研究生涉海英语课后习题答案unit 3

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Unit 3 Marine Pollution Text A Part I

Understanding and Learning

Background information 1. John Kennedy

John F. Kennedy (May 29, 1917 – November 22, 1963), often referred to by his initials JFK, was the 35th President of the United States, serving from 1961 until his assassination in 1963.

After military service as commander of the Motor Torpedo Boats PT-109 and PT-59 during World War II in the South Pacific, Kennedy represented Massachusetts's 11th congressional district in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1947 to 1953 as a Democrat. Thereafter, he served in the U.S. Senate from 1953 until 1960. Kennedy defeated then Vice President and Republican candidate Richard Nixon in the 1960 U.S. presidential election. He was the youngest elected to the office, at the age of 43, the second-youngest President (after Theodore Roosevelt), and the first person born in the 20th century to serve as president. Kennedy is the only Catholic president, and is the only president to have won a Pulitzer Prize. Events during his presidency included the Bay of Pigs Invasion, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the building of the Berlin Wall, the Space Race, the African American Civil Rights Movement, and early stages of the Vietnam War.

Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas. Lee Harvey Oswald was charged with the crime, but was shot and killed two days later by Jack Ruby before a trial could take place. The FBI, the Warren Commission, and the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) officially concluded that Oswald was the lone assassin, with the HSCA allowing for the possibility of conspiracy based on disputed acoustic evidence. Today, Kennedy continues to rank highly in public opinion ratings of former U.S. presidents.

2. All of us have in our veins the exact same percentage of salt in our blood that exists in the ocean...And when we go back to the sea...we are going back from whence we came.

The quotes above were remarks made by John Kennedy at the America Cup Dinner Given by the Australian Ambassador, September 14, 1962. The followings are extracted from his address:

There is no question that this kind of national competition produces the greatest good will among nations. The most recent indication of that, of course, were the games held at Indonesia which produced a wonderful feeling of spirit in all of Asia, and I am confident that these games will produce the same kind of good will between Australia and the United States.

I really don't know why it is that all of us are so committed to the sea, except I think it is because in addition to the fact that the sea changes and the light changes, and ships change, it is because we all came from the sea. And it is an interesting biological fact that all of us have, in our veins the exact same percentage of salt in our blood that exists in the ocean, and, therefore, we have salt in our blood, in our sweat, in our tears. We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch it we are going back from whence we came.

Therefore, it is quite natural that the United States and Australia, separated by an ocean, but particularly those of us who regard the ocean as a friend, bound by an ocean, should be meeting


today in Newport to begin this great sea competition. This is an old relationship between the United States and Australia, and particularly between Rhode Island and Australia.

Detailed Study of the Text

1.All of us have in our veins the exact same percentage of salt in our blood that exists in the ocean...And when we go back to the sea...we are going back from whence we came.

Meaning: The percentage of salt in the blood of our veins is exactly the same as that in the

ocean. … therefore, when we go back to the sea… we are returning home.

2. HUMAN beings no longer thrive under the water from which their ancestors emerged (Para.1)

Meaning: Human life originated from the ocean, although modern people no longer rely on the

ocean for survival and prosperity,

3. On land at least, the sea delights the senses and excites the imagination. (Para. 1)

Meaning: When we look at the sea on land, it gives much pleasure to our senses and creates many

images in our mind.

4. These are not all as familiar as shrimps and lobsters, yet species like krill, tiny shrimp-like creatures, play a crucial part in the food chain: kill them off, and you may kill off their predators, whose predators may be the ones you enjoy served fried, grilled or with sauce tartare. Worse, you may destabilize an entire ecosystem. (Para. 3)

Meaning: These marine organisms may not be as familiar to you as shrimps and lobsters, yet species like krill, tiny shrimp-like creatures, play a very important role in the food chain. If you kill them in large numbers, you may also wipe out the species that take them for food. Those larger ones that prey on these species may be what you enjoy at your dining table, served in different ways: fired, cooked over fire, or with sauce tartare. What’s worse, the whole ecosystem may become unstable as a result of such disruption. predator n.

1) an animal that kills and eats other animals

With no natural predators on the island, the herd increased rapidly. 由于岛上没有天然食肉动物,牧群的数量迅速增加。 2) people or organizations as predators

Rumors of a takeover by Hanson are probably far-fetched, but the company is worried about other predators. 被汉森公司收购的谣言可能是捕风捉影,但公司仍担心其他觊觎者。 destabilize: vt. become unstable, make unstable

He warned that the fighting in Lebanon could destabilize the Middle East. France is in favor of accommodating some Arab demands. 他警告说,黎巴嫩的战斗可能会造成中东地区的不稳定.法国主张满足阿拉伯国家的一些要求。

Any shortening of the food chain is likely to destabilize entire ecosystems, possibly leading to new ones in which just one or two species, such as jellyfish, predominate.

食物链的任何缩短都可能使整个生态系统不稳定,并可能导致出现新的食物链,其中仅有一两个物种(例如水母)占优势。 5. The evidence abounds. (Para. 3) Meaning:There is plenty of evidence.

abound : vi. be abundant or plentiful; exist in large quantities The book abounds with misprints.这本书中印刷错误很多。


Not only do poetic thought and fancy abound, but the richness and variety of language and expression is also marvelous. 不仅饱含着诗一般的思想和丰富的想象力,华丽多彩的语言和表达也妙不可言。

6. Countries like Bangladesh, with 150m inhabitants, will be inundated. (Para. 5)

Meaning:Some countries will be covered with water, like Bangladesh, with a population of 150


Inundate: vt:

1) become covered with water

Their neighborhood is being inundated by the rising waters of the Colorado River. 他们的临近区域正被科罗拉多河不断上涨的河水所淹没。

2) receive so many letters, demands, or requests that you cannot deal with them all

Her office was inundated with requests for tickets.她的办公室接到了铺天盖地的索票请求。 7. All of these, too, seem to be associated with various stresses man inflicts on marine ecosystems. (Para. 6)

Meaning: It seems that all the problems are also related to many different stresses man imposes on marine ecosystems.

inflict : vt. make someone or something suffer (something unpleasant, esp. harm or damage) The recession inflicted great damage on industries. 经济衰退给工业造成的损失。

One ought not to inflict one’s problems on other people. 我们不应该把自己的问题强加于别人。 8. The sea, the last part of the world where man acts as a hunter-gatherer—as well as bather, miner, dumper and general polluter—needs management, just as the land does. (Para. 9)

Meaning: The sea is the last place where humans can hunt, gather, swim, exploit minerals, dump rubbish and pollute. We need to manage the sea effectively just as what we do to the land.

9. Economics demands it as much as environmentalism, for the world squanders money through its poor stewardship of the oceans (Para. 9)

Meaning: The study of oceans is not only related to environmentalism but also concerned with economics, since a large amount of money is wasted as a result of the poor management of the sea. squander: vt. spend thoughtlessly; waste

Hobbs didn't squander his money on flashy cars or other vices. 霍布斯没有把钱挥霍在奢华汽车或其他恶习上。

Do you love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff life is made of. 你热爱生命吗?那么,别浪费时间,因为时间是组成生命的材料。(美国总统富兰克林) stewardship: n. the position of a person who manages property or other affairs for someone else Under the stewardship of the UN since 2004, the country had made halting progress. 从2004年开始,在联合国的协助管理之下,这个国家艰难地发展。

Although Mr Obama is still very popular—his approval rating is 67%—Americans have doubts about his fiscal stewardship. 虽然奥巴马的支持率为67%,依然非常受欢迎,但是美国人怀疑其财政政策。

10. Then governments need to look at ways of giving those who exploit the resources of the sea an interest in their conservation. (Para. 10)

Meaning: The government should work out some ways of offering a subsidy to those who develop and use marine resources while protecting the sea.

11. Nothing did so much good for fish stocks in northern Europe in the past 150 years as the Second World War: by keeping trawlers in port, it let fisheries recover. (Para. 11)

Meaning: In the past 150 years, when it comes to fish stocks conservation in northern Europe, no measure has worked so well as the one adopted in the second world war: the trawlers were kept in


port and not allowed to go fishing, which helped fisheries recover well.

12. Politicians, however, are supine. Few of them, especially in Europe, are ready to stand up to potent lobbies, except in small countries where fishing is so important economically that the threat of mass extinctions cannot be ignored. (Para. 12)

Meaning: However, politicians are reluctant to take action. Few of them, especially in Europe, are ready to face up to powerful lobbies, unless fishing plays a vital role in their economy and killing the fish on a large scale may threaten their economy, as it does in some small countries. supine: a. offering no resistance

Culpability in the credit crunch of 2008 was broadly apportioned among indulgent lenders, lax regulators, greedy borrowers and supine politicians. 2008年的信贷困难的责任被广泛地分摊于放纵的借贷者、马虎的管理者、贪婪的借贷者和懒散的政治家的头上。

Even observers from a normally supine regional bloc, the Southern African Development Community (SADC), had said that the election could not be considered \

甚至连那个一贯消极的区域性集团 ―南部非洲发展共同体‖(SADC)派出的观察员都说,这次选举是 ―不合法的‖。

potent: a.very effective and powerful.

Is monetary policy still a potent weapon against recession? 货币政策仍是对抗衰退的有力武器?

The economic crisis has transformed this cultural suspicion into a much more potent political force. 经济危机使这种与文化有关的猜疑转变成一种更具有威力的政治力量。

Text B Background information 1. Castello Aragonese

Castello Aragonese is on a volcanic island, connected to Ischia by a 220 meter bridge. As one of the most secure and charming small islands in the Mediterranean, it has been occupied since ancient times: by the Greeks, Romans, Visigoths, Vandals, Arabs, Normans, Swabians, Angevins and others. The English shelled the island in 1809, because it was held by the French, and caused much damage. By turns, it was a castle, a palace and a monastery. Today, the island has a hotel, a museum, a castle-monastery garden, fabulous views and a wonderful climate. As everywhere in Europe, the remains of its medieval gardens are more to do with the place than the planting but there are planted walks, an olive grove, vineyards and a strong sense of history. 2. One Tree Island

One Tree Island is located fifty miles off the coast of Australia. One Tree, which actually has several hundred trees, is shaped like a boomerang, with two arms that stretch out into the Coral Sea. In the crook of the boomerang there's a small research station run by the University of Sydney. The island's entire human population is 11.

One tree island is part of the Great Barrier Reef, the world's largest reef complex. The entire island is composed of bits of coral rubble, ranging from marble to basketball size, that began piling up after a peculiarly violent storm about 4,000 years ago. Even today, the island has nothing that could really be called dirt. The trees seem to rise up directly out of the rubble like flagpoles. 3. Coral reefs

The reefs that corals maintain are crucial to an incredible diversity of organisms. Somewhere between one and nine million marine species live on or around coral reefs. These include not just the fancifully colored fish and enormous turtles that people visit reefs to see, but also sea squirts and


shrimps, anemones and clams, sea cucumbers and worms—the list goes on and on. The nooks and crevices on a reef provide homes for many species, which in turn provide resources for many others.

Once a reef can no longer grow fast enough to keep up with erosion, this community will crumble. Coral reefs will lose their ecological functionality. They won't be able to maintain their framework. If you don't have a building, where are the tenants going to live? That moment could come by 2050. Under the business-as-usual emissions scenario, CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere will be roughly double what they were in pre-industrial times. Many experiments suggest that coral reefs will then start to disintegrate. 4. Calcifier

Calcifiers are the species to form shells and stony skeletons of calcium carbonate. Corals, of course, are just one kind of calcifier. There are thousands of others. Crustaceans like barnacles are calcifiers, and so are echinoderms like sea stars and sea urchins and mollusks like clams and oysters. Coralline algae—minute organisms that produce what looks like a coating of pink or lilac paint—are also calcifiers. Their calcium carbonate secretions help cement coral reefs together, but they're also found elsewhere—on sea grass at Castello Aragonese, for instance. It was their absence from the grass near the volcanic vents that made it look so green.

Detailed Study of the Text

1. Owing to a quirk of geology, the sea around Castello Aragonese provides a window onto the oceans of 2050 and beyond. (Para. 2)

Meaning: There are volcanic vents on the seafloor of Castello Aragonese. Bubbles of CO2 released from the vents dissolve to form carbonic acid and makes seawater corrosive. Such an unusual

geological feature enables us to foresee the future state of the ocean in 2050 and beyond,since the acidification that has taken place off its shore is occurring more gradually across the world's oceans. quirk n.

1) something unusual or interesting that happens by chance.

By a tantalizing quirk of fate, the pair have been drawn to meet in the first round of the championship. 由于命运的捉弄,这对选手被抽中在锦标赛的第一轮相遇。

2) a habit or aspect of a person's character which is odd or unusual. 怪癖; 古怪的性格 Brown was always fascinated by the quirks and foibles of people in everyday situations. 布朗总是着迷于日常环境中人们的古怪性格和怪癖。

2. Castello Aragonese offers a natural analogue for an unnatural process… (Para. 2)

Meaning: The over-release of CO2 from volcanic vents on the seabed of Castello Aragonese is an unnatural process, but coincidently it provides a similar natural situation which may occur to the ocean in the future, i.e. what will happen to marine life in the worsening acid sea. analogue: n. something having the property of being analogous to something else A vegetarian gets protein not from meat but from its analogues.


Munich was the nearest analogue to what was happening then. 当时事态用慕尼黑事件来做比拟最为恰当。

3. We swam on. Beds of sea grass waved beneath us. The grass was a vivid green; the tiny organisms that usually coat the blades, dulling their color, were all missing. (Para. 3)

Meaning: We went on swimming. Sea grass in large quantities moved from side to side under us. The fresh green of the grass was caused by disappearance of the tiny organisms which covered the surface of the grass and darken their color.


bed: n.a bed of shellfish or plants is an area in the sea or in a lake where a particular type of shellfish or plant is found in large quantities.

The whole lake was rimmed with thick beds of reeds.整个湖边长满了厚厚的芦苇丛。 4. For life on land this process is a boon; every ton of CO2 the oceans remove from the atmosphere is a ton that's not contributing to global warming. But for life in the sea the picture looks different. (Para. 7)

Meaning: The process of ocean absorbing CO2 from atmosphere makes life on land better and easier, since it helps to cool the earth and mitigate the effect of global warming. However, the process is not a blessing for marine life at all. boon: n.a desirable state

It is for this reason that television proves such a boon to so many people. 正是这个原因电视机成为这么多人的一大福音。

Paper money is a boon, but when unsupported by bullion is all too easily devalued. 纸币提供了便利,但当得不到黄金的支持时,它太容易贬值。

5.…has called ocean acidification global warming's \

Meaning: The devastating effect of ocean acidification is no less than that of global warming. 6. By favoring some marine microbes over others, it is likely to alter the availability of key nutrients like iron and nitrogen. (Para. 10)

Meaning: Ocean acidification is more likely to affect some microbes than others, thus the availability of key nutrients like iron and nitrogen may have been changed.

7. By changing the basic chemistry of seawater, acidification is also expected to reduce the water's ability to absorb and muffle low-frequency sound by up to 40 percent, making some parts of the ocean noisier. (Para. 10) muffle : vt

1) deaden (a sound or noise), especially by wrapping

Blake held his handkerchief over the mouthpiece to muffle his voice. 布莱克用手帕遮住话筒来压低声音。

You would hear love's faint murmur, but when love shouts you would muffle your ears. 你可以听见爱情的低吟,但当它咆哮时,你的耳中便一片模糊。 2) conceal or hide

He did his utmost to muffle his feelings.他竭力抑制自己的感情。 8. “…And so they get pushed beyond their limits.\ (Para. 13) Meaning: ―…And so they can no longer survive.‖

9. It undermines their basic, ancient structure—the stony skeleton that's secreted by millions upon millions of coral polyps over thousands of years. (Para. 15) secrete: vt.

1)generate and separate from cells or bodily fluids

Glands in the stomach secrete juices that help in digesting food.胃腺分泌胃液帮助消化食物。 2)place out of sight; keep secret

She secreted the gun in the kitchen cabinet. 她把枪藏在了厨房的橱柜里。

Part II Key to Exercises Text A


Pre-reading Questions


1. The oceans are the very foundation of human life.

Life itself arose from the oceans. The ocean is vast, covering 140 million square miles, some 72 per cent of the earth's surface. Climate and weather, even the quality of the air people breathe, depend in great measure on an interplay between the ocean and the atmosphere in ways still not fully understood. Not only has the oceans always been a prime source of nourishment for the life it helped generate, but from earliest recorded history it has served for trade and commerce, adventure and discovery. It has kept people apart and brought them together. Even now, when the continents have been mapped and their interiors made accessible by road, river and air, most of the world's people live no more than 200 miles from the sea and relate closely to it.

2. The fish that once seemed an inexhaustible source of food are now almost everywhere in decline.The habitats of many of marine creatures have also been affected by man’s activities. Cod live in the bottom layer of the ocean. Trawlermen in pursuit of these and other groundfish like pollock and haddock drag steel weights and rollers as well as nets behind their boats, devastating huge areas of the sea floor as they go. In the Gulf of Mexico, trawlers ply back and forth year in year out, hauling vast nets that scarify the seabed and allow no time for plant and animal life to recover.

Coral reefs, whose profusion of life and diversity of ecosystems make them the rainforests of the sea, have suffered most of all. Once home to prolific concentrations of big fish, they have attracted human hunters prepared to use any means, even dynamite, to kill their prey. Perhaps only 5% of coral reefs can now be considered pristine, a quarter have been lost and all are vulnerable to global warming.

A hotter atmosphere has several effects on the sea. First, it means higher average temperatures for surface waters. One consequence for coral reefs is that the symbiosis between the corals and algae that constitute a living reef is breaking down. As temperatures rise, the algae leave or are expelled, the corals take on a bleached, white appearance and may then die.

Warming also has consequences for ice: it melts. Melting sea ice affects ecosystems and currents. It does not affect sea levels, because floating ice is already displacing water of a weight equal to its own. But melting glaciers and ice sheets on land are bringing quantities of fresh water into the sea, whose level has been rising at an average of nearly 2 millimetres a year for over 40 years, and the pace is getting faster. Recent studies suggest that the sea level may well rise by a total of 80 centimetres this century, though the figure could plausibly be as much as 2 metres.

The burning over the past 100 years or so of fossil fuels that took half a billion years to form has suddenly, in geological terms, put an enormous amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. About a third of this CO2 is taken up by the sea, where it forms carbonic acid. The plants and animals that have evolved over time to thrive in slightly alkaline surface waters—their pH is around 8.3—are now having to adapt to a 30% increase in the acidity of their surroundings. Some will no doubt flourish, but if the trend continues, as it will for at least some decades, clams, mussels, conches and all creatures that grow shells made of calcium carbonate will struggle. So will corals, especially those whose skeletons are composed of aragonite, a particularly unstable form of calcium carbonate.

Man’s interference does not stop with CO2. Knowingly and deliberately, he throws plenty of rubbish into the sea, everything from sewage to rubber tyres and from plastic packaging to toxic waste. Inadvertently, he also lets flame retardants, bunker oil and heavy metals seep into the mighty


ocean, and often invasive species too. Much of the harm done by such pollutants is invisible to the eye: it shows up only in the analysis of dead polar bears or in tuna served in New York sushi bars.

Increasingly, though, swimmers, sailors and even those who monitor the sea with the help of satellites are encountering highly visible algal blooms known as red tides. These have always occurred naturally, but they have increased in frequency, number and size in recent years, notably since man-made nitrogen fertilizers came into widespread use in the 1950s. When rainwater contaminated with these fertilizers and other nutrients reaches the sea, as it does where the Mississippi runs into the Gulf of Mexico, an explosion of toxic algae and bacteria takes place, killing fish, absorbing almost all the oxygen and leaving a microbially dominated ecosystem, often based on a carpet of slime.

I. Reading Comprehension

1. The troubles of ocean mentioned in this passage are as follows: acid sea, endangered coral reefs, extreme weathers caused by warmed-up oceans, rising sea levels, overfishing, the red tides of algal blooms, the plagues of jellyfish and the dead zones, as well as poor ocean management.

2. We need to manage the sea efficiently just as what we do to the land. Economics also provides some answers, like abolishing fishing subsidies. The governments should take proper measures so that the people who exploit the resources of the sea could be given an interest in conservation, such as the system of individual transferable fishing quotas.

3. First, the man-made carbon dioxide interacts with the briny at the surface of ocean; the sea has thus become more acidic, making life difficult for marine organisms with calcium-carbonate shells or skeletons. By disturbing marine food chain, man may destabilize an entire ecosystem. Carbon dioxide also affects the sea through global warming and the rising sea levels may lead to the disappearance of some countries like Bangladesh. Red tides of algal blooms, the plagues of jellyfish and the dead zones where only simple organisms thrive are possible results caused by the release of carbon dioxide.

4. One is the dearth of fish in the sea and the other is the appearance of a mass of discarded plastic that swirls round in two clots in the Pacific, each as large as the United States.

5. Because trawlers had been kept in port and it let fisheries recover. By mentioning this, the author believes creating marine reserves is a more feasible solution to letting fisheries recover today. 6. Because fishing doesn’t play an important role in their economy.

II. Structure Analysis

Part 1: Point of view: There is a close relationship between humans and the sea (Paras. 1-2) Supporting facts:

1.The sea is humans’ physical and spiritual homeland.

2.People falsely believe that the ocean is eternal and unchanging. In fact, the impact of human activities has been changing the sea, especially in the surface and coastal waters. Part 2: The troubles of the sea (Paras. 3-7) Trouble 1 ( Paras. 3-4)

Problem: Ocean acidification Consequences: 1.Make marine life difficult and even destabilize an entire ecosystem 2. Damage coral reefs Trouble 2 ( Para. 5)

Problem: Warmed-up Ocean


Consequences: 1. Rising sea levels 2. Drought in the far inland Trouble 3 (Para. 6)

Causes: Overfishing, global warming, fertilizers running from land into rivers and estuaries. Problems: 1.The red tide of algal bloom 2. Plague of jellyfish 3. The dead zone Trouble 4 ( Para. 7) Cause: Human activities Problems : Overfishing and pollution Part 3: We should take measures to put matters right. (Paras. 8-12) Solutions:

1. The sea needs management. ( Para. 9) 2. Economics also provides some answers: (Paras. 10) 1) Fishing subsidies should be abolished.

2) The governments need to look at ways of giving those who exploit the resources of the sea an interest in their conservation, such as individual transferable fishing quotas. 3) A system of option and future trading could also help. 3. Creating marine reserves is a preferable solution. (Para. 11) Part 4: (Paras. 13-14)

Point of view: A call for attention of policy makers.

or policy makers should be aware of the grave situation before it gets too late.

III. Vocabulary Study A.

1. eminent 2. catastrophe 3. dearth 4. threshold 5. squander 6. pillage 7. potent 8. have been averted 9. irreversible 10. perpetual

B. 1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. A C.

1. averse 2. maritime 3. inflicted 4. imminent 5. edible 6. perpetual

IV. Cloze:

1. wrong 2. untouched 3. cause 4. swim 5. trawlers 6. turning 7. disrupting 8. Meanwhile 9. acidic 10. desert 11. Conservation 12. contains 13. infected 14. since 15. make 16. safeguarding 17. what 18. exclusive 19. beyond 20. why

V. Translation

1. 经济学也提供了一些答案。首先,应该废除给生产能力过剩,效率低下的产业部门发放捕鱼补贴。政府还需考虑采取一些措施,使那些开发海洋资源的人能够在保护海洋中获利。例子之一就是个人可转让捕鱼配额的制度,这种制度在冰岛、挪威、新西兰和美国西部已发挥作用。对于排放氮的污染企业也可以给予类似的权利,正如欧洲给予排放碳的污染企业那样。对于大陆架上的海底采矿企业,同样应该给予这些权利。渔业的选购权交易和期货交易体制也会有帮助。




2. The sea is suffering. The evidence abounds. It becomes acid, making marine life difficult. The dearth of some species will disrupt the food chain, which will in turn destabilize the entire ecosystem. The coral reefs, as the rainforests of the sea, are affected by overfishing, overheating, ocean acidification, etc. Most of them are therefore gravely endangered. Global warming causes oceans to warm up and glaciers to melt, which will raise the sea level and endanger the inhabitants of coastal areas. Humans inflict too many stresses on marine ecosystem, which may permanently change the ocean. For humans, each of these changes is a catastrophe. It is not wise for us to sit back or take it for minor distractions. Conversely, it is high time we did something to put matters right. Fishing subsidies should be abolished and fishing quotas be made transferable in some cases. We must develop effective strategies before it may be too late.

VIII. Extended Exercises


1. walking on air.

2. have disappeared into thin air. 3. with his nose in the air 4. have cleared the air 5. up in the air 6. come up for air

7. a breath of fresh air 8. build castles in the air B.

? 如果年轻时不学会思考,你可能永远也学不会。(美国发明家 爱迪生)

? 一位老师对人的影响是永恒的,他自己也无法估量影响有多深远。(美国历史学家 亚当


? 勤于学习的人才能乐意施教。(英国诗人 乔叟)

? 与其不受教育,不如不生,因为无知是不幸的根源。(古希腊哲学家 柏拉图)

? 所有高尚教育的课程表里都不能没有各种形式的跳舞:用脚跳舞,用思想跳舞,用言语

跳舞,不用说,还需用笔跳舞。(德国哲学家 尼采 F W)

? 教育始于母亲膝下,孩童耳听一言一语,均影响其性格的形成。(英国教育家 巴卢 H) ? 教育不在于使人知其所未知,而在于按其所未行而行。(英国艺术评论家 园斯金 J) ? 教育是一个逐步发现自己无知的过程。(美国历史学家 杜兰特)


Pre-reading Questions

1. Acid sea refers to ocean acidification which is a name given to the ongoing decrease in the pH and increase in acidity of the Earth's oceans.


2. It is caused by the uptake of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. Dissolving CO2 in seawater increases the hydrogen ion (H+) concentration in the ocean, and thus decreases ocean pH. About a third of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere goes into the oceans, where it forms carbonic acid.

3. Changes in ocean chemistry can have extensive direct and indirect effects on organisms and their habitats. One of the most important repercussions of increasing ocean acidity relates to the production of shells and plates out of calcium carbonate (CaCO3). This process is called calcification and is important to the biology and survival of a wide range of marine organisms. This ongoing acidification of the oceans poses a threat to the food chains connected with the oceans.

I. Reading Comprehension

1) Because volcanic vents on the seafloor around Castello Aragonese release CO2 and make sea water more acid than elsewhere.

2) Castello Aragonese offers a natural analogue for an unnatural process: The acidification that has taken place off its shore is occurring more gradually across the world's oceans, as they absorb more and more of the carbon dioxide that's coming from tailpipes and smokestacks. 3) Jellyfish, sea grass, and algae.

4) It showed that the oceans have absorbed 30 percent of the CO2 released by humans over the past two centuries. They continue to absorb roughly a million tons every hour.

5) For life on land this process is a boon; every ton of CO2 the oceans remove from the atmosphere is a ton that's not contributing to global warming. But for life in the sea, the picture looks different. Ocean acidification and global warming are ―equally evil twin‖ for humans.

6) Ocean acidification has myriad effects.

a. It is likely to alter the availability of key nutrients like iron and nitrogen. b. It may let more sunlight penetrate the sea surface. c. It may make some parts of the ocean noisier.

d. It interferes with reproduction in some species and with the ability of others to form shells and stony skeletons of calcium carbonate.

7) The impact may actually show up first closer to the Poles. Because carbon dioxide dissolves more readily in cold water.

8) Nearly a third of species are missing.

II Structure Analysis

Part 1: A general introduction to the phenomenon of ocean acidification (Paras. 1-4) Point of view : Castello Aragonese has a distinctive feature geologically.(Paras.2-3) Supporting facts:

For tourists, it’s a historical site. For scientists, the sea around the island provides a window onto the ocean of the future, due to a quirk of geology. Point of View: Marine lives are affected by ocean acidification. (Para.4) Supporting facts:

Near the densest concentration of vents at Castello Aragonese, the water there was so caustic that many of marine lives were missing. Part 2: A thorough analysis of ocean acidification(Paras.5-13)


Cause : The oceans have been changed by absorbing CO2 released by humans over the past two centuries.(Paras.5-6)

Argument: Ocean acidification has the devastating effects. (Paras.7-13) Supporting arguments and facts:

1. Ocean acidification and global warming are \2. An scientific explanation of ocean acidification by pH scale. (Para. 8) 3. The acidification that has occurred so far is probably irreversible. (Para. 9) 4. Acidification has myriad effects. (Para. 10)

5. Scientists’ concern for ocean acidification. (Para. 11)

6. Organisms fail to adapt to the new ocean chemistry.(Paras. 12-13)

Part 3: Coral reefs are threatened by ocean acidification. (Paras.14-18) Problem: Coral reef systems which play a vital role in marine ecosystem are put in danger.(Para.14)


Ocean acidification undermines the basic, ancient structure of coral reefs —the stony

skeleton that's secreted by millions upon millions of coral polyps over thousands of years by reacting with carbonate ions and making them scarcer in the water Conclusion: Coral reef system will be devastated as a result of humans’ reckless actions. (Para.18)

III. Vocabulary Study


1. corrosive 2. dissolve 3. pry 4. boon 5. analogue 6. neutral 7. myriad

8. staggering 9. devastating 10. muffle B.

1.A 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. B C.

1. miss 2. dis 3. vers 4. de 5. geo 6. acid

IV. Cloze:

1. wonders 2. elaborate 3. revenue 4. fragile 5. species 6. giant 7. solid 8. shelter

9. chain 10. on 11.9000-year-old 12.critical 13. tragic 14. hurt 15.sparked 16. symptoms 17. waging 18. hacking 19. without 20. outlook

V. Translation

1. pH值是以氢离子浓度来测量酸度,取值范围为0-14。PH值较低时为强酸性,如盐酸,(比碳酸)更易释放氢气。pH值较高时为强碱性,如碱液。纯净的蒸馏水PH值为7,呈中性。海水应该呈弱碱性,海面的pH值约为8.2。到目前为止,二氧化碳排放已使pH值降低约0.1。就像里克特震级一样, pH值是对数,所以即使是很小的数值变化也会表现出巨大的影响。 pH值下降了0.1意味着海水的酸度已增加30%。如果按照目前的趋势持续下去,到2100年海水表面的pH值将下降到7.8左右。到那时,海水的酸度将是1800年的150%。

到目前为止,已发生的酸化可能是无法逆转的。虽然在理论上,可能通过向海水里添加化学物质的方法来抵消多余CO2产生的影响,实际问题是,所需添加的数量大得惊人;例如,至少需要两吨石灰, 才能抵消1吨二氧化碳,,而现在全世界每年二氧化碳排放量超过300亿吨。与此同时,可以抵制酸化现象的自然过程--- 如陆地上岩石的风化,发生得过于缓慢,如果以人的一生作为衡量尺度,这些过程不会对酸化现象产生任何影响。即使今天二氧化碳以



2. Since the start of industrial revolution, humans have released the staggering volumes of CO2. The air and the water constantly exchange gases, so a large proportion of CO2 ends up in the sea,which triggers ocean acidification. For life on land this process is a boon. The oceans remove CO2 from the atmosphere, which mitigates the process of global warming. But for life in the sea the picture looks different. By changing the basic chemistry of seawater, acidification is likely to alter the availability of key nutrients, let more sunlight penetrate the sea surface, reduce the water's ability to absorb and muffle low-frequency sound, and interfere with reproduction in some species and with the ability of others to form shells and stony skeletons of calcium carbonate. The acid sea becomes so caustic that many marine organisms get pushed beyond their limits and can not survive. Consequently, a wide array of marine species will be missing. The acidification that has occurred so far is probably irreversible. Humans, who are the cause of the ocean acidification, if not taking effective measures, will be victims.

VIII. Extended Exercises


教育是我们这个时代的关键词之一。我们许多人都相信,一个没有受过教育的人,是逆境的牺牲品,被剥夺了20世纪的最优越的机会之一。现代国家深深懂得教育的重要性,对教育机构投资,收回的“利息”便是培养出大批有知识的男女青年,这些人可能成为未来的栋梁。教育,以其教学周期如此精心地安排,并以教科书 -- 那些可以买到的智慧源泉 -- 予以强化,如果不受其惠,文明将会是个什么样子呢?




Part III

Reading Passage Translation Text A









令人担忧的还有酸化作用对珊瑚礁产生的影响,尤其是受到过度捕捞、温度过高或污染的影响, 珊瑚礁已经灾难重重。很多﹑ 甚至是大部分珊瑚礁因而受到严重损害。珊瑚礁是四分之一的海洋生物的栖息地,一些科学家认为,它们可能会在几十年内消失。到那时,珊瑚礁这一海洋雨林将走向毁灭。



有些令人担忧的变化可能并不完全是人为作用的结果, 但有一个变化人类难脱其咎,那就是海洋鱼类的短缺:大鱼多数已被捕捞,如果以现在的掠夺速度进行下去,剩下的鱼也将在几十年内被捕光。的确,有超过四分之三的海洋鱼类已处于可持续性发展的数量以下,或濒临其边缘。另一个人为的变化是大量被丢弃的塑料。它们形成两大团,在太平洋里盘旋,每一个都有美国那么大。











Text B



阿拉贡城堡是一座巴掌大小的海岛,像塔楼一样直立于伊特鲁里亚海上。它位于那不勒斯以西十七公里处,从面积稍大一点儿的伊斯基亚岛出发,通过一座狭长的石桥就可到达。游客们参观阿拉贡城堡,是为了重温过去的生活。他们爬楼梯 --- 更好的方式是乘电梯,到达一座巨大的城堡,里面陈列着许多中世纪的刑具。而科学家们来到海岛,却是为了了解未来的生活。

由于地质状况的奇异性,阿拉贡城堡周围的海域提供了一个能够观测2050年以后海洋状况的窗口,二氧化碳气泡从海底火山口上升并溶解,形成碳酸,使海水具有腐蚀性。 ―当CO2含量非常高时,几乎没有生物能够忍受那种环境‖,英国普利茅斯大学的海洋生物学家,贾森·霍尔斯宾塞解释说。阿拉贡城堡为这种非自然过程提供了一个自然的模拟:由于海洋吸收了越来越多排气管与烟囱中释放出的二氧化碳,阿拉贡城堡周围海域的酸化现象正逐步在世界各大洋中出现。

在一个寒冷的冬天,为了近距离了解酸化现象的影响,我与霍尔斯宾塞一起去游泳, 同行的还有玛丽亚·克里斯蒂娜·布亚,一位意大利安顿·多恩动物研究所的科学家。我们都潜入海底。布亚带了一把刀。她从岩石上撬开一些不走运的帽贝。为了寻找食物,它们迷失在对于它们而言腐蚀性过强的海水中。帽贝壳非常薄,几乎是透明的。二氧化碳气泡从海底鱼贯而上,好像流动的水银珠儿。我们继续向前游。一簇簇海草在我们身下舞动,绿得耀眼。那些通常附着在叶片上,使其颜色晦暗的微小的生物全部消失了。海胆在远离火山口的地方随处可见,这里也不见踪影;它们连弱酸的环境都不耐受,更不要说这里了。一群群几乎是透明的水母漂浮而过, ―小心,‖ 霍尔斯宾塞警告道, ―它们蛰人。‖

在阿拉贡城堡火山口高浓度的酸性环境下,除了水母,海草和藻类外,看不到太多其它生物。即使是在几百码以外的距离,许多本地物种也无法生存。那里海水的酸度就如同预测到的2100年的海洋状况一样。“通常在受污染的海港,你只能看到少数几个物种,它们像杂草一样,能够在各种变化的环境下生存,” 霍尔斯宾塞说。



这一过程让生活在陆地上的生命受益匪浅;海洋从大气中每去除一吨二氧化碳,导致全球变暖的CO2就会减少一吨。而对于海洋生命而言,情况大不相同。美国国家海洋和气象局(NOAA)主管, 海洋生态学家简·卢布琴科把海洋酸化和全球变暖称为―同样邪恶的孪生兄弟‖。

pH值是以氢离子浓度来测量酸度,取值范围为0-14。PH值较低时为强酸性,如盐酸,(比碳酸)更易释放氢气。pH值较高时为强碱性,如碱液。纯净的蒸馏水PH值为7,呈中性。海水应该呈弱碱性,海面的pH值约为8.2。到目前为止,二氧化碳排放已使pH值降低约0.1。就像里克特震级一样, pH值是对数,所以即使是很小的数值变化也会表现出巨大的影响。 pH值下降了0.1意味着海水的酸度已增加30%。如果按照目前的趋势持续下去,到2100年海水表面的pH值将下降到7.8左右。到那时,海水的酸度将是1800年的150%。





2008年,由150多名一流的研究人员组成的工作组颁发了一项声明。声明指出,他们―对近来海洋化学的迅速变化深表关切‖,在几十年内,这种变化会―严重影响海洋有机物,食物链,生物多样性和渔业。‖ 最令人担心的是温水珊瑚礁。但是,由于二氧化碳在冷水中更易溶解,这种影响可能会首先在极地附近出现。科学家们已经记录了对翼目足类动物所产生的重大影响-----这些微小的会游泳的蜗牛,是南北极鱼类﹑鲸鱼和鸟类的重要食物。实验表明,翼目足类动物的贝壳在酸化的海水中生长得更慢。

有机体能否适应新的海洋化学环境?阿拉贡城堡的迹象不容乐观。当我参观小岛时,霍尔斯宾塞告诉我,火山口向海水里倾注CO2已经至少有一千年了。该地区的pH值是7.8--- 世界大洋在本世纪末可能会达到这一水平。生活在火山口系统附近﹑以外的物种有几乎三分之一已不见踪影。这些物种 ― 一代又一代适应这些状况,‖ 霍尔斯潘塞说,― 他们已不复存在。‖

― pH值是如此重要,因而我们人类投入了大量的精力,以确保我们血液中的pH值是恒定的,‖ 他接着说, ― 但是,这些低等生物不具备这样的生理机能,他们只能忍受外界发生的一切。最后他们超越了所能承受的极限。‖

距澳大利亚海岸50英里处,与阿拉贡城堡远隔半个地球,有一座 ―一棵树海岛‖,同样是巴掌大小的地方。它是大堡礁的一部分。大堡礁是世界上最大的珊瑚礁群,绵延1400多英里。整个岛屿是由一片片珊瑚碎石组成的。当科学家们在20世纪60年代第一次来到该岛时,他们提出诸如― 珊瑚礁是如何生长 ‖之类的问题。现在这些问题更为迫切。― 海洋里约有25%的物种曾在珊瑚礁系统里生活过,‖ 卡内基研究所海洋酸化方面的专家,肯·卡尔代拉如是说。 一天晚上,他正要去礁石上采集水样。 ― 珊瑚构建生态系统的结构,如果它们消失了,整个生态系统也不复存在。这一点不言而喻。‖



要想形成碳酸钙,珊瑚虫需要两种成分:钙离子和碳酸根离子。酸与碳酸根离子反应,有效将其束缚。因此,当大气中 CO2含量上升时,水中的碳酸离子越来越稀少,珊瑚虫要花费更多的力气去收集它们。在实验室条件下,当碳酸浓度下降时,珊瑚骨架生长已经呈现出明显的直线下降趋势。

在实验室里增长缓慢可能并无大碍。可是在海洋里,珊瑚礁正在不断被其它大大小小的生物啄食。(当我去 ―一棵树海岛‖ 潜水时,我能听到鹦嘴鱼啃咬珊瑚礁的声音。)―一个暗礁就像一座城市,‖ 曾经管理过 ―一棵树岛‖ 研究站,现任澳大利亚昆士兰大学全球变化研究所负责人的奥沃· 赫格·古德贝格说,―这里既有建筑公司,也有拆迁公司。通过限制建筑公司的建材,你已倾向于破坏,而破坏行为即使在健康的礁石上,也每时每刻都在发生。最终,




