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世界建筑 2012/12
建筑设计/Design Team: 张雷、Jeffrey Cheng、王旺、王昳/ZHANG Lei, Jeffrey Cheng, WANG Wang, WANG Yi设计合作/Collaborator: 南京大学建筑规划设计研究院(施工图设计合作)/Architectural Design & Planning Institute, Nanjing University
建筑面积/Floor Areas: 500m
设计时间/Design: 2008.11
建成时间/Completion: 2011.04
摄影/Photo:姚力/YAO Li
1 走廊外侧/Corridor outside
2 走廊内侧/Corridor inside
3 三层平面/Second floor plan4 四层平面/Third floor plan5 一层平面/Ground floor plan6 二层平面/First floor plan6
Situated in Laoshan Forest to the west of central Nanjing, China International Practical Exhibition of Architecture (CIPEA) began in 2003 to bring twenty-four renowned international architects together onto one site. CIPEA is divided into four public buildings and twenty small houses, and in accordance with the brief, the small houses are to incorporate not fewer than five bedrooms, public spaces, and hospitality accommodations on 500 7square metres.
The Number Four “Blockhouse” sits on a particularly dramatic valley site, nestling the house into the landscape. In the spirit of a pagoda, four cubic floors are stacked vertically, allowing for minimal site excavation and land use. Each floor features living and dining spaces quietly enveloped in the surrounding forest and overlooking a stream, and a communal roof terrace rises to just above the trees. The roof merges into the landscape as another living space, complete with wooden deck and pool within the panorama of the forest. The geometric shape is sculpted from concrete and finished in a white protection surface.
The concept of Blockhouse is almost the living attitude of many Chinese: a minimal opening to the surrounding landscape is the only perforation of the richness inside the house. The horizontal break of each floor-in combination with larger unique curved apertures on each floor-frame vistas in the spirit of Chinese landscape scrolls. Prescribed views have a long tradition in Chinese art history and traditional Chinese gardens, designed to make the viewer reconsider and contemplate the landscape.□8
世界建筑 2012/12
7 卫生间/Bath room
8 起居室/Living room
9 总体鸟瞰/Overall birdview10 剖面/Cross section
11 北立面夜景/North facade night view
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