we are masters of our own fate 我们是命运的主人演讲稿
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We Are Masters Of Our Own Fate
Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds.–Franklin D. Roosevelt Died at 20 buried at 80.
It bothers me when I hear people blame their situation on others in their lives! “well, I am this way because of my parents”, “I wouldn’t be in this situation if it weren’t for my husband/wife” etc.. So many people leave things up to “fate”, in other words , they let things happen without coming to the realization that they are the masters or designers of their own fate!
Of course, “life happens”, things do come about in our lives that cause us to make decisions and sometimes they are not easy decisions at that. But usually the things that do “happen to us” are in direct response to decisions that we have made in the past. It is important to realize that to every action there is a reaction. And we have the opportunity to react in such a way so as to move on with our lives and do more than what others or even we ourselves could ever imagine! T
If you sit around and cry in your soup about your fate in life, well, think about this. Imagine you were raised in an abusive home, you are a black American in Mississippi and a female (at that)! You could say that you are so unfortunate and that there simply is no hope for you and your “fate” is surely sealed and decided at birth, you will have a terrible life ahead of you! Well, I just described to you Oprah Winfrey! One of the most, if not the most successful women in
America! She didn’t just sit back and accept her “fate” to decide for her, she took hold of the helm and steered her ship into the deep and exciting waters where there are no limits to what she can do!
So, ladies and gentlemen, don’t allow your mind to talk you into defeat! You were born to succeed regardless of your circumstances! It is up to you to steer your ship in the right direction, so take hold of the helm!
you may not know what you’re going to do or how you’ll do it but if you keep the faith and know you can, it will come to you some way, some how.
That’s life, people. Get over it. Get up. Keep moving despite the haters, despite your bad choices, despite the bitterness and temptation laid by others.
You know, sometimes it’s cathartic to complain about our situations and circumstances — even if we lightly blame others for a moment, but inside the heart of hearts — we know that the situation really isn’t the fault of the others even if they took an active part in causing it. It all comes down to you and me to rise above any challenge and set back.
You know: Every man dies, but not every man truly lives.
Fabulous lesson everyone should learn. You are in control of your life, no one else so it’s up to you to decide how you want to live it.
we are masters of our own fate 我们是命运的主人演讲稿05-04
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