous ballasting and cargo discharge B. By reducing the IG pressure C. By minimizing the amount of departure ballast D. By closing all the openings 答案:A 同时进行打压载水和卸货物

130. Where in the tank shall the oxygen level be determined before crude oil washing? 在油舱哪个部位要在原油洗舱前确定含氧量?

A. 1 meter from the deck and in the bottom of the tank

B. In the middle of the tank

C. 1 meter from the deck and in the middle region of the ullage space D. 2 meter from the deck and in the middle region of the ullage space 答案:C 离甲板1米缺量空间的中间区域

131. Who should sign the ship/shore safety checklist? 谁应在船/岸安全检查表签字? A. Chief officer B. Ship’s and shore’s representatives

C. The surveyor D. The captain

答案:B. Ship’s and shore’s representatives 船和岸的代表

132. What kind of action must be taken in the event of total failure of the inert gas system during

discharge/COW? 在卸货/原油洗舱期间,一旦惰性气体系统完全失效,必须采取哪种行动?

A. Stop the discharge/COW B. Call the chief engineer C. Stop the COW and reduce the discharge rate D. Call captain 答案:A. Stop the discharge/COW 停止卸货/原油洗舱

133. Who must be familiar with the Musterlist and Emergency Instructions onboard? 哪些人必须熟悉船上Musterlist和应急说明?

A. The captain only B. The officers only C. All crew members and other personnel onboard D. Passengers only 答案:C所有船员和其他在船上的人

134. A frying pan catches fire in the galley, which extinguishing agents shall you use? 厨房煎锅着火了,你将使用哪一种灭火剂?

A. Water B. CO2 or powder C. Foam D. CO2 only 答案:B 二氧化碳或干粉

135. What is it called when it is possible to ignite the vapour above the oil? 当可能点燃油上的蒸汽叫做什么?

A. Flash point B. Boiling point C. Ignition point D. Pour point 答案:A. Flash point闪点

136. Where do we find information regarding mechanical ventilation in cargo tanks? 关于货油舱的机械通风的资料,我们可以在哪里找到?

A. In MARPOL B. In the ISM Code C. In SOLAS D. In the Safety Manual 答案: C. In SOLAS 在SOLAS公约里面


137. Which international convention dealing with fire-fighting arrangements ect. ? 哪种国际公约涉及消防安排等事宜?

A. MARPOL B. SOLAS C. Load line convention D. CRISTAL 答案:B. SOLAS 公约

138.Where do you find the design standards for new oil tankers?


A. In regulation 8 of SOLAS B. In regulation 2 of Annex Ⅱ of MARPOL 73/78

C. In regulation 13F of Annex Ⅰ of MARPOL 73/78 D. In regulation 16(2) of Annex Ⅰ of MARPOL 73/78

答案:C 国际防止船舶污染公约73/78的附录一的规则13 139. How to determine the density of the slop after tank washing?


A. By use of an interferometer B. By use of a hydrometer C. By use of an interface D. By use of a thermometer 答案:B 通过使用液体比重计

140. When should voyage planning be done? 航行计划应什么时候做? A. During the sailing B. Prior the sailing

C. After sailing D. Before the pilot is leaving 答案:B. Prior the sailing 在航行以前

141. Who is responsible for the voyage plan? 谁负责航行计划? A. The person who has done the planning B. The master C. The navigation officer D. The owner 答案:B 船长

142. When should operational check on navigation equipment be done?


A. Regulary, when preparing for sea and entering port B. As often as possible C. When errors are indicated D. When time allows 答案:A 通常在准备航行和进港的时候

143. When steering by autopilot, how often should ...... steering be checked? 当操自动舵的时候,操舵装置多久被检查一次?

A. ……. B. when time allows C. At least once a watch D. No checking is necessary 答案:C 每次值班至少一次

144.If the officer of the watch must leave the voyage plan, he should _____? 如果值班驾驶员必须离开航行计划,他应

A. Make a note in the logbook B. Inform the mater C. No special action necessary D. Check the new plan 答案: B. Inform the mater 通知船长

145. What is important to check when transferring a position from GPS to a chart? 当从GPS转


A. Reading the position correctly B. Plotting the position correctly C. Make sure that the chart and the GPS use same datum D. Make sure the map is updated 答案:C 确保GPS和海图使用相同的基准

146. In coastal water GPS positions should be checked by ______?



A. Visual observations B. Radar observations

C. Buoys and seamarks D. Visual and radar observations 答案:D. Visual and radar observations 视觉和雷达观察

147. Ship to ship communications during SAR should be executed by _____.


A. VHF B. MF C. Satellite D.VHF and MF 答案:D 用VHF和MF进行

148. Should recommended route information be used together with weather routeing? 推荐航线信息和气象航线一起使用吗?

A. Yes B. No C. Sometimes D. Only if recommended by weather routeing 答案:A Yes

149. How much time can be saved by use of weather routeing? 使用气象航线能省多少时间? A. 2% B. 4% C. 6% D. Impossible to say 答案:D 很难说

150. How can you reduce ship’s downwind progress in deep water?


A. By lowering the anchor to about 60 fathoms

B. By lowering the anchor to about 30 fathoms

C. By lowering the anchor to about 10 fathoms

D. Not possible

答案:A 通过降低锚约60拓

151. How can you keep ship head-up into the weather, with the rudder jammed in hard over

position? 当舵在满舵位置被卡住你怎样才能保持船舶首向上?

A. By applying astern power B. By applying emergency full astern power C. Careful ahead manoeuvring D. Not possible 答案:C 小心向前操作

152. Section Ⅳ of Notice to Mariners weekly edition is ______. 《航海通告》周版第四部分的内容是

A. Explanatory Notes, Indexes to SectionⅡ.

B. Corrections to Admiralty Sailing Directions. C. Repaints of Radio Navigational Warnings.

D. Corrections to Admiralty List of Radio Signals.

答案:B. Corrections to Admiralty Sailing Directions. 改正《英版航路指南》资料 153. The reproduction of portions of charts which accompany some Notices is known as ______. 随某些航海通告一起的部分海图复制图称作

A. Notes B. Symbols C. Blocks D. Chocks 答案:C. Blocks 贴图

154. Crash-stop in SMCP means_____. 在标准海事通信用语里,紧急停车的意思是 A. An emergency stop of the main engine to avoid a collision.

B. An emergency reversal operation of the main engine to avoid a collision. C. An stop of the main engine to avoid a collision.

D. A reversal operation of the main engine to avoid a collision. 答案:B 紧急倒转操作主机避免碰撞



