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Standard English News(简称ST)是指正常语速播报(140词每分钟以上)的英语广播新闻。听懂ST是我国很多英语爱好者希望登上的台阶,但很少能做到。
事实上,如果没有经过科学的、系统的、持续的长期训练,这个目的是很难达到。在我们中国英语教学中广泛使用的VOA ST, BBC World Service ST是经过简化的,听众是主要外国人(特别是VOA),而不是一般英国人和美国人日常生活中听到的新闻播报。很多英语爱好者有一种错觉,认为听懂VOA ST 或BBC ST就能听懂国外广播了,实际不是这样,离听懂还是有一段不小的距离。但是,一般认为能一次性轻松听懂ST 80%以上内容的听友,英语水平已经在中等偏上水平了,有能力进行比较正式的涉外工作。
★ 英语新闻学习方法
1、听写:认认真真,一词一句地写出来,是加速是听力发育的手段, 同时也是检验英语水平和查找自身不足的一个好方法。
5、泛听:我们听到的新闻只是正常英语广播中的一部分。我们常常听到有些人这样说,我能听懂BBC,而实际是他指的BBC是指BBC World Service 的5分钟新闻,离真正听懂BBC广播节目还相差甚远。90年代末期的信息革命极大地改善了我们学习英语的环境,有条件学生完全可以做到与英美居民一样,同时享有大量英语资讯。在认真听写的同时,也希望听友们能有一定的泛听量。(一周三次,每次两个小时左右)
6、持续性和长期性听写:英语学习没有捷径可走。学英语是一辈子的事。就听力发育的时间而言,1000小时算入门,3000小时有所成就。经验表明一个从慢速英语起步的学生,即使天天听写,要达到一次性(词词听懂,句句经心)基本听懂任何一天的VOA ST 也要经过二年(几乎天天都要听)左右的时间。NPR ST就要更长一些时间。
1、VOA (The Voice of America)
2、SKY news
sky电视台是BBC的老冤家。它是由澳洲传媒大亨默多克创立的,默多克先从报业入手,收购了英国的脸面“泰晤士河报”,又收购了英国人的私宠“太阳报”,然后又创立了sky电视台。西方言论一直指责他对利益无穷无尽的几乎不讲原则的追逐。从sky建立开始就和BBC交恶,两家电视台一直互相竞争。 英国天空电视台空中新闻频道是欧洲第一家24小时全天候播放国际新闻的频道。目前,已实现数字化互动播放。可以覆盖40多个国家,8000万观众。主要分布的地区有欧洲、北非、澳大利亚、亚洲等。 SKY NEWS以英国新闻和欧洲新闻为主,难度大。广播对象为英国居民。播音员音色优美,纯正、舒缓,听起来让人感到很舒服。
3、AP Radio News
AP Radio news来自世界五大通讯社之一的美国联合通讯社。简称AP。1892年成立于芝加哥。前身为1848年成立的港口新闻联合社,由纽约《太阳报》等 6 家报社创建。其后经过不断合并、改组,规模逐渐扩大。1900年总社迁至纽约。最初稿件只供给本社成员报纸,1945年以后开始向非成员报纸和电台供稿。它
是由美国报业 ( 1300家报纸 )和广播成员 ( 3890家电台、电视台 ) 组成的新闻联合组织。全社工作人员约3000名,其中编辑、记者1600多人。国内分社134个 (包括6个总分社,100多个分社和记者站)。国外分社83个 (包括3个总分社),驻外记者500人。每天用6种文字播发新闻和经济信息约300万字。每年发图片 15 万张。不仅为美国1500多家报纸、6000家电台、电视台服务,还为世界115个国家和地区的1万多家新闻媒介供稿。
4、BBC World Service(BWS)
BBC World Service(BWS)是英国广播公司(BBC)旗下的众多电台之一,面向全世界广播。BBC在相当程度上代表了英国政府的政治态度,但是BBC特有的运作模式,保其独立于英国政府之外,享有较强的编辑自主权。BWS是世界上较为客观和公正的媒体,认可性很高。自开播以来,在世界上赢得了大量的听众,是世界上最多人收听的广播电台。广播稿写作严谨,工整,惜墨如金,非常值得广大听友学习。播音员发音纯正,平缓,值得模仿。 BBC ST语速在170词每分钟,难度中等,基础词汇量在10,000左右,是很好的英语学习材料。目前该类新闻在我国英语教学中使用最为广泛。
5、NPR (Nation Public Radio)
NPR ST 语速170词每分钟,基础词汇量在15,000左右,难度中等偏上。我国高等院校英语专业广泛使用的经典听力教材《英语高级听力》(北京外国语大学主编)主要取材于NPR的节目。经验表明,能够在一小时以内轻松完成5分钟NPR新闻听写的听友,小错误(包括人名地名)在30个以下,在专业英语八级考试中一般都能取得比较优秀的成绩。
为了更好地说明CNN,这里请允许简单介绍一下美国新闻媒体的政治立场。 美国的新闻媒体有自由派和保守派之分,在政治上能完全保持中立的并不多见。自由派在美国又被称为左派,他们在政治上支持民主党,反战,支持堕胎,主张对同性恋采取宽容接纳的态度,反对对非法移民严格执法,反对用宗教信仰来指导人们的世俗生活。保守派又称右派,他们在政治上支持共和党,支持战争,反对与专制独裁国家调和,强调宗教信仰的重要性,反对堕胎,反对同性恋,主张严格控制非法移民。自由派、民主党的颜色为蓝色,保守派、共和党的颜色为红色。
一般论坛的CNN新闻,来源于CNN Radio Hourly News, 主要的收听对象是美国居民。播音员风格轻松活跃,感染力强,使新闻具有很强的播音员个人风格。播音口语化,语速较快(180词以上),内容丰富,难度比较大。
But to join us to continue to expand upon steps we have taken in recent days in order to isolate Russia politically, diplomatically and economically.
The U.S. government has sided with the pro-Europe Ukrainians.
Russia says it will not fight Ukraine, but the U.S. says Russian troops have
entered the European country and that it's considering sanctions against Russia. 俄罗斯表示不会攻打乌克兰,但美国表示俄罗斯军队已经加入到欧洲国家而且政治考虑对于俄罗斯的制裁。
That's adding to the pressure on Russia's main stock market.
Well, since then the MICEX has rebounded slightly.
Meanwhile, the ruble has lost ten percent of its value since the beginning of the year raising fears of inflation and painful memories of previous currency devaluation.
It could even trigger the recession outside.
Despite its oil wealth, Russia is increasingly reliant on the West.
But if the West piles on too much economic pressure, Russian President Vladimir Putin could respond by cutting off Russia's oil and natural gas exports to the E.U. with potentially disastrous consequences.
isolate ['ais?leit, -lit]
vt. 使隔离;使孤立;使绝缘 n. 隔离种群 vi. 隔离;孤立 adj. 隔离的;孤立的
1. The writer isolated himself in his study. 那位作家把自己关在书房里。
2. Can we isolate that? 可以分离出来吗?
diplomatically [,dipl?'m?tik?li]
adv. 在外交上;靠外交途径;圆滑地;婉转地
1. He told the artist diplomaticallythat his ugly picture was "unusual"
2. "I told the chancellor my first choice, of course, is to solve thisdiplomatically, " said President Bush.
n. 制裁;处罚(sanction的复数);制发v. 批准;对…实行制裁;赞许(sanction的三单形式)
1. to sanction the embargo against (a country)对(某国)实行禁运制裁
2. So are there no sanctions at all? 那么是否根本没有制裁呢?
equivalent [i'kwiv?l?nt]
adj. 等价的,相等的;同意义的n. 等价物,相等物
1. THe two words are equivalent in meaning那两个词在意思上是相等的。
2. Deep Copy Construction: To obtain a new yet equivalent wrapped object.深复制构造:获得一个新的、等价的包装对象。
rebounded [,ri:'baund]
n. 回弹;篮板球vi. 回升;弹回vt. 使弹回v. 重新装订(rebind的过去式和过去分词)
1. On Wednesday, however, both Treasurys and the dollar rebounded.
2. I would like to calm, I haverebounded, who can tell me how I end.
inflation [in'flei??n]
n. 膨胀;通货膨胀;夸张;自命不凡
1. The economy verges toward inflation经济倾向于通货膨胀。
2. But it is a policy of continuousinflation但这是一种持续的通货膨胀政策。devaluation [,di:v?lju'ei??nn. 货币贬值
1. Devaluation could itself trigger a wage-price spiral.贬值本身将引发工资-价格螺旋。
2. In the euro area, economies deprived of the safety valve of devaluation must make structural reforms to adjust.在欧元区中,失去了货币贬值安全阀的各经济体必须实施结构性改革来进行调整。
trigger ['triɡ?] vt. 引发,引起;触发vi. 松开扳柄n. 扳机;触发器;制滑机
1. His stupid remarks triggered off a strike.他说的蠢话引发了一场罢工。
2. The brain reacts to the trigger.大脑对这种触发做出反应。
recession [ri'se??n] n. 衰退;不景气;后退;凹处
1. One reason is the recession原因之一是经济衰退。
2. Comfort is the bridge to recession.安逸是通向衰退的桥梁。
disastrous [di'zɑ:str?s] adj. 灾难性的;损失惨重的;悲伤的
1. Disastrous weather have drought, floods, frost, hail and strong winds.灾害性天气有干旱、洪涝、霜冻、冰雹和大风。
2. In a travel, I witnessed a disastrouscustomer service of a car rental company在一次旅行中,我目睹了一家租车公司灾难性的顾客服务。
compare to 把…比作,喻为 So how does this compare to other music solutions?
They have nothing to compare to.没有东西让他们来比较。 I'll bring you up to speed on the latest developments.
You're ten minutes away from getting up to speedon current events.
n. 代表(delegate的复数) v. 选举…为代表;委托职责(delegate的三单形式)
1. They have delegated him to represent their city at the convention.他们选举他代表他们市去参加代表大会。 2. The majority of delegates voted for the proposal大多数代表投票赞成这个建议。It includes thousands of delegates from all over the country.
involvement [in'v?lvm?nt] n. 牵连;包含;混乱;财政困难
1. In a recent book, he advocated much more government involvement in health care.在最近的一本书中,他主张政府应更多的参与卫生保健。
2. We are both individual and social creatures. We need both involvement and independence我们俩都是独有且群居的人。我们需要互相牵连且独立。
trade [treid] n. 贸易,交易;行业;职业 vi. 交易,买卖;以物易物vt. 用…进行交换
1. Our company trades with many foreign companies.
2. My major was Economics and Trade.我主修的是经济与贸易。
asteroid ['?st?r?id] n. [天文]小行星;海盘车;小游星adj. 星状的
1. Dodge being hit in an asteroid belt, and get ready to land as you approach a deserted moonscape.道奇被击中的小行星带,并准备好土地作为你的方法一个荒芜的月球表面。
2. Fixed an issue in the Solar System Editor that caused a crash whenever you deleted an Asteroid Field.修正了一个太阳系编辑器中的问题,该问题会导致在删除小行星带时崩溃。
But an asteroid zipped by us yesterday.
zipped adj. 用拉链扣上的v. 拉链(zip的过去式);发嘘嘘声;使…增加热情
1. Extract the zipped files to a temporary directory.压缩文件到一个临时目录。
2. High, stand-up collar - When zippedup, the hood opening forms the rear part of the collar and seals against the back of the head, keeping the neck warm高立领——当把拉链拉上时,帽子的开口形成了领子的后部,帽身部分贴着头部后面,保持脖子温暖。
termsn. 地位,关系;条款;术语;措辞;价钱(term的复数形式)v. 把…称为(term的三单
1. You might term her boy friend handsome.你可以说她的男朋友是英俊的。
2. But other creditors have refused the terms.但其他债权人拒绝这些条款。
tumultuous [tju:'m?ltju?s, adj. 吵闹的;骚乱的;狂暴的
1. LIKE the birds or the beasts, musicians can sometimes be seers of tumultuouschange.音乐家就类同于鸟或走兽,他们时常能预言万变莫测的世界。 2. No other country has undergone suchtumultuous change in so short a time as Russia did under Yeltsin.没有一个国家像叶利钦时代的俄罗斯一样,在这么短的时间里经历了如此动荡的变革。 It was a tumultuous weekend in Ukraine.乌克兰刚刚度过了一个混乱的周末。 Because here's the baseball diamond right here.
tournament ['tu?n?m?nt, n. 锦标赛,联赛;比赛
1. Whether she wins or she loses, this is her last tournament不管她是赢是输,这是她的最后一次锦标赛。
2. I am now coaching a high school team, we attended a city tournament last month, and lost all of them我现在是一支高中校队的教练,上个月我们参加了全市的联赛,我们输掉了所有比赛。 ouster ['aust?] n. 驱逐;剥夺;罢黜
1. That two-year old controversy evolved into charges of ethics violations and prompted some
European governments to demand his ouster.这个长达两年的争论逐渐演变成违法道德的指控并促使许多欧盟国家政府要求其离任。
2. FIVE years after the "Tulip revolution" which led to the ouster of one president, Kyrgyzstan has seen another flee the capital, another new government set up and more elections promised
peninsula [pi'ninsjul?] n. 半岛
1. Near the Florida Peninsula, there live lots of dolphins.佛罗里达半岛附近省份存折很多海豚。
2. Video from the air shows the destruction Hurricane Ike had on the Bolivar Peninsula in Texas.空中影像显示飓风艾克对得克萨斯州的玻利瓦尔半岛造成的破坏。
combat ['k?mb?t, k?m'b?t] vt. 反对;与…战斗vi. 战斗;搏斗n. 战斗;争论adj. 战斗的;为…斗争的
1. We must combat our own shortcomings and errors.我们必须与自己的缺点和错误做斗争。
2. Second, the need to combat localism.其次,需要打击地方主义。
confrontation [,k?nfr?n'tei??n] n. 对抗;面对;对质
1. We can't risk another confrontationwith the union.我们不能冒再次同工会对抗的危险。
2. Of all the possible boundary experiences, confrontation with death is by far the most potent.在所有可能的边界体验中,濒临死亡的体验是目前来看最有力的。
populated adj. 粒子数增加的v. 居住于…中;构成…的人口(populate的过去分词)
1. What peoples have populated America?有什麽民族移民美国?
2. Some areas, due to their severe weather conditions, are hardly populated由于恶劣的天气条件,一些区域几乎不能居住。
Extremes n. 狂热分子,极端条件
1. Both these extremes are to be avoided.这两种极端都是应该避免的。
2. Editors of newspapers and magazines often go to extremes to provide their reader with unimportant facts and statistics.报纸和杂志的编辑常常为了提供读者不重要的实际情形与数据而走极端。
shivering ['?iv?ri?] n. 颤抖;小片adj. 颤抖的v. 颤抖(shiver的ing形式)
1. Shivering carcass shuns the light颤抖的尸体回避着阳光。
2. Shivering replaced by muscle rigidity肌肉僵硬取代了颤抖。
parched [pɑ:t?t] adj. 焦的;炎热的;炒过的;干透的v. 烘干;使极渴(parch的过去分词)
1. Land parched by the sun太阳烤得大地干裂。
2. The results showed that the milked tea boiling from brick tea is the best for making
Tibetan parched flour得出结论,制作、生产食品糌粑最佳茶水为用砖茶熬制的奶茶,其次是熬制的砖茶。
fostered ['f?st?] vt. 培养;养育,抚育;抱(希望等)adj. 收养的,养育的
1. Love must be fostered with roses爱情必须靠玫瑰来培育。
2. Interviewer: What ability do you think should be fostered in this process?面试官:你认为你在这个过程中需要培养的能力是什么? Windy dry conditions fostered the spread of wild fires, and when rain finally came from a recentstorm system, there wasn't much vegetation left to soak it up.
Unit 7
campaign-style trip竞选旅行
highlight his domestic agenda [??d?end?]强调国内事务计划
election year大选年
public opinion polls民意调查
has repeatedly disapproved of Mr. Clinton’s record on fighting crime
attend some political fund-raising events
dispute [dis?pju?t]争论、争执
air-cargo transport rights货物空运权
renegotiate [?ri?ni?ɡ?u?i??eit] 重新谈判, 再协商
a Aviation [?eivi?ei??n] Treaty [?tri:ti]航空协议
destination [?desti?nei??n]目的地
Federal Express联邦快递
come out of sth. on top 在...占上风
friction [?frik??n] n.不和,抵触;摩擦
photographic [?f?ut??grɑ:fik] film摄影胶片; 照相底片
there is still room for argument还有辩论的空间
bicker about sth. [?bik?] vi.争吵
drill [dril] 钻(孔); 在...上钻孔
examine检测confirm证实 temperature oxygencarbon dioxide
World Cup football final世界杯决赛
feature占主要位置; 扮演角色;给以显著地位Brazil
3-time champion三次冠军得主
Advance to the title match晋级冠军赛|决赛with a 1—0 victory over Turkey
half time中场休息 opportunities
goal keeper
foil[f?il] v破坏 hard shot 大力射门
close range,follow-up shot近距离、后续的射门
break the scoreless deadlock僵局
break into the penalty [?penlti] box 禁区
toe-poked 挑射
tournament-leading [?tu?n?m?nt]锦标赛
Championship match冠军赛
capture [?k?pt??] its World Cup crowns [kraun]摘得桂冠
unit 8
sign a deal
behind bars(=in jail )for
assault [??s?:lt] (袭击) in the wake of(在…..之后) a traffic accident board director
have sth concrete [?k??kri:t] a.实在的,具体的
revoke [ri?v?uk] license [?lais?ns] for吊销执照
plan no action on sb
granted [grɑ:nt] 授予,同意,准予him to fight does not expire
release 公开
assassin [??s?sin] n.刺客,暗杀者
Soviet [?s?uviit] Union苏维埃社会主义共和国联邦
Turn over推翻,仔细考虑,移交,翻过来
exhaustive [ig?z?:stiv] a.详尽的 search
private archives [?ɑ:kaivz] n.档案
assassination [??s?si?nei??n] n.刺杀,暗杀
unemployment rate has remained stable
Figures indicated that...
the size of the labor force劳动力
provisionally /pr??v???n?li/暂时地
insolvency [in?s?lv?nsi] 破产
sensation businesses
retrenchment[ r?'trent?m?nt] 裁员
the Labor Department
? [ik
show a declining trend in
renovation[?ren??ve??n]修缮,革新maintenance [?meintin?ns]n.维修,保养;扶养费;维持,保持whole-sale 批发and retail 零售and transport sectors [?sekt?]部门
offset抵销 the decrease in the construction建设
Tribal [?traib?l] guerilla / g?`r?l? / 部落游击队
civilian[si?vilj?n] n.平民
remote [ri?m?ut] a.偏僻的;疏远的 state
police inspector [in?spekt?]警察巡官
militant [?milit?nt] n.激进分子
burst into闯入
discriminately [dis?krimineitli] 有目的地
at the scene
succumb [s??k?m]to (屈服于) his injuries伤势过重而死亡
outlawed 非法的 suspect [?s?spekt]vt.推测;怀疑
behind the attack
unit 9
the seventh consecutive [k?n?sekjutiv] (连续的)year ranks the best place to live
better off 富足 overall ranking
scale [skeil] n.规模;等级
from the bottom up由后往前
war-devastated [?dev?steitid] 饱受战争摧残的
pandemic [p?n?demik]流行的
cause a sharp drop in life expectancy/?k?spekt?nsi/平均寿命 extending the length of life延长寿命
prevalence [?prev?l?ns] n.流行 infection传染
turn negative [?neɡ?tiv] mortality [m???t?liti]死亡率
negative population growth人口负增长
come up with 提出,想出a new way of treating burns
frog青蛙 components [k?m?p?un?nt]成分
diminish 减少 bacteria[b?k?ti?ri?]细菌
making the wound heal愈合
high-pitched business activity激烈的
amid [??mid] prep.在…中间,在…之中,被…围绕
sustained [s??stein]持续的
strive [straiv] vi.努力,奋斗,力求to new ideas to cost-conscious karaoke | ?k?r?'??k?]卡拉
high-tech/tek/高科技 machine technology
theme rooms cartoon figures
target at younger crowds.
automatically adjust sth
play to match the tempo [?temp?u]节奏and speed
manually ['m?nj??l?]手工地 conventional [k?n?ven??n?l]
和谐世界 和谐外交04-23
幼儿园保洁员一日工作流程及要求 - 图文02-02